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var FilterItem = require( './FilterItem.js' ),
    utils = require( '../utils.js' ),

 * View model for a filter group.
 * @class
 * @ignore
 * @mixes OO.EventEmitter
 * @mixes OO.EmitterList
 * @param {string} name Group name
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
 * @param {string} [config.type='send_unselected_if_any'] Group type
 * @param {string} [config.view='default'] Name of the display group this group
 *  is a part of.
 * @param {boolean} [config.sticky] This group is 'sticky'. It is synchronized
 *  with a preference, does not participate in Saved Queries, and is
 *  not shown in the active filters area.
 * @param {string} [config.title] Group title
 * @param {boolean} [config.hidden] This group is hidden from the regular menu views
 *  and the active filters area.
 * @param {boolean} [config.allowArbitrary] Allows for an arbitrary value to be added to the
 *  group from the URL, even if it wasn't initially set up.
 * @param {number} [config.range] An object defining minimum and maximum values for numeric
 *  groups. { min: x, max: y }
 * @param {number} [config.minValue] Minimum value for numeric groups
 * @param {string} [config.separator='|'] Value separator for 'string_options' groups
 * @param {boolean} [config.supportsAll=true] For 'string_options' groups, whether the magic 'all' value
 *  is understood to mean all options are selected.
 * @param {boolean} [] Group is active
 * @param {boolean} [config.fullCoverage] This filters in this group collectively cover all results
 * @param {Object} [config.conflicts] Defines the conflicts for this filter group
 * @param {string|Object} [config.labelPrefixKey] An i18n key defining the prefix label for this
 *  group. If the prefix has 'invert' state, the parameter is expected to be an object
 *  with 'default' and 'inverted' as keys.
 * @param {Object} [config.whatsThis] Defines the messages that should appear for the 'what's this' popup
 * @param {string} [config.whatsThis.header] The header of the whatsThis popup message
 * @param {string} [config.whatsThis.body] The body of the whatsThis popup message
 * @param {string} [config.whatsThis.url] The url for the link in the whatsThis popup message
 * @param {string} [config.whatsThis.linkMessage] The text for the link in the whatsThis popup message
 * @param {boolean} [config.visible=true] The visibility of the group
FilterGroup = function MwRcfiltersDmFilterGroup( name, config ) {
    config = config || {};

    // Mixin constructor this ); this ); = name;
    this.type = config.type || 'send_unselected_if_any';
    this.view = config.view || 'default';
    this.sticky = !!config.sticky;
    this.title = config.title || name;
    this.hidden = !!config.hidden;
    this.allowArbitrary = !!config.allowArbitrary;
    this.numericRange = config.range;
    this.separator = config.separator || '|';
    this.supportsAll = config.supportsAll === undefined ? true : !!config.supportsAll;
    this.labelPrefixKey = config.labelPrefixKey;
    this.visible = config.visible === undefined ? true : !!config.visible;

    this.currSelected = null; = !!;
    this.fullCoverage = !!config.fullCoverage;

    this.whatsThis = config.whatsThis || {};

    this.conflicts = config.conflicts || {};
    this.defaultParams = {};
    this.defaultFilters = {};

    this.aggregate( { update: 'filterItemUpdate' } );
    this.connect( this, { filterItemUpdate: 'onFilterItemUpdate' } );

/* Initialization */
OO.initClass( FilterGroup );
OO.mixinClass( FilterGroup, OO.EventEmitter );
OO.mixinClass( FilterGroup, OO.EmitterList );

/* Events */

 * Group state has been updated.
 * @event update
 * @ignore

/* Methods */

 * Initialize the group and create its filter items
 * @param {Object} filterDefinition Filter definition for this group
 * @param {string|Object} [groupDefault] Definition of the group default
FilterGroup.prototype.initializeFilters = function ( filterDefinition, groupDefault ) {
    var defaultParam,
        supersetMap = {},
        model = this,
        items = [];

    filterDefinition.forEach( ( filter ) => {
        // Instantiate an item
        var subsetNames = [],
            filterItem = new FilterItem(, model, {
                group: model.getName(),
                label: filter.label ||,
                description: filter.description || '',
                labelPrefixKey: model.labelPrefixKey,
                cssClass: filter.cssClass,
                helpLink: filter.helpLink,
                identifiers: filter.identifiers,
                defaultHighlightColor: filter.defaultHighlightColor
            } );

        if ( filter.subset ) {
            filter.subset = ( el ) => el.filter );

            subsetNames = [];

            filter.subset.forEach( ( subsetFilterName ) => {
                // Subsets (unlike conflicts) are always inside the same group
                // We can re-map the names of the filters we are getting from
                // the subsets with the group prefix
                var subsetName = model.getPrefixedName( subsetFilterName );
                // For convenience, we should store each filter's "supersets" -- these are
                // the filters that have that item in their subset list. This will just
                // make it easier to go through whether the item has any other items
                // that affect it (and are selected) at any given time
                supersetMap[ subsetName ] = supersetMap[ subsetName ] || [];
                    supersetMap[ subsetName ],

                // Translate subset param name to add the group name, so we
                // get consistent naming. We know that subsets are only within
                // the same group
                subsetNames.push( subsetName );
            } );

            // Set translated subset
            filterItem.setSubset( subsetNames );

        items.push( filterItem );

        // Store default parameter state; in this case, default is defined per filter
        if (
            model.getType() === 'send_unselected_if_any' ||
            model.getType() === 'boolean'
        ) {
            // Store the default parameter state
            // For this group type, parameter values are direct
            // We need to convert from a boolean to a string ('1' and '0')
            model.defaultParams[ ] = String( Number( filter.default || 0 ) );
        } else if ( model.getType() === 'any_value' ) {
            model.defaultParams[ ] = filter.default;
    } );

    // Add items
    this.addItems( items );

    // Now that we have all items, we can apply the superset map
    this.getItems().forEach( ( filterItem ) => {
        filterItem.setSuperset( supersetMap[ filterItem.getName() ] );
    } );

    // Store default parameter state; in this case, default is defined per the
    // entire group, given by groupDefault method parameter
    if ( this.getType() === 'string_options' ) {
        // Store the default parameter group state
        // For this group, the parameter is group name and value is the names
        // of selected items
        this.defaultParams[ this.getName() ] = utils.normalizeParamOptions(
            // Current values
            groupDefault ?
                groupDefault.split( this.getSeparator() ) :
            // Legal values
            this.getItems().map( ( item ) => item.getParamName() )
        ).join( this.getSeparator() );
    } else if ( this.getType() === 'single_option' ) {
        defaultParam = groupDefault !== undefined ?
            groupDefault : this.getItems()[ 0 ].getParamName();

        // For this group, the parameter is the group name,
        // and a single item can be selected: default or first item
        this.defaultParams[ this.getName() ] = defaultParam;

    // add highlights to defaultParams
    this.getItems().forEach( ( filterItem ) => {
        if ( filterItem.isHighlighted() ) {
            this.defaultParams[ filterItem.getName() + '_color' ] = filterItem.getHighlightColor();
    } );

    // Store default filter state based on default params
    this.defaultFilters = this.getFilterRepresentation( this.getDefaultParams() );

    // Check for filters that should be initially selected by their default value
    if ( this.isSticky() ) {
        var defaultFilters = this.defaultFilters;
        for ( var filterName in defaultFilters ) {
            var filterValue = defaultFilters[ filterName ];
            model.getItemByName( filterName ).toggleSelected( filterValue );

    // Verify that single_option group has at least one item selected
    if (
        this.getType() === 'single_option' &&
        this.findSelectedItems().length === 0
    ) {
        defaultParam = groupDefault !== undefined ?
            groupDefault : this.getItems()[ 0 ].getParamName();

        // Single option means there must be a single option
        // selected, so we have to either select the default
        // or select the first option
        this.selectItemByParamName( defaultParam );

 * Respond to filterItem update event
 * @param {} item Updated filter item
 * @fires update
FilterGroup.prototype.onFilterItemUpdate = function ( item ) {
    // Update state
    var changed = false,
        active = this.areAnySelected(),
        model = this;

    if ( this.getType() === 'single_option' ) {
        // This group must have one item selected always
        // and must never have more than one item selected at a time
        if ( this.findSelectedItems().length === 0 ) {
            // Nothing is selected anymore
            // Select the default or the first item
            this.currSelected = this.getItemByParamName( this.defaultParams[ this.getName() ] ) ||
                this.getItems()[ 0 ];
            this.currSelected.toggleSelected( true );
            changed = true;
        } else if ( this.findSelectedItems().length > 1 ) {
            // There is more than one item selected
            // This should only happen if the item given
            // is the one that is selected, so unselect
            // all items that is not it
            this.findSelectedItems().forEach( ( itemModel ) => {
                // Note that in case the given item is actually
                // not selected, this loop will end up unselecting
                // all items, which would trigger the case above
                // when the last item is unselected anyways
                var selected = itemModel.getName() === item.getName() &&

                itemModel.toggleSelected( selected );
                if ( selected ) {
                    model.currSelected = itemModel;
            } );
            changed = true;

    if ( this.isSticky() ) {
        // If this group is sticky, then change the default according to the
        // current selection.
        this.defaultParams = this.getParamRepresentation( this.getSelectedState() );

    if (
        changed || !== active ||
        this.currSelected !== item
    ) { = active;
        this.currSelected = item;

        this.emit( 'update' );

 * Get group active state
 * @return {boolean} Active state
FilterGroup.prototype.isActive = function () {

 * Get group hidden state
 * @return {boolean} Hidden state
FilterGroup.prototype.isHidden = function () {
    return this.hidden;

 * Get group allow arbitrary state
 * @return {boolean} Group allows an arbitrary value from the URL
FilterGroup.prototype.isAllowArbitrary = function () {
    return this.allowArbitrary;

 * Get group maximum value for numeric groups
 * @return {number|null} Group max value
FilterGroup.prototype.getMaxValue = function () {
    return this.numericRange && this.numericRange.max !== undefined ?
        this.numericRange.max : null;

 * Get group minimum value for numeric groups
 * @return {number|null} Group max value
FilterGroup.prototype.getMinValue = function () {
    return this.numericRange && this.numericRange.min !== undefined ?
        this.numericRange.min : null;

 * Get group name
 * @return {string} Group name
FilterGroup.prototype.getName = function () {

 * Get the default param state of this group
 * @return {Object} Default param state
FilterGroup.prototype.getDefaultParams = function () {
    return this.defaultParams;

 * Get the default filter state of this group
 * @return {Object} Default filter state
FilterGroup.prototype.getDefaultFilters = function () {
    return this.defaultFilters;

 * Get the messags defining the 'whats this' popup for this group
 * @return {Object} What's this messages
FilterGroup.prototype.getWhatsThis = function () {
    return this.whatsThis;

 * Check whether this group has a 'what's this' message
 * @return {boolean} This group has a what's this message
FilterGroup.prototype.hasWhatsThis = function () {
    return !!this.whatsThis.body;

 * Get the conflicts associated with the entire group.
 * Conflict object is set up by filter name keys and conflict
 * definition.
 * @example
 * [
 *     {
 *         filterName: {
 *             filter: filterName,
 *             group: group1
 *         }
 *     },
 *     {
 *         filterName2: {
 *             filter: filterName2,
 *             group: group2
 *         }
 *     }
 * ]
 * @return {Object} Conflict definition
FilterGroup.prototype.getConflicts = function () {
    return this.conflicts;

 * Set conflicts for this group. See #getConflicts for the expected
 * structure of the definition.
 * @param {Object} conflicts Conflicts for this group
FilterGroup.prototype.setConflicts = function ( conflicts ) {
    this.conflicts = conflicts;

 * Check whether this item has a potential conflict with the given item
 * This checks whether the given item is in the list of conflicts of
 * the current item, but makes no judgment about whether the conflict
 * is currently at play (either one of the items may not be selected)
 * @param {} filterItem Filter item
 * @return {boolean} This item has a conflict with the given item
FilterGroup.prototype.existsInConflicts = function ( filterItem ) {
    return this.getConflicts(), filterItem.getName() );

 * Check whether there are any items selected
 * @return {boolean} Any items in the group are selected
FilterGroup.prototype.areAnySelected = function () {
    return this.getItems().some( ( filterItem ) => filterItem.isSelected() );

 * Check whether all items selected
 * @return {boolean} All items are selected
FilterGroup.prototype.areAllSelected = function () {
    var selected = [],
        unselected = [];

    this.getItems().forEach( ( filterItem ) => {
        if ( filterItem.isSelected() ) {
            selected.push( filterItem );
        } else {
            unselected.push( filterItem );
    } );

    if ( unselected.length === 0 ) {
        return true;

    // check if every unselected is a subset of a selected
    return unselected.every( ( unselectedFilterItem ) => selected.some( ( selectedFilterItem ) => selectedFilterItem.existsInSubset( unselectedFilterItem.getName() ) ) );

 * Get all selected items in this group
 * @ignore
 * @param {} [excludeItem] Item to exclude from the list
 * @return {[]} Selected items
FilterGroup.prototype.findSelectedItems = function ( excludeItem ) {
    var excludeName = ( excludeItem && excludeItem.getName() ) || '';

    return this.getItems().filter( ( item ) => item.getName() !== excludeName && item.isSelected() );

 * Check whether all selected items are in conflict with the given item
 * @param {} filterItem Filter item to test
 * @return {boolean} All selected items are in conflict with this item
FilterGroup.prototype.areAllSelectedInConflictWith = function ( filterItem ) {
    var selectedItems = this.findSelectedItems( filterItem );

    return selectedItems.length > 0 &&
            // The group as a whole is in conflict with this item
            this.existsInConflicts( filterItem ) ||
            // All selected items are in conflict individually
            selectedItems.every( ( selectedFilter ) => selectedFilter.existsInConflicts( filterItem ) )

 * Check whether any of the selected items are in conflict with the given item
 * @param {} filterItem Filter item to test
 * @return {boolean} Any of the selected items are in conflict with this item
FilterGroup.prototype.areAnySelectedInConflictWith = function ( filterItem ) {
    var selectedItems = this.findSelectedItems( filterItem );

    return selectedItems.length > 0 && (
        // The group as a whole is in conflict with this item
        this.existsInConflicts( filterItem ) ||
        // Any selected items are in conflict individually
        selectedItems.some( ( selectedFilter ) => selectedFilter.existsInConflicts( filterItem ) )

 * Get the parameter representation from this group
 * @param {Object} [filterRepresentation] An object defining the state
 *  of the filters in this group, keyed by their name and current selected
 *  state value.
 * @return {Object} Parameter representation
FilterGroup.prototype.getParamRepresentation = function ( filterRepresentation ) {
    var values,
        areAnySelected = false,
        buildFromCurrentState = !filterRepresentation,
        defaultFilters = this.getDefaultFilters(),
        result = {},
        model = this,
        filterParamNames = {},
        getSelectedParameter = function ( filters ) {
            var item,
                selected = [];

            // Find if any are selected
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-each-util
            $.each( filters, ( name, value ) => {
                if ( value ) {
                    selected.push( name );
            } );

            item = model.getItemByName( selected[ 0 ] );
            return ( item && item.getParamName() ) || '';

    filterRepresentation = filterRepresentation || {};

    // Create or complete the filterRepresentation definition
    this.getItems().forEach( ( item ) => {
        // Map filter names to their parameter names
        filterParamNames[ item.getName() ] = item.getParamName();

        if ( buildFromCurrentState ) {
            // This means we have not been given a filter representation
            // so we are building one based on current state
            filterRepresentation[ item.getName() ] = item.getValue();
        } else if ( filterRepresentation[ item.getName() ] === undefined ) {
            // We are given a filter representation, but we have to make
            // sure that we fill in the missing filters if there are any
            // we will assume they are all falsey
            if ( model.isSticky() ) {
                filterRepresentation[ item.getName() ] = !!defaultFilters[ item.getName() ];
            } else {
                filterRepresentation[ item.getName() ] = false;

        if ( filterRepresentation[ item.getName() ] ) {
            areAnySelected = true;
    } );

    // Build result
    if (
        this.getType() === 'send_unselected_if_any' ||
        this.getType() === 'boolean' ||
        this.getType() === 'any_value'
    ) {
        // First, check if any of the items are selected at all.
        // If none is selected, we're treating it as if they are
        // all false

        // Go over the items and define the correct values
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-each-util
        $.each( filterRepresentation, ( name, value ) => {
            // We must store all parameter values as strings '0' or '1'
            if ( model.getType() === 'send_unselected_if_any' ) {
                result[ filterParamNames[ name ] ] = areAnySelected ?
                    String( Number( !value ) ) :
            } else if ( model.getType() === 'boolean' ) {
                // Representation is straight-forward and direct from
                // the parameter value to the filter state
                result[ filterParamNames[ name ] ] = String( Number( !!value ) );
            } else if ( model.getType() === 'any_value' ) {
                result[ filterParamNames[ name ] ] = value;
        } );
    } else if ( this.getType() === 'string_options' ) {
        values = [];

        // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-each-util
        $.each( filterRepresentation, ( name, value ) => {
            // Collect values
            if ( value ) {
                values.push( filterParamNames[ name ] );
        } );

        result[ this.getName() ] = this.getSupportsAll() &&
                values.length === Object.keys( filterRepresentation ).length ?
            'all' : values.join( this.getSeparator() );
    } else if ( this.getType() === 'single_option' ) {
        result[ this.getName() ] = getSelectedParameter( filterRepresentation );

    return result;

 * Get the filter representation this group would provide
 * based on given parameter states.
 * @param {Object} [paramRepresentation] An object defining a parameter
 *  state to translate the filter state from. If not given, an object
 *  representing all filters as falsey is returned; same as if the parameter
 *  given were an empty object, or had some of the filters missing.
 * @return {Object} Filter representation
FilterGroup.prototype.getFilterRepresentation = function ( paramRepresentation ) {
    var areAnySelected, paramValues, item, currentValue,
        oneWasSelected = false,
        defaultParams = this.getDefaultParams(),
        expandedParams = $.extend( true, {}, paramRepresentation ),
        model = this,
        paramToFilterMap = {},
        result = {};

    if ( this.isSticky() ) {
        // If the group is sticky, check if all parameters are represented
        // and for those that aren't represented, add them with their default
        // values
        paramRepresentation = $.extend( true, {}, this.getDefaultParams(), paramRepresentation );

    paramRepresentation = paramRepresentation || {};
    if (
        this.getType() === 'send_unselected_if_any' ||
        this.getType() === 'boolean' ||
        this.getType() === 'any_value'
    ) {
        // Go over param representation; map and check for selections
        this.getItems().forEach( ( filterItem ) => {
            var paramName = filterItem.getParamName();

            expandedParams[ paramName ] = paramRepresentation[ paramName ] || '0';
            paramToFilterMap[ paramName ] = filterItem;

            if ( Number( paramRepresentation[ filterItem.getParamName() ] ) ) {
                areAnySelected = true;
        } );

        // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-each-util
        $.each( expandedParams, ( paramName, paramValue ) => {
            var filterItem = paramToFilterMap[ paramName ];

            if ( model.getType() === 'send_unselected_if_any' ) {
                // Flip the definition between the parameter
                // state and the filter state
                // This is what the 'toggleSelected' value of the filter is
                result[ filterItem.getName() ] = areAnySelected ?
                    !Number( paramValue ) :
                    // Otherwise, there are no selected items in the
                    // group, which means the state is false
            } else if ( model.getType() === 'boolean' ) {
                // Straight-forward definition of state
                result[ filterItem.getName() ] = !!Number( paramRepresentation[ filterItem.getParamName() ] );
            } else if ( model.getType() === 'any_value' ) {
                result[ filterItem.getName() ] = paramRepresentation[ filterItem.getParamName() ];
        } );
    } else if ( this.getType() === 'string_options' ) {
        currentValue = paramRepresentation[ this.getName() ] || '';

        // Normalize the given parameter values
        paramValues = utils.normalizeParamOptions(
            // Given
            // Allowed values
            this.getItems().map( ( filterItem ) => filterItem.getParamName() ),
        // Translate the parameter values into a filter selection state
        this.getItems().forEach( ( filterItem ) => {
            // If the parameter is set to 'all', set all filters to true
            result[ filterItem.getName() ] = (
                this.getSupportsAll() && paramValues.length === 1 && paramValues[ 0 ] === 'all'
            ) ?
                true :
                // Otherwise, the filter is selected only if it appears in the parameter values
                paramValues.indexOf( filterItem.getParamName() ) > -1;
        } );
    } else if ( this.getType() === 'single_option' ) {
        // There is parameter that fits a single filter and if not, get the default
        this.getItems().forEach( ( filterItem ) => {
            var selected = filterItem.getParamName() === paramRepresentation[ model.getName() ];

            result[ filterItem.getName() ] = selected;
            oneWasSelected = oneWasSelected || selected;
        } );

    // Go over result and make sure all filters are represented.
    // If any filters are missing, they will get a falsey value
    this.getItems().forEach( ( filterItem ) => {
        if ( result[ filterItem.getName() ] === undefined ) {
            result[ filterItem.getName() ] = this.getFalsyValue();
    } );

    // Make sure that at least one option is selected in
    // single_option groups, no matter what path was taken
    // If none was selected by the given definition, then
    // we need to select the one in the base state -- either
    // the default given, or the first item
    if (
        this.getType() === 'single_option' &&
    ) {
        item = this.getItems()[ 0 ];
        if ( defaultParams[ this.getName() ] ) {
            item = this.getItemByParamName( defaultParams[ this.getName() ] );

        result[ item.getName() ] = true;

    return result;

 * @return {any} The appropriate falsy value for this group type
FilterGroup.prototype.getFalsyValue = function () {
    return this.getType() === 'any_value' ? '' : false;

 * Get current selected state of all filter items in this group
 * @return {Object} Selected state
FilterGroup.prototype.getSelectedState = function () {
    var state = {};

    this.getItems().forEach( ( filterItem ) => {
        state[ filterItem.getName() ] = filterItem.getValue();
    } );

    return state;

 * Get item by its filter name
 * @ignore
 * @param {string} filterName Filter name
 * @return {} Filter item
FilterGroup.prototype.getItemByName = function ( filterName ) {
    return this.getItems().filter( ( item ) => item.getName() === filterName )[ 0 ];

 * Select an item by its parameter name
 * @param {string} paramName Filter parameter name
FilterGroup.prototype.selectItemByParamName = function ( paramName ) {
    this.getItems().forEach( ( item ) => {
        item.toggleSelected( item.getParamName() === String( paramName ) );
    } );

 * Get item by its parameter name
 * @ignore
 * @param {string} paramName Parameter name
 * @return {} Filter item
FilterGroup.prototype.getItemByParamName = function ( paramName ) {
    return this.getItems().filter( ( item ) => item.getParamName() === String( paramName ) )[ 0 ];

 * Get group type
 * @return {string} Group type
FilterGroup.prototype.getType = function () {
    return this.type;

 * Check whether this group is represented by a single parameter
 * or whether each item is its own parameter
 * @return {boolean} This group is a single parameter
FilterGroup.prototype.isPerGroupRequestParameter = function () {
    return (
        this.getType() === 'string_options' ||
        this.getType() === 'single_option'

 * Get display group
 * @return {string} Display group
FilterGroup.prototype.getView = function () {
    return this.view;

 * Get the prefix used for the filter names inside this group.
 * @return {string} Group prefix
FilterGroup.prototype.getNamePrefix = function () {
    return this.getName() + '__';

 * Get a filter name with the prefix used for the filter names inside this group.
 * @param {string} name Filter name to prefix
 * @return {string} Group prefix
FilterGroup.prototype.getPrefixedName = function ( name ) {
    return this.getNamePrefix() + name;

 * Get group's title
 * @return {string} Title
FilterGroup.prototype.getTitle = function () {
    return this.title;

 * Get group's values separator
 * @return {string} Values separator
FilterGroup.prototype.getSeparator = function () {
    return this.separator;

 * Check whether the group supports the magic 'all' value to indicate that all values are selected.
 * @return {boolean} Group supports the magic 'all' value
FilterGroup.prototype.getSupportsAll = function () {
    return this.supportsAll;

 * Check whether the group is defined as full coverage
 * @return {boolean} Group is full coverage
FilterGroup.prototype.isFullCoverage = function () {
    return this.fullCoverage;

 * Check whether the group is defined as sticky default
 * @return {boolean} Group is sticky default
FilterGroup.prototype.isSticky = function () {
    return this.sticky;

 * Normalize a value given to this group. This is mostly for correcting
 * arbitrary values for 'single option' groups, given by the user settings
 * or the URL that can go outside the limits that are allowed.
 * @param  {string} value Given value
 * @return {string} Corrected value
FilterGroup.prototype.normalizeArbitraryValue = function ( value ) {
    if (
        this.getType() === 'single_option' &&
    ) {
        if (
            this.getMaxValue() !== null &&
            value > this.getMaxValue()
        ) {
            // Change the value to the actual max value
            return String( this.getMaxValue() );
        } else if (
            this.getMinValue() !== null &&
            value < this.getMinValue()
        ) {
            // Change the value to the actual min value
            return String( this.getMinValue() );

    return value;

 * Toggle the visibility of this group
 * @param {boolean} [isVisible] Item is visible
FilterGroup.prototype.toggleVisible = function ( isVisible ) {
    isVisible = isVisible === undefined ? !this.visible : isVisible;

    if ( this.visible !== isVisible ) {
        this.visible = isVisible;
        this.emit( 'update' );

 * Check whether the group is visible
 * @return {boolean} Group is visible
FilterGroup.prototype.isVisible = function () {
    return this.visible;

 * Set the visibility of the items under this group by the given items array
 * @param {[]} visibleItems An array of visible items
FilterGroup.prototype.setVisibleItems = function ( visibleItems ) {
    this.getItems().forEach( ( itemModel ) => {
        itemModel.toggleVisible( visibleItems.indexOf( itemModel ) !== -1 );
    } );

module.exports = FilterGroup;