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/* global AdyenCheckout, Promise */
( function ( $, mw ) {
    // promise objects are for Apple Pay - see comments below
    var checkout, onSubmit, authPromise, submitPromise,
        configFromServer = mw.config.get( 'adyenConfiguration' ),
        payment_method = $( '#payment_method' ).val(),
        country = $( '#country' ).val(),
        language = $( '#language' ).val(),
        // This is the old-style Google Pay integration type currently active on
        // our account. Older versions of the Adyen JS SDK treated the 'googlepay'
        // component type as the old GPay integration, but for newer versions of
        // the GPay SDK we need to explicitly specify 'paywithgoogle' to get tokens
        // that work with the old-style integration. At some point we should upgrade
        // to the new interaction, but that will require coordinating an update to
        // this constant with an update to our account.
        GOOGLEPAY_COMPONENT_TYPE = 'paywithgoogle';

     * Get extra configuration values for specific payment types
     * @param {string} type Adyen-side name of component type
     * @param {Object} checkoutConfig The config object used to instantiate the Adyen Checkout object
     * @return Object
    function getComponentConfig( type, checkoutConfig ) {
        var config = {};
        switch ( type ) {
            case 'card':
                // Note: Debug messages are only sent and logged server-side if
                // $wgDonationInterfaceLogDebug (or $wgAdyenCheckoutGatewayLogDebug) is true

                config.onBrand = function ( brandInfo ) {
                    var message = brandInfo.brand ?
                        'onBrand returned brand: ' + brandInfo.brand :
                        'onBrand returned: ' + JSON.stringify( brandInfo );
                    mw.donationInterface.forms.addDebugMessage( message );

                config.onBinLookup = function ( binLookupInfo ) {
                    var message = binLookupInfo.detectedBrands && binLookupInfo.detectedBrands.length > 0 ?
                        'onBinLookup returned detected brands: ' + JSON.stringify( binLookupInfo.detectedBrands ) :
                        'onBinLookup returned: ' + JSON.stringify( binLookupInfo );
                    mw.donationInterface.forms.addDebugMessage( message );

                config.showBrandsUnderCardNumber = false;
                return config;

            case 'ach':
            case 'ideal':
            case 'onlineBanking_CZ':
            case 'sepadirectdebit':
                // for ach, ideal, CZ bank transfers, and sepa additional config is optional
                return config;

            case 'applepay':
                // for applepay, additional config is required
                var amount = {},
                    currency = $( '#currency' ).val(),
                    amount_value = $( '#amount' ).val();
                amount.currency = currency;
                amount.value = amountInMinorUnits( amount_value, currency );
                config.amount = amount;
                config.countryCode = country;
                config.requiredBillingContactFields = [
                config.requiredShippingContactFields = [

                authPromise = new Promise( function ( authResolve, authReject ) {
                    config.onAuthorized = function ( resolve, reject, event ) {
                        var bContact = event.payment.billingContact,
                            sContact = event.payment.shippingContact,
                            extraData = {};
                        extraData = getBestApplePayContactName( extraData, bContact, sContact );
                        extraData.postal_code = bContact.postalCode;
                        extraData.state_province = bContact.administrativeArea;
               = bContact.locality;
                        if ( bContact.addressLines.length > 0 ) {
                            extraData.street_address = bContact.addressLines[ 0 ];
               = sContact.emailAddress;
                        extraData.payment_submethod = mapAppleNetworkToSubmethod( );
                        // We will combine this contact data with a token from the
                        // onSubmit event after both events have fired.
                        authResolve( extraData );

                } );
                // For Apple Pay show the branded button with 'Donate with 🍎Pay'
                // text as opposed to our standard blue Donate button
                config.showPayButton = true;
                config.buttonType = 'donate';
                // When the donor clicks the donate button, this event is fired with
                // a validationUrl provided by Apple. We have to make a server-side
                // request to get a big blob of Apple Pay session data, then send it
                // via the resolve function back to the component, which apparently
                // sends it back to the native widget via completeMerchantValidation.
                config.onValidateMerchant = function ( resolve, reject, validationUrl ) {
                    var api = new mw.Api();
                        action: 'di_applesession_adyen',
                        validation_url: validationUrl,
                        wmf_token: $( '#wmf_token' ).val()
                    } ).then( function ( data ) {
                        if ( data.result && data.result.errors ) {
                            mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors( data.result.errors );
                        } else {
                            resolve( data.session );
                    } );

                return config;

                // for googlepay, additional config is required
                var g_amount = {},
                    g_currency = $( '#currency' ).val(),
                    g_amount_value = $( '#amount' ).val(),
                    languagesSupportedByGPayButton = [
                        'ar', 'bg', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'en', 'el', 'es', 'et', 'fi', 'fr', 'hr', 'id', 'it', 'ja',
                        'ko', 'ms', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'sv', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'zh'
                    ], baseLanguageCode = checkoutConfig.locale.slice( 0, 2 );
                g_amount.currency = g_currency;
                g_amount.value = amountInMinorUnits( g_amount_value, g_currency );
                config.amount = g_amount;
                config.countryCode = country;
                config.environment = configFromServer.environment.toUpperCase();
                config.showPayButton = true;
                // When we are showing the form in a language for which Google Pay has no
                // translations of their button text, use the plain 'GPay' button rather
                // than the 'Donate with GPay' button.
                if ( languagesSupportedByGPayButton.indexOf( baseLanguageCode ) === -1 ) {
                    config.buttonType = 'plain';
                } else {
                    config.buttonType = 'donate';
                config.emailRequired = true;
                config.billingAddressRequired = true;
                config.allowedCardNetworks = configFromServer.googleAllowedNetworks;
                config.billingAddressParameters = {
                    format: 'FULL'
                // called gatewayMerchantId but actually our account name with Adyen
                config.gatewayMerchantId = configFromServer.merchantAccountName;
                config.merchantId = configFromServer.googleMerchantId;

                authPromise = new Promise( function ( authResolve ) {
                    config.onAuthorized = function ( response ) {
                        var bContact =,
                            extraData = {};
                        extraData.postal_code = bContact.postalCode;
                        extraData.state_province = bContact.administrativeArea;
               = bContact.locality;
                        extraData.street_address = bContact.address1;
                        extraData.full_name =;
                        extraData.payment_submethod = mapAdyenSubmethod(
                        // We will combine this contact data with a token from the
                        // onSubmit event after both events have fired.
                        authResolve( extraData );
                } );
                return config;

                throw new Error( 'Component type not found' );

     * Given an amount in major currency units, e.g. dollars, returns the
     * amount in minor units for the currency, e.g. cents. For non-fractional
     * currencies just rounds the amount to the nearest whole number.
     * @param {number} amount
     * @param {string} currency
     * @return {number} amount in minor units for specified currency
    function amountInMinorUnits( amount, currency ) {
        var threeDecimals = mw.config.get( 'DonationInterfaceThreeDecimalCurrencies' ),
            noDecimals = mw.config.get( 'DonationInterfaceNoDecimalCurrencies' );

        if ( noDecimals.indexOf( currency ) !== -1 ) {
            return Math.round( amount );
        if ( threeDecimals.indexOf( currency ) !== -1 ) {
            return Math.round( amount * 1000 );
        return Math.round( amount * 100 );

     * Set up Adyen Checkout object
     * @param {Object} config requires clientKey, environment, locale,
     *  and paymentMethodsResponse
     * @return {AdyenCheckout}
    function getCheckout( config ) {
        config.onSubmit = onSubmit;
        config.onAdditionalDetails = onAdditionalDetails;
        config.onError = onError;
        config.showPayButton = false;
        var checkoutObject = new AdyenCheckout( config );
        if ( checkoutObject instanceof Promise ) {
            return checkoutObject;

        return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {
            resolve( checkoutObject );
        } );

     * Try to obtain the "best" name from the available contact info sent back by Apple pay
     * @see
     * @see
     * @param extraData
     * @param billingContact
     * @param shippingContact
     * @return {*}
    function getBestApplePayContactName( extraData, billingContact, shippingContact ) {
        var first_name, last_name;

        if ( billingContact && billingContact.givenName && billingContact.givenName.length > 1 ) {
            first_name = billingContact.givenName;
            if ( billingContact.familyName && billingContact.familyName.length > 1 ) {
                last_name = billingContact.familyName;

        if ( first_name && !last_name ) {
            // suspected 'dad' scenario so use shipping contact
            if ( shippingContact && shippingContact.givenName && shippingContact.givenName.length > 1 ) {
                first_name = shippingContact.givenName;
                if ( shippingContact.familyName && shippingContact.familyName.length > 1 ) {
                    last_name = shippingContact.familyName;

        extraData.first_name = first_name;
        extraData.last_name = last_name;
        return extraData;

    function mapAppleNetworkToSubmethod( network ) {
        network = network.toLowerCase();
        switch ( network ) {
            case 'amex':
            case 'discover':
            case 'jcb':
            case 'visa':
                return network;
            case 'cartesbancaires':
                return 'cb';
            case 'electron':
                return 'visa-electron';
            case 'mastercard':
                return 'mc';
                return '';

     * Get the name of the Adyen Checkout component to instantiate
     * @param {string} paymentMethod our top-level payment method code
     * @return {string} name of Adyen Checkout component to instantiate
    function mapPaymentMethodToComponentType( paymentMethod ) {
        switch ( paymentMethod ) {
            case 'ach':
                return 'ach';
            case 'cc':
                return 'card';
            case 'rtbt':
                if ( mw.config.get( 'payment_submethod' ) === 'sepadirectdebit' ) {
                    return 'sepadirectdebit';
                } else {
                    return 'ideal';
            case 'bt':
                return 'onlineBanking_CZ';
            case 'apple':
                return 'applepay';
            case 'google':
                return GOOGLEPAY_COMPONENT_TYPE;
                throw new Error( 'paymentMethod not found' );

     * TODO: should we do this mapping server-side
     * using SmashPig's ReferenceData?
     * @param {string} adyenBrandCode Adyen-side identifier for the payment submethod
     * @return {string} Our identifier for the payment submethod
    function mapAdyenSubmethod( adyenBrandCode ) {
        switch ( adyenBrandCode ) {
            case 'bijcard':
                return 'bij';
            case 'cartebancaire':
                return 'cb';
            case 'mc-debit':
                return 'mc';
            case 'visadankort':
                return 'visa';
            case 'visadebit':
            case 'vpay':
                return 'visa-debit';
            case 'visabeneficial':
                return 'visa-beneficial';
            case 'visaelectron':
                return 'visa-electron';
            case 'mastercard':
                return 'mc';
                return adyenBrandCode;

    submitPromise = new Promise( function ( submitResolve, submitReject ) {
        onSubmit = function ( state, component ) {
            var extraData = {};
            // Submit to our server, unless it's Apple Pay, which submits in
            // the onAuthorized handler.
            if ( mw.donationInterface.validation.validate() && state.isValid ) {
                switch ( payment_method ) {
                    case 'ach':
                        extraData = {
                            bank_account_type: $( '#bank_account_type' ).val(),
                            // below are billing address, optional but good to have for civi
                    case 'rtbt':
                        switch ( ) {
                            case 'ideal':
                                extraData = {
                                    // issuer is bank chosen from dropdown
                                    payment_submethod: 'rtbt_ideal'
                            case 'sepadirectdebit':
                                extraData = {
                                    // The International Bank Account Number
                                    payment_submethod: 'sepadirectdebit'
                    case 'bt':
                        extraData = {
                            // issuer is bank chosen from dropdown
                    case 'cc':
                        extraData = {
                            // The code should be available in, but
                            // sometimes it's not there. We can usually still find it via component.
                            payment_submethod: mapAdyenSubmethod(
                       || component.state.brand
                        if ( ) {
                            extraData.color_depth =;
                            extraData.java_enabled =;
                            extraData.screen_height =;
                            extraData.screen_width =;
                            extraData.time_zone_offset =;
                    case 'google':
                        submitResolve( );
                    case 'apple':
                        // Resolve the submit promise with the Apple Pay token and bail out - we
                        // also need to wait for the onAuthorized event with contact data.
                        submitResolve( );

                // Allow other scripts (e.g. variants) to provide more data to submit
                if ( typeof mw.donationInterface.getExtraData === 'function' ) {
                    $.extend( extraData, mw.donationInterface.getExtraData() );

                    handleApiResult, extraData, 'di_donate_adyen'
    } );

    function handleApiResult( result ) {
        if ( result.isFailed ) {
            mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors( {
                general: mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-general' )
            } );

        if ( result.formData && Object.keys( result.formData ).length > 0 ) {
            // FIXME: reconstructing the raw result from the API
            // which has been normalized down to just these two
            // fields. Should we just pass the raw Adyen API result
            // back to the front end? Seems like we would only want
            // a rawResult property on the front-end donation API
            // response when we are damn sure it's sanitized.
            checkout.createFromAction( {
                paymentMethodType: 'scheme',
                url: result.redirect,
                data: result.formData,
                method: 'POST',
                type: 'redirect'
            } ).mount( '#action-container' );

        // canShowModal() is just a sanity check to see if the required DOM elements
        // are there.
        } else if ( mw.monthlyConvert && mw.monthlyConvert.canShowModal() ) {
        } else if ( result.redirect ) {
            document.location.replace( result.redirect );
        } else {
            document.location.replace( mw.config.get( 'DonationInterfaceThankYouPage' ) );

    function onAdditionalDetails( state, dropin ) {
        // Handle 3D secure

    // T292571 try catch the adyen error, see if any connection been blocked, e.g. iframe
    function onError( error ) {
        // Ignore blank string - that means a previous error was cleared up
        if ( typeof error.error === 'string' && error.error === '' ) {

        if ( typeof error.error === 'string' && error.error.slice( 0, 8 ) === '' ) {
            // T349600 Log validation error codes only if sf-cc-num.02 donate_interface-error-msg-card-number-do-not-match-card-brand)
            // with date time and time zone for adyen to investigate their card validation js issue
            if ( error.error === '' ) {
                error.error = 'Adyen error: ' + error.error + ' on ' + new Date().toString();
            } else {
        } else {
            // handle component error
            mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors( {
                general: mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-general' )
            } );
        throw error;

    function setLocaleAndTranslations( config, localeFromServer ) {
        // Adyen supports the locales listed below, according to
        var adyenSupportedLocale = [
            'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'hr-HR', 'cs-CZ',
            'da-DK', 'nl-NL', 'en-US', 'fi-FI',
            'fr-FR', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'hu-HU',
            'it-IT', 'ja-JP', 'ko-KR', 'no-NO',
            'pl-PL', 'pt-BR', 'ro-RO', 'ru-RU',
            'sk-SK', 'sl-SL', 'es-ES', 'sv-SE'
        ], baseLocaleFromServer = localeFromServer.slice( 0, 2 );

        // We support Norwegian Bokmal (nb) but Adyen's components just support the generic 'no' Norwegian code
        if ( baseLocaleFromServer === 'nb' ) {
            config.locale = 'no-NO';
        } else {
            config.locale = localeFromServer;

        config.translations = {};
        // Check if donor's language is unsupported by Adyen and we need to provide our own customized translation
        // Adyen supports ar as Arabic - International and doesn't check the country part
        if ( baseLocaleFromServer !== 'ar' && adyenSupportedLocale.indexOf( config.locale ) === -1 ) {
            config.translations[ config.locale ] = {
                'creditCard.numberField.title': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-credit-card-number' ),
                'creditCard.expiryDateField.title': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-credit-card-expiration' ),
                'creditCard.cvcField.title': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-cvv' ),
                'creditCard.expiryDateField.placeholder': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-expiry-date-field-placeholder' ),
                'creditCard.cvcField.placeholder.3digits': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-cvv-placeholder-3-digits' ),
                'creditCard.cvcField.placeholder.4digits': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-cvv-placeholder-4-digits' ),
                'creditCard.numberField.invalid': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-card-number' ),
                'creditCard.expiryDateField.invalid': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-expiry-date-field-invalid' ),
                '': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-incomplete-field' ),
                '': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-field-not-valid' ),
                '': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-card-number' ),
                '': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-card-number-do-not-match-card-brand' ),
                '': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-unsupported-card-entered' ),
                '': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-card-too-old' ),
                '': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-date-too-far-in-the-future' )
        } else if ( config.locale === 'nl-NL' ) {
            config.translations[ config.locale ] = {
                'idealIssuer.selectField.placeholder': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-rtbt-issuer_id' )
        } else if ( language === 'ja' ) {
            config.translations[ config.locale ] = {
                'creditCard.expiryDateField.placeholder': mw.msg( 'donate_interface-expiry-date-field-placeholder' )
        } else {
            config.translations[ config.locale ] = {};

        // Allow other scripts (e.g. variants) to provide more translations to the Adyen components
        if ( mw.donationInterface.extraTranslations ) {
            $.extend( config.translations[ config.locale ], mw.donationInterface.extraTranslations );

     * Runs as soon as the external Adyen checkout script is loaded
    function setup() {
        var component_type,
            containerName = 'component-container',

        if ( !configFromServer ) {
            // If the configuration has not been passed from the server, we are likely on the
            // ResultSwitcher page and have just been loaded incidentally to make a form for
            // a backdrop of the monthly convert popup. As the rest of this function is only
            // needed to set up payment widgets which will not be needed here, just quit.
            // It might be better to stop loading adyen.js in that situation, but that's a
            // bigger refactor than we want to do right now.

        component_type = mapPaymentMethodToComponentType( payment_method );

        // Drop in the adyen components placeholder container
        $( '.submethods' ).before(
            '<div id="' + containerName + '" />'
            '<div id="action-container" />'

        // add name placeholder for ja JP
        if ( language === 'ja' ) {
            $( '#last_name' ).attr( 'placeholder', '鈴木' );
            $( '#first_name' ).attr( 'placeholder', '太郎' );

        // Override validation's showErrors function to add error
        // highlights to the outer div around the secure field iframe.
        // FIXME: cleaner object-oriented JS with inheritance would
        // make this prettier. See
        oldShowErrors = mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors;
        mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors = function ( errors ) {
            var adyenFieldName;
            $.each( errors, function ( field ) {
                adyenFieldName = false;
                if ( field === 'card_num' || field === 'encrypted_card_number' ) {
                    adyenFieldName = 'encryptedCardNumber';
                } else if ( field === 'encrypted_expiry_month' || field === 'encrypted_expiry_year' ) {
                    adyenFieldName = 'encryptedExpiryDate';
                } else if ( field === 'cvv' ) {
                    adyenFieldName = 'encryptedSecurityCode';
                if ( adyenFieldName ) {
                    $( 'span[data-cse=' + adyenFieldName + ']' )
                        .closest( '.adyen-checkout__input-wrapper' )
                        .addClass( 'errorHighlight' );
            } );
            oldShowErrors( errors );

        // Copy values to leave the mw.config setting untouched
        config = {
            clientKey: configFromServer.clientKey,
            environment: configFromServer.environment,
            paymentMethodsResponse: configFromServer.paymentMethodsResponse

        setLocaleAndTranslations( config, configFromServer.locale );

        checkoutPromise = getCheckout( config );
        checkoutPromise.then( function ( checkoutObject ) {
            checkout = checkoutObject;
            createAndMountComponent( config, component_type, containerName );
        } );

    function createAndMountComponent( config, component_type, containerName ) {
        var component_config = getComponentConfig( component_type, config ),
            component = checkout.create( component_type, component_config );

        if ( component_type === GOOGLEPAY_COMPONENT_TYPE ) {
            component.isAvailable().then( function () {
                component.mount( '#' + containerName );
            } ).catch( function () {
                mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors( {
                    general: mw.message(
                        mw.config.get( 'DonationInterfaceOtherWaysURL' )
                } );
            } );
            // For Google Pay, we need contact data from the onAuthorized event and token
            // data from the onSubmit event before we can make our MediaWiki API call.
            Promise.all( [ submitPromise, authPromise ] ).then( function ( values ) {
                var extraData = values[ 1 ];
                extraData.payment_token = values[ 0 ];
                    handleApiResult, extraData, 'di_donate_adyen'
            } ).catch( function ( err ) {
                mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors( {
                    general: mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-general' )
                } );
                // Let error bubble up to window.onerror handler so the errorLog
                // module sends it to our client-side logging endpoint.
                throw err;
            } );
        } else if ( component_type === 'applepay' ) {
            component.isAvailable().then( function () {
                component.mount( '#' + containerName );
            } ).catch( function () {
                mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors( {
                    general: mw.message(
                        mw.config.get( 'DonationInterfaceOtherWaysURL' )
                } );
            } );
            // For Apple Pay, we need contact data from the onAuthorized event and token
            // data from the onSubmit event before we can make our MediaWiki API call.
            Promise.all( [ submitPromise, authPromise ] ).then( function ( values ) {
                var extraData = values[ 1 ];
                extraData.payment_token = values[ 0 ];
                    handleApiResult, extraData, 'di_donate_adyen'
            } ).catch( function ( err ) {
                mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors( {
                    general: mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-general' )
                } );
                // Let error bubble up to window.onerror handler so the errorLog
                // module sends it to our client-side logging endpoint.
                throw err;
            } );
        } else {
            try {
                component.mount( '#' + containerName );
            } catch ( err ) {
                mw.donationInterface.validation.showErrors( {
                    general: mw.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-general' )
                } );
                throw err;
            // For everything except Apple and google
            // Pay, show our standard 'Donate' button
            $( '#paymentSubmit' ).show();
            $( '#paymentSubmitBtn' ).click( mw.util.debounce( function ( evt ) {
                component.submit( evt );
            }, 100 ) );

     * On documentready we create a script tag and wire it up to run setup as soon as it
     * is loaded, or to show an error message if the external script can't be loaded.
     * The script should already be mostly or completely preloaded at this point, thanks
     * to a <link rel=preload> we add in AdyenCheckoutGateway::addGatewaySpecificResources

    function loadScript( type ) {
        var scriptNode = document.createElement( 'script' );
        scriptNode.onerror = function () {
                { general: 'Could not load payment provider Javascript. Please reload or try again later.' }
        if ( type === 'adyen' ) {
            scriptNode.onload = setup;
            scriptNode.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
            scriptNode.integrity = configFromServer.script.integrity;
            scriptNode.src = configFromServer.script.src;
        } else {
            scriptNode.src = configFromServer.googleScript;

        document.body.append( scriptNode );

    $( function () {
        if ( payment_method === 'google' ) {
            loadScript( 'google' );
        loadScript( 'adyen' );
    } );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );