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 * These plugins provide extra functionality for interaction with textareas.
 * - encapsulateSelection: Ported from skins/common/edit.js by Trevor Parscal
 *   © 2009 Wikimedia Foundation (GPLv2) -
 * - getCaretPosition, scrollToCaretPosition: Ported from Wikia's LinkSuggest extension
 *   © 2010 Inez Korczyński ( & Jesús Martínez Novo ( (GPLv2)

 * Do things to the selection in a `<textarea>`, or a textarea-like editable element.
 * Provided by the `jquery.textSelection` ResourceLoader module.
 * @example
 * mw.loader.using( 'jquery.textSelection' ).then( () => {
 *     const contents = $( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection( 'getContents' );
 * } );
 * @module jquery.textSelection
( function () {
     * Checks if you can try to use insertText (it might still fail).
     * @ignore
     * @return {boolean}
    function supportsInsertText() {
        return $( this ).data( 'jquery.textSelection' ) === undefined &&
            typeof document.execCommand === 'function' &&
            typeof document.queryCommandSupported === 'function' &&
            document.queryCommandSupported( 'insertText' );

     * Insert text into textarea or contenteditable.
     * @ignore
     * @param {HTMLElement} field Field to select.
     * @param {string} content Text to insert.
     * @param {Function} fallback To execute as a fallback.
    function execInsertText( field, content, fallback ) {
        var inserted = false;

        if (
            supportsInsertText() &&
                // Support: Chrome, Safari
                // Inserting multiple lines is very slow in Chrome/Safari (T343795)
                // If this is ever fixed, remove the dependency on jquery.client
                $.client.profile().layout === 'webkit' &&
                content.split( '\n' ).length > 100
        ) {
            try {
                if (
                    // Ensure the field was focused, otherwise we can't use execCommand() to change it.
                    // focus() can fail if e.g. the field is disabled, or its container is inert.
                    document.activeElement === field &&
                    // Try to insert
                    document.execCommand( 'insertText', false, content )
                ) {
                    inserted = true;
            } catch ( e ) {}
        // Fallback
        if ( !inserted ) {
   field, content );

    var fn = {
         * Get the contents of the textarea.
         * @return {string}
         * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
        getContents: function () {
            return this.val();

         * Set the contents of the textarea, replacing anything that was there before.
         * @param {string} content
         * @return {jQuery}
         * @chainable
         * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
        setContents: function ( content ) {
            return this.each( function () {
                var scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
                execInsertText( this, content, function () {
                    $( this ).val( content );
                } );
                // Setting this.value may scroll the textarea, restore the scroll position
                this.scrollTop = scrollTop;
            } );

         * Get the currently selected text in this textarea.
         * @return {string}
         * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
        getSelection: function () {
            var el = this.get( 0 );

            var val;
            if ( !el ) {
                val = '';
            } else {
                val = el.value.slice( el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd );

            return val;

         * Replace the selected text in the textarea with the given text, or insert it at the cursor.
         * @param {string} value
         * @return {jQuery}
         * @chainable
         * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
        replaceSelection: function ( value ) {
            return this.each( function () {
                execInsertText( this, value, function () {
                    var allText = $( this ).textSelection( 'getContents' );
                    var currSelection = $( this ).textSelection( 'getCaretPosition', { startAndEnd: true } );
                    var startPos = currSelection[ 0 ];
                    var endPos = currSelection[ 1 ];

                    $( this ).textSelection( 'setContents', allText.slice( 0, startPos ) + value +
                        allText.slice( endPos ) );
                    $( this ).textSelection( 'setSelection', {
                        start: startPos,
                        end: startPos + value.length
                    } );
                } );
            } );

         * Insert text at the beginning and end of a text selection, optionally
         * inserting text at the caret when selection is empty.
         * Also focusses the textarea.
         * @param {Object} [options]
         * @param {string} [options.pre] Text to insert before the cursor/selection
         * @param {string} [options.peri] Text to insert between pre and post and select afterwards
         * @param {string} [] Text to insert after the cursor/selection
         * @param {boolean} [options.ownline=false] Put the inserted text on a line of its own
         * @param {boolean} [options.replace=false] If there is a selection, replace it with peri
         *  instead of leaving it alone
         * @param {boolean} [options.selectPeri=true] Select the peri text if it was inserted (but not
         *  if there was a selection and replace==false, or if splitlines==true)
         * @param {boolean} [options.splitlines=false] If multiple lines are selected, encapsulate
         *  each line individually
         * @param {number} [options.selectionStart] Position to start selection at
         * @param {number} [options.selectionEnd=options.selectionStart] Position to end selection at
         * @return {jQuery}
         * @chainable
         * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
        encapsulateSelection: function ( options ) {
            return this.each( function () {
                var selText, isSample,
                    pre = options.pre,
                    post =;

                 * Check if the selected text is the same as the insert text
                 * @ignore
                function checkSelectedText() {
                    if ( !selText ) {
                        selText = options.peri;
                        isSample = true;
                    } else if ( options.replace ) {
                        selText = options.peri;
                    } else {
                        while ( selText.charAt( selText.length - 1 ) === ' ' ) {
                            // Exclude ending space char
                            selText = selText.slice( 0, -1 );
                            post += ' ';
                        while ( selText.charAt( 0 ) === ' ' ) {
                            // Exclude prepending space char
                            selText = selText.slice( 1 );
                            pre = ' ' + pre;

                 * Do the splitlines stuff.
                 * Wrap each line of the selected text with pre and post
                 * @ignore
                 * @param {string} text Selected text
                 * @param {string} preText Text before
                 * @param {string} postText Text after
                 * @return {string} Wrapped text
                function doSplitLines( text, preText, postText ) {
                    var insText = '',
                        selTextArr = text.split( '\n' );
                    for ( var i = 0; i < selTextArr.length; i++ ) {
                        insText += preText + selTextArr[ i ] + postText;
                        if ( i !== selTextArr.length - 1 ) {
                            insText += '\n';
                    return insText;

                isSample = false;
                $( this ).trigger( 'focus' );
                if ( options.selectionStart !== undefined ) {
                    $( this ).textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: options.selectionStart, end: options.selectionEnd } );

                selText = $( this ).textSelection( 'getSelection' );
                var allText = $( this ).textSelection( 'getContents' );
                var currSelection = $( this ).textSelection( 'getCaretPosition', { startAndEnd: true } );
                var startPos = currSelection[ 0 ];
                var endPos = currSelection[ 1 ];
                var combiningCharSelectionBug = false;
                if (
                    options.selectionStart !== undefined &&
                    endPos - startPos !== options.selectionEnd - options.selectionStart
                ) {
                    // This means there is a difference in the selection range returned by browser and what we passed.
                    // This happens for Safari 5.1, Chrome 12 in the case of composite characters. Ref T32130
                    // Set the startPos to the correct position.
                    startPos = options.selectionStart;
                    combiningCharSelectionBug = true;
                    // TODO: The comment above is from 2011. Is this still a problem for browsers we support today?
                    // Minimal test case:

                var insertText = pre + selText + post;
                if ( options.splitlines ) {
                    insertText = doSplitLines( selText, pre, post );
                if ( options.ownline ) {
                    if ( startPos !== 0 && allText.charAt( startPos - 1 ) !== '\n' && allText.charAt( startPos - 1 ) !== '\r' ) {
                        insertText = '\n' + insertText;
                        pre += '\n';
                    if ( allText.charAt( endPos ) !== '\n' && allText.charAt( endPos ) !== '\r' ) {
                        insertText += '\n';
                        post += '\n';
                if ( combiningCharSelectionBug ) {
                    $( this ).textSelection( 'setContents', allText.slice( 0, startPos ) + insertText +
                        allText.slice( endPos ) );
                } else {
                    $( this ).textSelection( 'replaceSelection', insertText );
                if ( isSample && options.selectPeri && ( !options.splitlines || ( options.splitlines && selText.indexOf( '\n' ) === -1 ) ) ) {
                    $( this ).textSelection( 'setSelection', {
                        start: startPos + pre.length,
                        end: startPos + pre.length + selText.length
                    } );
                } else {
                    $( this ).textSelection( 'setSelection', {
                        start: startPos + insertText.length
                    } );
                $( this ).trigger( 'encapsulateSelection', [ options.pre, options.peri,, options.ownline,
                    options.replace, options.splitlines ] );
            } );

         * Get the current cursor position (in UTF-16 code units) in a textarea.
         * @param {Object} [options]
         * @param {Object} [options.startAndEnd=false] Return range of the selection rather than just start
         * @return {number|number[]}
         *  - When `startAndEnd` is `false`: number
         *  - When `startAndEnd` is `true`: array with two numbers, for start and end of selection
         * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
        getCaretPosition: function ( options ) {
            function getCaret( e ) {
                var caretPos = 0,
                    endPos = 0;
                if ( e ) {
                    caretPos = e.selectionStart;
                    endPos = e.selectionEnd;
                return options.startAndEnd ? [ caretPos, endPos ] : caretPos;
            return getCaret( this.get( 0 ) );

         * Set the current cursor position (in UTF-16 code units) in a textarea.
         * @param {Object} [options]
         * @param {number} options.start
         * @param {number} [options.end=options.start]
         * @return {jQuery}
         * @chainable
         * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
        setSelection: function ( options ) {
            return this.each( function () {
                // Opera 9.0 doesn't allow setting selectionStart past
                // selectionEnd; any attempts to do that will be ignored
                // Make sure to set them in the right order
                if ( options.start > this.selectionEnd ) {
                    this.selectionEnd = options.end;
                    this.selectionStart = options.start;
                } else {
                    this.selectionStart = options.start;
                    this.selectionEnd = options.end;
            } );

         * Scroll a textarea to the current cursor position. You can set the cursor
         * position with {@link module:jquery.textSelection.setSelection setSelection}.
         * @param {Object} [options]
         * @param {string} [options.force=false] Whether to force a scroll even if the caret position
         *  is already visible.
         * @return {jQuery}
         * @chainable
         * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
        scrollToCaretPosition: function ( options ) {
            return this.each( function () {
                var clientHeight = this.clientHeight,
                    origValue = this.value,
                    origSelectionStart = this.selectionStart,
                    origSelectionEnd = this.selectionEnd,
                    origScrollTop = this.scrollTop;

                // Delete all text after the selection and scroll the textarea to the end.
                // This ensures the selection is visible (aligned to the bottom of the textarea).
                // Then restore the text we deleted without changing scroll position.
                this.value = this.value.slice( 0, this.selectionEnd );
                this.scrollTop = this.scrollHeight;
                // Chrome likes to adjust scroll position when changing value, so save and re-set later.
                // Note that this is not equal to scrollHeight, it's scrollHeight minus clientHeight.
                var calcScrollTop = this.scrollTop;
                this.value = origValue;
                this.selectionStart = origSelectionStart;
                this.selectionEnd = origSelectionEnd;

                if ( !options.force ) {
                    // Check if all the scrolling was unnecessary and if so, restore previous position.
                    // If the current position is no more than a screenful above the original,
                    // the selection was previously visible on the screen.
                    if ( calcScrollTop < origScrollTop && origScrollTop - calcScrollTop < clientHeight ) {
                        calcScrollTop = origScrollTop;

                this.scrollTop = calcScrollTop;

                $( this ).trigger( 'scrollToPosition' );
            } );

     * Register an alternative textSelection API for this element.
     * @method register
     * @param {Object} functions Functions to replace. Keys are command names (as in {@link module:jquery.textSelection.textSelection textSelection},
     *  except 'register' and 'unregister'). Values are functions to execute when a given command is
     *  called.
     * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection

     * Unregister the alternative textSelection API for this element (see {@link module:jquery.textSelection.register register}).
     * @method unregister
     * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection

     * Execute a textSelection command about the element.
     * @example
     * var $textbox = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
     * $textbox.textSelection( 'setContents', 'This is bold!' );
     * $textbox.textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: 8, end: 12 } );
     * $textbox.textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', { pre: '<b>', post: '</b>' } );
     * // Result: Textbox contains 'This is <b>bold</b>!', with cursor before the '!'
     * @memberof module:jquery.textSelection
     * @method
     * @param {string} command Command to execute, one of:
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.getContents getContents}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.setContents setContents}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.getSelection getSelection}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.replaceSelection replaceSelection}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.encapsulateSelection encapsulateSelection}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.getCaretPosition getCaretPosition}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.setSelection setSelection}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.scrollToCaretPosition scrollToCaretPosition}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.register register}
     *  - {@link module:jquery.textSelection.unregister unregister}
     * @param {any} [commandOptions] Options to pass to the command
     * @return {any} Depending on the command
    $.fn.textSelection = function ( command, commandOptions ) {
        var alternateFn = $( this ).data( 'jquery.textSelection' );

        // Apply defaults
        switch ( command ) {
            // case 'getContents': // no params
            // case 'setContents': // no params with defaults
            // case 'getSelection': // no params
            // case 'replaceSelection': // no params with defaults
            case 'encapsulateSelection':
                commandOptions = $.extend( {
                    pre: '',
                    peri: '',
                    post: '',
                    ownline: false,
                    replace: false,
                    selectPeri: true,
                    splitlines: false,
                    selectionStart: undefined,
                    selectionEnd: undefined
                }, commandOptions );
            case 'getCaretPosition':
                commandOptions = $.extend( {
                    startAndEnd: false
                }, commandOptions );
            case 'setSelection':
                commandOptions = $.extend( {
                    start: undefined,
                    end: undefined
                }, commandOptions );
                if ( commandOptions.end === undefined ) {
                    commandOptions.end = commandOptions.start;
            case 'scrollToCaretPosition':
                commandOptions = $.extend( {
                    force: false
                }, commandOptions );
            case 'register':
                if ( alternateFn ) {
                    throw new Error( 'Another textSelection API was already registered' );
                $( this ).data( 'jquery.textSelection', commandOptions );
                // No need to update alternateFn as this command only stores the options.
                // A command that uses it will set it again.
            case 'unregister':
                $( this ).removeData( 'jquery.textSelection' );

        var retval = ( alternateFn && alternateFn[ command ] || fn[ command ] ).call( this, commandOptions );

        return retval;
}() );