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 * Base script for schema maintenance
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file
 * @ingroup Maintenance

use Doctrine\SqlFormatter\NullHighlighter;
use Doctrine\SqlFormatter\SqlFormatter;
use MediaWiki\DB\AbstractSchemaValidationError;
use MediaWiki\DB\AbstractSchemaValidator;

// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
require_once __DIR__ . '/../Maintenance.php';
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

abstract class SchemaMaintenance extends Maintenance {
    public const SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = [

     * Name of the script.
     * @var string
    protected $scriptName;

    public function __construct() {

        $types = implode( ', ', array_map( static function ( string $type ): string {
            return "'$type'";
        }, self::SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS ) );

            'Path to the json file. Default: tables.json',
            'Path to output. If --type=all is given, ' .
            'the output will be placed in a directory named after the dbms. ' .
            'For mysql, a directory will only be used if it already exists. Default: tables-generated.sql',
            "Can be either $types, or 'all'. Default: mysql",
            'Validate the schema instead of generating sql files.'

    public function canExecuteWithoutLocalSettings(): bool {
        return true;

    public function execute() {
        global $IP;

        $platform = $this->getOption( 'type', 'mysql' );
        $jsonPath = $this->getOption( 'json', dirname( __DIR__ ) );

        $installPath = $IP;

        // For windows
        if ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\' ) {
            $installPath = strtr( $installPath, '\\', '/' );
            $jsonPath = strtr( $jsonPath, '\\', '/' );

        if ( $this->hasOption( 'validate' ) ) {
            $this->getSchema( $jsonPath );


        // Allow to specify a folder and use a default name
        if ( is_dir( $jsonPath ) ) {
            $jsonPath .= '/tables.json';

        $relativeJsonPath = str_replace(
            [ "$installPath/extensions/", "$installPath/" ],

        if ( in_array( $platform, self::SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS, true ) ) {
            $platforms = [ $platform ];
        } elseif ( $platform === 'all' ) {
            $platforms = self::SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS;
        } else {
            $this->fatalError( "'$platform' is not a supported platform!" );

        foreach ( $platforms as $platform ) {
            $sqlPath = $this->getOption( 'sql', dirname( $jsonPath ) );

            // MediaWiki, and some extensions place mysql .sql files in the directory root, instead of a dedicated
            // sub directory. If mysql/ doesn't exist, assume that the .sql files should be in the directory root.
            if ( $platform === 'mysql' && !is_dir( $sqlPath . '/mysql' ) ) {
                // Allow to specify a folder and build the name from the json filename
                if ( is_dir( $sqlPath ) ) {
                    $sqlPath = $this->getSqlPathWithFileName( $relativeJsonPath, $sqlPath );
            } else {
                // Allow to specify a folder and build the name from the json filename
                if ( is_dir( $sqlPath ) ) {
                    $sqlPath .= '/' . $platform;
                    $directory = $sqlPath;
                    $sqlPath = $this->getSqlPathWithFileName( $relativeJsonPath, $sqlPath );
                } elseif ( count( $platforms ) > 1 ) {
                    $directory = dirname( $sqlPath ) . '/' . $platform;
                    $sqlPath = $directory . '/' . pathinfo( $sqlPath, PATHINFO_FILENAME ) . '.sql';
                } else {
                    $directory = false;

                // The directory for the platform might not exist.
                if ( $directory !== false && !is_dir( $directory )
                    && !mkdir( $directory ) && !is_dir( $directory )
                ) {
                    $this->error( "Cannot create $directory for $platform" );


            $this->writeSchema( $platform, $jsonPath, $relativeJsonPath, $sqlPath );

     * Determine the name of the generated SQL file when only a directory has been provided to --sql.
     * When --json is given tables.json, tables-generates.sql will be the name, otherwise it will be the name of the
     * .json file, minus the extension.
     * @param string $relativeJsonPath
     * @param string $sqlPath
     * @return string
    private function getSqlPathWithFileName( string $relativeJsonPath, string $sqlPath ): string {
        $jsonFilename = pathinfo( $relativeJsonPath, PATHINFO_FILENAME );
        if ( str_starts_with( $jsonFilename, 'tables' ) ) {
            $sqlFileName = $jsonFilename . '-generated.sql';
        } else {
            $sqlFileName = $jsonFilename . '.sql';

        return $sqlPath . '/' . $sqlFileName;

    private function writeSchema(
        string $platform,
        string $jsonPath,
        string $relativeJsonPath,
        string $sqlPath
    ): void {
        $abstractSchemaChange = $this->getSchema( $jsonPath );

        $sql =
            "-- This file is automatically generated using maintenance/$this->scriptName.\n" .
            "-- Source: $relativeJsonPath\n" .
            "-- Do not modify this file directly.\n" .
            "-- See\n";

        $sql .= $this->generateSchema( $platform, $abstractSchemaChange );

        // Give a hint, if nothing changed
        if ( is_readable( $sqlPath ) ) {
            $oldSql = file_get_contents( $sqlPath );
            if ( $oldSql === $sql ) {
                $this->output( "Schema change is unchanged.\n" );

        file_put_contents( $sqlPath, $sql );
        $this->output( 'Schema change generated and written to ' . $sqlPath . "\n" );

    abstract protected function generateSchema( string $platform, array $schema ): string;

     * Takes the output of DoctrineSchemaBuilder::getSql() or
     * DoctrineSchemaChangeBuilder::getSchemaChangeSql() and applies presentational changes.
     * @param string $platform DB engine identifier
     * @param array $sqlArray Array of SQL statements
     * @return string
    protected function cleanupSqlArray( string $platform, array $sqlArray ): string {
        if ( !$sqlArray ) {
            return '';

        // Temporary
        $sql = implode( ";\n\n", $sqlArray ) . ';';
        $sql = ( new SqlFormatter( new NullHighlighter() ) )->format( $sql );

        // Postgres hacks
        if ( $platform === 'postgres' ) {
            // FIXME: Fix a lot of weird formatting issues caused by
            //   presence of partial index's WHERE clause, this should probably
            //   be done in some better way, but for now this can work temporarily
            $sql = str_replace(
                [ "WHERE\n ", "\n  /*_*/\n  ", "    ", "  );", "KEY(\n  " ],
                [ "WHERE", ' ', "  ", ');', "KEY(\n    " ],

        // Temporary fixes until the linting issues are resolved upstream.

        $sql = preg_replace( "!\s+/\*_\*/\s+!", " /*_*/", $sql );
        $sql = preg_replace(
            ' /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;',

        $sql = str_replace( "; CREATE ", ";\n\nCREATE ", $sql );
        $sql = str_replace( ";\n\nCREATE TABLE ", ";\n\n\nCREATE TABLE ", $sql );
        $sql = preg_replace( '/^(CREATE|DROP|ALTER)\s+(TABLE|VIEW|INDEX)\s+/m', '$1 $2 ', $sql );
        $sql = preg_replace( '/(?<!\s|;)\s+(ADD|DROP|ALTER|MODIFY|CHANGE|RENAME)\s+/', "\n  \$1 ", $sql );

        $sql = str_replace( "; ", ";\n", $sql );

        if ( !str_ends_with( $sql, "\n" ) ) {
            $sql .= "\n";

        // Sqlite hacks
        if ( $platform === 'sqlite' ) {
            // Doctrine prepends __temp__ to the table name and we set the table with the schema prefix causing invalid
            // sqlite.
            $sql = preg_replace( '/__temp__\s*\/\*_\*\//', '/*_*/__temp__', $sql );

        return $sql;

     * Fetches the abstract schema.
     * @param string $jsonPath
     * @return array
    private function getSchema( string $jsonPath ): array {
        $json = file_get_contents( $jsonPath );

        if ( !$json ) {
                "'$jsonPath' does not exist!\n"

        $abstractSchema = json_decode( $json, true );

        if ( json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
                "'$jsonPath' seems to be invalid json. Check the syntax and try again!\n" . json_last_error_msg()

        $validator = new AbstractSchemaValidator( function ( string $msg ): void {
            $this->fatalError( $msg );
        } );
        try {
            $validator->validate( $jsonPath );
        } catch ( AbstractSchemaValidationError $e ) {
            $this->fatalError( $e->getMessage() );

        return $abstractSchema;