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Test Coverage

namespace MediaWiki\Maintenance;

use LoggedUpdateMaintenance;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IExpression;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\LikeValue;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\SelectQueryBuilder;

// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php';
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

class FixAutoblockLogTitles extends LoggedUpdateMaintenance {

    public function __construct() {
            'Finds and fixes unblock log rows in the logging table where the log_title starts with the ' .
            'prefix "User:#". These rows are broken because the target is an autoblock and code expects the "#" ' .
            'character to be the first character in the title (T373929).'
        $this->setBatchSize( 200 );

    protected function doDBUpdates() {
        $this->output( "Fixing log entries with log_title starting with 'User:#'\n" );

        $dbr = $this->getReplicaDB();
        $dbw = $this->getPrimaryDB();

        $totalRowsFixed = 0;
        $lastProcessedLogId = 0;
        do {
            // Get a batch of "unblock" log entries from the logging table. The check for the log_title being broken
            // needs to be performed in batches, as it is expensive when run on the whole logging table on large wikis.
            $logIds = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
                ->select( 'log_id' )
                ->from( 'logging' )
                ->where( [
                    'log_type' => 'block',
                    'log_action' => 'unblock',
                    $dbr->expr( 'log_id', '>', $lastProcessedLogId ),
                ] )
                ->limit( $this->getBatchSize() )
                ->orderBy( 'log_id', SelectQueryBuilder::SORT_ASC )
                ->caller( __METHOD__ )

            if ( count( $logIds ) ) {
                $lastId = end( $logIds );
                $firstId = reset( $logIds );
                $this->output( "...Processing unblock rows with IDs $firstId to $lastId\n" );

                // Apply the LIKE query to find the rows with broken log_title values on the batch of log IDs.
                // If any rows are found, then fix the log_title value.
                $matchingRows = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
                    ->select( [ 'log_id', 'log_title' ] )
                    ->from( 'logging' )
                    ->where( $dbr->expr(
                        new LikeValue( 'User:#', $dbr->anyString() )
                    ) )
                    ->andWhere( [ 'log_id' => $logIds ] )
                    ->limit( $this->getBatchSize() )
                    ->caller( __METHOD__ )

                foreach ( $matchingRows as $row ) {
                        ->update( 'logging' )
                        ->set( [ 'log_title' => substr( $row->log_title, strlen( 'User:' ) ) ] )
                        ->where( [ 'log_id' => $row->log_id ] )
                        ->caller( __METHOD__ )
                    $totalRowsFixed += $dbw->affectedRows();


            $lastProcessedLogId = end( $logIds );
        } while ( count( $logIds ) );

        // Say we are done. Only output the total rows fixed if we found rows to fix, otherwise it may be confusing
        // to see that no rows were fixed (and might imply that there are still rows to fix).
        $this->output( "done." );
        if ( $totalRowsFixed ) {
            $this->output( " Fixed $totalRowsFixed rows." );
        $this->output( "\n" );

        return true;

    protected function getUpdateKey() {
        return __CLASS__;

// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
$maintClass = FixAutoblockLogTitles::class;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd