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use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Request\WebRequestUpload;
use MediaWiki\Status\Status;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Wikimedia\FileBackend\FileBackend;

 * Backend for uploading files from chunks.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file
 * @ingroup Upload

 * Implements uploading from chunks
 * @ingroup Upload
 * @author Michael Dale
class UploadFromChunks extends UploadFromFile {
    /** @var LocalRepo */
    private $repo;
    /** @var UploadStash */
    public $stash;
    /** @var User */
    public $user;

    protected $mOffset;
    protected $mChunkIndex;
    protected $mFileKey;
    protected $mVirtualTempPath;

    private LoggerInterface $logger;

    /** @noinspection PhpMissingParentConstructorInspection */

     * Setup local pointers to stash, repo and user (similar to UploadFromStash)
     * @param User $user
     * @param UploadStash|false $stash Default: false
     * @param FileRepo|false $repo Default: false
    public function __construct( User $user, $stash = false, $repo = false ) {
        $this->user = $user;

        if ( $repo ) {
            $this->repo = $repo;
        } else {
            $this->repo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup()->getLocalRepo();

        if ( $stash ) {
            $this->stash = $stash;
        } else {
            wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " creating new UploadFromChunks instance for " . $user->getId() );
            $this->stash = new UploadStash( $this->repo, $this->user );

        $this->logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'upload' );

     * @inheritDoc
    public function tryStashFile( User $user, $isPartial = false ) {
        try {
        } catch ( UploadChunkVerificationException $e ) {
            return Status::newFatal( $e->msg );

        return parent::tryStashFile( $user, $isPartial );

     * Calls the parent doStashFile and updates the uploadsession table to handle "chunks"
     * @param User|null $user
     * @return UploadStashFile Stashed file
    protected function doStashFile( User $user = null ) {
        // Stash file is the called on creating a new chunk session:
        $this->mChunkIndex = 0;
        $this->mOffset = 0;

        // Create a local stash target
        $this->mStashFile = parent::doStashFile( $user );
        // Update the initial file offset (based on file size)
        $this->mOffset = $this->mStashFile->getSize();
        $this->mFileKey = $this->mStashFile->getFileKey();

        // Output a copy of this first to chunk 0 location:
        $this->outputChunk( $this->mStashFile->getPath() );

        // Update db table to reflect initial "chunk" state

        return $this->mStashFile;

     * Continue chunk uploading
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $key
     * @param WebRequestUpload $webRequestUpload
    public function continueChunks( $name, $key, $webRequestUpload ) {
        $this->mFileKey = $key;
        $this->mUpload = $webRequestUpload;
        // Get the chunk status form the db:

        $metadata = $this->stash->getMetadata( $key );
        $this->initializePathInfo( $name,
            $this->getRealPath( $metadata['us_path'] ),

     * Append the final chunk and ready file for parent::performUpload()
     * @return Status
    public function concatenateChunks() {
        $oldFileKey = $this->mFileKey;
        $chunkIndex = $this->getChunkIndex();
            __METHOD__ . ' concatenate {totalChunks} chunks: {offset} inx: {curIndex}',
                'offset' => $this->getOffset(),
                'totalChunks' => $this->mChunkIndex,
                'curIndex' => $chunkIndex,
                'filekey' => $oldFileKey

        // Concatenate all the chunks to mVirtualTempPath
        $fileList = [];
        // The first chunk is stored at the mVirtualTempPath path so we start on "chunk 1"
        for ( $i = 0; $i <= $chunkIndex; $i++ ) {
            $fileList[] = $this->getVirtualChunkLocation( $i );

        // Get the file extension from the last chunk
        $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath( $this->mVirtualTempPath );
        // Get a 0-byte temp file to perform the concatenation at
        $tmpFile = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getTempFSFileFactory()
            ->newTempFSFile( 'chunkedupload_', $ext );
        $tmpPath = false; // fail in concatenate()
        if ( $tmpFile ) {
            // keep alive with $this
            $tmpPath = $tmpFile->bind( $this )->getPath();
        } else {
            $this->logger->warning( "Error getting tmp file", [ 'filekey' => $oldFileKey ] );

        // Concatenate the chunks at the temp file
        $tStart = microtime( true );
        $status = $this->repo->concatenate( $fileList, $tmpPath );
        $tAmount = microtime( true ) - $tStart;
        if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
            // This is a backend error and not user-related, so log is safe
            // Upload verification further on is not safe to log server side
                '[{type}] Error on concatenate {chunks} stashed files ({details})',
                [ 'chunks' => $chunkIndex, 'filekey' => $oldFileKey ]
            return $status;
        } else {
            // Delete old chunks in deferred job. Put in deferred job because deleting
            // lots of chunks can take a long time, sometimes to the point of causing
            // a timeout, and we do not want that to tank the operation. Note that chunks
            // are also automatically deleted after a set time by cleanupUploadStash.php
            // Additionally, using AutoCommitUpdate ensures that we do not delete files
            // if the main transaction is rolled back for some reason.
            DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new AutoCommitUpdate(
                function () use( $fileList, $oldFileKey ) {
                    $status = $this->repo->quickPurgeBatch( $fileList );
                    if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
                            "Could not delete chunks of {filekey} - {status}",
                                'status' => (string)$status,
                                'filekey' => $oldFileKey,
            ) );

        wfDebugLog( 'fileconcatenate', "Combined $i chunks in $tAmount seconds." );

        // File system path of the actual full temp file
        $this->setTempFile( $tmpPath );

        $ret = $this->verifyUpload();
        if ( $ret['status'] !== UploadBase::OK ) {
                "Verification failed for chunked upload {filekey}",
                    'user' => $this->user->getName(),
                    'filekey' => $oldFileKey
            $status->fatal( $this->getVerificationErrorCode( $ret['status'] ) );

            return $status;

        // Update the mTempPath and mStashFile
        // (for FileUpload or normal Stash to take over)
        $tStart = microtime( true );
        // This is a re-implementation of UploadBase::tryStashFile(), we can't call it because we
        // override doStashFile() with completely different functionality in this class...
        $error = $this->runUploadStashFileHook( $this->user );
        if ( $error ) {
            $status->fatal( ...$error );
            $this->logger->info( "Aborting stash upload due to hook - {status}",
                    'status' => (string)$status,
                    'user' => $this->user->getName(),
                    'filekey' => $this->mFileKey
            return $status;
        try {
            $this->mStashFile = parent::doStashFile( $this->user );
        } catch ( UploadStashException $e ) {
            $this->logger->warning( "Could not stash file for {user} because {error} {msg}",
                    'user' => $this->user->getName(),
                    'error' => get_class( $e ),
                    'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
                    'filekey' => $this->mFileKey
            $status->fatal( 'uploadstash-exception', get_class( $e ), $e->getMessage() );
            return $status;

        $tAmount = microtime( true ) - $tStart;
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable tmpFile is set when tmpPath is set here
        $this->mStashFile->setLocalReference( $tmpFile ); // reuse (e.g. for getImageInfo())
        $this->logger->info( "Stashed combined ({chunks} chunks) of {oldkey} under new name {filekey}",
                'chunks' => $i,
                'stashTime' => $tAmount,
                'oldpath' => $this->mVirtualTempPath,
                'filekey' => $this->mStashFile->getFileKey(),
                'oldkey' => $oldFileKey,
                'newpath' => $this->mStashFile->getPath(),
                'user' => $this->user->getName()
        wfDebugLog( 'fileconcatenate', "Stashed combined file ($i chunks) in $tAmount seconds." );

        return $status;

     * Returns the virtual chunk location:
     * @param int $index
     * @return string
    private function getVirtualChunkLocation( $index ) {
        return $this->repo->getVirtualUrl( 'temp' ) .
            '/' .
                $this->getChunkFileKey( $index )
            ) .
            $this->getChunkFileKey( $index );

     * Add a chunk to the temporary directory
     * @param string $chunkPath Path to temporary chunk file
     * @param int $chunkSize Size of the current chunk
     * @param int $offset Offset of current chunk ( mutch match database chunk offset )
     * @return Status
    public function addChunk( $chunkPath, $chunkSize, $offset ) {
        // Get the offset before we add the chunk to the file system
        $preAppendOffset = $this->getOffset();

        if ( $preAppendOffset + $chunkSize > $this->getMaxUploadSize() ) {
            $status = Status::newFatal( 'file-too-large' );
        } else {
            // Make sure the client is uploading the correct chunk with a matching offset.
            if ( $preAppendOffset == $offset ) {
                // Update local chunk index for the current chunk
                try {
                    # For some reason mTempPath is set to first part
                    $oldTemp = $this->mTempPath;
                    $this->mTempPath = $chunkPath;
                    $this->mTempPath = $oldTemp;
                } catch ( UploadChunkVerificationException $e ) {
                    $this->logger->info( "Error verifying upload chunk {msg}",
                            'user' => $this->user->getName(),
                            'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
                            'chunkIndex' => $this->mChunkIndex,
                            'filekey' => $this->mFileKey

                    return Status::newFatal( $e->msg );
                $status = $this->outputChunk( $chunkPath );
                if ( $status->isGood() ) {
                    // Update local offset:
                    $this->mOffset = $preAppendOffset + $chunkSize;
                    // Update chunk table status db
            } else {
                $status = Status::newFatal( 'invalid-chunk-offset' );

        return $status;

     * Update the chunk db table with the current status:
    private function updateChunkStatus() {
        $this->logger->info( "update chunk status for {filekey} offset: {offset} inx: {inx}",
                'offset' => $this->getOffset(),
                'inx' => $this->getChunkIndex(),
                'filekey' => $this->mFileKey,
                'user' => $this->user->getName()

        $dbw = $this->repo->getPrimaryDB();
            ->update( 'uploadstash' )
            ->set( [
                'us_status' => 'chunks',
                'us_chunk_inx' => $this->getChunkIndex(),
                'us_size' => $this->getOffset()
            ] )
            ->where( [ 'us_key' => $this->mFileKey ] )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();

     * Get the chunk db state and populate update relevant local values
    private function getChunkStatus() {
        // get primary db to avoid race conditions.
        // Otherwise, if chunk upload time < replag there will be spurious errors
        $dbw = $this->repo->getPrimaryDB();
        $row = $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
            ->select( [ 'us_chunk_inx', 'us_size', 'us_path' ] )
            ->from( 'uploadstash' )
            ->where( [ 'us_key' => $this->mFileKey ] )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchRow();
        // Handle result:
        if ( $row ) {
            $this->mChunkIndex = $row->us_chunk_inx;
            $this->mOffset = $row->us_size;
            $this->mVirtualTempPath = $row->us_path;

     * Get the current Chunk index
     * @return int Index of the current chunk
    private function getChunkIndex() {
        if ( $this->mChunkIndex !== null ) {
            return $this->mChunkIndex;

        return 0;

     * Get the offset at which the next uploaded chunk will be appended to
     * @return int Current byte offset of the chunk file set
    public function getOffset() {
        if ( $this->mOffset !== null ) {
            return $this->mOffset;

        return 0;

     * Output the chunk to disk
     * @param string $chunkPath
     * @throws UploadChunkFileException
     * @return Status
    private function outputChunk( $chunkPath ) {
        // Key is fileKey + chunk index
        $fileKey = $this->getChunkFileKey();

        // Store the chunk per its indexed fileKey:
        $hashPath = $this->repo->getHashPath( $fileKey );
        $storeStatus = $this->repo->quickImport( $chunkPath,
            $this->repo->getZonePath( 'temp' ) . "/{$hashPath}{$fileKey}" );

        // Check for error in stashing the chunk:
        if ( !$storeStatus->isOK() ) {
            $error = $this->logFileBackendStatus(
                '[{type}] Error storing chunk in "{chunkPath}" for {fileKey} ({details})',
                [ 'chunkPath' => $chunkPath, 'fileKey' => $fileKey ]
            throw new UploadChunkFileException( "Error storing file in '{chunkPath}': " .
                implode( '; ', $error ), [ 'chunkPath' => $chunkPath ] );

        return $storeStatus;

    private function getChunkFileKey( $index = null ) {
        return $this->mFileKey . '.' . ( $index ?? $this->getChunkIndex() );

     * Verify that the chunk isn't really an evil html file
     * @throws UploadChunkVerificationException
    private function verifyChunk() {
        // Rest mDesiredDestName here so we verify the name as if it were mFileKey
        $oldDesiredDestName = $this->mDesiredDestName;
        $this->mDesiredDestName = $this->mFileKey;
        $this->mTitle = false;
        $res = $this->verifyPartialFile();
        $this->mDesiredDestName = $oldDesiredDestName;
        $this->mTitle = false;
        if ( is_array( $res ) ) {
            throw new UploadChunkVerificationException( $res );

     * Log a status object from FileBackend functions (via FileRepo functions) to the upload log channel.
     * Return a array with the first error to build up a exception message
     * @param Status $status
     * @param string $logMessage
     * @param array $context
     * @return array
    private function logFileBackendStatus( Status $status, string $logMessage, array $context = [] ): array {
        $logger = $this->logger;
        $errorToThrow = null;
        $warningToThrow = null;

        foreach ( $status->getErrors() as $errorItem ) {
            // The message key stands for distinct error situation from the file backend,
            // each error situation should be shown up in aggregated stats as own point, replace in message
            $logMessageType = str_replace( '{type}', $errorItem['message'], $logMessage );

            // The message arguments often contains the name of the failing datacenter or file names
            // and should not show up in aggregated stats, add to context
            $context['details'] = implode( '; ', $errorItem['params'] );
            $context['user'] = $this->user->getName();

            if ( $errorItem['type'] === 'error' ) {
                // Use the first error of the list for the exception text
                $errorToThrow ??= [ $errorItem['message'], ...$errorItem['params'] ];
                $logger->error( $logMessageType, $context );
            } else {
                // When no error is found, fall back to the first warning
                $warningToThrow ??= [ $errorItem['message'], ...$errorItem['params'] ];
                $logger->warning( $logMessageType, $context );
        return $errorToThrow ?? $warningToThrow ?? [ 'unknown', 'no error recorded' ];