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namespace MediaWiki\Utils;

use BadMethodCallException;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use MediaWiki\Debug\MWDebug;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigSchema;

 * A service to expand, parse, and otherwise manipulate URLs.
 * @since 1.39
 * @newable
class UrlUtils {
    public const SERVER = 'server';
    public const CANONICAL_SERVER = 'canonicalServer';
    public const INTERNAL_SERVER = 'internalServer';
    public const FALLBACK_PROTOCOL = 'fallbackProtocol';
    public const HTTPS_PORT = 'httpsPort';
    public const VALID_PROTOCOLS = 'validProtocols';

    /** @var ?string */
    private $server = null;

    /** @var ?string */
    private $canonicalServer = null;

    /** @var ?string */
    private $internalServer = null;
    /** @var string */
    private $fallbackProtocol = 'http';

    /** @var int */
    private $httpsPort = 443;

    /** @var array */
    private $validProtocols = MainConfigSchema::UrlProtocols['default'];

    /** @var ?string */
    private $validProtocolsCache = null;

    /** @var ?string */
    private $validAbsoluteProtocolsCache = null;

     * @stable to call
     * @param array $options All keys are optional, but if you omit SERVER then calling expand()
     *   (and getServer(), expandIRI(), and matchesDomainList()) will throw. Recognized keys:
     *     * self::SERVER: The protocol and server portion of the URLs to expand, with no other parts
     *       (port, path, etc.). Example: ''. Protocol-relative URLs are
     *       allowed.
     *     * self::CANONICAL_SERVER: If SERVER is protocol-relative, this can be set to a
     *       fully-qualified version for use when PROTO_CANONICAL is passed to expand(). Defaults
     *       to SERVER, with 'http:' prepended if SERVER is protocol-relative.
     *     * self::INTERNAL_SERVER: An alternative to SERVER that's used when PROTO_INTERNAL is
     *       passed to expand(). It's intended for sites that have a different server name exposed
     *       to CDNs. Defaults to SERVER.
     *     * self::FALLBACK_PROTOCOL: Used by expand() when no $defaultProto parameter is provided.
     *       Defaults to 'http'. The instance created by ServiceWiring sets this to 'https' if the
     *       current request is detected to be via HTTPS, and 'http' otherwise.
     *     * self::HTTPS_PORT: Defaults to 443. Used when a protocol-relative URL is expanded to
     *       https.
     *     * self::VALID_PROTOCOLS: An array of recognized URL protocols. The default can be found
     *       in MainConfigSchema::UrlProtocols['default'].
    public function __construct( array $options = [] ) {
        foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {
            switch ( $key ) {
                case self::SERVER:
                case self::CANONICAL_SERVER:
                case self::INTERNAL_SERVER:
                case self::FALLBACK_PROTOCOL:
                case self::HTTPS_PORT:
                case self::VALID_PROTOCOLS:
                    $this->$key = $value;

                    throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unrecognized option \"$key\"" );

        if ( $this->server !== null ) {
            if ( $this->canonicalServer === null || $this->canonicalServer === false ) {
                $this->canonicalServer = $this->expand( $this->server, PROTO_HTTP );
            if ( $this->internalServer === null || $this->internalServer === false ) {
                $this->internalServer = $this->server;

     * Expand a potentially local URL to a fully-qualified URL using $wgServer
     * (or one of its alternatives).
     * The meaning of the PROTO_* constants is as follows:
     * PROTO_HTTP: Output a URL starting with http://
     * PROTO_HTTPS: Output a URL starting with https://
     * PROTO_RELATIVE: Output a URL starting with // (protocol-relative URL)
     * PROTO_FALLBACK: Output a URL starting with the FALLBACK_PROTOCOL option
     * PROTO_CURRENT: Legacy alias for PROTO_FALLBACK
     * PROTO_CANONICAL: For URLs without a domain, like /w/index.php, use CANONICAL_SERVER.  For
     *   protocol-relative URLs, use the protocol of CANONICAL_SERVER
     * If $url specifies a protocol, or $url is domain-relative and $wgServer
     * specifies a protocol, PROTO_HTTP, PROTO_HTTPS, PROTO_RELATIVE and
     * PROTO_CURRENT do not change that.
     * Parent references (/../) in the path are resolved (as in ::removeDotSegments).
     * @todo this won't work with current-path-relative URLs like "subdir/foo.html", etc.
     * @throws BadMethodCallException if no server was passed to the constructor
     * @param string $url An URL; can be absolute (e.g.,
     *    protocol-relative (// or domain-relative (/foo/bar).
     * @param string|int|null $defaultProto One of the PROTO_* constants, as described above.
     * @return ?string Fully-qualified URL, current-path-relative URL or null if
     *    no valid URL can be constructed
    public function expand( string $url, $defaultProto = PROTO_FALLBACK ): ?string {
        if ( $defaultProto === PROTO_CANONICAL ) {
            $serverUrl = $this->canonicalServer;
        } elseif ( $defaultProto === PROTO_INTERNAL ) {
            $serverUrl = $this->internalServer;
        } else {
            $serverUrl = $this->server;
            if ( $defaultProto === PROTO_FALLBACK ) {
                $defaultProto = $this->fallbackProtocol . '://';

        if ( str_starts_with( $url, '/' ) ) {
            if ( $serverUrl === null ) {
                throw new BadMethodCallException( 'Cannot call expand() if the appropriate ' .
                    'SERVER/CANONICAL_SERVER/INTERNAL_SERVER option was not passed to the ' .
                    'constructor' );

            // Analyze $serverUrl to obtain its protocol
            $bits = $this->parse( $serverUrl );
            $serverProto = $bits && $bits['scheme'] != '' ? $bits['scheme'] . '://' : null;

            if ( $defaultProto === PROTO_CANONICAL || $defaultProto === PROTO_INTERNAL ) {
                // Fall back to HTTP in the ridiculous case that CanonicalServer or InternalServer
                // doesn't have a protocol
                $defaultProto = $serverProto ?? PROTO_HTTP;

            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullableInternal T308355
            $defaultProtoWithoutSlashes = $defaultProto === PROTO_FALLBACK ? '' : substr( $defaultProto, 0, -2 );

            if ( str_starts_with( $url, '//' ) ) {
                $url = $defaultProtoWithoutSlashes . $url;
            } else {
                // If $serverUrl is protocol-relative, prepend $defaultProtoWithoutSlashes,
                // otherwise leave it alone.
                if ( $serverProto ) {
                    $url = $serverUrl . $url;
                } else {
                    // If an HTTPS URL is synthesized from a protocol-relative Server, allow the
                    // user to override the port number (T67184)
                    if ( $defaultProto === PROTO_HTTPS && $this->httpsPort != 443 ) {
                        if ( isset( $bits['port'] ) ) {
                            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                                'A protocol-relative server may not contain a port number' );
                        $url = "$defaultProtoWithoutSlashes$serverUrl:{$this->httpsPort}$url";
                    } else {
                        $url = "$defaultProtoWithoutSlashes$serverUrl$url";

        $bits = $this->parse( $url );

        if ( $bits && isset( $bits['path'] ) ) {
            $bits['path'] = self::removeDotSegments( $bits['path'] );
            return self::assemble( $bits );
        } elseif ( $bits ) {
            # No path to expand
            return $url;
        } elseif ( !str_starts_with( $url, '/' ) ) {
            # URL is a relative path
            return self::removeDotSegments( $url );

        # Expanded URL is not valid.
        return null;

     * Get the wiki's "server", i.e. the protocol and host part of the URL, with a
     * protocol specified using a PROTO_* constant as in expand()
     * @throws BadMethodCallException if no server was passed to the constructor
     * @param string|int|null $proto One of the PROTO_* constants.
     * @return ?string The URL, or null on failure
    public function getServer( $proto ): ?string {
        $url = $this->expand( '/', $proto );
        if ( $url === null ) {
            return null;
        return substr( $url, 0, -1 );

     * Get the canonical server, i.e. the canonical protocol and host part of
     * the wiki's URL.
     * @return string
    public function getCanonicalServer(): string {
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable -- throw if unconfigured
        return $this->canonicalServer;

     * This function will reassemble a URL parsed with parse().  This is useful if you need to edit
     * part of a URL and put it back together.
     * This is the basic structure used (brackets contain keys for $urlParts):
     * [scheme][delimiter][user]:[pass]@[host]:[port][path]?[query]#[fragment]
     * @since 1.41
     * @param array $urlParts URL parts, as output from parse()
     * @return string URL assembled from its component parts
    public static function assemble( array $urlParts ): string {
        $result = '';

        if ( isset( $urlParts['delimiter'] ) ) {
            if ( isset( $urlParts['scheme'] ) ) {
                $result .= $urlParts['scheme'];

            $result .= $urlParts['delimiter'];

        if ( isset( $urlParts['host'] ) ) {
            if ( isset( $urlParts['user'] ) ) {
                $result .= $urlParts['user'];
                if ( isset( $urlParts['pass'] ) ) {
                    $result .= ':' . $urlParts['pass'];
                $result .= '@';

            $result .= $urlParts['host'];

            if ( isset( $urlParts['port'] ) ) {
                $result .= ':' . $urlParts['port'];

        if ( isset( $urlParts['path'] ) ) {
            $result .= $urlParts['path'];

        if ( isset( $urlParts['query'] ) && $urlParts['query'] !== '' ) {
            $result .= '?' . $urlParts['query'];

        if ( isset( $urlParts['fragment'] ) ) {
            $result .= '#' . $urlParts['fragment'];

        return $result;

     * Remove all dot-segments in the provided URL path.  For example, '/a/./b/../c/' becomes
     * '/a/c/'.  For details on the algorithm, please see RFC3986 section 5.2.4.
     * @since 1.41
     * @param string $urlPath URL path, potentially containing dot-segments
     * @return string URL path with all dot-segments removed
    public static function removeDotSegments( string $urlPath ): string {
        $output = '';
        $inputOffset = 0;
        $inputLength = strlen( $urlPath );

        while ( $inputOffset < $inputLength ) {
            $trimOutput = false;
            if ( substr_compare( $urlPath, './', $inputOffset, 2 ) === 0 ) {
                # Step A, remove leading "./"
                $inputOffset += 2;
            } elseif ( substr_compare( $urlPath, '../', $inputOffset, 3 ) === 0 ) {
                # Step A, remove leading "../"
                $inputOffset += 3;
            } elseif ( $inputOffset + 2 === $inputLength && str_ends_with( $urlPath, '/.' ) ) {
                # Step B, replace leading "/.$" with "/"
                $inputOffset += 1;
                $urlPath[$inputOffset] = '/';
            } elseif ( substr_compare( $urlPath, '/./', $inputOffset, 3 ) === 0 ) {
                # Step B, replace leading "/./" with "/"
                $inputOffset += 2;
            } elseif ( $inputOffset + 3 === $inputLength && str_ends_with( $urlPath, '/..' ) ) {
                # Step C, replace leading "/..$" with "/" and
                # remove last path component in output
                $inputOffset += 2;
                $urlPath[$inputOffset] = '/';
                $trimOutput = true;
            } elseif ( substr_compare( $urlPath, '/../', $inputOffset, 4 ) === 0 ) {
                # Step C, replace leading "/../" with "/" and
                # remove last path component in output
                $inputOffset += 3;
                $trimOutput = true;
            } elseif ( $inputOffset + 1 === $inputLength && str_ends_with( $urlPath, '.' ) ) {
                # Step D, remove "^.$"
                $inputOffset += 1;
            } elseif ( $inputOffset + 2 === $inputLength && str_ends_with( $urlPath, '..' ) ) {
                # Step D, remove "^..$"
                $inputOffset += 2;
            } else {
                # Step E, move leading path segment to output
                if ( $urlPath[$inputOffset] === '/' ) {
                    $slashPos = strpos( $urlPath, '/', $inputOffset + 1 );
                } else {
                    $slashPos = strpos( $urlPath, '/', $inputOffset );
                if ( $slashPos === false ) {
                    $output .= substr( $urlPath, $inputOffset );
                    $inputOffset = $inputLength;
                } else {
                    $output .= substr( $urlPath, $inputOffset, $slashPos - $inputOffset );
                    $inputOffset += $slashPos - $inputOffset;

            if ( $trimOutput ) {
                $slashPos = strrpos( $output, '/' );
                if ( $slashPos === false ) {
                    $output = '';
                } else {
                    $output = substr( $output, 0, $slashPos );

        return $output;

     * Returns a partial regular expression of recognized URL protocols, e.g. "http:\/\/|https:\/\/"
     * @return string
    public function validProtocols(): string {
        $this->validProtocolsCache ??= $this->validProtocolsInternal( true );
        return $this->validProtocolsCache;

     * Like validProtocols(), but excludes '//' from the protocol list. Use this if you need a
     * regex that matches all URL protocols but does not match protocol-relative URLs
     * @return string
    public function validAbsoluteProtocols(): string {
        $this->validAbsoluteProtocolsCache ??= $this->validProtocolsInternal( false );
        return $this->validAbsoluteProtocolsCache;

     * Returns a partial regular expression of URL protocols, e.g. "http:\/\/|https:\/\/"
     * @param bool $includeProtocolRelative If false, remove '//' from the returned protocol list.
     * @return string
    private function validProtocolsInternal( bool $includeProtocolRelative ): string {
        if ( !is_array( $this->validProtocols ) ) {
            MWDebug::deprecated( '$wgUrlProtocols that is not an array', '1.39' );
            return (string)$this->validProtocols;

        $protocols = [];
        foreach ( $this->validProtocols as $protocol ) {
            // Filter out '//' if !$includeProtocolRelative
            if ( $includeProtocolRelative || $protocol !== '//' ) {
                $protocols[] = preg_quote( $protocol, '/' );

        return implode( '|', $protocols );

     * Advanced and configurable version of parse_url().
     * 1) Add a "delimiter" element to the array, which helps permits to blindly re-assemble
     *    any URL regardless of protocol, including those that don't use `://`,
     *    such as "mailto:" and "news:".
     * 2) Reject URLs with protocols not in $wgUrlProtocols.
     * 3) Reject relative or incomplete URLs that parse_url would return a partial array for.
     * If all you need is to extract parts of an HTTP or HTTPS URL (i.e. not specific to
     * site-configurable extra protocols, or user input) then `parse_url()` can be used
     * directly instead.
     * @param string $url A URL to parse
     * @return ?string[] Bits of the URL in an associative array, or null on failure.
     *   Possible fields:
     *   - scheme: URI scheme (protocol), e.g. 'http', 'mailto'. Lowercase, always present, but can
     *       be an empty string for protocol-relative URLs.
     *   - delimiter: either '://', ':' or '//'. Always present.
     *   - host: domain name / IP. Always present, but could be an empty string, e.g. for file: URLs.
     *   - port: port number. Will be missing when port is not explicitly specified.
     *   - user: user name, e.g. for HTTP Basic auth URLs such as
     *       Missing when there is no username.
     *   - pass: password, same as above.
     *   - path: path including the leading /. Will be missing when empty (e.g. '')
     *   - query: query string (as a string; see wfCgiToArray() for parsing it), can be missing.
     *   - fragment: the part after #, can be missing.
    public function parse( string $url ): ?array {
        // Protocol-relative URLs are handled really badly by parse_url(). It's so bad that the
        // easiest way to handle them is to just prepend 'http:' and strip the protocol out later.
        $wasRelative = str_starts_with( $url, '//' );
        if ( $wasRelative ) {
            $url = "http:$url";
        $bits = parse_url( $url );
        // parse_url() returns an array without scheme for invalid URLs, e.g.
        // parse_url("something bad://example") == [ 'path' => 'something bad://example' ]
        if ( !$bits || !isset( $bits['scheme'] ) ) {
            return null;

        // parse_url() incorrectly handles schemes case-sensitively. Convert it to lowercase.
        $bits['scheme'] = strtolower( $bits['scheme'] );
        $bits['host'] ??= '';

        // most of the protocols are followed by ://, but mailto: and sometimes news: not, check for it
        if ( in_array( $bits['scheme'] . '://', $this->validProtocols ) ) {
            $bits['delimiter'] = '://';
        } elseif ( in_array( $bits['scheme'] . ':', $this->validProtocols ) ) {
            $bits['delimiter'] = ':';
        } else {
            return null;

        /* parse_url loses the third / for file:///c:/ urls */
        if ( $bits['scheme'] === 'file' && isset( $bits['path'] ) && !str_starts_with( $bits['path'], '/' ) ) {
            $bits['path'] = '/' . $bits['path'];

        // If the URL was protocol-relative, fix scheme and delimiter
        if ( $wasRelative ) {
            $bits['scheme'] = '';
            $bits['delimiter'] = '//';
        return $bits;

     * Take a URL, make sure it's expanded to fully qualified, and replace any encoded non-ASCII
     * Unicode characters with their UTF-8 original forms for more compact display and legibility
     * for local audiences.
     * @todo handle punycode domains too
     * @throws BadMethodCallException if no server was passed to the constructor
     * @param string $url
     * @return ?string
    public function expandIRI( string $url ): ?string {
        $expanded = $this->expand( $url );
        if ( $expanded === null ) {
            return null;
        return preg_replace_callback(
            static fn ( $m ) => urldecode( $m[0] ),

     * Check whether a given URL has a domain that occurs in a given set of domains
     * @throws BadMethodCallException if no server was passed to the constructor
     * @param string $url
     * @param array $domains Array of domains (strings)
     * @return bool True if the host part of $url ends in one of the strings in $domains
    public function matchesDomainList( string $url, array $domains ): bool {
        $bits = $this->parse( $url );
        if ( is_array( $bits ) && isset( $bits['host'] ) ) {
            $host = '.' . $bits['host'];
            foreach ( $domains as $domain ) {
                $domain = '.' . $domain;
                if ( str_ends_with( $host, $domain ) ) {
                    return true;
        return false;