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class Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters_IP_Velocity extends Gateway_Extras {

    public const RAN_INITIAL = 'initial_ip_velocity_has_run';

    public const IP_VELOCITY_FILTER = 'IPVelocityFilter';

    public const IP_ALLOW_LIST = 'IPAllowList';

    public const IP_DENY_LIST = 'IPDenyList';
     * Container for an instance of self
     * @var Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters_IP_Velocity
    protected static $instance;

     * Custom filter object holder
     * @var Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters|null
    protected $cfo;

     * Cache instance we use to store and retrieve scores
     * @var BagOStuff
    protected $cache_obj;

    protected $user_ip;

    protected function __construct(
        GatewayType $gateway_adapter,
        Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters $custom_filter_object = null
    ) {
        parent::__construct( $gateway_adapter );
        $this->cfo = $custom_filter_object;
        $this->cache_obj = ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance();
        $this->user_ip = $gateway_adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'user_ip' );

     * Checks the global IPDenyList array for the user ip. If the user ip is listed,
     * add the risk score for IPDenyList and return true;
     * @return bool
    protected function isIPInDenyList(): bool {
        return DataValidator::ip_is_listed( $this->user_ip, $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPDenyList' ) );

    protected function setIPDenyListScores(): void {
        $this->gateway_logger->info( "IP $this->user_ip present in deny list." );
        $this->cfo->addRiskScore( $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPDenyFailScore' ), self::IP_DENY_LIST );

     * Checks the IP attempt count in the cache. If the attempt count is greater
     * than the global IPVelocityThreshhold return true (i.e. someone may be trying too hard).
     * @return bool
    protected function isIPHitCountGreaterThanThreshold(): bool {
        $stored = $this->getCachedValue();

        if ( $stored ) {
            $count = count( $stored );
            $this->gateway_adapter->debugarray[] = "Found IPVelocityFilter data for $this->user_ip: " . print_r( $stored, true );
            $this->gateway_logger->info( "IPVelocityFilter: $this->user_ip has $count hits" );
            if ( $count >= $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPVelocityThreshhold' ) ) {
                return true;
        } else {
            $this->gateway_logger->debug( "IPVelocityFilter: Found no data for $this->user_ip" );

        return false;

     * Set RiskScore based on if the IP attempt surpasses the set threshold. If the Hit exceeds threshold set the
     * IPVelocityFilter risk score to the global IPVelocityFailScore and return true.
     * @param bool|null $ipHitExceedsThreshold
     * @return bool
    protected function setRiskScoreBasedOnIPHitCount( ?bool $ipHitExceedsThreshold ): bool {
        if ( $ipHitExceedsThreshold ) {
            $this->cfo->addRiskScore( $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPVelocityFailScore' ), self::IP_VELOCITY_FILTER );
            // cool off, sucker. Muahahaha.
            return true;

        $this->cfo->addRiskScore( 0, self::IP_VELOCITY_FILTER ); // want to see the explicit zero here, too.
        return false;

    protected function isIPInAllowList(): bool {
        return DataValidator::ip_is_listed( $this->user_ip, $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPAllowList' ) );

    protected function setIPAllowListScores(): void {
        $this->gateway_logger->debug( "IP present in allow list." );
        $this->cfo->addRiskScore( 0, self::IP_ALLOW_LIST );

    protected function getCachedValue() {
        // return cache value for user ip
        return $this->cache_obj->get( $this->user_ip );

     * Adds the ip to the local cache, recording another attempt.
     * If the $fail var is set and true, this denotes that the sensor has been
     * tripped and will cause the data to live for the (potentially longer)
     * duration defined in the IPVelocityFailDuration global
     * @param bool $fail If this entry was added on the filter being tripped
     * @param bool $toxic If we're adding this entry to penalize a toxic card
    protected function addIPToCache( bool $fail = false, bool $toxic = false ) {
        // need to be connected first.
        $oldvalue = $this->getCachedValue();

        $timeout = null;
        if ( $toxic ) {
            $timeout = $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPVelocityToxicDuration' );
        if ( $timeout === null && $fail ) {
            $timeout = $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPVelocityFailDuration' );
        if ( $timeout === null ) {
            $timeout = $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPVelocityTimeout' );

        $result = $this->cache_obj->set( $this->user_ip, self::addHitToVelocityData( $oldvalue, $timeout ), $timeout );
        if ( !$result ) {
            $this->gateway_logger->alert( "IPVelocityFilter unable to set new cache data." );

    protected static function addHitToVelocityData( $stored = false, $timeout = false ): array {
        $new_velocity_records = [];
        $nowstamp = time();
        if ( is_array( $stored ) ) {
            foreach ( $stored as $timestamp ) {
                if ( !$timeout || $timestamp > ( $nowstamp - $timeout ) ) {
                    $new_velocity_records[] = $timestamp;
        $new_velocity_records[] = $nowstamp;
        return $new_velocity_records;

     * This is called when we're actually talking to the processor.
     * We don't call on the first attempt in this session, since
     * onInitialFilter already struck once.
     * @param GatewayType $gateway_adapter
     * @param Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters $custom_filter_object
     * @return void
    public static function onFilter( $gateway_adapter, $custom_filter_object ) {
        if ( !$gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'EnableIPVelocityFilter' ) ) {

        $instance = self::singleton( $gateway_adapter, $custom_filter_object );
        $instance->gateway_logger->debug( 'IP Velocity onFilter!' );
        $userIPisInAllowList = $instance->isIPInAllowList();

        // Check if IP has been added to Allow list before proceeding to processor on behalf of donor
        if ( $userIPisInAllowList ) {

        if ( $instance->isIPInDenyList() ) {

     * Run the filter if we haven't for this session, and set a flag
     * @param GatewayType $gateway_adapter
     * @param Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters $custom_filter_object
     * @return void
    public static function onInitialFilter( $gateway_adapter, $custom_filter_object ) {
        if ( !$gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'EnableIPVelocityFilter' ) ) {

        $instance = self::singleton( $gateway_adapter, $custom_filter_object );

        // Check if IP has been added to Allow list before proceeding to processor on behalf of donor
        if ( $instance->isIPInAllowList() ) {

        $userIPisInDenyList = $instance->isIPInDenyList();
        if ( $userIPisInDenyList ) {

        $isMultipleStageOfSameTransaction = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( self::RAN_INITIAL );

        // Do not proceed with other checks if IP is listed in DenyList or if this pass is for another stage
        // in the same transaction.
        if ( $userIPisInDenyList || $isMultipleStageOfSameTransaction ) {
        // If IP exceeds set threshold, set risk scores and return.
        $ipHitCountExceedsThreshold = $instance->isIPHitCountGreaterThanThreshold();

        $instance->setRiskScoreBasedOnIPHitCount( $ipHitCountExceedsThreshold );

        $instance->addIPToCache( $ipHitCountExceedsThreshold );

        WmfFramework::setSessionValue( self::RAN_INITIAL, true );
        $instance->gateway_logger->debug( 'IP Velocity onInitialFilter!' );

    protected static function singleton(
        GatewayType $gateway_adapter,
        Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters $custom_filter_object = null
    ) {
        if ( !self::$instance ) {
            self::$instance = new self( $gateway_adapter, $custom_filter_object );
        return self::$instance;

     * Add a hit to this IP's history for a toxic card.  This is designed to be
     * called outside of the usual filter callbacks so we record nasty attempts
     * even when the filters aren't called.
     * @param GatewayType $gateway adapter instance with user_ip set
    public static function penalize( GatewayType $gateway ) {
        $logger = DonationLoggerFactory::getLogger( $gateway );
        $logger->info( 'IPVelocityFilter penalizing IP address '
            . $gateway->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'user_ip' )
            . ' for toxic card attempt.' );

        $velocity = self::singleton(
            Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters::singleton( $gateway )
        $velocity->addIPToCache( false, true );
