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 * Utility class for bot passwords
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

namespace MediaWiki\User;

use FormatJson;
use IDBAccessObject;
use InvalidPassword;
use MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationResponse;
use MediaWiki\Auth\Throttler;
use MediaWiki\Config\Config;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest;
use MediaWiki\Session\BotPasswordSessionProvider;
use MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager;
use MediaWiki\Status\Status;
use MWRestrictions;
use ObjectCache;
use Password;
use PasswordError;
use PasswordFactory;
use stdClass;
use UnexpectedValueException;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IReadableDatabase;

 * Utility class for bot passwords
 * @since 1.27
class BotPassword {

    public const APPID_MAXLENGTH = 32;

     * Minimum length for a bot password
    public const PASSWORD_MINLENGTH = 32;

     * Maximum length of the json representation of restrictions
     * @since 1.36
    public const RESTRICTIONS_MAXLENGTH = 65535;

     * Maximum length of the json representation of grants
     * @since 1.36
    public const GRANTS_MAXLENGTH = 65535;

    /** @var bool */
    private $isSaved;

    /** @var int */
    private $centralId;

    /** @var string */
    private $appId;

    /** @var string */
    private $token;

    /** @var MWRestrictions */
    private $restrictions;

    /** @var string[] */
    private $grants;

    /** @var int Defaults to {@see READ_NORMAL} */
    private $flags;

     * @internal only public for construction in BotPasswordStore
     * @param stdClass $row bot_passwords database row
     * @param bool $isSaved Whether the bot password was read from the database
     * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags
    public function __construct( $row, $isSaved, $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
        $this->isSaved = $isSaved;
        $this->flags = $flags;

        $this->centralId = (int)$row->bp_user;
        $this->appId = $row->bp_app_id;
        $this->token = $row->bp_token;
        $this->restrictions = MWRestrictions::newFromJson( $row->bp_restrictions );
        $this->grants = FormatJson::decode( $row->bp_grants );

    public static function getReplicaDatabase(): IReadableDatabase {
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()

    public static function getPrimaryDatabase(): IDatabase {
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()

     * Load a BotPassword from the database
     * @param UserIdentity $userIdentity
     * @param string $appId
     * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags
     * @return BotPassword|null
    public static function newFromUser( UserIdentity $userIdentity, $appId, $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->getByUser( $userIdentity, (string)$appId, (int)$flags );

     * Load a BotPassword from the database
     * @param int $centralId from CentralIdLookup
     * @param string $appId
     * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags
     * @return BotPassword|null
    public static function newFromCentralId( $centralId, $appId, $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->getByCentralId( (int)$centralId, (string)$appId, (int)$flags );

     * Create an unsaved BotPassword
     * @param array $data Data to use to create the bot password. Keys are:
     *  - user: (UserIdentity) UserIdentity to create the password for. Overrides username and centralId.
     *  - username: (string) Username to create the password for. Overrides centralId.
     *  - centralId: (int) User central ID to create the password for.
     *  - appId: (string, required) App ID for the password.
     *  - restrictions: (MWRestrictions, optional) Restrictions.
     *  - grants: (string[], optional) Grants.
     * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags
     * @return BotPassword|null
    public static function newUnsaved( array $data, $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->newUnsavedBotPassword( $data, (int)$flags );

     * Indicate whether this is known to be saved
     * @return bool
    public function isSaved() {
        return $this->isSaved;

     * Get the central user ID
     * @return int
    public function getUserCentralId() {
        return $this->centralId;

     * @return string
    public function getAppId() {
        return $this->appId;

     * @return string
    public function getToken() {
        return $this->token;

     * @return MWRestrictions
    public function getRestrictions() {
        return $this->restrictions;

     * @return string[]
    public function getGrants() {
        return $this->grants;

     * Get the separator for combined user name + app ID
     * @return string
    public static function getSeparator() {
        $userrightsInterwikiDelimiter = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->getMainConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::UserrightsInterwikiDelimiter );
        return $userrightsInterwikiDelimiter;

     * @return Password
    private function getPassword() {
        if ( ( $this->flags & IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) == IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) {
            $db = self::getPrimaryDatabase();
        } else {
            $db = self::getReplicaDatabase();

        $password = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
            ->select( 'bp_password' )
            ->from( 'bot_passwords' )
            ->where( [ 'bp_user' => $this->centralId, 'bp_app_id' => $this->appId ] )
            ->recency( $this->flags )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchField();
        if ( $password === false ) {
            return PasswordFactory::newInvalidPassword();

        $passwordFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPasswordFactory();
        try {
            return $passwordFactory->newFromCiphertext( $password );
        } catch ( PasswordError $ex ) {
            return PasswordFactory::newInvalidPassword();

     * Whether the password is currently invalid
     * @since 1.32
     * @return bool
    public function isInvalid() {
        return $this->getPassword() instanceof InvalidPassword;

     * Save the BotPassword to the database
     * @param string $operation 'update' or 'insert'
     * @param Password|null $password Password to set.
     * @return Status
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    public function save( $operation, Password $password = null ) {
        // Ensure operation is valid
        if ( $operation !== 'insert' && $operation !== 'update' ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException(
                "Expected 'insert' or 'update'; got '{$operation}'."

        $store = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getBotPasswordStore();
        if ( $operation === 'insert' ) {
            $statusValue = $store->insertBotPassword( $this, $password );
        } else {
            // Must be update, already checked above
            $statusValue = $store->updateBotPassword( $this, $password );

        if ( $statusValue->isGood() ) {
            $this->token = $statusValue->getValue();
            $this->isSaved = true;
            return Status::newGood();

        // Action failed, status will have code botpasswords-insert-failed or
        // botpasswords-update-failed depending on which action we tried
        return Status::wrap( $statusValue );

     * Delete the BotPassword from the database
     * @return bool Success
    public function delete() {
        $ok = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->deleteBotPassword( $this );
        if ( $ok ) {
            $this->token = '**unsaved**';
            $this->isSaved = false;
        return $ok;

     * Invalidate all passwords for a user, by name
     * @param string $username
     * @return bool Whether any passwords were invalidated
    public static function invalidateAllPasswordsForUser( $username ) {
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->invalidateUserPasswords( (string)$username );

     * Invalidate all passwords for a user, by central ID
     * @deprecated since 1.37
     * @param int $centralId
     * @return bool Whether any passwords were invalidated
    public static function invalidateAllPasswordsForCentralId( $centralId ) {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.37' );

        $enableBotPasswords = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig()
            ->get( MainConfigNames::EnableBotPasswords );

        if ( !$enableBotPasswords ) {
            return false;

        $dbw = self::getPrimaryDatabase();
            ->update( 'bot_passwords' )
            ->set( [ 'bp_password' => PasswordFactory::newInvalidPassword()->toString() ] )
            ->where( [ 'bp_user' => $centralId ] )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
        return (bool)$dbw->affectedRows();

     * Remove all passwords for a user, by name
     * @param string $username
     * @return bool Whether any passwords were removed
    public static function removeAllPasswordsForUser( $username ) {
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->removeUserPasswords( (string)$username );

     * Remove all passwords for a user, by central ID
     * @deprecated since 1.37
     * @param int $centralId
     * @return bool Whether any passwords were removed
    public static function removeAllPasswordsForCentralId( $centralId ) {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.37' );

        $enableBotPasswords = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig()
            ->get( MainConfigNames::EnableBotPasswords );

        if ( !$enableBotPasswords ) {
            return false;

        $dbw = self::getPrimaryDatabase();
            ->deleteFrom( 'bot_passwords' )
            ->where( [ 'bp_user' => $centralId ] )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
        return (bool)$dbw->affectedRows();

     * Returns a (raw, unhashed) random password string.
     * @param Config $config
     * @return string
    public static function generatePassword( $config ) {
        return PasswordFactory::generateRandomPasswordString( self::PASSWORD_MINLENGTH );

     * There are two ways to login with a bot password: "username@appId", "password" and
     * "username", "appId@password". Transform it so it is always in the first form.
     * Returns [bot username, bot password].
     * If this cannot be a bot password login just return false.
     * @param string $username
     * @param string $password
     * @return string[]|false
    public static function canonicalizeLoginData( $username, $password ) {
        $sep = self::getSeparator();
        // the strlen check helps minimize the password information obtainable from timing
        if ( strlen( $password ) >= self::PASSWORD_MINLENGTH && str_contains( $username, $sep ) ) {
            // the separator is not valid in new usernames but might appear in legacy ones
            if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9a-w]{' . self::PASSWORD_MINLENGTH . ',}$/', $password ) ) {
                return [ $username, $password ];
        } elseif ( strlen( $password ) > self::PASSWORD_MINLENGTH && str_contains( $password, $sep ) ) {
            $segments = explode( $sep, $password );
            $password = array_pop( $segments );
            $appId = implode( $sep, $segments );
            if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9a-w]{' . self::PASSWORD_MINLENGTH . ',}$/', $password ) ) {
                return [ $username . $sep . $appId, $password ];
        return false;

     * Try to log the user in
     * @param string $username Combined user name and app ID
     * @param string $password Supplied password
     * @param WebRequest $request
     * @return Status On success, the good status's value is the new Session object
    public static function login( $username, $password, WebRequest $request ) {
        $enableBotPasswords = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig()
            ->get( MainConfigNames::EnableBotPasswords );
        $passwordAttemptThrottle = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig()
            ->get( MainConfigNames::PasswordAttemptThrottle );
        if ( !$enableBotPasswords ) {
            return Status::newFatal( 'botpasswords-disabled' );

        $provider = SessionManager::singleton()->getProvider( BotPasswordSessionProvider::class );
        if ( !$provider ) {
            return Status::newFatal( 'botpasswords-no-provider' );

        $performer = $request->getSession()->getUser();
        // Split name into name+appId
        $sep = self::getSeparator();
        if ( !str_contains( $username, $sep ) ) {
            return self::loginHook(
                $username, null, $performer, Status::newFatal( 'botpasswords-invalid-name', $sep )
        [ $name, $appId ] = explode( $sep, $username, 2 );

        // Find the named user
        $user = User::newFromName( $name );
        if ( !$user || $user->isAnon() ) {
            return self::loginHook( $user ?: $name, null, $performer, Status::newFatal( 'nosuchuser', $name ) );

        if ( $user->isLocked() ) {
            return Status::newFatal( 'botpasswords-locked' );

        $throttle = null;
        if ( $passwordAttemptThrottle ) {
            $throttle = new Throttler( $passwordAttemptThrottle, [
                'type' => 'botpassword',
                'cache' => ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance(),
            ] );
            $result = $throttle->increase( $user->getName(), $request->getIP(), __METHOD__ );
            if ( $result ) {
                $msg = wfMessage( 'login-throttled' )->durationParams( $result['wait'] );
                return self::loginHook( $user, null, $performer, Status::newFatal( $msg ) );

        // Get the bot password
        $bp = self::newFromUser( $user, $appId );
        if ( !$bp ) {
            return self::loginHook( $user, $bp, $performer,
                Status::newFatal( 'botpasswords-not-exist', $name, $appId ) );

        // Check restrictions
        $status = $bp->getRestrictions()->check( $request );
        if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
            return self::loginHook( $user, $bp, $performer,
                Status::newFatal( 'botpasswords-restriction-failed' ) );

        // Check the password
        $passwordObj = $bp->getPassword();
        if ( $passwordObj instanceof InvalidPassword ) {
            return self::loginHook( $user, $bp, $performer,
                Status::newFatal( 'botpasswords-needs-reset', $name, $appId ) );
        if ( !$passwordObj->verify( $password ) ) {
            return self::loginHook( $user, $bp, $performer, Status::newFatal( 'wrongpassword' ) );

        // Ok! Create the session.
        if ( $throttle ) {
            $throttle->clear( $user->getName(), $request->getIP() );
        return self::loginHook( $user, $bp, $performer,
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredMethod
            Status::newGood( $provider->newSessionForRequest( $user, $bp, $request ) ) );

     * Call AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit
     * To facilitate logging all authentications, even ones not via
     * AuthManager, call the AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit hook.
     * @param User|string $user User being logged in
     * @param BotPassword|null $bp Bot sub-account, if it can be identified
     * @param User $performer User performing the request
     * @param Status $status Login status
     * @return Status The passed-in status
    private static function loginHook( $user, $bp, User $performer, Status $status ) {
        $extraData = [
            'performer' => $performer
        if ( $user instanceof User ) {
            $name = $user->getName();
            if ( $bp ) {
                $extraData['appId'] = $name . self::getSeparator() . $bp->getAppId();
        } else {
            $name = $user;
            $user = null;

        if ( $status->isGood() ) {
            $response = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $name );
        } else {
            $response = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() );
        ( new HookRunner( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer() ) )
            ->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit( $response, $user, $name, $extraData );

        return $status;

/** @deprecated class alias since 1.41 */
class_alias( BotPassword::class, 'BotPassword' );