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( function () {
     * @typedef {Object} mw.Api.Options
     * @property {Object} [parameters = { action: 'query', format: 'json' }] Default query
     *  parameters for API requests
     * @property {Object} [ajax = { url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ), timeout: 30 * 1000, dataType: 'json' }]
     *  Default options for jQuery#ajax
     * @property {boolean} [useUS] Whether to use U+001F when joining multi-valued
     *  parameters (since 1.28). Default is true if ajax.url is not set, false otherwise for
     *  compatibility.

     * @private
     * @type {mw.Api.Options}
    let defaultOptions = null;

     * @classdesc Interact with the MediaWiki API. `mw.Api` is a client library for
     * the [action API](
     * An `mw.Api` object represents the API of a MediaWiki site. For the REST API,
     * see {@link mw.Rest}.
     * ```
     * var api = new mw.Api();
     * api.get( {
     *     action: 'query',
     *     meta: 'userinfo'
     * } ).then( function ( data ) {
     *     console.log( data );
     * } );
     * ```
     * Since MW 1.25, multiple values for a parameter can be specified using an array:
     * ```
     * var api = new mw.Api();
     * api.get( {
     *     action: 'query',
     *     meta: [ 'userinfo', 'siteinfo' ] // same effect as 'userinfo|siteinfo'
     * } ).then( function ( data ) {
     *     console.log( data );
     * } );
     * ```
     * Since MW 1.26, boolean values for API parameters can be specified natively. Parameter
     * values set to `false` or `undefined` will be omitted from the request, as required by
     * the API.
     * @class mw.Api
     * @constructor
     * @description Create an instance of `mw.Api`.
     * @param {mw.Api.Options} [options] See {@link mw.Api.Options}. This can also be overridden for
     *  each request by passing them to [get()]{@link mw.Api#get} or [post()]{@link mw.Api#post} (or directly to
     *  [ajax()]{@link mw.Api#ajax}) later on.
    mw.Api = function ( options ) {
        const defaults = Object.assign( {}, options ),
            setsUrl = options && options.ajax && options.ajax.url !== undefined;

        defaults.parameters = Object.assign( {}, defaultOptions.parameters, defaults.parameters );
        defaults.ajax = Object.assign( {}, defaultOptions.ajax, defaults.ajax );

        // Force a string if we got a mw.Uri object
        if ( setsUrl ) {
            defaults.ajax.url = String( defaults.ajax.url );
        if ( defaults.useUS === undefined ) {
            defaults.useUS = !setsUrl;

        this.defaults = defaults;
        this.requests = [];

     * @private
     * @type {mw.Api.Options}
    defaultOptions = {
        parameters: {
            action: 'query',
            format: 'json'
        ajax: {
            url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
            timeout: 30 * 1000, // 30 seconds
            dataType: 'json'

    function mapLegacyToken( action ) {
        // Legacy types for backward-compatibility with API action=tokens.
        const csrfActions = [
        if ( csrfActions.indexOf( action ) !== -1 ) {
            mw.track( 'mw.deprecate', 'apitoken_' + action );
            mw.log.warn( 'Use of the "' + action + '" token is deprecated. Use "csrf" instead.' );
            return 'csrf';
        return action;

    function createTokenCache() {
        const tokenPromises = {};

        // Pre-populate with fake ajax promises to avoid HTTP requests for tokens that
        // we already have on the page from the embedded user.options module (T36733).
        tokenPromises[ defaultOptions.ajax.url ] = {};
        const tokens = mw.user.tokens.get();
        for ( const tokenKey in tokens ) {
            const value = tokens[ tokenKey ];
            // This requires #getToken to use the same key as mw.user.tokens.
            // Format: token-type + "Token" (eg. csrfToken, patrolToken, watchToken).
            tokenPromises[ defaultOptions.ajax.url ][ tokenKey ] = $.Deferred()
                .resolve( value )
                .promise( { abort: function () {} } );

        return tokenPromises;

    // Keyed by ajax url and symbolic name for the individual request
    let promises = createTokenCache();

    mw.Api.prototype = {
         * Abort all unfinished requests issued by this Api object.
         * @method
        abort: function () {
            this.requests.forEach( ( request ) => {
                if ( request ) {
            } );

         * Perform API get request. See [ajax()]{@link mw.Api#ajax} for details.
         * @param {Object} parameters
         * @param {Object} [ajaxOptions]
         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        get: function ( parameters, ajaxOptions ) {
            ajaxOptions = ajaxOptions || {};
            ajaxOptions.type = 'GET';
            return this.ajax( parameters, ajaxOptions );

         * Perform API post request. See [ajax()]{@link mw.Api#ajax} for details.
         * @param {Object} parameters
         * @param {Object} [ajaxOptions]
         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        post: function ( parameters, ajaxOptions ) {
            ajaxOptions = ajaxOptions || {};
            ajaxOptions.type = 'POST';
            return this.ajax( parameters, ajaxOptions );

         * Massage parameters from the nice format we accept into a format suitable for the API.
         * NOTE: A value of undefined/null in an array will be represented by Array#join()
         * as the empty string. Should we filter silently? Warn? Leave as-is?
         * @private
         * @param {Object} parameters (modified in-place)
         * @param {boolean} useUS Whether to use U+001F when joining multivalued parameters.
        preprocessParameters: function ( parameters, useUS ) {
            let key;
            // Handle common MediaWiki API idioms for passing parameters
            for ( key in parameters ) {
                // Multiple values are pipe-separated
                if ( Array.isArray( parameters[ key ] ) ) {
                    if ( !useUS || parameters[ key ].join( '' ).indexOf( '|' ) === -1 ) {
                        parameters[ key ] = parameters[ key ].join( '|' );
                    } else {
                        parameters[ key ] = '\x1f' + parameters[ key ].join( '\x1f' );
                } else if ( parameters[ key ] === false || parameters[ key ] === undefined ) {
                    // Boolean values are only false when not given at all
                    delete parameters[ key ];

         * Perform the API call.
         * @param {Object} parameters Parameters to the API. See also {@link mw.Api.Options}
         * @param {Object} [ajaxOptions] Parameters to pass to jQuery.ajax. See also
         *   {@link mw.Api.Options}
         * @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that settles when the API response is processed.
         *   Has an 'abort' method which can be used to abort the request.
         *   - On success, resolves to `( result, jqXHR )` where `result` is the parsed API response.
         *   - On an API error, rejects with `( code, result, result, jqXHR )` where `code` is the
         *     [API error code](, and `result`
         *     is as above. When there are multiple errors, the code from the first one will be used.
         *     If there is no error code, "unknown" is used.
         *   - On other types of errors, rejects with `( 'http', details )` where `details` is an object
         *     with three fields: `xhr` (the jqXHR object), `textStatus`, and `exception`.
         *     The meaning of the last two fields is as follows:
         *     - When the request is aborted (the abort method of the promise is called), textStatus
         *       and exception are both set to "abort".
         *     - On a network timeout, textStatus and exception are both set to "timeout".
         *     - On a network error, textStatus is "error" and exception is the empty string.
         *     - When the HTTP response code is anything other than 2xx or 304 (the API does not
         *       use such response codes but some intermediate layer might), textStatus is "error"
         *       and exception is the HTTP status text (the text following the status code in the
         *       first line of the server response). For HTTP/2, `exception` is always an empty string.
         *     - When the response is not valid JSON but the previous error conditions aren't met,
         *       textStatus is "parsererror" and exception is the exception object thrown by
         *       {@link JSON.parse}.
        ajax: function ( parameters, ajaxOptions ) {
            const api = this,
                apiDeferred = $.Deferred();

            parameters = Object.assign( {}, this.defaults.parameters, parameters );
            ajaxOptions = Object.assign( {}, this.defaults.ajax, ajaxOptions );

            let token;
            // Ensure that token parameter is last (per [[mw:API:Edit#Token]]).
            if ( parameters.token ) {
                token = parameters.token;
                delete parameters.token;

            this.preprocessParameters( parameters, this.defaults.useUS );

            // If multipart/form-data has been requested and emulation is possible, emulate it
            if (
                ajaxOptions.type === 'POST' &&
                window.FormData &&
                ajaxOptions.contentType === 'multipart/form-data'
            ) {

                const formData = new FormData();

                for ( const key in parameters ) {
                    formData.append( key, parameters[ key ] );
                // If we extracted a token parameter, add it back in.
                if ( token ) {
                    formData.append( 'token', token );

       = formData;

                // Prevent jQuery from mangling our FormData object
                ajaxOptions.processData = false;
                // Prevent jQuery from overriding the Content-Type header
                ajaxOptions.contentType = false;
            } else {
                // This works because jQuery accepts data as a query string or as an Object
       = $.param( parameters );
                // If we extracted a token parameter, add it back in.
                if ( token ) {
           += '&token=' + encodeURIComponent( token );

                if ( ajaxOptions.contentType === 'multipart/form-data' ) {
                    // We were asked to emulate but can't, so drop the Content-Type header, otherwise
                    // it'll be wrong and the server will fail to decode the POST body
                    delete ajaxOptions.contentType;

            // Make the AJAX request
            const xhr = $.ajax( ajaxOptions )
                // If AJAX fails, reject API call with error code 'http'
                // and the details in the second argument.
                .fail( ( jqXHR, textStatus, exception ) => {
                    apiDeferred.reject( 'http', {
                        xhr: jqXHR,
                        textStatus: textStatus,
                        exception: exception
                    } );
                } )
                // AJAX success just means "200 OK" response, also check API error codes
                .done( ( result, textStatus, jqXHR ) => {
                    let code;
                    if ( result === undefined || result === null || result === '' ) {
                        apiDeferred.reject( 'ok-but-empty',
                            'OK response but empty result (check HTTP headers?)',
                    } else if ( result.error ) {
                        // errorformat=bc
                        code = result.error.code === undefined ? 'unknown' : result.error.code;
                        apiDeferred.reject( code, result, result, jqXHR );
                    } else if ( result.errors ) {
                        // errorformat!=bc
                        code = result.errors[ 0 ].code === undefined ? 'unknown' : result.errors[ 0 ].code;
                        apiDeferred.reject( code, result, result, jqXHR );
                    } else {
                        apiDeferred.resolve( result, jqXHR );
                } );

            const requestIndex = this.requests.length;
            this.requests.push( xhr );
            xhr.always( () => {
                api.requests[ requestIndex ] = null;
            } );
            // Return the Promise
            return apiDeferred.promise( { abort: xhr.abort } ).fail( ( code, details ) => {
                if ( !( code === 'http' && details && details.textStatus === 'abort' ) ) {
                    mw.log( 'mw.Api error: ', code, details );
            } );

         * Post to API with the specified type of token. If we have no token, get one and try to post.
         * If we already have a cached token, try using that, and if the request fails using the cached token,
         * blank it out and start over.
         * @example <caption>For example, to change a user option, you could do:</caption>
         * new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'csrf', {
         *     action: 'options',
         *     optionname: 'gender',
         *     optionvalue: 'female'
         * } );
         * @param {string} tokenType The name of the token, like options or edit.
         * @param {Object} params API parameters
         * @param {Object} [ajaxOptions]
         * @return {jQuery.Promise} See [post()]{@link mw.Api#post}
         * @since 1.22
        postWithToken: function ( tokenType, params, ajaxOptions ) {
            const api = this,
                assertParams = {
                    assert: params.assert,
                    assertuser: params.assertuser
                abortedPromise = $.Deferred().reject( 'http',
                    { textStatus: 'abort', exception: 'abort' } ).promise();
            let abortable,

            return api.getToken( tokenType, assertParams ).then( ( token ) => {
                params.token = token;
                // Request was aborted while token request was running, but we
                // don't want to unnecessarily abort token requests, so abort
                // a fake request instead
                if ( aborted ) {
                    return abortedPromise;

                return ( abortable = params, ajaxOptions ) ).catch(
                    // Error handler
                    function ( code ) {
                        if ( code === 'badtoken' ) {
                            api.badToken( tokenType );
                            // Try again, once
                            params.token = undefined;
                            abortable = null;
                            return api.getToken( tokenType, assertParams ).then( ( t ) => {
                                params.token = t;
                                if ( aborted ) {
                                    return abortedPromise;

                                return ( abortable = params, ajaxOptions ) );
                            } );

                        // Let caller handle the error code
                        return $.Deferred().rejectWith( this, arguments );
            } ).promise( { abort: function () {
                if ( abortable ) {
                } else {
                    aborted = true;
            } } );

         * Get a token for a certain action from the API.
         * @since 1.22
         * @param {string} type Token type
         * @param {Object|string} [additionalParams] Additional parameters for the API (since 1.35).
         *   When given a string, it's treated as the 'assert' parameter (since 1.25).
         * @return {jQuery.Promise<string>} Received token.
        getToken: function ( type, additionalParams ) {
            type = mapLegacyToken( type );
            if ( typeof additionalParams === 'string' ) {
                additionalParams = { assert: additionalParams };

            const cacheKey = type + 'Token';
            let promiseGroup = promises[ this.defaults.ajax.url ];
            if ( !promiseGroup ) {
                promiseGroup = promises[ this.defaults.ajax.url ] = {};
            let promise = promiseGroup && promiseGroup[ cacheKey ];

            function reject() {
                // Clear cache. Do not cache errors.
                delete promiseGroup[ cacheKey ];

                // Let caller handle the error code
                return $.Deferred().rejectWith( this, arguments );

            if ( !promise ) {
                const apiPromise = this.get( Object.assign( {
                    action: 'query',
                    meta: 'tokens',
                    type: type
                }, additionalParams ) );
                promise = apiPromise
                    .then( ( res ) => {
                        if ( !res.query ) {
                            return reject( 'query-missing', res );
                        // If the token type is unknown, it is omitted from the response
                        if ( !res.query.tokens[ type + 'token' ] ) {
                            return $.Deferred().reject( 'token-missing', res );
                        return res.query.tokens[ type + 'token' ];
                    }, reject )
                    // Preserve abort handler
                    .promise( { abort: apiPromise.abort } );

                // Optimization: Store the promise so we can reuse it immediately, even when
                // other async code requests before this one finishes.
                promiseGroup[ cacheKey ] = promise;

            return promise;

         * Indicate that the cached token for a certain action of the API is bad.
         * Call this if you get a 'badtoken' error when using the token returned by [getToken()]{@link mw.Api#getToken}.
         * You may also want to use [postWithToken()]{@link mw.Api#postWithToken} instead, which invalidates bad cached tokens
         * automatically.
         * @param {string} type Token type
         * @since 1.26
        badToken: function ( type ) {
            const promiseGroup = promises[ this.defaults.ajax.url ];

            type = mapLegacyToken( type );
            if ( promiseGroup ) {
                delete promiseGroup[ type + 'Token' ];

         * Given an API response indicating an error, get a jQuery object containing a human-readable
         * error message that you can display somewhere on the page.
         * For better quality of error messages, it's recommended to use the following options in your
         * API queries:
         * ```
         * errorformat: 'html',
         * errorlang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
         * errorsuselocal: true,
         * ```
         * Error messages, particularly for editing pages, may consist of multiple paragraphs of text.
         * Your user interface should have enough space for that.
         * @example
         * var api = new mw.Api();
         * // var title = 'Test valid title';
         * var title = 'Test invalid title <>';
         * api.postWithToken( 'watch', {
         *   action: 'watch',
         *   title: title
         * } ).then( function ( data ) {
         *   mw.notify( 'Success!' );
         * }, function ( code, data ) {
         *   mw.notify( api.getErrorMessage( data ), { type: 'error' } );
         * } );
         * @param {Object} data API response indicating an error
         * @return {jQuery} Error messages, each wrapped in a `<div>`
        getErrorMessage: function ( data ) {
            if (
                data === undefined || data === null || data === '' ||
                // The #ajax method returns the data like this, it's not my fault...
                data === 'OK response but empty result (check HTTP headers?)'
            ) {
                // The server failed so horribly that it did not set a HTTP error status
                return $( '<div>' ).append( mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-invalidresponse' ).parseDom() );

            } else if ( data.xhr ) {
                if ( data.textStatus === 'timeout' ) {
                    // Hit the timeout (as defined above in defaultOptions)
                    return $( '<div>' ).append( mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-timeout' ).parseDom() );
                } else if ( data.textStatus === 'abort' ) {
                    // The request was cancelled by calling the abort() method on the promise
                    return $( '<div>' ).append( mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-aborted' ).parseDom() );
                } else if ( data.textStatus === 'parsererror' ) {
                    // Server returned invalid JSON
                    // data.exception is probably a SyntaxError exception
                    return $( '<div>' ).append( mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-invalidresponse' ).parseDom() );
                } else if ( data.xhr.status ) {
                    // Server HTTP error
                    // data.exception is probably the HTTP "reason phrase", e.g. "Internal Server Error"
                    return $( '<div>' ).append( mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-http', data.xhr.status ).parseDom() );
                } else {
                    // We don't know the status of the HTTP request. Common causes include (we have no way
                    // to distinguish these): user losing their network connection (request wasn't even sent),
                    // misconfigured CORS for cross-wiki queries.
                    return $( '<div>' ).append( mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-noconnect' ).parseDom() );

            } else if ( data.error ) {
                // errorformat: 'bc' (or not specified)
                return $( '<div>' ).text( );

            } else if ( data.errors ) {
                // errorformat: 'html'
                return $( ( err ) => {
                    // formatversion: 1 / 2
                    const $node = $( '<div>' ).html( err[ '*' ] || err.html );
                    return $node[ 0 ];
                } ) );

            } else {
                // The server returned some valid but bogus JSON that probably doesn't even come from our API,
                // or this method was called incorrectly (e.g. with a successful response)
                mw.log.warn( 'mw.Api#getErrorMessage could not handle the response:', data );
                return $( '<div>' ).append( mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-invalidresponse' ).parseDom() );

    if ( window.QUnit ) {
        mw.Api.resetTokenCacheForTest = function () {
            promises = createTokenCache();
}() );