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Test Coverage
 * Methods to help with the actor table migration
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

namespace MediaWiki\User;

use InvalidArgumentException;
use LogicException;
use ReflectionClass;
use Wikimedia\IPUtils;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IReadableDatabase;

 * This abstract base class helps migrate core and extension code to use the
 * actor table.
 * @stable to extend
 * @since 1.37
class ActorMigrationBase {
    /** @var array[] Cache for `self::getJoin()` */
    private $joinCache = [];

    /** @var int One of the SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_* values */
    private $readStage;

    /** @var int A combination of the SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_* flags */
    private $writeStage;

    protected ActorStoreFactory $actorStoreFactory;

    /** @var array */
    private $fieldInfos;

    private bool $allowUnknown;

    private bool $forImport = false;

     * @param array $fieldInfos An array of associative arrays, giving configuration
     *   information about fields which are being migrated. Subkeys are:
     *    - removedVersion: The version in which the field was removed
     *    - deprecatedVersion: The version in which the field was deprecated
     *    - component: The component for removedVersion and deprecatedVersion.
     *      Default: MediaWiki.
     *    - textField: Override the old text field name. Default {$key}_text.
     *    - actorField: Override the actor field name. Default {$key}_actor.
     *   All subkeys are optional.
     * @stable to override
     * @stable to call
     * @param int $stage The migration stage. This is a combination of
     *   SCHEMA_COMPAT_* flags:
     *     - SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD, SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD: Use the old schema,
     *       with *_user and *_user_text fields.
     *       schema. All relevant tables join directly to the actor table.
     * @param ActorStoreFactory $actorStoreFactory
     * @param array $options Array of other options. May contain:
     *   - allowUnknown: Allow fields not present in $fieldInfos. True by default.
    public function __construct(
        ActorStoreFactory $actorStoreFactory,
        $options = []
    ) {
        $this->fieldInfos = $fieldInfos;
        $this->allowUnknown = $options['allowUnknown'] ?? true;

        $writeStage = $stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_MASK;
        $readStage = $stage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_MASK;
        if ( $writeStage === 0 ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$stage must include a write mode' );
        if ( $readStage === 0 ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$stage must include a read mode' );
        if ( !in_array( $readStage, [ SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD, SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW ] ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Cannot read multiple schemas' );
        if ( $readStage === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD && !( $writeStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Cannot read the old schema without also writing it' );
        if ( $readStage === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW && !( $writeStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Cannot read the new schema without also writing it' );
        $this->readStage = $readStage;
        $this->writeStage = $writeStage;

        $this->actorStoreFactory = $actorStoreFactory;

     * Get an instance that allows IP actor creation
     * @return self
    public static function newMigrationForImport() {
        throw new LogicException( __METHOD__ . " must be overridden" );

     * Get config information about a field.
     * @stable to override
     * @param string $key
     * @return array
    protected function getFieldInfo( $key ) {
        if ( isset( $this->fieldInfos[$key] ) ) {
            return $this->fieldInfos[$key];
        } elseif ( $this->allowUnknown ) {
            return [];
        } else {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( $this->getInstanceName() . ": unknown key $key" );

     * Get a name for this instance to use in error messages
     * @stable to override
     * @return string
     * @throws \ReflectionException
    protected function getInstanceName() {
        if ( ( new ReflectionClass( $this ) )->isAnonymous() ) {
            // Mostly for PHPUnit
            return self::class;
        } else {
            return static::class;

     * Issue deprecation warning/error as appropriate.
     * @internal
     * @param string $key
    protected function checkDeprecation( $key ) {
        $fieldInfo = $this->getFieldInfo( $key );
        if ( isset( $fieldInfo['removedVersion'] ) ) {
            $removedVersion = $fieldInfo['removedVersion'];
            $component = $fieldInfo['component'] ?? 'MediaWiki';
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                "Use of {$this->getInstanceName()} for '$key' was removed in $component $removedVersion"
        if ( isset( $fieldInfo['deprecatedVersion'] ) ) {
            $deprecatedVersion = $fieldInfo['deprecatedVersion'];
            $component = $fieldInfo['component'] ?? 'MediaWiki';
            wfDeprecated( "{$this->getInstanceName()} for '$key'", $deprecatedVersion, $component, 3 );

     * Return an SQL condition to test if a user field is anonymous
     * @param string $field Field name or SQL fragment
     * @return string
    public function isAnon( $field ) {
        return ( $this->readStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW ) ? "$field IS NULL" : "$field = 0";

     * Return an SQL condition to test if a user field is non-anonymous
     * @param string $field Field name or SQL fragment
     * @return string
    public function isNotAnon( $field ) {
        return ( $this->readStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW ) ? "$field IS NOT NULL" : "$field != 0";

     * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
     *  field being fetched.
     * @return string[] [ $text, $actor ]
    private function getFieldNames( $key ) {
        $fieldInfo = $this->getFieldInfo( $key );
        $textField = $fieldInfo['textField'] ?? $key . '_text';
        $actorField = $fieldInfo['actorField'] ?? substr( $key, 0, -5 ) . '_actor';
        return [ $textField, $actorField ];

     * Get SELECT fields and joins for the actor key
     * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
     *  field being fetched.
     * @return array[] With three keys:
     *   - tables: (string[]) to include in the `$table` to `IDatabase->select()` or `SelectQueryBuilder::tables`
     *   - fields: (string[]) to include in the `$vars` to `IDatabase->select()` or `SelectQueryBuilder::fields`
     *   - joins: (array) to include in the `$join_conds` to `IDatabase->select()` or `SelectQueryBuilder::joinConds`
     *  All tables, fields, and joins are aliased, so `+` is safe to use.
     * @phan-return array{tables:string[],fields:string[],joins:array}
    public function getJoin( $key ) {
        $this->checkDeprecation( $key );

        if ( !isset( $this->joinCache[$key] ) ) {
            $tables = [];
            $fields = [];
            $joins = [];

            [ $text, $actor ] = $this->getFieldNames( $key );

            if ( $this->readStage === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_OLD ) {
                $fields[$key] = $key;
                $fields[$text] = $text;
                $fields[$actor] = 'NULL';
            } else /* SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW */ {
                $alias = "actor_$key";
                $tables[$alias] = 'actor';
                $joins[$alias] = [ 'JOIN', "{$alias}.actor_id = {$actor}" ];

                $fields[$key] = "{$alias}.actor_user";
                $fields[$text] = "{$alias}.actor_name";
                $fields[$actor] = $actor;

            $this->joinCache[$key] = [
                'tables' => $tables,
                'fields' => $fields,
                'joins' => $joins,

        return $this->joinCache[$key];

     * Get UPDATE fields for the actor
     * @param IDatabase $dbw Database to use for creating an actor ID, if necessary
     * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
     *  field being fetched.
     * @param UserIdentity $user User to set in the update
     * @return array to merge into `$values` to `IDatabase->update()` or `$a` to `IDatabase->insert()`
    public function getInsertValues( IDatabase $dbw, $key, UserIdentity $user ) {
        $this->checkDeprecation( $key );

        [ $text, $actor ] = $this->getFieldNames( $key );
        $ret = [];
        if ( $this->writeStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD ) {
            $ret[$key] = $user->getId();
            $ret[$text] = $user->getName();
        if ( $this->writeStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW ) {
            $ret[$actor] = $this->getActorNormalization( $dbw->getDomainID() )
                ->acquireActorId( $user, $dbw );
        return $ret;

     * Get WHERE condition for the actor
     * @param IReadableDatabase $db Database to use for quoting and list-making
     * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
     *  field being fetched.
     * @param UserIdentity|UserIdentity[]|null|false $users Users to test for.
     *  Passing null, false, or the empty array will return 'conds' that never match,
     *  and an empty array for 'orconds'.
     * @param bool $useId If false, don't try to query by the user ID.
     *  Intended for use with rc_user since it has an index on
     *  (rc_user_text,rc_timestamp) but not (rc_user,rc_timestamp).
     * @return array With four keys:
     *   - tables: (string[]) to include in the `$table` to `IDatabase->select()` or `SelectQueryBuilder::tables`
     *   - conds: (string) to include in the `$cond` to `IDatabase->select()` or `SelectQueryBuilder::conds`
     *   - orconds: (array[]) array of alternatives in case a union of multiple
     *     queries would be more efficient than a query with OR. May have keys
     *     'actor', 'userid', 'username'.
     *     Since 1.32, this is guaranteed to contain just one alternative if
     *     $users contains a single user.
     *   - joins: (array) to include in the `$join_conds` to `IDatabase->select()` or `SelectQueryBuilder::joinConds`
     *  All tables and joins are aliased, so `+` is safe to use.
     * @phan-return array{tables:string[],conds:string,orconds:array[],joins:array}
    public function getWhere( IReadableDatabase $db, $key, $users, $useId = true ) {
        $this->checkDeprecation( $key );

        $tables = [];
        $conds = [];
        $joins = [];

        if ( $users instanceof UserIdentity ) {
            $users = [ $users ];
        } elseif ( $users === null || $users === false ) {
            // DWIM
            $users = [];
        } elseif ( !is_array( $users ) ) {
            $what = is_object( $users ) ? get_class( $users ) : gettype( $users );
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                __METHOD__ . ": Value for \$users must be a UserIdentity or array, got $what"

        // Get information about all the passed users
        $ids = [];
        $names = [];
        $actors = [];
        foreach ( $users as $user ) {
            if ( $useId && $user->isRegistered() ) {
                $ids[] = $user->getId();
            } else {
                // make sure to use normalized form of IP for anonymous users
                $names[] = IPUtils::sanitizeIP( $user->getName() );
            $actorId = $this->getActorNormalization( $db->getDomainID() )
                ->findActorId( $user, $db );

            if ( $actorId ) {
                $actors[] = $actorId;

        [ $text, $actor ] = $this->getFieldNames( $key );

        // Combine data into conditions to be ORed together
        if ( $this->readStage === SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW ) {
            if ( $actors ) {
                $conds['newactor'] = $db->makeList( [ $actor => $actors ], IDatabase::LIST_AND );
        } else {
            if ( $ids ) {
                $conds['userid'] = $db->makeList( [ $key => $ids ], IDatabase::LIST_AND );
            if ( $names ) {
                $conds['username'] = $db->makeList( [ $text => $names ], IDatabase::LIST_AND );

        return [
            'tables' => $tables,
            'conds' => $conds ? $db->makeList( array_values( $conds ), IDatabase::LIST_OR ) : '1=0',
            'orconds' => $conds,
            'joins' => $joins,

     * @internal For use immediately after construction only
     * @param bool $forImport
    public function setForImport( bool $forImport ): void {
        $this->forImport = $forImport;

     * @param string $domainId
     * @return ActorNormalization
    protected function getActorNormalization( $domainId ): ActorNormalization {
        if ( $this->forImport ) {
            return $this->actorStoreFactory->getActorNormalizationForImport( $domainId );
        } else {
            return $this->actorStoreFactory->getActorNormalization( $domainId );

/** @deprecated class alias since 1.40 */
class_alias( ActorMigrationBase::class, 'ActorMigrationBase' );