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'use strict';

var config = require( './config.json' ),
    defaults = {
        prefix: config.prefix,
        domain: config.domain,
        path: config.path,
        expires: config.expires,
        secure: false,
        sameSite: ''
    jar = require( './jar.js' );

// define jQuery Cookie methods
require( './jquery.js' );

 * Manage cookies in a way that is syntactically and functionally similar
 * to the `WebRequest#getCookie` and `WebResponse#setcookie` methods in PHP.
 * @author Sam Smith <>
 * @author Matthew Flaschen <>
 * @module mediawiki.cookie
 * @example
 * mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.cookie' ).then( () => {
 *   mw.cookie.set('hello', 'world' );
 * })
mw.cookie = {
     * Set or delete a cookie.
     * **Note:** If explicitly passing `null` or `undefined` for an options key,
     * that will override the default. This is natural in JavaScript, but noted
     * here because it is contrary to MediaWiki's `WebResponse#setcookie()` method
     * in PHP.
     * When using this for persistent storage of identifiers (e.g. for tracking
     * sessions), be aware that persistence may vary slightly across browsers and
     * browser versions, and can be affected by a number of factors such as
     * storage limits (cookie eviction) and session restore features.
     * Without an expiry, this creates a session cookie. In a browser, session cookies persist
     * for the lifetime of the browser *process*. Including across tabs, page views, and windows,
     * until the browser itself is *fully* closed, or until the browser clears all storage for
     * a given website. An exception to this is if the user evokes a "restore previous
     * session" feature that some browsers have.
     * @param {string} key
     * @param {string|null} value Value of cookie. If `value` is `null` then this method will
     *   instead remove a cookie by name of `key`.
     * @param {module:mediawiki.cookie~CookieOptions|Date|number} [options] Options object, or expiry date
     * @memberof module:mediawiki.cookie

    set: function ( key, value, options ) {
        var prefix, date;

        // The 'options' parameter may be a shortcut for the expiry.
        if ( arguments.length > 2 && ( !options || options instanceof Date || typeof options === 'number' ) ) {
            options = { expires: options };
        // Apply defaults
        options = Object.assign( {}, defaults, options );

        // Don't pass invalid option to jar.cookie
        prefix = options.prefix;
        delete options.prefix;

        if ( !options.expires ) {
            // Session cookie (null or zero)
            // Normalize to absent (undefined) for jar.cookie.
            delete options.expires;
        } else if ( typeof options.expires === 'number' ) {
            // Lifetime in seconds
            date = new Date();
            date.setTime( Number( date ) + ( options.expires * 1000 ) );
            options.expires = date;

        // Ignore sameSiteLegacy (T344791)
        delete options.sameSiteLegacy;

        if ( value !== null ) {
            value = String( value );

        jar.cookie( prefix + key, value, options );

     * Get the value of a cookie.
     * @param {string} key
     * @param {string} [prefix=wgCookiePrefix] The prefix of the key. If `prefix` is
     *   `undefined` or `null`, then `wgCookiePrefix` is used
     * @param {null|string} [defaultValue] defaults to null
     * @return {string|null} If the cookie exists, then the value of the
     *   cookie, otherwise `defaultValue`
     * @memberof module:mediawiki.cookie
    get: function ( key, prefix, defaultValue ) {
        var result;

        if ( prefix === undefined || prefix === null ) {
            prefix = defaults.prefix;

        // Was defaultValue omitted?
        if ( arguments.length < 3 ) {
            defaultValue = null;

        result = jar.cookie( prefix + key );

        return result !== null ? result : defaultValue;

     * Get the value of a SameSite=None cookie, using the legacy ss0- cookie if needed.
     * @param {string} key
     * @param {string} [prefix=wgCookiePrefix] The prefix of the key. If `prefix` is
     *   `undefined` or `null`, then `wgCookiePrefix` is used
     * @param {null|string} [defaultValue]
     * @return {string|null} If the cookie exists, then the value of the
     *   cookie, otherwise `defaultValue`
     * @memberof module:mediawiki.cookie
    getCrossSite: function ( key, prefix, defaultValue ) {
        var value;

        value = this.get( key, prefix, null );
        if ( value === null ) {
            value = this.get( 'ss0-' + key, prefix, null );
        if ( value === null ) {
            value = defaultValue;
        return value;

if ( window.QUnit ) {
    module.exports = {
        setDefaults: function ( value ) {
            var prev = defaults;
            defaults = value;
            return prev;