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namespace MediaWiki\Maintenance;

use Exception;
use LCStoreNull;
use LogicException;
use Maintenance;
use MediaWiki;
use MediaWiki\Config\Config;
use MediaWiki\Deferred\DeferredUpdates;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Settings\SettingsBuilder;
use Profiler;
use ReflectionClass;
use Throwable;

 * A runner for maintenance scripts.
 * @since 1.39
 * @unstable
class MaintenanceRunner {

     * Identifies the script to execute. This may be a class name, the relative or absolute
     * path of a script file, a plain name with or without an extension prefix, etc.
     * @var ?string
    private $script = null;

     * The class name of the script to execute.
     * @var ?class-string<Maintenance>
    private $scriptClass = null;

    /** @var string[]|null */
    private $scriptArgv = null;

    /** @var Maintenance|null */
    private $scriptObject = null;

    /** @var MaintenanceParameters */
    private $parameters;

    /** @var bool */
    private $runFromWrapper = false;

    /** @var bool */
    private bool $withoutLocalSettings = false;

    /** @var ?Config */
    private ?Config $config = null;

     * Default constructor. Children should call this *first* if implementing
     * their own constructors
     * @stable to call
    public function __construct() {
        $this->parameters = new MaintenanceParameters();

    private function getConfig() {
        if ( $this->config === null ) {
            $this->config = $this->getServiceContainer()->getMainConfig();

        return $this->config;

     * Add the default parameters to the scripts
    protected function addDefaultParams() {
        // Generic (non-script-dependent) options:

        $this->parameters->addOption( 'conf', 'Location of LocalSettings.php, if not default', false, true );
        $this->parameters->addOption( 'wiki', 'For specifying the wiki ID', false, true );
        $this->parameters->addOption( 'globals', 'Output globals at the end of processing for debugging' );
            'Set a specific memory limit for the script, '
            . '"max" for no limit or "default" to avoid changing it',
        $this->parameters->addOption( 'server', "The protocol and server name to use in URLs, e.g. " .
            " This is sometimes necessary because " .
            "server name detection may fail in command line scripts.", false, true );
        $this->parameters->addOption( 'profiler', 'Profiler output format (usually "text")', false, true );

        // Save generic options to display them separately in help
        $generic = $this->parameters->getOptionNames();
        $this->parameters->assignGroup( Maintenance::GENERIC_MAINTENANCE_PARAMETERS, $generic );

     * @param int $code
     * @return never
    private function showHelpAndExit( $code = 0 ) {
        foreach ( $this->parameters->getErrors() as $error ) {
            $this->error( "$error\n" );
            $code = 1;

        $this->parameters->setDescription( 'Runner for maintenance scripts' );

        $help = $this->parameters->getHelp();
        echo $help;
        exit( $code );

     * Initialize the runner from the given command line arguments
     * as passed to a wrapper script.
     * @note Called before Setup.php
     * @param string[] $argv The arguments passed from the command line,
     *        including the wrapper script at index 0, and usually
     *        the script to run at index 1.
    public function initFromWrapper( array $argv ) {
        $script = null;

        $this->parameters->setName( $argv[0] );
        $this->parameters->setAllowUnregisteredOptions( true );
            'The name of the maintenance script to run. ' .
                'Can be given as a class name or file path. The `.php` suffix is optional. ' .
                'Paths starting with `./` or `../` are interpreted to be relative to the current working directory. ' .
                'Other relative paths are interpreted relative to the maintenance script directory. ' .
                'Dots (.) are supported as namespace separators in class names. ' .
                'An extension name may be provided as a prefix, followed by a colon, e.g. "MyExtension:...", ' .
                'to indicate that the path or class name should be interpreted relative to the extension.'

        $this->runFromWrapper = true;
        $this->parameters->loadWithArgv( $argv, 1 );

        // script params
        $argv = array_slice( $argv, 2 );

        if ( $this->parameters->validate() ) {
            $script = $this->parameters->getArg( 0 );

            // Special handling for the 'help' command
            if ( $script === 'help' ) {
                if ( $this->parameters->hasArg( 1 ) ) {
                    $script = $this->parameters->getArg( 1 );

                    // turn <help> <command> into <command> --help
                    $this->parameters->loadWithArgv( [ $script ] );
                    $argv = [ '--help' ];
                } else {
                    // same as no command
                    $script = null;

        if ( $script ) {
            // Strip another argument from $argv!
            $this->initInternal( $script, $argv );
        } else {

     * Initialize the runner for the given class.
     * This is used when running scripts directly, without a wrapper.
     * @note Called before Setup.php
     * @param string $scriptClass The script class to run
     * @param string[] $argv The arguments to passed to the script, including
     *        the script itself at index 0.
    public function initForClass( string $scriptClass, $argv ) {
        $this->runFromWrapper = false;
        $this->script = $scriptClass;
        $this->scriptClass = $scriptClass;
        $this->parameters->setName( $argv[0] );
        $this->parameters->loadWithArgv( $argv );
        $this->initInternal( $scriptClass, array_slice( $argv, 1 ) );

     * Initialize the runner.
     * @note Called before Setup.php
     * @param string $script The script to run
     * @param string[] $scriptArgv The arguments to pass to the maintenance script,
     *        not including the script itself.
    private function initInternal( string $script, array $scriptArgv ) {
        $this->script = $script;
        $this->scriptArgv = $scriptArgv;

        // Send PHP warnings and errors to stderr instead of stdout.
        // This aids in diagnosing problems, while keeping messages
        // out of redirected output.
        if ( ini_get( 'display_errors' ) ) {
            ini_set( 'display_errors', 'stderr' );

        // make sure we clean up after ourselves.
        register_shutdown_function( [ $this, 'cleanup' ] );

        // Turn off output buffering if it's on
        while ( ob_get_level() > 0 ) {

    private static function isAbsolutePath( $path ) {
        if ( str_starts_with( $path, '/' ) ) {
            return true;

        if ( wfIsWindows() ) {
            if ( str_starts_with( $path, '\\' ) ) {
                return true;
            if ( preg_match( '!^[a-zA-Z]:[/\\\\]!', $path ) ) {
                return true;

        return false;

    protected function getExtensionInfo( string $extName ): ?array {
        // NOTE: Don't go by the extension registry, since some extensions
        //       register under a name different from what is used in wfLoadExtension.
        //       E.g. AbuseFilter is registered as "Abuse Filter" with a space.

        $config = SettingsBuilder::getInstance()->getConfig();
        $extDir = $config->get( MainConfigNames::ExtensionDirectory );
        $skinDir = $config->get( MainConfigNames::StyleDirectory );

        $extension = [];
        if ( file_exists( "$extDir/$extName/extension.json" ) ) {
            $extension['path'] = "$extDir/$extName/extension.json";
            $extension['namespace'] = "MediaWiki\\Extension\\$extName";
        } elseif ( file_exists( "$skinDir/$extName/skin.json" ) ) {
            $extension['path'] = "$skinDir/$extName/skin.json";
            $extension['namespace'] = "MediaWiki\\Skins\\$extName";
        } else {
            return null;

        return $extension;

    private function loadScriptFile( string $scriptFile ): string {
        $maintClass = null;

        // It's a file, include it
        // If it returns something, it should be the name of the maintenance class.
        $scriptClass = include $scriptFile;

        // Traditional script files set the $maintClass variable
        // at the end of the file.
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanImpossibleCondition Phan doesn't understand includes.
        if ( $maintClass ) {
            $scriptClass = $maintClass;

        if ( !is_string( $scriptClass ) ) {
            $this->error( "ERROR: The script file '{$scriptFile}' cannot be executed using MaintenanceRunner.\n" );
            $this->error( "It does not set \$maintClass and does not return a class name.\n" );
            $this->fatalError( "Try running it directly as a php script: php $scriptFile\n" );

        return $scriptClass;

    private function splitScript( string $script ): array {
        // Support "$ext:$script" format for extensions
        if ( preg_match( '!^(\w+):(.*)$!', $script, $m ) ) {
            return [ $m[1], $m[2] ];

        return [ null, $script ];

    private function expandScriptFile( string $scriptName, ?array $extension ): string {
        // Append ".php" if not present
        $scriptFile = $scriptName;
        if ( !str_ends_with( $scriptFile, '.php' ) ) {
            $scriptFile .= '.php';

        // If the path is not explicitly relative (starting with "./" or "../") and not absolute,
        // then look in the maintenance dir.
        if ( !preg_match( '!^\.\.?[/\\\\]!', $scriptFile ) && !self::isAbsolutePath( $scriptFile ) ) {
            if ( $extension !== null ) {
                // Look in the extension's maintenance dir
                $scriptFile = dirname( $extension['path'] ) . "/maintenance/{$scriptFile}";
            } else {
                // It's a core script.
                $scriptFile = MW_INSTALL_PATH . "/maintenance/{$scriptFile}";

        return $scriptFile;

    private function expandScriptClass( string $scriptName, ?array $extension ): string {
        $scriptClass = $scriptName;

        // Support "$ext:$script" format
        if ( $extension ) {
            $scriptClass = "{$extension['namespace']}\\Maintenance\\$scriptClass";

        // Accept dot (.) as namespace separators as well.
        // Backslashes are just annoying on the command line.
        $scriptClass = strtr( $scriptClass, '.', '\\' );

        return $scriptClass;

     * Preload the script file, so any defines in file level code are executed.
     * This way, scripts can control what Setup.php does.
     * @internal
     * @param string $script
    protected function preloadScriptFile( string $script ): void {
        if ( $this->scriptClass !== null && class_exists( $this->scriptClass ) ) {
            // We know the script class, and file-level code was executed because class_exists triggers auto-loading.

        [ $extName, $scriptName ] = $this->splitScript( $script );

        if ( $extName !== null ) {
            // Preloading is not supported. findScriptClass() will try to find the script later.

        $scriptClass = $this->expandScriptClass( $scriptName, null );
        $scriptFile = $this->expandScriptFile( $scriptName, null );

        if ( !class_exists( $scriptClass ) && file_exists( $scriptFile ) ) {
            $scriptFileClass = $this->loadScriptFile( $scriptFile );
            if ( $scriptFileClass ) {
                $scriptClass = $scriptFileClass;

        // NOTE: class_exists will trigger auto-loading, so file-level code in the script file will run.
        if ( class_exists( $scriptClass ) ) {
            // Set the script class name we found, so we don't try to load the file again!
            $this->scriptClass = $scriptClass;

        // Preloading failed. Let findScriptClass() try to find the script later.

     * @return class-string<Maintenance>
    protected function getScriptClass(): string {
        if ( $this->scriptClass === null ) {
            if ( $this->runFromWrapper ) {
                $this->scriptClass = $this->findScriptClass( $this->script );
            } else {
                $this->scriptClass = $this->script;

        if ( !class_exists( $this->scriptClass ) ) {
            $this->fatalError( "Script class {$this->scriptClass} not found.\n" );

        return $this->scriptClass;

     * @internal
     * @param string $script
     * @return class-string<Maintenance>
    protected function findScriptClass( string $script ): string {
        [ $extName, $scriptName ] = $this->splitScript( $script );

        if ( $extName !== null ) {
            $extension = $this->getExtensionInfo( $extName );

            if ( !$extension ) {
                $this->fatalError( "Extension '{$extName}' not found.\n" );
        } else {
            $extension = null;

        $scriptClass = $this->expandScriptClass( $scriptName, $extension );
        $scriptFile = $this->expandScriptFile( $scriptName, $extension );

        if ( !class_exists( $scriptClass ) && file_exists( $scriptFile ) ) {
            $scriptFileClass = $this->loadScriptFile( $scriptFile );
            if ( $scriptFileClass ) {
                $scriptClass = $scriptFileClass;

        if ( !class_exists( $scriptClass ) ) {
            $this->fatalError( "Script '{$script}' not found (tried path '$scriptFile' and class '$scriptClass').\n" );

        return $scriptClass;

     * MW_FINAL_SETUP_CALLBACK handler, for setting up the Maintenance object.
     * @param SettingsBuilder $settings
    public function setup( SettingsBuilder $settings ) {
        // NOTE: this has to happen after the autoloader has been initialized.
        $scriptClass = $this->getScriptClass();

        $cls = new ReflectionClass( $scriptClass );
        if ( !$cls->isSubclassOf( Maintenance::class ) ) {
            $this->fatalError( "Class {$this->script} is not a subclass of Maintenance.\n" );

        // Initialize the actual Maintenance object
        try {
            $this->scriptObject = new $scriptClass;
            $this->scriptObject->setName( $this->getName() );
        } catch ( Throwable $ex ) {
                "Failed to initialize Maintenance object.\n" .
                "(Did you forget to call parent::__construct() in your maintenance script?)\n" .

        if ( !$this->scriptObject instanceof Maintenance ) {
            // This should never happen, we already checked if the class is a subclass of Maintenance!
            throw new LogicException( 'Incompatible script object' );

        // Inject runner stuff into the script's parameter definitions.
        // This is mainly used when printing help.
        $scriptParameters = $this->scriptObject->getParameters();

        if ( $this->runFromWrapper ) {
            $scriptParameters->setUsagePrefix( 'php ' . $this->parameters->getName() );

        $scriptParameters->mergeOptions( $this->parameters );
        $this->parameters = $scriptParameters;

        // Ingest argv
        $this->scriptObject->loadWithArgv( $this->scriptArgv );

        // Basic checks and such

        // Set the memory limit

        // Override any config settings
        $this->overrideConfig( $settings );

     * Returns the maintenance script name to show in the help message.
     * @return string
    public function getName(): string {
        // Once one of the init methods was called, getArg( 0 ) should always
        // return something.
        return $this->parameters->getArg( 0 ) ?? 'UNKNOWN';

     * Normally we disable the memory_limit when running admin scripts.
     * Some scripts may wish to actually set a limit, however, to avoid
     * blowing up unexpectedly.
     * @see Maintenance::memoryLimit()
     * @return string
    private function memoryLimit() {
        if ( $this->parameters->hasOption( 'memory-limit' ) ) {
            $limit = $this->parameters->getOption( 'memory-limit', 'max' );
            $limit = trim( $limit, "\" '" ); // trim quotes in case someone misunderstood
            return $limit;

        $limit = $this->scriptObject->memoryLimit();
        return $limit ?: 'max';

     * Adjusts PHP's memory limit to better suit our needs, if needed.
    private function adjustMemoryLimit() {
        $limit = $this->memoryLimit();
        if ( $limit == 'max' ) {
            $limit = -1; // no memory limit
        if ( $limit != 'default' ) {
            ini_set( 'memory_limit', $limit );

     * Define how settings are loaded (e.g. LocalSettings.php)
     * @note Called before Setup.php
     * @internal
     * @return void
    public function defineSettings() {
        global $IP;

        if ( $this->parameters->hasOption( 'conf' ) ) {
            // Define the constant instead of directly setting $settingsFile
            // to ensure consistency. wfDetectLocalSettingsFile() will return
            // MW_CONFIG_FILE if it is defined.
            define( 'MW_CONFIG_FILE', $this->parameters->getOption( 'conf' ) );

            if ( !is_readable( MW_CONFIG_FILE ) ) {
                $this->fatalError( "\nConfig file " . MW_CONFIG_FILE . " was not found or is not readable.\n\n" );
        $settingsFile = wfDetectLocalSettingsFile( $IP );

        if ( $this->parameters->hasOption( 'wiki' ) ) {
            $wikiName = $this->parameters->getOption( 'wiki' );
            $bits = explode( '-', $wikiName, 2 );
            define( 'MW_DB', $bits[0] );
            define( 'MW_PREFIX', $bits[1] ?? '' );
            define( 'MW_WIKI_NAME', $wikiName );
        } elseif ( $this->parameters->hasOption( 'server' ) ) {
            // Provide the option for site admins to detect and configure
            // multiple wikis based on server names. This offers --server
            // as alternative to --wiki.
            // See
            $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $this->parameters->getOption( 'server' );

        // Try to load the script file before running Setup.php if possible.
        // This allows the script file to define constants that change the behavior
        // of Setup.php.
        // Note that this will only work reliably for core scripts.
        if ( $this->runFromWrapper ) {
            $this->preloadScriptFile( $this->script );

        if ( !is_readable( $settingsFile ) ) {
            // NOTE: Some maintenance scripts can (and need to) run without LocalSettings.
            //       But we only know that once we have instantiated the Maintenance object.
            //       So go into no-settings mode for now, and fail later of the script doesn't support it.
            if ( !defined( 'MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK' ) ) {
                define( 'MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK', __CLASS__ . '::emulateConfig' );
            $this->withoutLocalSettings = true;

     * @param SettingsBuilder $settings
     * @internal Handler for MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK, used when no LocalSettings.php was found.
    public static function emulateConfig( SettingsBuilder $settings ) {
        // NOTE: The config schema is already loaded at this point, so default values are known.

        $settings->overrideConfigValues( [
            // Server must be set, but we don't care to what
            MainConfigNames::Server => 'https://unknown.invalid',
            // If InvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange is enabled, filemtime( MW_CONFIG_FILE ),
            // which will produce a warning if there is no settings file.
            MainConfigNames::InvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange => false,
        ] );

     * @param SettingsBuilder $settingsBuilder
     * @return void
    private function overrideConfig( SettingsBuilder $settingsBuilder ) {
        $config = $settingsBuilder->getConfig();

        if ( $this->scriptObject->getDbType() === Maintenance::DB_NONE ) {
            $cacheConf = $config->get( MainConfigNames::LocalisationCacheConf );
            if ( $cacheConf['storeClass'] === false
                && ( $cacheConf['store'] == 'db'
                    || ( $cacheConf['store'] == 'detect'
                        && !$config->get( MainConfigNames::CacheDirectory ) ) )
            ) {
                $cacheConf['storeClass'] = LCStoreNull::class;
                $settingsBuilder->putConfigValue( MainConfigNames::LocalisationCacheConf, $cacheConf );

        $output = $this->parameters->getOption( 'profiler' );
        if ( $output ) {
            // Per-script profiling; useful for debugging
            $profilerConf = $config->get( MainConfigNames::Profiler );
            if ( isset( $profilerConf['class'] ) ) {
                $profilerConf = [
                    'sampling' => 1,
                    'output' => [ $output ],
                    'cliEnable' => true,
                ] + $profilerConf;
                // Override $wgProfiler. This is passed to Profiler::init() by Setup.php.
                $settingsBuilder->putConfigValue( MainConfigNames::Profiler, $profilerConf );

        $this->scriptObject->finalSetup( $settingsBuilder );

    private function getServiceContainer(): MediaWikiServices {
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance();

     * Run the maintenance script.
     * @note The process should exit immediately after this method returns.
     * At that point, MediaWiki will already have been shut down.
     * It is no longer safe to perform any write operations on the database.
     * @note Any exceptions thrown by the maintenance script will cause this
     * method to terminate the process after reporting the error to the user,
     * without shutdown and cleanup.
     * @return bool true on success, false on failure,
     *         passed through from Maintenance::execute().
    public function run(): bool {
        $config = $this->getConfig();

        // Apply warning thresholds and output mode to Profiler.
        // This MUST happen after Setup.php calls MaintenanceRunner::setup,
        // $wgSettings->apply(), and Profiler::init(). Otherwise, calling
        // Profiler::instance() would create a ProfilerStub even when $wgProfiler
        // and --profiler are set.
        $limits = $config->get( MainConfigNames::TrxProfilerLimits );
        $trxProfiler = Profiler::instance()->getTransactionProfiler();
        $trxProfiler->setLogger( LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'rdbms' ) );
        $trxProfiler->setExpectations( $limits['Maintenance'], __METHOD__ );

        // Initialize main config instance
        $this->scriptObject->setConfig( $config );

        // Double check required extensions are installed

        if ( $this->withoutLocalSettings && !$this->scriptObject->canExecuteWithoutLocalSettings() ) {
                "\nThe LocalSettings.php file was not found or is not readable.\n" .
                "Use --conf to specify an alternative config file.\n\n"

        if ( $this->scriptObject->getDbType() == Maintenance::DB_NONE || $this->withoutLocalSettings ) {
            // Be strict with maintenance tasks that claim to not need a database by
            // disabling the storage backend.
            MediaWikiServices::resetGlobalInstance( $config );


        // Do the work
        try {
            $success = $this->scriptObject->execute() !== false;

            // Potentially debug globals
            if ( $this->parameters->hasOption( 'globals' ) ) {
                print_r( $GLOBALS );


            return $success;
        } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
            $exReportMessage = '';
            while ( $ex ) {
                $cls = get_class( $ex );
                $exReportMessage .= "$cls from line {$ex->getLine()} of {$ex->getFile()}: {$ex->getMessage()}\n";
                $exReportMessage .= $ex->getTraceAsString() . "\n";
                $ex = $ex->getPrevious();
            $this->error( $exReportMessage );

            // Exit now because process is in an unsafe state.
            // Also to avoid DBTransactionError (T305730).
            // Do not commit database writes, do not run deferreds, do not pass Go.
            exit( 1 );

     * Output a message and terminate the current script.
     * @param string $msg Error message
     * @param int $exitCode PHP exit status. Should be in range 1-254.
     * @return never
    protected function fatalError( $msg, $exitCode = 1 ) {
        $this->error( $msg );
        exit( $exitCode );

     * @param string $msg
    protected function error( string $msg ) {
        // Print to stderr if possible, don't mix it in with stdout output.
        if ( defined( 'STDERR' ) ) {
            fwrite( STDERR, $msg );
        } else {
            echo $msg;

     * Should we execute the maintenance script, or just allow it to be included
     * as a standalone class? It checks that the call stack only includes this
     * function and "requires" (meaning was called from the file scope)
     * @return bool
    public static function shouldExecute() {
        if ( !function_exists( 'debug_backtrace' ) ) {
            // If someone has a better idea...
            return MW_ENTRY_POINT === 'cli';

        $bt = debug_backtrace();
        $count = count( $bt );
        if ( $bt[0]['class'] !== self::class || $bt[0]['function'] !== 'shouldExecute' ) {
            return false; // last call should be to this function
        $includeFuncs = [ 'require_once', 'require', 'include', 'include_once' ];
        for ( $i = 1; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
            if ( !in_array( $bt[$i]['function'], $includeFuncs ) ) {
                return false; // previous calls should all be "requires"

        return true;

     * Handler for register_shutdown_function
     * @internal
     * @return void
    public function cleanup() {
        if ( $this->scriptObject ) {

     * Call before exiting CLI process for the last DB commit, and flush
     * any remaining buffers and other deferred work.
     * Equivalent to MediaWiki::restInPeace which handles shutdown for web requests,
     * and should perform the same operations and in the same order.
     * @since 1.41
    private function shutdown() {
        $lbFactory = null;
        if (
            $this->scriptObject->getDbType() !== Maintenance::DB_NONE &&
            // Service might be disabled, e.g. when running install.php
            !$this->getServiceContainer()->isServiceDisabled( 'DBLoadBalancerFactory' )
        ) {
            $lbFactory = $this->getServiceContainer()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory();
            if ( $lbFactory->isReadyForRoundOperations() ) {
                $lbFactory->commitPrimaryChanges( get_class( $this ) );


        // Handle profiler outputs
        // NOTE: MaintenanceRunner ensures Profiler::setAllowOutput() during setup
        $profiler = Profiler::instance();


        if ( $lbFactory ) {
            if ( $lbFactory->isReadyForRoundOperations() ) {
                $lbFactory->shutdown( $lbFactory::SHUTDOWN_NO_CHRONPROT );
