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4 hrs
Test Coverage
 * JavaScript for Special:Watchlist
( function () {
    function trimStart( s ) {
        return s.replace( /^ /, '' );

    function trimEnd( s ) {
        return s.endsWith( ' ' ) ? s.slice( 0, s.length - 1 ) : s;

    $( function () {
        var api = new mw.Api(), $progressBar, $resetForm = $( '#mw-watchlist-resetbutton' );

        // If the user wants to reset their watchlist, use an API call to do so (no reload required)
        // Adapted from a user script by User:NQ of English Wikipedia
        // (User:NQ/WatchlistResetConfirm.js)
        $resetForm.on( 'submit', function ( event ) {
            var $button = $resetForm.find( 'input[name=mw-watchlist-reset-submit]' );


            // Disable reset button to prevent multiple concurrent requests
            $button.prop( 'disabled', true );

            if ( !$progressBar ) {
                $progressBar = new OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget( { progress: false } ).$element;
                $progressBar.css( {
                    position: 'absolute', width: '100%'
                } );
            // Show progress bar
            $resetForm.append( $progressBar );

            // Use action=setnotificationtimestamp to mark all as visited,
            // then set all watchlist lines accordingly
            api.postWithToken( 'csrf', {
                formatversion: 2, action: 'setnotificationtimestamp', entirewatchlist: true
            } ).done( function () {
                // Enable button again
                $button.prop( 'disabled', false );
                // Hide the button because further clicks can not generate any visual changes
                $button.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
                $( '.mw-changeslist-line-watched' )
                    .removeClass( 'mw-changeslist-line-watched' )
                    .addClass( 'mw-changeslist-line-not-watched' );
            } ).fail( function () {
                // On error, fall back to server-side reset
                // First remove this submit listener and then re-submit the form
                $ 'submit' ).trigger( 'submit' );
            } );
        } );

        // if the user wishes to reload the watchlist whenever a filter changes
        if ( mw.user.options.get( 'watchlistreloadautomatically' ) ) {
            // add a listener on all form elements in the header form
            $( '#mw-watchlist-form input, #mw-watchlist-form select' ).on( 'change', function () {
                // submit the form when one of the input fields is modified
                $( '#mw-watchlist-form' ).trigger( 'submit' );
            } );

        if ( mw.user.options.get( 'watchlistunwatchlinks' ) ) {
            // Watch/unwatch toggle link:
            // If a page is on the watchlist, a '×' is shown which, when clicked, removes the page from the watchlist.
            // After unwatching a page, the '×' becomes a '+', which if clicked re-watches the page.
            // Unwatched page entries are struck through and have lowered opacity.
            $( '.mw-changeslist' ).on( 'click', '.mw-unwatch-link, .mw-watch-link', function ( event ) {
                var $unwatchLink = $( this ), // EnhancedChangesList uses <table> for each row, while OldChangesList uses <li> for each row
                    $watchlistLine = $unwatchLink.closest( 'li, table' )
                        .find( '[data-target-page]' ),
                    pageTitle = String( $ 'targetPage' ) ),
                    isTalk = mw.Title.newFromText( pageTitle ).isTalkPage();

                // Utility function for looping through each watchlist line that matches
                // a certain page or its associated page (e.g. Talk)
                function forEachMatchingTitle( title, callback ) {

                    var titleObj = mw.Title.newFromText( title ),
                        associatedTitleObj = titleObj.isTalkPage() ? titleObj.getSubjectPage() : titleObj.getTalkPage(),
                        associatedTitle = associatedTitleObj.getPrefixedText();
                    $( '.mw-changeslist-line' ).each( function () {
                        var $line = $( this ), $row, $link;

                        $line.find( '[data-target-page]' ).each( function () {
                            var $this = $( this ), rowTitle = String( $ 'targetPage' ) );
                            if ( rowTitle === title || rowTitle === associatedTitle ) {

                                // EnhancedChangesList groups log entries by performer rather than target page. Therefore...
                                // * If using OldChangesList, use the <li>
                                // * If using EnhancedChangesList and $this is part of a grouped log entry, use the <td> sub-entry
                                // * If using EnhancedChangesList and $this is not part of a grouped log entry, use the <table> grouped entry
                                $row =
                                        'li, .mw-enhancedchanges-checkbox + td[data-target-page], table' );
                                $link = $row.find( '.mw-unwatch-link, .mw-watch-link' );

                                callback( rowTitle, $row, $link );
                        } );
                    } );

                // Preload the notification module for mw.notify
                mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.notification' );

                // Depending on whether we are watching or unwatching, for each entry of the page (and its associated page i.e. Talk),
                // change the text, tooltip, and non-JS href of the (un)watch button, and update the styling of the watchlist entry.
                // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state
                if ( $unwatchLink.hasClass( 'mw-unwatch-link' ) ) {
                    api.unwatch( pageTitle )
                        .done( function () {
                            forEachMatchingTitle( pageTitle,
                                function ( rowPageTitle, $row, $rowUnwatchLink ) {
                                        .text( mw.msg( 'watchlist-unwatch-undo' ) )
                                        .attr( 'title', mw.msg( 'tooltip-ca-watch' ) )
                                        .attr( 'href',
                                            mw.util.getUrl( rowPageTitle, { action: 'watch' } ) )
                                        .removeClass( 'mw-unwatch-link loading' )
                                        .addClass( 'mw-watch-link' );
                                        '.mw-changeslist-line-inner, .mw-enhanced-rc-nested' )
                                        .addBack( '.mw-enhanced-rc-nested' ) // For matching log sub-entry
                                        .addClass( 'mw-changelist-line-inner-unwatched' );
                                } );

                                mw.message( isTalk ? 'removedwatchtext-talk' : 'removedwatchtext',
                                    pageTitle ), { tag: 'watch-self' } );
                        } );
                } else {
           pageTitle )
                        .then( function () {
                            forEachMatchingTitle( pageTitle,
                                function ( rowPageTitle, $row, $rowUnwatchLink ) {
                                        .text( mw.msg( 'watchlist-unwatch' ) )
                                        .attr( 'title', mw.msg( 'tooltip-ca-unwatch' ) )
                                        .attr( 'href',
                                            mw.util.getUrl( rowPageTitle, { action: 'unwatch' } ) )
                                        .removeClass( 'mw-watch-link loading' )
                                        .addClass( 'mw-unwatch-link' );
                                    $row.find( '.mw-changelist-line-inner-unwatched' )
                                        .addBack( '.mw-enhanced-rc-nested' )
                                        .removeClass( 'mw-changelist-line-inner-unwatched' );
                                    $row.find( '.mw-changesList-watchlistExpiry' ).each( function () {
                                        // Add the missing semicolon (T266747)
                                        var $expiry = $( this );
                                        $ '.mw-changeslist-separator' )
                                            .addClass( 'mw-changeslist-separator--semicolon' )
                                            .removeClass( 'mw-changeslist-separator' );
                                        // Remove the spaces before and after the expiry icon
                                        this.nextSibling.nodeValue = trimStart( this.nextSibling.nodeValue );
                                        this.previousSibling.nodeValue = trimEnd( this.previousSibling.nodeValue );
                                        // Remove the icon
                                    } );
                                } );

                                mw.message( isTalk ? 'addedwatchtext-talk' : 'addedwatchtext',
                                    pageTitle ), { tag: 'watch-self' } );
                        } );

                $unwatchLink.trigger( 'blur' );
            } );
    } );

}() );