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( function () {
    'use strict';

    let notification,
        // The .mw-notification-area div that all notifications are contained inside.
        // Number of open notification boxes at any time
        openNotificationCount = 0,
        isPageReady = false,
        preReadyNotifQueue = [];

     * @classdesc Describes a notification. See [mw.notification module]{@link mw.notification}. A Notification object for 1 message.
     * The constructor is not publicly accessible; use [mw.notification.notify]{@link mw.notification} instead.
     * This does not insert anything into the document. To add to document use
     * [mw.notification.notify]{@link mw.notification#notify}.
     * @class Notification
     * @global
     * @hideconstructor
     * @param {mw.Message|jQuery|HTMLElement|string} message
     * @param {mw.notification.NotificationOptions} options
    function Notification( message, options ) {
        let $notification, $notificationContent;

        $notification = $( '<div>' )
            .data( 'mw-notification', this )
            .attr( 'role', 'status' )
            .addClass( [
                options.autoHide ? 'mw-notification-autohide' : 'mw-notification-noautohide'
            ] );

        if ( options.tag ) {
            // Sanitize options.tag before it is used by any code. (Including Notification class methods)
            options.tag = options.tag.replace( /[ _-]+/g, '-' ).replace( /[^-a-z0-9]+/ig, '' );
            if ( options.tag ) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/class-doc
                $notification.addClass( 'mw-notification-tag-' + options.tag );
            } else {
                delete options.tag;

        if ( options.type ) {
            // Sanitize options.type
            options.type = options.type.replace( /[ _-]+/g, '-' ).replace( /[^-a-z0-9]+/ig, '' );
            // The following classes are used here:
            // * mw-notification-type-error
            // * mw-notification-type-warn
            $notification.addClass( 'mw-notification-type-' + options.type );

        if ( options.title ) {
            $( '<div>' )
                .addClass( 'mw-notification-title' )
                .text( options.title )
                .appendTo( $notification );

        if ( ) {
            $notification.attr( 'id', );

        if ( options.classes ) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/class-doc
            $notification.addClass( options.classes );

        $notificationContent = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-notification-content' );

        if ( typeof message === 'object' ) {
            // Handle mw.Message objects separately from DOM nodes and jQuery objects
            if ( message instanceof mw.Message ) {
                $notificationContent.html( message.parse() );
            } else {
                $notificationContent.append( message );
        } else {
            $notificationContent.text( message );

        $notificationContent.appendTo( $notification );

        // Private state parameters, meant for internal use only
        // autoHideSeconds: String alias for number of seconds for timeout of auto-hiding notifications.
        // isOpen: Set to true after .start() is called to avoid double calls.
        //         Set back to false after .close() to avoid duplicating the close animation.
        // isPaused: false after .resume(), true after .pause(). Avoids duplicating or breaking the hide timeouts.
        //           Set to true initially so .start() can call .resume().
        // message: The message passed to the notification. Unused now but may be used in the future
        //          to stop replacement of a tagged notification with another notification using the same message.
        // options: The options passed to the notification with a little sanitization. Used by various methods.
        // $notification: jQuery object containing the notification DOM node.
        // timeout: Holds appropriate methods to set/clear timeouts
        this.autoHideSeconds = options.autoHideSeconds &&
            notification.autoHideSeconds[ options.autoHideSeconds ] ||
        this.isOpen = false;
        this.isPaused = true;
        this.message = message;
        this.options = options;
        this.$notification = $notification;
        if ( options.visibleTimeout ) {
            this.timeout = require( 'mediawiki.visibleTimeout' );
        } else {
            this.timeout = {
                set: setTimeout,
                clear: clearTimeout

     * Start the notification. Called automatically by mw.notification#notify
     * (possibly asynchronously on document-ready).
     * This inserts the notification into the page, closes any matching tagged notifications,
     * handles the fadeIn animations and replacement transitions, and starts autoHide timers.
     * @private
    Notification.prototype.start = function () {
        let options, $notification, $tagMatches, autohideCount;

        $area.css( 'display', '' );

        if ( this.isOpen ) {

        this.isOpen = true;

        options = this.options;
        $notification = this.$notification;

        if ( options.tag ) {
            // Find notifications with the same tag
            $tagMatches = $area.find( '.mw-notification-tag-' + options.tag );

        // If we found existing notification with the same tag, replace them
        if ( options.tag && $tagMatches.length ) {

            // While there can be only one "open" notif with a given tag, there can be several
            // matches here because they remain in the DOM until the animation is finished.
            $tagMatches.each( function () {
                const notif = $( this ).data( 'mw-notification' );
                if ( notif && notif.isOpen ) {
                    // Detach from render flow with position absolute so that the new tag can
                    // occupy its space instead.
                        .css( {
                            position: 'absolute',
                            width: notif.$notification.width()
                        } )
                        .css( notif.$notification.position() )
                        .addClass( 'mw-notification-replaced' );
            } );

                .insertBefore( $tagMatches.first() )
                .addClass( 'mw-notification-visible' );
        } else {
            $area.append( $notification );
            requestAnimationFrame( () => {
                // This frame renders the element in the area (invisible)
                requestAnimationFrame( () => {
                    $notification.addClass( 'mw-notification-visible' );
                } );
            } );

        // By default a notification is paused.
        // If this notification is within the first {autoHideLimit} notifications then
        // start the auto-hide timer as soon as it's created.
        autohideCount = $area.find( '.mw-notification-autohide' ).length;
        if ( autohideCount <= notification.autoHideLimit ) {

     * Pause any running auto-hide timer for this notification.
     * @memberof Notification
    Notification.prototype.pause = function () {
        if ( this.isPaused ) {
        this.isPaused = true;

        if ( this.timeoutId ) {
            this.timeout.clear( this.timeoutId );
            delete this.timeoutId;

     * Start autoHide timer if not already started.
     * Does nothing if autoHide is disabled.
     * Either to resume from pause or to make the first start.
     * @memberof Notification
    Notification.prototype.resume = function () {
        const notif = this;

        if ( !notif.isPaused ) {
        // Start any autoHide timeouts
        if ( notif.options.autoHide ) {
            notif.isPaused = false;
            notif.timeoutId = notif.timeout.set( () => {
                // Already finished, so don't try to re-clear it
                delete notif.timeoutId;
            }, this.autoHideSeconds * 1000 );

     * Close the notification.
     * @memberof Notification
    Notification.prototype.close = function () {
        const notif = this;

        if ( !this.isOpen ) {

        this.isOpen = false;

        // Clear any remaining timeout on close

        // Remove the mw-notification-autohide class from the notification to avoid
        // having a half-closed notification counted as a notification to resume
        // when handling {autoHideLimit}.
        this.$notification.removeClass( 'mw-notification-autohide' );

        // Now that a notification is being closed. Start auto-hide timers for any
        // notification that has now become one of the first {autoHideLimit} notifications.

        requestAnimationFrame( () => {
            notif.$notification.removeClass( 'mw-notification-visible' );

            setTimeout( () => {
                if ( openNotificationCount === 0 ) {
                    // Hide the area after the last notification closes. Otherwise, the padding on
                    // the area can be obscure content, despite the area being empty/invisible (T54659). // FIXME
                    $area.css( 'display', 'none' );
                } else {
                    // FIXME: Use CSS transition
                    // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-slide
                    notif.$notification.slideUp( 'fast', function () {
                        $( this ).remove();
                    } );
            }, 500 );
        } );

     * Helper function, take a list of notification divs and call
     * a function on the Notification instance attached to them.
     * @private
     * @static
     * @param {jQuery} $notifications A jQuery object containing notification divs
     * @param {string} fn The name of the function to call on the Notification instance
    function callEachNotification( $notifications, fn ) {
        $notifications.each( function () {
            const notif = $( this ).data( 'mw-notification' );
            if ( notif ) {
                notif[ fn ]();
        } );

     * Initialisation.
     * Must only be called once, and not before the document is ready.
     * @ignore
    function init() {
        let offset, $overlay,
            isFloating = false;

        function updateAreaMode() {
            const shouldFloat = window.pageYOffset >;
            if ( isFloating === shouldFloat ) {
            isFloating = shouldFloat;
                .toggleClass( 'mw-notification-area-floating', isFloating )
                .toggleClass( 'mw-notification-area-layout', !isFloating );

        // Look for a preset notification area in the skin.
        // 'data-mw*' attributes are banned from user content in Sanitizer.
        $area = $( '.mw-notification-area[data-mw="interface"]' ).first();
        if ( !$area.length ) {
            $area = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-notification-area' );
            // Create overlay div for the notification area
            $overlay = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-notification-area-overlay' );
            // Append the notification area to the overlay wrapper area
            $overlay.append( $area );
            $( document.body ).append( $overlay );
            .addClass( 'mw-notification-area-layout' )
            // The ID attribute here is deprecated.
            .attr( 'id', 'mw-notification-area' )
            // Pause auto-hide timers when the mouse is in the notification area.
            .on( {
                mouseenter: notification.pause,
                mouseleave: notification.resume
            } )
            // When clicking on a notification close it.
            .on( 'click', '.mw-notification', function () {
                const notif = $( this ).data( 'mw-notification' );
                if ( notif ) {
            } )
            // Stop click events from <a> and <select> tags from propagating to prevent clicks
            // from hiding a notification. stopPropagation() bubbles up, not down,
            // hence this should not conflict with OOUI's own click handlers.
            .on( 'click', 'a, select, .oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget', ( e ) => {
            } );

        // Read from the DOM:
        // Must be in the next frame to avoid synchronous layout
        // computation from offset()/getBoundingClientRect().
        requestAnimationFrame( () => {
            let notif;

            offset = $area.offset();

            // Initial mode (reads, and then maybe writes)

            // Once we have the offset for where it would normally render, set the
            // initial state of the (currently empty) notification area to be hidden.
            $area.css( 'display', 'none' );

            $( window ).on( 'scroll', updateAreaMode );

            // Handle pre-ready queue.
            isPageReady = true;
            while ( preReadyNotifQueue.length ) {
                notif = preReadyNotifQueue.shift();
        } );

     * Library for sending notifications to end users.
     * @namespace mw.notification
     * @memberof mw
     * @singleton
    notification = {
         * Pause auto-hide timers for all notifications.
         * Notifications will not auto-hide until resume is called.
         * @see Notification#pause
         * @memberof mw.notification
        pause: function () {
                $area.children( '.mw-notification' ),

         * Resume any paused auto-hide timers from the beginning.
         * Only the first {@link mw.notification.autoHideLimit} timers will be resumed.
         * @memberof mw.notification
        resume: function () {
                // Only call resume on the first #autoHideLimit notifications.
                // Exclude noautohide notifications to avoid bugs where #autoHideLimit
                // `{ autoHide: false }` notifications are at the start preventing any
                // auto-hide notifications from being autohidden.
                $area.children( '.mw-notification-autohide' ).slice( 0, notification.autoHideLimit ),

         * Display a notification message to the user.
         * @memberof mw.notification
         * @param {HTMLElement|HTMLElement[]|jQuery|mw.Message|string} message
         * @param {mw.notification.NotificationOptions} [options] The options to use
         *  for the notification. Options not specified default to the values in
         *  [#defaults]{@link mw.notification.defaults}.
         * @return {Notification} Notification object
        notify: function ( message, options ) {
            let notif;
            options = Object.assign( {}, notification.defaults, options );

            notif = new Notification( message, options );

            if ( isPageReady ) {
            } else {
                preReadyNotifQueue.push( notif );

            return notif;

         * @memberof mw.notification
         * @typedef {Object} NotificationOptions
         * @property {boolean} autoHide Whether the notification should automatically
         *   be hidden after shown. Or if it should persist.
         * @property {string} autoHideSeconds Key to
         *   [#autoHideSeconds]{@link mw.notification.autoHideSeconds} for number of
         *   seconds for timeout of auto-hide notifications.
         * @property {string|null} tag When a notification is tagged only one message
         *   with that tag will be displayed. Trying to display a new notification
         *   with the same tag as one already being displayed will cause the other
         *   notification to be closed and this new notification to open up inside
         *   the same place as the previous notification.
         * @property {string|null} title Title for the notification. Will be displayed
         *   above the content. Usually in bold.
         * @property {string|null} type The type of the message used for styling.
         *   Examples: `info`, `warn`, `error`, `success`.
         * @property {boolean} visibleTimeout Whether the autoHide timeout should be
         *   based on time the page was visible to user. Or if it should use wall
         *   clock time.
         * @property {string|false} id HTML ID to set on the notification element.
         * @property {string|string[]|false} classes CSS class names to be set on the
         *   notification element.

         * The defaults for [#notify]{@link mw.notification.notify} options parameter.
         * @memberof mw.notification
         * @type {mw.notification.NotificationOptions}
        defaults: {
            autoHide: true,
            autoHideSeconds: 'short',
            tag: null,
            title: null,
            type: null,
            visibleTimeout: true,
            id: false,
            classes: false

         * Map of predefined auto-hide timeout keys to second values. `short` is
         * used by default, and other values can be added for use in [#notify]{@link mw.notification.notify}.
         * @memberof mw.notification
         * @type {Object.<string, number>}
         * @property {number} short 5 seconds (default)
         * @property {number} long 30 seconds
        autoHideSeconds: {
            short: 5,
            long: 30

         * Maximum number of simultaneous notifications to start auto-hide timers for.
         * Only this number of notifications being displayed will be auto-hidden at one time.
         * Any additional notifications in the list will only start counting their timeout for
         * auto-hiding after the previous messages have been closed.
         * This basically represents the minimal number of notifications the user should
         * be able to process during the {@link mw.notification.defaults default} `autoHideSeconds` time.
         * @memberof mw.notification
         * @type {number}
        autoHideLimit: 3

    if ( window.QUnit ) {
        $area = $( document.body );
    } else {
        // Don't run UI logic while under test.
        // Let the test control this instead.
        $( init );

    mw.notification = notification;

}() );