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2 hrs
Test Coverage
 * JavaScript for signup form.
var HtmlformChecker = require( './HtmlformChecker.js' );

// When sending password by email, hide the password input fields.
$( function () {
    // Always required if checked, otherwise it depends, so we use the original
    var $emailLabel = $( 'label[for="wpEmail"] .cdx-label__label__text' ),
        originalText = $emailLabel.text(),
        requiredText = mw.msg( 'createacct-emailrequired' ),
        $createByMailCheckbox = $( '#wpCreateaccountMail' ),
        $beforePwds = $( '.mw-row-password' ).first().prev(),

    function updateForCheckbox() {
        var checked = $createByMailCheckbox.prop( 'checked' );
        if ( checked ) {
            $pwds = $( '.mw-row-password' ).detach();
            // TODO when this uses the optional flag, show/hide that instead of changing the text
            $emailLabel.text( requiredText );
        } else {
            if ( $pwds ) {
                $beforePwds.after( $pwds );
                $pwds = null;
            $emailLabel.text( originalText );

    $createByMailCheckbox.on( 'change', updateForCheckbox );
} );

// Check if the username is invalid or already taken; show username normalisation warning
mw.hook( 'htmlform.enhance' ).add( function ( $root ) {
    var $usernameInput = $root.find( '#wpName2' ),
        $passwordInput = $root.find( '#wpPassword2' ),
        $emailInput = $root.find( '#wpEmail' ),
        $realNameInput = $root.find( '#wpRealName' ),
        api = new mw.Api(),
        usernameChecker, passwordChecker;

    function checkUsername( username ) {
        // We could just use .then() if we didn't have to pass on .abort()…
        var d, apiPromise;

        // Leading/trailing/multiple whitespace characters are always stripped in usernames,
        // this should not require a warning. We do warn about underscores.
        username = username.replace( / +/g, ' ' ).trim();

        d = $.Deferred();
        apiPromise = api.get( {
            action: 'query',
            list: 'users',
            ususers: username,
            usprop: 'cancreate',
            formatversion: 2,
            errorformat: 'html',
            errorsuselocal: true,
            uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )
        } )
            .done( function ( resp ) {
                var userinfo = resp.query.users[ 0 ];

                if ( resp.query.users.length !== 1 || userinfo.invalid ) {
                    d.resolve( { valid: false, messages: [ mw.message( 'noname' ).parseDom() ] } );
                } else if ( userinfo.userid !== undefined ) {
                    d.resolve( { valid: false, messages: [ mw.message( 'userexists' ).parseDom() ] } );
                } else if ( !userinfo.cancreate ) {
                    d.resolve( {
                        valid: false,
                        messages: userinfo.cancreateerror ? function ( m ) {
                            return m.html;
                        } ) : []
                    } );
                } else if ( !== username ) {
                    d.resolve( { valid: true, messages: [
                        mw.message( 'createacct-normalization', username, ).parseDom()
                    ] } );
                } else {
                    d.resolve( { valid: true, messages: [] } );
            } )
            .fail( d.reject );

        return d.promise( { abort: apiPromise.abort } );

    function checkPassword() {
        // We could just use .then() if we didn't have to pass on .abort()…
        var apiPromise,
            d = $.Deferred();

        if ( $usernameInput.val().trim() === '' ) {
            d.resolve( { valid: true, messages: [] } );
            return d.promise();

        apiPromise = {
            action: 'validatepassword',
            user: $usernameInput.val(),
            password: $passwordInput.val(),
            email: $emailInput.val() || '',
            realname: $realNameInput.val() || '',
            formatversion: 2,
            errorformat: 'html',
            errorsuselocal: true,
            uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )
        } )
            .done( function ( resp ) {
                var pwinfo = resp.validatepassword || {};

                d.resolve( {
                    valid: pwinfo.validity === 'Good',
                    messages: pwinfo.validitymessages ? function ( m ) {
                        return m.html;
                    } ) : []
                } );
            } )
            .fail( d.reject );

        return d.promise( { abort: apiPromise.abort } );

    usernameChecker = new HtmlformChecker( $usernameInput, checkUsername );

    passwordChecker = new HtmlformChecker( $passwordInput, checkPassword );
    passwordChecker.attach( $usernameInput.add( $emailInput ).add( $realNameInput ) );
} );