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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": []
    "emailpreferences-change-email": "button text to change email",
    "emailpreferences-country": "Label for country drop-down control.",
    "emailpreferences-dont-send-email": "Label for e-mail opt-out radio button.",
    "emailpreferences-footer-learn_more": "First paragraph of the email preferences footer. Similar to the footer on the thank you page (",
    "emailpreferences-footer-questions_email": "Second paragraph of the email preferences footer. Similar to the footer on the thank you page (",
    "emailpreferences-footer-text_license": "Third paragraph of the email preferences footer. Similar to the footer on the thank you page (",
    "emailpreferences-header-link-about": "Link title to about page",
    "emailpreferences-header-link-advocacy": "Link title to advocacy page",
    "emailpreferences-header-link-news": "Link title to news page",
    "emailpreferences-header-link-our-work": "Link title to our work page",
    "emailpreferences-header-link-participate": "Link title to participate page",
    "emailpreferences-header-link-research": "Link title to research page",
    "emailpreferences-header-link-support-wikipedia": "Link title to support wikipedia page",
    "emailpreferences-header-link-technology": "Link title to technology page",
    "emailpreferences-hi": "Text to say hi",
    "emailpreferences-language": "Label for language drop-down control.",
    "emailpreferences-save": "Label for button to save e-mail preferences",
    "emailpreferences-send-email": "Label for e-mail opt-in radio button.",
    "emailpreferences-snooze-email": "Label for e-mail radio button to pause emails for a number of days. $1 is the number of days, set in config.",
    "emailpreferences-success": "Message following successful submission of preferences update.",
    "emailpreferences-title": "Title for page where the user an set preferences for WMF fundraising e-mails.",
    "emailpreferences-wikimedia-image-alt": "Image alt for wikimedia logo",
    "recurupgrade": "Title for page where the user can upgrade their recurring amount",
    "recurupgrade-add": "Text for buttons to add an amount. $1 is the formatted amount with currency symbol",
    "recurupgrade-amount": "Label for the current recurring amount field",
    "recurupgrade-amount-ask": "Header for the group of buttons asking how much to add",
    "recurupgrade-current-amount-and-date": "Statement of current recurring amount and next charge date. $1 is the formatted amount with currency symbol and $2 is the formatted date",
    "recurupgrade-next-scheduled-date": "Label for the next recurring donation date",
    "recurupgrade-salutation": "Heading for the recurring upgrade. $1 is the donor's full name",
    "recurupgrade-salutation-no-recur-records": "Heading for the recurring upgrade error page",
    "recurupgrade-no-recur-records": "Text under the recurring upgrade error heading. $1 is the link to the recurring donation page and $2 is the Donor relations email address.",
    "recurupgrade-select-option": "Text under the amount options instruction the donor to select one",
    "recurupgrade-thanks-increasing": "Text following the current amount and date thanking the donor for upgrading",
    "recurupgrade-thanks-monthly": "Header for the section below the options, thanking the donor for giving monthly",
    "recurupgrade-upgrade-decline": "Choose keep the same amount for recurring upgrade request",
    "recurupgrade-upgrade-now": "Alternate text for the recurring upgrade submit button",
    "recurupgrade-upgrade": "Label for selecting the amount by which the recurring amount is increased",
    "recurupgrade-upgrading-new-amount": "Text to show the donor how much their new monthly contribution will be. The <strong> tag will be filled with the new amount on the client side."