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const { SUCCESS_PAGE_MESSAGE } = require( './constants.js' );
const AuthMessageDialog = require( './AuthMessageDialog.js' );
const AuthPopupError = require( './AuthPopupError.js' );

 * Open a browser window with the same position and dimensions on the user's screen as the given DOM
 * element.
 * @private
 * @param {string} url
 * @param {HTMLElement} el
 * @param {Event} mouseEvent
 * @return {Window|null}
function openBrowserWindowCoveringElement( url, el, mouseEvent ) {
    // Tested on:
    // * Windows 10 22H2, Firefox and Edge, 100% and 200% scale screens, -/=/+ zoom
    //   All good.
    // * Windows 10 22H2, Firefox and Edge, 150% scale screen, -/=/+ zoom (another device, tablet)
    //   Okay, except:
    //   - On Edge, when using the touch screen, we don't get a mouse event, so the popup is off.
    // * Ubuntu 22.04, Firefox and Chromium, 100% scale screen, -/=/+ zoom
    //   Okay, except:
    //   - On Firefox, when zoomed in, popup window size is slightly off.
    // * (I couldn't get OS scaling to work on Ubuntu, it bricked my VM when enabled.)

    function getWindowDimensions( conversionRatio ) {
        // Find the position of the viewport (not just the browser window) on the screen, accounting for
        // browser toolbars and sidebars.
        // Workaround for a spec deficiency:
        let innerScreenX;
        let innerScreenY;
        if ( window.mozInnerScreenX !== undefined && window.mozInnerScreenY !== undefined ) {
            // Use Firefox's non-standard property designed for this use case.
            innerScreenX = window.mozInnerScreenX;
            innerScreenY = window.mozInnerScreenY;
        } else if ( mouseEvent && mouseEvent.clientX && mouseEvent.screenX && mouseEvent.clientY && mouseEvent.screenY ) {
            // Obtain the difference from a mouse event, if we got one (and it isn't a simulated event).
            // This is seemingly the only thing in all of web APIs that relates the two positions.
            innerScreenX = mouseEvent.screenX / conversionRatio - mouseEvent.clientX;
            innerScreenY = mouseEvent.screenY / conversionRatio - mouseEvent.clientY;
        } else {
            // Fall back to the position of the browser window.
            // It will be off by an unpredictable amount, depending on browser toolbars and sidebars
            // (e.g. if you have dev tools open and pinned on the left, it will be way off).
            innerScreenX = window.screenX;
            innerScreenY = window.screenY;

        return {
            width: el.offsetWidth * conversionRatio,
            height: el.offsetHeight * conversionRatio,
            left: ( innerScreenX + el.offsetLeft ) * conversionRatio,
            top: ( innerScreenY + el.offsetTop ) * conversionRatio

    // Calculate the dimensions of the window assuming that all the APIs measure things in CSS pixels,
    // as they should per the draft CSSOM View spec:
    // If the assumption is right, we can avoid moving/resizing the window later, which looks ugly.
    const cssPixelsRect = getWindowDimensions( 1.0 );

    // Add a bit of padding to ensure the popup window covers the backdrop dialog,
    // even if the OS chrome has rounded corners or includes semi-transparent shadows.
    const padding = 10;

    // sometimes "adjusts" the given dimensions far more than it's reasonable.
    // We will re-apply them later using window.resizeTo()/moveTo(), which respect them a bit more.
    const w = 'about:blank', '_blank', [
        'width=' + ( cssPixelsRect.width + 2 * padding ),
        'height=' + ( cssPixelsRect.height + 2 * padding ),
        'left=' + ( cssPixelsRect.left - padding ),
        'top=' + ( - padding )
    ].join( ',' ) );
    if ( !w ) {
        return null;

    function applyWindowDimensions( rect ) {
        w.resizeTo( rect.width + 2 * padding, rect.height + 2 * padding );
        w.moveTo( rect.left - padding, - padding );

    // Support: Chrome
    // Once we have the window open, we can try to handle browsers that don't implement the spec yet,
    // and measure things in device pixels. For example, Chrome:
    // Support: Firefox
    // On Firefox *really* doesn't respect the given dimensions, so recalculate
    // them using this method even though they're ostensibly correct.
    // Key assumption here is that the new about:blank window usually doesn't have any zoom applied.
    // Therefore:
    // * Outside the popup window, we can use its devicePixelRatio to calculate the browser zoom
    //   ratio, allowing us to convert CSS pixels to device pixels. We couldn't just use
    //   window.devicePixelRatio, because it combines OS scaling ratio and browser zoom ratio.
    // * Inside the popup window, CSS pixels and device pixels are equivalent, so the result is
    //   correct regardless of whether the browser follows the new spec or the legacy behavior.

    // Read devicePixelRatio from the popup window to get just the OS scaling ratio. Then cancel it
    // out from the main window's devicePixelRatio, leaving just the browser zoom ratio.
    const browserZoomRatio = window.devicePixelRatio / w.devicePixelRatio;

    // Recalculate the dimensions of the window, converting the result to device pixels.
    const devicePixelsRect = getWindowDimensions( browserZoomRatio );

    // Support: Firefox
    // On Firefox, window.moveTo()/resizeTo() are async (
    // Because of that, sometimes an attempt to move and resize at the same time will result in
    // incorrect position or size, because when it attempts to fit the window to screen dimensions,
    // and does so using outdated values. Try to move/resize again after the first resize happens.
    // However, don't do it after the new page has loaded, because it will set wrong dimensions if
    // browser zoom is active.
    const retryApplyWindowDimensions = () => {
        try {
            if ( w.location.href === 'about:blank' ) {
                applyWindowDimensions( devicePixelsRect );
            } else {
                w.removeEventListener( 'resize', retryApplyWindowDimensions );
        } catch ( err ) {
            w.removeEventListener( 'resize', retryApplyWindowDimensions );
    w.addEventListener( 'resize', retryApplyWindowDimensions );

    // Apply the size again, using the new dimensions.
    applyWindowDimensions( devicePixelsRect );

    // Actually navigate the window away from about:blank once we're done calculating its position.
    w.location = url;

    return w;

 * Check if we're probably running on iOS, which has unusual restrictions on popup windows.
 * @private
 * @return {boolean}
function isIos() {
    return /ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test( navigator.userAgent );

 * @classdesc
 * Allows opening the login form without leaving the page.
 * The page opened in the popup should communicate success using the authSuccess.js script. If it
 * doesn't, we also check for a login success when the user interacts with the parent window.
 * The constructor is not publicly accessible in MediaWiki. Use the instance exposed by the
 * {@link module:mediawiki.authenticationPopup mediawiki.authenticationPopup} module.
 * **This library is not stable yet (as of May 2024). We're still testing which of the
 * methods work from the technical side, and which methods are understandable for users.
 * Some methods or the whole library may be removed in the future.**
 * Unstable.
 * @internal
 * @class
class AuthPopup {
     * Async function to check for a login success.
     * @callback AuthPopup~CheckLoggedIn
     * @return {Promise<any>} A promise resolved with a truthy value if the user is
     *  logged in and resolved with a falsy value if the user isn’t logged in.

     * @param {Object} config
     * @param {string} config.loginPopupUrl URL of the login form to be opened as a popup
     * @param {string} [config.loginFallbackUrl] URL of a fallback login form to link to if the popup
     *     can't be opened. Defaults to `loginPopupUrl` if not provided.
     * @param {AuthPopup~CheckLoggedIn} config.checkLoggedIn Async function to check for a login success.
     * @param {jQuery|string|Function|null} [config.message] Custom message to replace the contents of
     *     the backdrop message dialog, passed to {@link OO.ui.MessageDialog}
    constructor( config ) {
        this.loginPopupUrl = config.loginPopupUrl;
        this.loginFallbackUrl = config.loginFallbackUrl || config.loginPopupUrl;
        this.checkLoggedIn = config.checkLoggedIn;
        this.message = config.message || ( () => {
            const message = document.createElement( 'div' );

            const intro = document.createElement( 'p' );
            intro.innerText = OO.ui.msg( 'userlogin-authpopup-loggingin-body' );
            message.appendChild( intro );

            const fallbackLink = document.createElement( 'a' );
            fallbackLink.setAttribute( 'target', '_blank' );
            fallbackLink.setAttribute( 'href', this.loginFallbackUrl );
            fallbackLink.innerText = OO.ui.msg( 'userlogin-authpopup-loggingin-body-link' );
            const fallback = document.createElement( 'p' );
            fallback.appendChild( fallbackLink );
            message.appendChild( fallback );

            return $( message );
        } );

     * Open the login form in a small browser popup window.
     * In the parent window, display a backdrop message dialog with the same dimensions,
     * to provide an alternative method to log in if the browser refuses to open the window,
     * and to allow the user to restart the process if they lose track of the popup window.
     * This should only be called in response to a user-initiated event like 'click',
     * otherwise the user's browser will always refuse to open the window.
     * @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when the login succeeds with the value returned by the
     *     `checkLoggedIn` callback. Resolved with a falsy value if the user cancels the process.
     *     Rejected when an unexpected error stops the login process.
    startPopupWindow() {
        // Obtain a mouse event, which we need to calculate where the current browser window appears
        // on the user's screen. (No joke.) 'mouseenter' event should be fired when the dialog opens.
        let mouseEvent;

        return this.showDialog( {
            initOpenWindow: ( m ) => {
                m.$ 'mouseenter', ( e ) => {
                    mouseEvent = e;
                } );
                m.$element.on( 'mousemove', ( e ) => {
                    mouseEvent = e;
                } );

                if ( isIos() ) {
                    // iOS Safari only allows when it occurs immediately in response to a
                    // user-initiated event like 'click', not async, not respecting the HTML5 user activation
                    // rules. Therefore we must open the window right here, and we can't wait for the message to
                    // be displayed by the code below. On the other hand, the opened window will always be
                    // fullscreen anyway even if we were to ask for a popup, so it's not a big deal.
                    return this.loginPopupUrl, '_blank' );
                return null;

            openWindow: ( m ) => {
                const frame = m.$frame[ 0 ];
                return openBrowserWindowCoveringElement( this.loginPopupUrl, frame, mouseEvent );

            data: {
                title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'userlogin-authpopup-loggingin-title' ),
                message: this.message
        } );

     * Open the login form in a new browser tab or window.
     * In the parent window, display a backdrop message dialog,
     * to provide an alternative method to log in if the browser refuses to open the window,
     * and to allow the user to restart the process if they lose track of the new tab or window.
     * This should only be called in response to a user-initiated event like 'click',
     * otherwise the user's browser will always refuse to open the window.
     * @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when the login succeeds with the value returned by the
     *     `checkLoggedIn` callback. Resolved with a falsy value if the user cancels the process.
     *     Rejected when an unexpected error stops the login process.
    startNewTabOrWindow() {
        const openWindow = () => this.loginPopupUrl, '_blank' );

        return this.showDialog( {
            initOpenWindow: openWindow,

            openWindow: openWindow,

            data: {
                title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'userlogin-authpopup-loggingin-title' ),
                message: this.message
        } );

     * Open the login form in an iframe in a modal message dialog.
     * In order for this to work, the wiki must be configured to allow the login page to be framed
     * ($wgEditPageFrameOptions), which has security implications.
     * Add a button to provide an alternative method to log in, just in case.
     * @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when the login succeeds with the value returned by the
     *     `checkLoggedIn` callback. Resolved with a falsy value if the user cancels the process.
     *     Rejected when an unexpected error stops the login process.
    startIframe() {
        const $iframe = $( '<iframe>' )
            .attr( 'src', this.loginPopupUrl )
            .css( {
                border: '0',
                display: 'block',
                width: '100%',
                height: '100%'
            } );

        return this.showDialog( {
            initOpenWindow: () => {},

            openWindow: ( m ) => {
                // We can't pass it as .data.message, because that has wrappers that mess up the styles
                m.$body.empty().append( $iframe );
                // Allow default click handling on the fallback link-action (eww)
                m.actions.get( { actions: 'fallback' } )[ 0 ].off( 'click' );

            data: {
                title: '',
                message: '',
                actions: [ {
                    action: 'fallback',
                    href: this.loginFallbackUrl,
                    target: '_blank',
                    label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'userlogin-authpopup-loggingin-body-link' ),
                    flags: 'safe'
                } ].concat(
                    AuthMessageDialog.static.actions.filter( ( a ) => a.action === 'cancel' )
        } );

     * Open the backdrop dialog for a customizable popup window.
     * Caller must provide callback functions that open their popup window, and/or provide the dialog
     * opening data to display something in the dialog.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} config
     * @param {Function} config.initOpenWindow Called before opening the dialog
     * @param {Function} config.openWindow Called after opening the dialog and upon user retry
     * @param {Object} Opening data for the MessageDialog
     * @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when the login succeeds with the value returned by the
     *     `checkLoggedIn` callback. Resolved with a falsy value if the user cancels the process.
     *     Rejected when an unexpected error stops the login process.
    showDialog( config ) {
        const { initOpenWindow, openWindow, data } = config;

        // Display a message in the current browser window, so that if the popup window doesn't open,
        // or if the user loses it on their desktop somehow, they can still see what was supposed to happen,
        // and have a way to retry or cancel it. This message stays open throughout the process.
        const windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
        $( OO.ui.getTeleportTarget() ).append( windowManager.$element );
        const m = new AuthMessageDialog();
        windowManager.addWindows( { authMessageDialog: m } );

        let w = initOpenWindow( m );

        return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
            const instance = windowManager.openWindow( 'authMessageDialog', data );

            instance.opened.then( () => {
                // Open a browser window covering the message we displayed.
                if ( !w ) {
                    w = openWindow( m );

                // When the fallback link is clicked, opening the login form in a fullscreen window,
                // close the popup window.
                m.$body.find( 'a' ).on( 'click', () => {
                    if ( w ) {
                } );

                m.on( 'retry', () => {
                    if ( w ) {
                    w = openWindow( m );
                } );
                m.on( 'cancel', () => {
                    if ( w ) {
                    resolve( null );
                } );

                // Close orphaned browser windows on the user's desktop if they leave/close the page.
                const onBeforeUnload = () => {
                    if ( w ) {
                window.addEventListener( 'beforeunload', onBeforeUnload );
                instance.closed.then( () => window.removeEventListener( 'beforeunload', onBeforeUnload ) );

                // If the user leaves this window and then comes back, check if they have logged in
                // the old-fashioned way in the meantime.
                const onFocus = () => {
                    this.checkLoggedIn().then( ( loggedIn ) => {
                        if ( loggedIn ) {
                            if ( w ) {
                            resolve( loggedIn );
                    } ).catch( reject );
                window.addEventListener( 'focus', onFocus );
                instance.closed.then( () => window.removeEventListener( 'focus', onFocus ) );

                // Wait for a message from authSuccess.js.
                // Beware that it may never come if the initial popup was blocked,
                // in which case we rely on checking in the 'focus' event.
                const onMessage = ( event ) => {
                    if ( event.origin !== window.origin ) {
                    if ( !== SUCCESS_PAGE_MESSAGE ) {

                    if ( w ) {

                    // Okay, they went through the workflow. Confirm that they're logged in from our perspective,
                    // because browsers are weird about cookies and they're also weird about popups.
                    this.checkLoggedIn().then( ( loggedIn ) => {
                        if ( loggedIn ) {
                            // Yes!
                            resolve( loggedIn );
                        } else {
                            // If they're not logged in, despite (presumably) providing correct credentials
                            // and reaching the success page, something is pretty wrong. It could be a
                            // server-side problem, or maybe the user's browser must be doing something funky.
                            // It's definitely unexpected and should be logged as an error.
                            reject( new AuthPopupError( 'Expected a successful login at this point' ) );
                    } ).catch( reject );
                window.addEventListener( 'message', onMessage );
                instance.closed.then( () => window.removeEventListener( 'message', onMessage ) );
            } );
        } );


module.exports = AuthPopup;