use SmashPig\PaymentData\ValidationAction;
* Filter to control the number of times a session may hit the backend APIs in a time period.
* Uses the standard allow / deny list objects.
* Each gateway transaction pair can have it's own decay rate and threshold. These need to be
* in variables named *DecayRate and *Threshold. The * is there because this module has additional
* fallback functionality on top of that provided by DonationInterface. In order of preference:
* * = SessionVelocity_<Transaction>_
* * = SessionVelocity_
* There is also a *HitScore variable which controls how many points get added to the filter for
* each new request.
class Gateway_Extras_SessionVelocityFilter extends FraudFilter {
* Container for an instance of self
* @var Gateway_Extras_SessionVelocityFilter
private static $instance;
// This filter stores it's information in a session array SESS_ROOT which maps like so:
// SESS_ROOT[GatewayIdentifier][Transaction]
// This then has the following keys:
// SESS_SCORE - The last known score for this gateway/transaction
// SESS_TIME - The last time the filter was run for this gateway/transaction
// SESS_MULTIPLIER - The factor by which to multiply hit score for the next call
// This allows for a logarithmically increasing penalty
const SESS_ROOT = "DonationInterface_SessVelocity";
const SESS_SCORE = "score";
const SESS_TIME = "time";
const SESS_MULTIPLIER = "multiplier";
const SESS_MAX_SCORE = 1000;
* Construct the singleton instance of this class.
* @param GatewayType $gateway_adapter
* @return Gateway_Extras_SessionVelocityFilter
private static function singleton( GatewayType $gateway_adapter ) {
if ( !self::$instance ) {
self::$instance = new self( $gateway_adapter );
return self::$instance;
* @param GatewayType $gateway_adapter The adapter context to log under
* @return bool Filter chain termination on FALSE. Also indicates that the cURL transaction
* should not be performed.
public static function onProcessorApiCall( GatewayType $gateway_adapter ) {
if ( !$gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'EnableSessionVelocityFilter' ) ) {
return true;
$gateway_adapter->debugarray[] = 'Session Velocity onFilter hook!';
return self::singleton( $gateway_adapter )->filter();
* Although this function actually does the filtering, as this is a singleton pattern
* we only want one instance actually using it.
* @return bool false if we should stop processing
private function filter() {
$user_ip = $this->gateway_adapter->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'user_ip' );
// Determine IP status before doing anything complex
$wl = DataValidator::ip_is_listed( $user_ip, $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPAllowList' ) );
$bl = DataValidator::ip_is_listed( $user_ip, $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'IPDenyList' ) );
if ( $wl ) {
$this->gateway_adapter->debugarray[] = "SessionVelocity: IP present in allow list.";
return true;
if ( $bl ) {
$this->gateway_adapter->debugarray[] = "SessionVelocity: IP present in deny list.";
return false;
// Open a session if it doesn't already exist
// Obtain some useful information
$gateway = $this->gateway_adapter->getIdentifier();
$transaction = $this->gateway_adapter->getCurrentTransaction();
$cRequestTime = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
$decayRate = $this->getVar( 'DecayRate', $transaction );
$threshold = $this->getVar( 'Threshold', $transaction );
$multiplier = $this->getVar( 'Multiplier', $transaction );
// Initialize the filter
$sessionData = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( self::SESS_ROOT );
if ( !is_array( $sessionData ) ) {
$sessionData = [];
if ( !array_key_exists( $gateway, $sessionData ) ) {
$sessionData[$gateway] = [];
if ( !array_key_exists( $transaction, $sessionData[$gateway] ) ) {
$sessionData[$gateway][$transaction] = [
$this::SESS_SCORE => 0,
$this::SESS_TIME => $cRequestTime,
$this::SESS_MULTIPLIER => 1,
$lastTime = $sessionData[$gateway][$transaction][self::SESS_TIME];
$score = $sessionData[$gateway][$transaction][self::SESS_SCORE];
$lastMultiplier = $sessionData[$gateway][$transaction][self::SESS_MULTIPLIER];
// Update the filter if it's stale
if ( $cRequestTime != $lastTime ) {
$score = max( 0, $score - ( ( $cRequestTime - $lastTime ) * $decayRate ) );
$score += $this->getVar( 'HitScore', $transaction ) * $lastMultiplier;
$score = min( $score, self::SESS_MAX_SCORE );
$sessionData[$gateway][$transaction][$this::SESS_SCORE] = $score;
$sessionData[$gateway][$transaction][$this::SESS_TIME] = $cRequestTime;
$sessionData[$gateway][$transaction][$this::SESS_MULTIPLIER] = $lastMultiplier * $multiplier;
// Store the results
WmfFramework::setSessionValue( self::SESS_ROOT, $sessionData );
// Analyze the filter results
if ( $score >= $threshold ) {
// Ahh!!! Failure!!! Sloooooooow doooowwwwnnnn
$this->fraud_logger->alert( "SessionVelocity: Rejecting request due to score of $score" );
$this->sendAntifraudMessage( ValidationAction::REJECT, $score, [ 'SessionVelocity' => $score ] );
$retval = false;
} else {
$retval = true;
"SessionVelocity: ($gateway, $transaction) Score: $score, " .
"AllowAction: " . ( $retval ? 'true' : 'false' ) . ", DecayRate: $decayRate, " .
"Threshold: $threshold, Multiplier: $lastMultiplier"
return $retval;
* Providing that additional layer of indirection and confusion.
* @param string $baseVar The root name of the variable
* @param string $txn The name of the transaction
* @return mixed The contents of the configuration variable
private function getVar( $baseVar, $txn ) {
$var = $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'SessionVelocity_' . $txn . '_' . $baseVar );
if ( !isset( $var ) ) {
$var = $this->gateway_adapter->getGlobal( 'SessionVelocity_' . $baseVar );
return $var;