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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

namespace MediaWiki\User\Options;

use DBAccessObjectUtils;
use HTMLCheckMatrix;
use HTMLMultiSelectField;
use IDBAccessObject;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use LanguageCode;
use LanguageConverter;
use MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions;
use MediaWiki\Context\IContextSource;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner;
use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\HTMLFormField;
use MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageConverterFactory;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\User\UserFactory;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use MediaWiki\User\UserNameUtils;
use MediaWiki\User\UserTimeCorrection;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IConnectionProvider;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase;

 * A service class to control user options
 * @since 1.35
class UserOptionsManager extends UserOptionsLookup {

     * @internal For use by ServiceWiring
    public const CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [

     * @since 1.39.5, 1.40
    public const MAX_BYTES_OPTION_VALUE = 65530;

    private ServiceOptions $serviceOptions;
    private DefaultOptionsLookup $defaultOptionsLookup;
    private LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory;
    private IConnectionProvider $dbProvider;
    private UserFactory $userFactory;
    private LoggerInterface $logger;

    /** @var array options modified within this request */
    private $modifiedOptions = [];

     * @var array Cached original user options with all the adjustments
     *            like time correction and hook changes applied.
     *            Ready to be returned.
    private $originalOptionsCache = [];

     * @var array Cached original user options as fetched from database,
     *            no adjustments applied.
    private $optionsFromDb = [];

    private HookRunner $hookRunner;

    /** @var array Query flags used to retrieve options from database */
    private $queryFlagsUsedForCaching = [];

    private UserNameUtils $userNameUtils;

     * @param ServiceOptions $options
     * @param DefaultOptionsLookup $defaultOptionsLookup
     * @param LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory
     * @param IConnectionProvider $dbProvider
     * @param LoggerInterface $logger
     * @param HookContainer $hookContainer
     * @param UserFactory $userFactory
     * @param UserNameUtils $userNameUtils
    public function __construct(
        ServiceOptions $options,
        DefaultOptionsLookup $defaultOptionsLookup,
        LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory,
        IConnectionProvider $dbProvider,
        LoggerInterface $logger,
        HookContainer $hookContainer,
        UserFactory $userFactory,
        UserNameUtils $userNameUtils
    ) {
        $options->assertRequiredOptions( self::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS );
        $this->serviceOptions = $options;
        $this->defaultOptionsLookup = $defaultOptionsLookup;
        $this->languageConverterFactory = $languageConverterFactory;
        $this->dbProvider = $dbProvider;
        $this->logger = $logger;
        $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
        $this->userFactory = $userFactory;
        $this->userNameUtils = $userNameUtils;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getDefaultOptions( ?UserIdentity $userIdentity = null ): array {
        return $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOptions( $userIdentity );

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getDefaultOption( string $opt, ?UserIdentity $userIdentity = null ) {
        return $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOption( $opt, $userIdentity );

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getOption(
        UserIdentity $user,
        string $oname,
        $defaultOverride = null,
        bool $ignoreHidden = false,
        int $queryFlags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL
    ) {
        # We want 'disabled' preferences to always behave as the default value for
        # users, even if they have set the option explicitly in their settings (ie they
        # set it, and then it was disabled removing their ability to change it).  But
        # we don't want to erase the preferences in the database in case the preference
        # is re-enabled again.  So don't touch $mOptions, just override the returned value
        if ( !$ignoreHidden && in_array( $oname, $this->serviceOptions->get( MainConfigNames::HiddenPrefs ) ) ) {
            return $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOption( $oname, $user );

        $options = $this->loadUserOptions( $user, $queryFlags );
        if ( array_key_exists( $oname, $options ) ) {
            return $options[$oname];
        return $defaultOverride;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getOptions(
        UserIdentity $user,
        int $flags = 0,
        int $queryFlags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL
    ): array {
        $options = $this->loadUserOptions( $user, $queryFlags );

        # We want 'disabled' preferences to always behave as the default value for
        # users, even if they have set the option explicitly in their settings (ie they
        # set it, and then it was disabled removing their ability to change it).  But
        # we don't want to erase the preferences in the database in case the preference
        # is re-enabled again.  So don't touch $mOptions, just override the returned value
        foreach ( $this->serviceOptions->get( MainConfigNames::HiddenPrefs ) as $pref ) {
            $default = $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOption( $pref, $user );
            if ( $default !== null ) {
                $options[$pref] = $default;

        if ( $flags & self::EXCLUDE_DEFAULTS ) {
            // NOTE: This intentionally ignores conditional defaults, so that `mw.user.options`
            // work correctly for options with conditional defaults.
            $defaultOptions = $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOptions( null );
            foreach ( $options as $option => $value ) {
                if ( array_key_exists( $option, $defaultOptions )
                    && $this->isValueEqual( $value, $defaultOptions[$option] )
                ) {
                    unset( $options[$option] );

        return $options;

     * Set the given option for a user.
     * You need to call saveOptions() to actually write to the database.
     * $val should be null or a string. Other types are accepted for B/C with legacy
     * code but can result in surprising behavior and are discouraged. Values are always
     * stored as strings in the database, so if you pass a non-string value, it will be
     * eventually converted; but before the call to saveOptions(), getOption() will return
     * the passed value from instance cache without any type conversion.
     * A null value means resetting the option to its default value (removing the user_properties
     * row). Passing in the same value as the default value fo the user has the same result.
     * This behavior supports some level of type juggling - e.g. if the default value is 1,
     * and you pass in '1', the option will be reset to its default value.
     * When an option is reset to its default value, that means whenever the default value
     * is changed in the site configuration, the user preference for this user will also change.
     * There is no way to set a user preference to be the same as the default but avoid it
     * changing when the default changes. You can instead use $wgConditionalUserOptions to
     * split the default based on user registration date.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param string $oname The option to set
     * @param mixed $val New value to set.
    public function setOption( UserIdentity $user, string $oname, $val ) {
        // Explicitly NULL values should refer to defaults
        if ( $val === null ) {
            $val = $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOption( $oname, $user );
        $this->modifiedOptions[$this->getCacheKey( $user )][$oname] = $val;

     * Reset certain (or all) options to the site defaults
     * The optional parameter determines which kinds of preferences will be reset.
     * Supported values are everything that can be reported by getOptionKinds()
     * and 'all', which forces a reset of *all* preferences and overrides everything else.
     * @note You need to call saveOptions() to actually write to the database.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param IContextSource $context Context source used when $resetKinds does not contain 'all'.
     * @param array|string $resetKinds Which kinds of preferences to reset.
     *  Defaults to [ 'registered', 'registered-multiselect', 'registered-checkmatrix', 'unused' ]
    public function resetOptions(
        UserIdentity $user,
        IContextSource $context,
        $resetKinds = [ 'registered', 'registered-multiselect', 'registered-checkmatrix', 'unused' ]
    ) {
        $oldOptions = $this->loadUserOptions( $user, IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST );
        $defaultOptions = $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOptions( $user );

        if ( !is_array( $resetKinds ) ) {
            $resetKinds = [ $resetKinds ];

        if ( in_array( 'all', $resetKinds ) ) {
            $newOptions = $defaultOptions + array_fill_keys( array_keys( $oldOptions ), null );
        } else {
            $optionKinds = $this->getOptionKinds( $user, $context );
            $resetKinds = array_intersect( $resetKinds, $this->listOptionKinds() );
            $newOptions = [];

            // Use default values for the options that should be deleted, and
            // copy old values for the ones that shouldn't.
            foreach ( $oldOptions as $key => $value ) {
                if ( in_array( $optionKinds[$key], $resetKinds ) ) {
                    if ( array_key_exists( $key, $defaultOptions ) ) {
                        $newOptions[$key] = $defaultOptions[$key];
                } else {
                    $newOptions[$key] = $value;
        $this->modifiedOptions[$this->getCacheKey( $user )] = $newOptions;

     * Return a list of the types of user options currently returned by
     * UserOptionsManager::getOptionKinds().
     * Currently, the option kinds are:
     * - 'registered' - preferences which are registered in core MediaWiki or
     *                  by extensions using the UserGetDefaultOptions hook.
     * - 'registered-multiselect' - as above, using the 'multiselect' type.
     * - 'registered-checkmatrix' - as above, using the 'checkmatrix' type.
     * - 'userjs' - preferences with names starting with 'userjs-', intended to
     *              be used by user scripts.
     * - 'special' - "preferences" that are not accessible via
     *              UserOptionsLookup::getOptions or UserOptionsManager::setOptions.
     * - 'unused' - preferences about which MediaWiki doesn't know anything.
     *              These are usually legacy options, removed in newer versions.
     * The API (and possibly others) use this function to determine the possible
     * option types for validation purposes, so make sure to update this when a
     * new option kind is added.
     * @see getOptionKinds
     * @return string[] Option kinds
    public function listOptionKinds(): array {
        return [

     * Return an associative array mapping preferences keys to the kind of a preference they're
     * used for. Different kinds are handled differently when setting or reading preferences.
     * See UserOptionsManager::listOptionKinds for the list of valid option types that can be provided.
     * @see UserOptionsManager::listOptionKinds
     * @param UserIdentity $userIdentity
     * @param IContextSource $context
     * @param array|null $options Assoc. array with options keys to check as keys.
     *   Defaults user options.
     * @return string[] The key => kind mapping data
    public function getOptionKinds(
        UserIdentity $userIdentity,
        IContextSource $context,
        $options = null
    ): array {
        if ( $options === null ) {
            $options = $this->loadUserOptions( $userIdentity );

        // TODO: injecting the preferences factory creates a cyclic dependency between
        // PreferencesFactory and UserOptionsManager. See T250822
        $preferencesFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPreferencesFactory();
        $user = $this->userFactory->newFromUserIdentity( $userIdentity );
        $prefs = $preferencesFactory->getFormDescriptor( $user, $context );
        $mapping = [];

        // Pull out the "special" options, so they don't get converted as
        // multiselect or checkmatrix.
        $specialOptions = array_fill_keys( $preferencesFactory->getSaveBlacklist(), true );
        foreach ( $specialOptions as $name => $value ) {
            unset( $prefs[$name] );

        // Multiselect and checkmatrix options are stored in the database with
        // one key per option, each having a boolean value. Extract those keys.
        $multiselectOptions = [];
        foreach ( $prefs as $name => $info ) {
            if ( ( isset( $info['type'] ) && $info['type'] == 'multiselect' ) ||
                ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] == HTMLMultiSelectField::class )
            ) {
                $opts = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['options'] ?? $info['options-messages'] );
                $prefix = $info['prefix'] ?? $name;

                foreach ( $opts as $value ) {
                    $multiselectOptions["$prefix$value"] = true;

                unset( $prefs[$name] );
        $checkmatrixOptions = [];
        foreach ( $prefs as $name => $info ) {
            if ( ( isset( $info['type'] ) && $info['type'] == 'checkmatrix' ) ||
                ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] == HTMLCheckMatrix::class )
            ) {
                $columns = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['columns'] );
                $rows = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['rows'] );
                $prefix = $info['prefix'] ?? $name;

                foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
                    foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
                        $checkmatrixOptions["$prefix$column-$row"] = true;

                unset( $prefs[$name] );

        // $value is ignored
        foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {
            if ( isset( $prefs[$key] ) ) {
                $mapping[$key] = 'registered';
            } elseif ( isset( $multiselectOptions[$key] ) ) {
                $mapping[$key] = 'registered-multiselect';
            } elseif ( isset( $checkmatrixOptions[$key] ) ) {
                $mapping[$key] = 'registered-checkmatrix';
            } elseif ( isset( $specialOptions[$key] ) ) {
                $mapping[$key] = 'special';
            } elseif ( str_starts_with( $key, 'userjs-' ) ) {
                $mapping[$key] = 'userjs';
            } else {
                $mapping[$key] = 'unused';

        return $mapping;

     * Saves the non-default options for this user, as previously set e.g. via
     * setOption(), in the database's "user_properties" (preferences) table.
     * @since 1.38, this method was internal before that.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
    public function saveOptions( UserIdentity $user ) {
        $dbw = $this->dbProvider->getPrimaryDatabase();
        $changed = $this->saveOptionsInternal( $user, $dbw );
        $legacyUser = $this->userFactory->newFromUserIdentity( $user );
        // Before UserOptionsManager, User::saveSettings was used for user options
        // saving. Some extensions might depend on UserSaveSettings hook being run
        // when options are saved, so run this hook for legacy reasons.
        // Once UserSaveSettings hook is deprecated and replaced with a different hook
        // with more modern interface, extensions should use 'SaveUserOptions' hook.
        $this->hookRunner->onUserSaveSettings( $legacyUser );
        if ( $changed ) {
            $dbw->onTransactionCommitOrIdle( static function () use ( $legacyUser ) {
            }, __METHOD__ );

     * Saves the non-default options for this user, as previously set e.g. via
     * setOption(), in the database's "user_properties" (preferences) table.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param IDatabase $dbw
     * @return bool true if options were changed and new options successfully saved.
     * @internal only public for use in User::saveSettings
    public function saveOptionsInternal( UserIdentity $user, IDatabase $dbw ): bool {
        if ( !$user->isRegistered() || $this->userNameUtils->isTemp( $user->getName() ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ' was called on anon or temporary user' );

        $userKey = $this->getCacheKey( $user );
        $modifiedOptions = $this->modifiedOptions[$userKey] ?? [];
        $originalOptions = $this->loadOriginalOptions( $user );
        if ( !$this->hookRunner->onSaveUserOptions( $user, $modifiedOptions, $originalOptions ) ) {
            return false;

        $rowsToInsert = [];
        $keysToDelete = [];
        foreach ( $modifiedOptions as $key => $value ) {
            // Don't store unchanged or default values
            $defaultValue = $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOption( $key, $user );
            $oldDbValue = $this->optionsFromDb[$userKey][$key] ?? null;
            if ( $value === null || $this->isValueEqual( $value, $defaultValue ) ) {
                if ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->optionsFromDb[$userKey] ) ) {
                    // Delete the default value from the database
                    $keysToDelete[] = $key;
            } elseif ( !$this->isValueEqual( $value, $oldDbValue ) ) {
                // Update by deleting (if old value exists) and reinserting
                $rowsToInsert[] = [
                    'up_user' => $user->getId(),
                    'up_property' => $key,
                    'up_value' => mb_strcut( $value, 0, self::MAX_BYTES_OPTION_VALUE ),
                if ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->optionsFromDb[$userKey] ) ) {
                    $keysToDelete[] = $key;

        if ( !count( $keysToDelete ) && !count( $rowsToInsert ) ) {
            // Nothing to do
            return false;

        // Do the DELETE
        if ( $keysToDelete ) {
                ->deleteFrom( 'user_properties' )
                ->where( [ 'up_user' => $user->getId() ] )
                ->andWhere( [ 'up_property' => $keysToDelete ] )
                ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
        if ( $rowsToInsert ) {
            // Insert the new preference rows
                ->insertInto( 'user_properties' )
                ->rows( $rowsToInsert )
                ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();

        // It's pretty cheap to recalculate new original later
        // to apply whatever adjustments we apply when fetching from DB
        // and re-merge with the defaults.
        unset( $this->originalOptionsCache[$userKey] );
        // And nothing is modified anymore
        unset( $this->modifiedOptions[$userKey] );
        return true;

     * Loads user options either from cache or from the database.
     * @note Query flags are ignored for anons, since they do not have any
     * options stored in the database. If the UserIdentity was itself
     * obtained from a replica and doesn't have ID set due to replication lag,
     * it will be treated as anon regardless of the query flags passed here.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param int $queryFlags
     * @param array|null $data associative array of non-default options.
     * @return array
     * @internal To be called by User loading code to provide the $data
    public function loadUserOptions(
        UserIdentity $user,
        int $queryFlags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL,
        array $data = null
    ): array {
        $userKey = $this->getCacheKey( $user );
        $originalOptions = $this->loadOriginalOptions( $user, $queryFlags, $data );
        return array_merge( $originalOptions, $this->modifiedOptions[$userKey] ?? [] );

     * Clears cached user options.
     * @internal To be used by User::clearInstanceCache
     * @param UserIdentity $user
    public function clearUserOptionsCache( UserIdentity $user ) {
        $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey( $user );
        unset( $this->modifiedOptions[$cacheKey] );
        unset( $this->optionsFromDb[$cacheKey] );
        unset( $this->originalOptionsCache[$cacheKey] );
        unset( $this->queryFlagsUsedForCaching[$cacheKey] );

     * Fetches the options directly from the database with no caches.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param int $queryFlags a bit field composed of READ_XXX flags
     * @param array|null $prefetchedOptions
     * @return array
    private function loadOptionsFromDb(
        UserIdentity $user,
        int $queryFlags,
        array $prefetchedOptions = null
    ): array {
        if ( $prefetchedOptions === null ) {
            $this->logger->debug( 'Loading options from database', [ 'user_id' => $user->getId() ] );
            $dbr = DBAccessObjectUtils::getDBFromRecency( $this->dbProvider, $queryFlags );
            $res = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
                ->select( [ 'up_property', 'up_value' ] )
                ->from( 'user_properties' )
                ->where( [ 'up_user' => $user->getId() ] )
                ->recency( $queryFlags )
                ->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchResultSet();
        } else {
            $res = [];
            foreach ( $prefetchedOptions as $name => $value ) {
                $res[] = [
                    'up_property' => $name,
                    'up_value' => $value,
        return $this->setOptionsFromDb( $user, $queryFlags, $res );

     * Builds associative options array from rows fetched from DB.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param int $queryFlags
     * @param iterable<object|array> $rows
     * @return array
    private function setOptionsFromDb(
        UserIdentity $user,
        int $queryFlags,
        iterable $rows
    ): array {
        $userKey = $this->getCacheKey( $user );
        $options = [];
        foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
            $row = (object)$row;
            // Convert '0' to 0. PHP's boolean conversion considers them both
            // false, but e.g. JavaScript considers the former as true.
            // @todo: T54542 Somehow determine the desired type (string/int/bool)
            //  and convert all values here.
            if ( $row->up_value === '0' ) {
                $row->up_value = 0;
            $options[$row->up_property] = $row->up_value;
        $this->optionsFromDb[$userKey] = $options;
        $this->queryFlagsUsedForCaching[$userKey] = $queryFlags;
        return $options;

     * Loads the original user options from the database and applies various transforms,
     * like timecorrection. Runs hooks.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param int $queryFlags
     * @param array|null $data associative array of non-default options
     * @return array
    private function loadOriginalOptions(
        UserIdentity $user,
        int $queryFlags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL,
        array $data = null
    ): array {
        $userKey = $this->getCacheKey( $user );
        $defaultOptions = $this->defaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOptions( $user );
        if ( !$user->isRegistered() || $this->userNameUtils->isTemp( $user->getName() ) ) {
            // For unlogged-in users, load language/variant options from request.
            // There's no need to do it for logged-in users: they can set preferences,
            // and handling of page content is done by $pageLang->getPreferredVariant() and such,
            // so don't override user's choice (especially when the user chooses site default).
            $variant = $this->languageConverterFactory->getLanguageConverter()->getDefaultVariant();
            $defaultOptions['variant'] = $variant;
            $defaultOptions['language'] = $variant;
            $this->originalOptionsCache[$userKey] = $defaultOptions;
            return $defaultOptions;

        // In case options were already loaded from the database before and no options
        // changes were saved to the database, we can use the cached original options.
        if ( $this->canUseCachedValues( $user, $queryFlags )
            && isset( $this->originalOptionsCache[$userKey] )
        ) {
            return $this->originalOptionsCache[$userKey];

        $options = $this->loadOptionsFromDb( $user, $queryFlags, $data ) + $defaultOptions;

        // Replace deprecated language codes
        $options['language'] = LanguageCode::replaceDeprecatedCodes( $options['language'] );
        $options['variant'] = LanguageCode::replaceDeprecatedCodes( $options['variant'] );
        foreach ( LanguageConverter::$languagesWithVariants as $langCode ) {
            $variant = "variant-$langCode";
            if ( isset( $options[$variant] ) ) {
                $options[$variant] = LanguageCode::replaceDeprecatedCodes( $options[$variant] );

        // Fix up timezone offset (Due to DST it can change from what was stored in the DB)
        // ZoneInfo|offset|TimeZoneName
        if ( isset( $options['timecorrection'] ) ) {
            $options['timecorrection'] = ( new UserTimeCorrection(
                $this->serviceOptions->get( MainConfigNames::LocalTZoffset )
            ) )->toString();

        // Need to store what we have so far before the hook to prevent
        // infinite recursion if the hook attempts to reload options
        $this->originalOptionsCache[$userKey] = $options;
        $this->queryFlagsUsedForCaching[$userKey] = $queryFlags;
        $this->hookRunner->onLoadUserOptions( $user, $options );
        $this->originalOptionsCache[$userKey] = $options;
        return $options;

     * Gets a key for various caches.
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @return string
    private function getCacheKey( UserIdentity $user ): string {
        if ( !$user->isRegistered() || $this->userNameUtils->isTemp( $user->getName() ) ) {
            return 'anon';
        } else {
            return "u:{$user->getId()}";

     * Determines if it's ok to use cached options values for a given user and query flags
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param int $queryFlags
     * @return bool
    private function canUseCachedValues( UserIdentity $user, int $queryFlags ): bool {
        if ( !$user->isRegistered() || $this->userNameUtils->isTemp( $user->getName() ) ) {
            // Anon & temp users don't have options stored in the database,
            // so $queryFlags are ignored.
            return true;
        $userKey = $this->getCacheKey( $user );
        $queryFlagsUsed = $this->queryFlagsUsedForCaching[$userKey] ?? IDBAccessObject::READ_NONE;
        return $queryFlagsUsed >= $queryFlags;

     * Determines whether two values are sufficiently similar that the database
     * does not need to be updated to reflect the change. This is basically the
     * same as comparing the result of Database::addQuotes().
     * @param mixed $a
     * @param mixed $b
     * @return bool
    private function isValueEqual( $a, $b ) {
        // null is only equal to another null (T355086)
        if ( $a === null || $b === null ) {
            return $a === $b;

        if ( is_bool( $a ) ) {
            $a = (int)$a;
        if ( is_bool( $b ) ) {
            $b = (int)$b;
        return (string)$a === (string)$b;

/** @deprecated class alias since 1.41 */
class_alias( UserOptionsManager::class, 'MediaWiki\\User\\UserOptionsManager' );