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40 mins
Test Coverage
 * This file is where we decide whether to initialise the modern support browser run-time.
 * - Beware: This file MUST parse without errors on even the most ancient of browsers!
/* eslint-disable no-implicit-globals */
/* global $CODE, RLQ:true, NORLQ:true */

 * See <>
 * Browsers that pass these checks get served our modern run-time. This includes all Grade A
 * browsers, and some Grade C and Grade X browsers.
 * The following browsers are known to pass these checks:
 * - Chrome 63+
 * - Edge 79+
 * - Opera 50+
 * - Firefox 58+
 * - Safari 11.1+
 * - Mobile Safari 11.2+ (iOS 11+)
 * - Android 5.0+
 * @private
 * @return {boolean} User agent is compatible with MediaWiki JS
function isCompatible() {
    return !!(
        // Ensure DOM Level 4 features (including Selectors API).
        'querySelector' in document &&

        // Ensure HTML 5 features (including Web Storage API)
        'localStorage' in window &&

        // Ensure ES2015 grammar and runtime API (a.k.a. ES6)
        // In practice, Promise.finally is a good proxy for overall ES6 support and
        // rejects most unsupporting browsers in one sweep. The feature itself
        // was specified in ES2018, however.
        // Chrome 63+, Edge 18+, Opera 50+, Safari 11.1+, Firefox 58+, iOS 11+
        // eslint-disable-next-line es-x/no-promise, es-x/no-promise-prototype-finally, dot-notation
        typeof Promise === 'function' && Promise.prototype[ 'finally' ] &&
        // ES6 Arrow Functions (with default params), this ensures
        // genuine syntax support for ES6 grammar, not just API coverage.
        // Chrome 45+, Safari 10+, Firefox 22+, Opera 32+
        // Based on Benjamin De Cock's snippet here:
        ( function () {
            try {
                // eslint-disable-next-line no-new, no-new-func
                new Function( '(a = 0) => a' );
                return true;
            } catch ( e ) {
                return false;
        }() ) &&
        // ES6 RegExp.prototype.flags
        // Edge 79+ (Chromium-based, rejects MSEdgeHTML-based Edge <= 18)
        // eslint-disable-next-line es-x/no-regexp-prototype-flags
        /./g.flags === 'g'

if ( !isCompatible() ) {
    // Handle basic supported browsers (Grade C).
    // Undo speculative modern (Grade A) root CSS class `<html class="client-js">`.
    // See ResourceLoaderClientHtml::getDocumentAttributes().
    document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className
        .replace( /(^|\s)client-js(\s|$)/, '$1client-nojs$2' );

    // Process any callbacks for basic support (Grade C).
    while ( window.NORLQ && NORLQ[ 0 ] ) {
    NORLQ = {
        push: function ( fn ) {

    // Clear and disable the modern (Grade A) queue.
    RLQ = {
        push: function () {}
} else {
    // Handle modern (Grade A).

    if ( window.performance && performance.mark ) {
        performance.mark( 'mwStartup' );

    // This embeds mediawiki.js, which defines 'mw' and 'mw.loader'.

     * The $CODE placeholder is substituted in ResourceLoaderStartUpModule.php.
    ( function () {
        /* global mw */
        var queue;


        // First set page-specific config needed by mw.loader (wgUserName)
        mw.config.set( window.RLCONF || {} );
        mw.loader.state( window.RLSTATE || {} );
        mw.loader.load( window.RLPAGEMODULES || [] );

        // Process RLQ callbacks
        // The code in these callbacks could've been exposed from load.php and
        // requested client-side. Instead, they are pushed by the server directly
        // (from ResourceLoaderClientHtml and other parts of MediaWiki). This
        // saves the need for additional round trips. It also allows load.php
        // to remain stateless and sending personal data in the HTML instead.
        // The HTML inline script lazy-defines the 'RLQ' array. Now that we are
        // processing it, replace it with an implementation where 'push' actually
        // considers executing the code directly. This is to ensure any late
        // arrivals will also be processed. Late arrival can happen because
        // startup.js is executed asynchronously, concurrently with the streaming
        // response of the HTML.
        queue = window.RLQ || [];
        // Replace RLQ with an empty array, then process the things that were
        // in RLQ previously. We have to do this to avoid an infinite loop:
        // non-function items are added back to RLQ by the processing step.
        RLQ = [];
        RLQ.push = function ( fn ) {
            if ( typeof fn === 'function' ) {
            } else {
                // If the first parameter is not a function, then it is an array
                // containing a list of required module names and a function.
                // Do an actual push for now, as this signature is handled
                // later by mediawiki.base.js.
                RLQ[ RLQ.length ] = fn;
        while ( queue[ 0 ] ) {
            // Process all values gathered so far
            RLQ.push( queue.shift() );

        // Clear and disable the basic (Grade C) queue.
        NORLQ = {
            push: function () {}
    }() );