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( function () {
    let parser, properties;

     * Function that's useful when constructing the URI string -- we frequently encounter the pattern
     * of having to add something to the URI as we go, but only if it's present, and to include a
     * character before or after if so.
     * @private
     * @static
     * @param {string|undefined} pre To prepend
     * @param {string} val To include
     * @param {string} post To append
     * @param {boolean} raw If true, val will not be encoded
     * @return {string} Result
    function cat( pre, val, post, raw ) {
        if ( val === undefined || val === null || val === '' ) {
            return '';

        return pre + ( raw ? val : mw.Uri.encode( val ) ) + post;

     * Regular expressions to parse many common URIs.
     * These are gnarly expressions. For improved readability, they have been moved to a separate
     * file where they make use of named capture groups. That syntax isn't valid in JavaScript ES5,
     * so the server-side strips these before delivering to the client.
     * @private
     * @static
     * @property {Object} parser
    parser = {
        strict: require( './strict.regexp.js' ),
        loose: require( './loose.regexp.js' )

     * The order here matches the order of captured matches in the `parser` property regexes.
     * @private
     * @static
     * @property {string[]} properties
    properties = [

     * A factory method to create an {@link mw.Uri} class with a default location to resolve relative URLs
     * against (including protocol-relative URLs).
     * @memberof mw
     * @param {string|Function} documentLocation A full url, or function returning one.
     *  If passed a function, the return value may change over time and this will be honoured. (T74334)
     * @return {mw.Uri} An mw.Uri class constructor
    mw.UriRelative = function ( documentLocation ) {
        const getDefaultUri = ( function () {
            // Cache
            let href, uri;

            return function () {
                const hrefCur = typeof documentLocation === 'string' ? documentLocation : documentLocation();
                if ( href === hrefCur ) {
                    return uri;
                href = hrefCur;
                uri = new Uri( href );
                return uri;
        }() );
         * Options for mw.Uri object.
         * @typedef {Object} mw.Uri.UriOptions
         * @property {boolean} [strictMode=false] Trigger strict mode parsing of the url.
         * @property {boolean} [overrideKeys=false] Whether to let duplicate query parameters
         *  override each other (`true`) or automagically convert them to an array (`false`).
         * @property {boolean} [arrayParams=false] Whether to parse array query parameters (e.g.
         *  `&foo[0]=a&foo[1]=b` or `&foo[]=a&foo[]=b`) or leave them alone. Currently this does not
         *  handle associative or multi-dimensional arrays, but that may be improved in the future.
         *  Implies `overrideKeys: true` (query parameters without `[...]` are not parsed as arrays).

         * @classdesc Create and manipulate MediaWiki URIs.
         * Intended to be minimal, but featureful; do not expect full RFC 3986 compliance. The use cases we
         * have in mind are constructing 'next page' or 'previous page' URLs, detecting whether we need to
         * use cross-domain proxies for an API, constructing simple URL-based API calls, etc. Parsing here
         * is regex-based, so may not work on all URIs, but is good enough for most.
         * You can modify the properties directly, then use the {@link mw.Uri#toString toString} method to extract the full URI
         * string again. Example:
         * ```
         * var uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
         * if ( == '' ) {
         * = '';
         *     uri.extend( { bar: 1 } );
         *     $( 'a#id1' ).attr( 'href', uri );
         *     // anchor with id 'id1' now links to
         *     $( 'a#id2' ).attr( 'href', uri.clone().extend( { bar: 3, pif: 'paf' } ) );
         *     // anchor with id 'id2' now links to
         * }
         * ```
         * Given a URI like
         * ``
         * the returned object will have the following properties:
         * ```
         * protocol  'http'
         * user      'usr'
         * password  'pwd'
         * host      ''
         * port      '81'
         * path      '/dir/dir.2/index.htm'
         * query     {
         *               q1: '0',
         *               test1: null,
         *               test2: '',
         *               test3: 'value (escaped)'
         *               r: ['1', '2']
         *           }
         * fragment  'top'
         * ```
         * Note: 'password' is technically not allowed for HTTP URIs, but it is possible with other kinds
         * of URIs.
         * Parsing based on parseUri 1.2.2 (c) Steven Levithan <>, MIT License.
         * <>
         * @class
         * @name mw.Uri
         * @constructor
         * @description Construct a new URI object. Throws error if arguments are illegal/impossible, or
         * otherwise don't parse.
         * @param {Object|string} [uri] URI string, or an Object with appropriate properties (especially
         *  another URI object to clone). Object must have non-blank `protocol`, `host`, and `path`
         *  properties. If omitted (or set to `undefined`, `null` or empty string), then an object
         *  will be created for the default `uri` of this constructor (`location.href` for mw.Uri,
         *  other values for other instances -- see {@link mw.UriRelative} for details).
         * @param {mw.Uri.UriOptions|boolean} [options] Object with options, or (backwards compatibility) a boolean
         *  for strictMode
         * @throws {Error} when the query string or fragment contains an unknown % sequence
        function Uri( uri, options ) {
            let prop, hrefCur,
                hasOptions = ( options !== undefined ),
                defaultUri = getDefaultUri();

            options = typeof options === 'object' ? options : { strictMode: !!options };
            options = Object.assign( {
                strictMode: false,
                overrideKeys: false,
                arrayParams: false
            }, options );

            this.arrayParams = options.arrayParams;

            if ( uri !== undefined && uri !== null && uri !== '' ) {
                if ( typeof uri === 'string' ) {
                    this.parse( uri, options );
                } else if ( typeof uri === 'object' ) {
                    // Copy data over from existing URI object
                    for ( prop in uri ) {
                        // Only copy direct properties, not inherited ones
                        if ( uri, prop ) ) {
                            // Deep copy object properties
                            if ( Array.isArray( uri[ prop ] ) || $.isPlainObject( uri[ prop ] ) ) {
                                this[ prop ] = $.extend( true, {}, uri[ prop ] );
                            } else {
                                this[ prop ] = uri[ prop ];
                    if ( !this.query ) {
                        this.query = {};
            } else if ( hasOptions ) {
                // We didn't get a URI in the constructor, but we got options.
                hrefCur = typeof documentLocation === 'string' ? documentLocation : documentLocation();
                this.parse( hrefCur, options );
            } else {
                // We didn't get a URI or options in the constructor, use the default instance.
                return defaultUri.clone();

            // protocol-relative URLs
            if ( !this.protocol ) {
                this.protocol = defaultUri.protocol;
            // No host given:
            if ( ! ) {
                // port ?
                if ( !this.port ) {
                    this.port = defaultUri.port;
            if ( this.path && this.path[ 0 ] !== '/' ) {
                // A real relative URL, relative to defaultUri.path. We can't really handle that since we cannot
                // figure out whether the last path component of defaultUri.path is a directory or a file.
                throw new Error( 'Bad constructor arguments' );
            if ( !( this.protocol && && this.path ) ) {
                throw new Error( 'Bad constructor arguments' );

         * For example `http` (always present).
         * @name mw.Uri.prototype.protocol
         * @type {string}

         * For example `usr`.
         * @name mw.Uri.prototype.user
         * @type {string|undefined}
         * For example `pwd`.
         * @name mw.Uri.prototype.password
         * @type {string|undefined}
         * For example `` (always present).
         * @name
         * @type {string}
         * For example `81`.
         * @name mw.Uri.prototype.port
         * @type {string|undefined}
         * For example `/dir/dir.2/index.htm` (always present).
         * @name mw.Uri.prototype.path
         * @type {string}
         * For example `{ a: '0', b: '', c: 'value' }` (always present).
         * @name mw.Uri.prototype.query
         * @type {Object}
         * For example `top`.
         * @name mw.Uri.prototype.fragment
         * @type {string|undefined}

         * Encode a value for inclusion in a url.
         * Standard encodeURIComponent, with extra stuff to make all browsers work similarly and more
         * compliant with RFC 3986. Similar to rawurlencode from PHP and our JS library
         * {@link module:mediawiki.util.rawurlencode mw.util.rawurlencode}, except this also replaces spaces with `+`.
         * @method
         * @name mw.Uri.encode
         * @param {string} s String to encode
         * @return {string} Encoded string for URI
        Uri.encode = function ( s ) {
            return encodeURIComponent( s )
                .replace( /!/g, '%21' ).replace( /'/g, '%27' ).replace( /\(/g, '%28' )
                .replace( /\)/g, '%29' ).replace( /\*/g, '%2A' )
                .replace( /%20/g, '+' );

         * Decode a url encoded value.
         * Reversed {@link mw.Uri.encode encode}. Standard decodeURIComponent, with addition of replacing
         * `+` with a space.
         * @method
         * @name mw.Uri.decode
         * @param {string} s String to decode
         * @return {string} Decoded string
         * @throws {Error} when the string contains an unknown % sequence
        Uri.decode = function ( s ) {
            return decodeURIComponent( s.replace( /\+/g, '%20' ) );

        Uri.prototype = /** @lends mw.Uri.prototype */ {

             * Parse a string and set our properties accordingly.
             * @private
             * @param {string} str URI, see constructor.
             * @param {Object} options See constructor.
             * @throws {Error} when the query string or fragment contains an unknown % sequence
            parse: function ( str, options ) {
                let q, matches,
                    uri = this,
                    hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;

                // Apply parser regex and set all properties based on the result
                matches = parser[ options.strictMode ? 'strict' : 'loose' ].exec( str );
                properties.forEach( ( property, i ) => {
                    uri[ property ] = matches[ i + 1 ];
                } );

                // uri.query starts out as the query string; we will parse it into key-val pairs then make
                // that object the "query" property.
                // we overwrite query in uri way to make cloning easier, it can use the same list of properties.
                q = {};
                // using replace to iterate over a string
                if ( uri.query ) {

                    uri.query.replace( /(?:^|&)([^&=]*)(?:(=)([^&]*))?/g, ( match, k, eq, v ) => {
                        let arrayKeyMatch, i;
                        if ( k ) {
                            k = Uri.decode( k );
                            v = ( eq === '' || eq === undefined ) ? null : Uri.decode( v );
                            arrayKeyMatch = k.match( /^([^[]+)\[(\d*)\]$/ );

                            // If arrayParams and this parameter name contains an array index...
                            if ( options.arrayParams && arrayKeyMatch ) {
                                // Remove the index from parameter name
                                k = arrayKeyMatch[ 1 ];

                                // Turn the parameter value into an array (throw away anything else)
                                if ( !Array.isArray( q[ k ] ) ) {
                                    q[ k ] = [];

                                i = arrayKeyMatch[ 2 ];
                                if ( i === '' ) {
                                    // If no explicit index, append at the end
                                    i = q[ k ].length;

                                q[ k ][ i ] = v;

                            // If overrideKeys, always (re)set top level value.
                            // If not overrideKeys but this key wasn't set before, then we set it as well.
                            // arrayParams implies overrideKeys (no array handling for non-array params).
                            } else if ( options.arrayParams || options.overrideKeys || ! q, k ) ) {
                                q[ k ] = v;

                            // Use arrays if overrideKeys is false and key was already seen before
                            } else {
                                // Once before, still a string, turn into an array
                                if ( typeof q[ k ] === 'string' ) {
                                    q[ k ] = [ q[ k ] ];
                                // Add to the array
                                if ( Array.isArray( q[ k ] ) ) {
                                    q[ k ].push( v );
                    } );
                uri.query = q;

                // Decode uri.fragment, otherwise it gets double-encoded when serializing
                if ( uri.fragment !== undefined ) {
                    uri.fragment = Uri.decode( uri.fragment );

             * Get user and password section of a URI.
             * @return {string}
            getUserInfo: function () {
                return cat( '', this.user, cat( ':', this.password, '' ) );

             * Get host and port section of a URI.
             * @return {string}
            getHostPort: function () {
                return + cat( ':', this.port, '' );

             * Get the userInfo, host and port section of the URI.
             * In most real-world URLs this is simply the hostname, but the definition of 'authority' section is more general.
             * @return {string}
            getAuthority: function () {
                return cat( '', this.getUserInfo(), '@' ) + this.getHostPort();

             * Get the query arguments of the URL, encoded into a string.
             * Does not preserve the original order of arguments passed in the URI. Does handle escaping.
             * @return {string}
            getQueryString: function () {
                const args = [],
                    arrayParams = this.arrayParams;
                Object.keys( this.query ).forEach( ( key ) => {
                    const val = this.query[ key ];
                    const k = Uri.encode( key ),
                        isArrayParam = Array.isArray( val ),
                        vals = isArrayParam ? val : [ val ];
                    vals.forEach( ( v, i ) => {
                        let ki = k;
                        if ( arrayParams && isArrayParam ) {
                            ki += Uri.encode( '[' + i + ']' );
                        if ( v === null ) {
                            args.push( ki );
                        } else if ( k === 'title' ) {
                            args.push( ki + '=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode( v ) );
                        } else {
                            args.push( ki + '=' + Uri.encode( v ) );
                    } );
                } );
                return args.join( '&' );

             * Get everything after the authority section of the URI.
             * @return {string}
            getRelativePath: function () {
                return this.path + cat( '?', this.getQueryString(), '', true ) + cat( '#', this.fragment, '' );

             * Get the entire URI string.
             * Note that the output may not be precisely the same as the constructor input,
             * due to order of query arguments.
             * Note also that the fragment is not always roundtripped as-is; some characters will
             * become encoded, including the slash character, which can cause problems with e.g.
             * mediawiki.router. It is recommended to use the native URL class (via
             * web2017-polyfills, which loads a polyfill if needed) in contexts where the fragment
             * is important.
             * @return {string} The URI string
            toString: function () {
                return this.protocol + '://' + this.getAuthority() + this.getRelativePath();

             * Clone this URI.
             * @return {Object} New URI object with same properties
            clone: function () {
                return new Uri( this );

             * Extend the query section of the URI with new parameters.
             * @param {Object} parameters Query parameters to add to ours (or to override ours with) as an
             *  object
             * @return {Object} This URI object
            extend: function ( parameters ) {
                for ( const name in parameters ) {
                    const parameter = parameters[ name ];
                    if ( parameter !== undefined ) {
                        this.query[ name ] = parameter;
                return this;

        return Uri;

     * Default to the current browsing location (for relative URLs).
     * @ignore
     * @return {mw.Uri}
    mw.Uri = mw.UriRelative( () => location.href );

}() );