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Test Coverage

 * Wikimedia Foundation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

use ForceUTF8\Encoding;
use MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager;
use MediaWiki\Session\Token;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use SmashPig\Core\DataStores\QueueWrapper;
use SmashPig\Core\PaymentError;
use SmashPig\Core\UtcDate;
use SmashPig\Core\ValidationError;
use SmashPig\PaymentData\FinalStatus;
use SmashPig\PaymentData\ReferenceData\CurrencyRates;
use SmashPig\PaymentData\ReferenceData\NationalCurrencies;
use SmashPig\PaymentData\ValidationAction;

 * GatewayAdapter
abstract class GatewayAdapter implements GatewayType {
     * Don't change these strings without fixing cross-repo usages.
    const REDIRECT_PREFACE = 'Redirecting for transaction: ';
    const COMPLETED_PREFACE = 'Completed donation: ';

     * config tree
     * @var array
    protected $config = [];

     * $dataConstraints provides information on how to handle variables.
     *      <code>
     *         'account_holder'        => [ 'type' => 'alphanumeric',        'length' => 50, ]
     *      </code>
     * @var array
    protected $dataConstraints = [];

     * $error_map Reference map from gateway error to client error.
     * The key of each error should map to a i18n message key or a callable
     * By convention, the following three keys have these meanings:
     *   'internal-0000' => 'message-key-1', // Failed failed pre-process checks.
     *   'internal-0001' => 'message-key-2', // Transaction could not be processed due to an internal error.
     *   'internal-0002' => 'message-key-3', // Communication failure
     * A callable should return the translated error message.
     * Any undefined key will map to 'donate_interface-processing-error'
     * When formatted, each message key will be given the ProblemEmail global
     * as a first parameter. Error messages that use other parameters should
     * use the callable.
     * @var array
    protected $error_map = [];

     * $var_map maps gateway variables to client variables
     * @var array
    protected $var_map = [];

    protected $account_name;
    protected $account_config;
    protected $accountInfo;
    protected $transactions;

     * $payment_methods will be defined by the adapter.
     * @var array
    protected $payment_methods = [];

     * $payment_submethods will be defined by the adapter (or will default to an empty
     * array if none are defined).
     * @var array
    protected $payment_submethods = [];

    protected $staged_data;
    protected $unstaged_data;

     * Data transformation helpers.  These implement the StagingHelper interface for now,
     * and are responsible for staging and unstaging data.
     * @var (StagingHelper|ValidationHelper)[]
    protected $data_transformers = [];

     * @var DonationData
    protected $dataObj;

     * Standard logger, logs to {type}_gateway
     * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
    protected $logger;

     * Logs to {type}_gateway_payment_init
     * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
    protected $payment_init_logger;

     * Times and logs various operations
     * @var DonationProfiler
    protected $profiler;

     * $transaction_response is the member var that keeps track of the results of
     * the latest discrete transaction with the gateway.
     * @var PaymentTransactionResponse
    protected $transaction_response;
     * @var string|false When the smoke clears, this should be set to one of the
     * constants defined in @see FinalStatus
    protected $final_status;
     * @var ErrorState List of errors preventing this transaction from continuing.
    protected $errorState;

     * Name of the current transaction.  Set via @see setCurrentTransaction
     * @var string
    protected $current_transaction;
    /** @var string */
    protected $action;
    /** @var float */
    protected $risk_score = 0;
    /** @var string[] */
    public $debugarray;

     * A boolean that will tell us if we've posted to ourselves. A little more telling than
     * WebRequest->wasPosted(), as something else could have posted to us.
     * @var bool
    public $posted = false;

    // ALL OF THESE need to be redefined in the children. Much voodoo depends on the accuracy of these constants.
    const GATEWAY_NAME = 'Donation Gateway';
    const IDENTIFIER = 'donation';
    const GLOBAL_PREFIX = 'wgDonationGateway'; // ...for example.
    const DONOR = 'Donor';
    const DONOR_BKUP = 'Donor_BKUP';

    protected $order_id_candidates;
    protected $order_id_meta;

     * Constructor
     * @param array    $options
     *   OPTIONAL - You may set options for testing
     *   - external_data - array, data from unusual sources (such as test fixture)
     * @see DonationData
    public function __construct( $options = [] ) {
        $defaults = [
            'external_data' => null,
            'variant' => null,
        $options = array_merge( $defaults, $options );
        $this->errorState = new ErrorState();
        $this->logger = DonationLoggerFactory::getLogger( $this );
        $this->payment_init_logger = DonationLoggerFactory::getLogger( $this, '_payment_init' );

        $this->profiler = DonationLoggerFactory::getProfiler( $this );

        $this->logger->info( "Creating a new adapter of type: [{$this->getGatewayName()}]" );

        // The following needs to be set up before we initialize DonationData.
        // TODO: move the rest of the initialization here
        $this->loadConfig( $options['variant'] );


        $this->session_resetOnSwitch(); // Need to do this before creating DonationData

        // FIXME: this should not have side effects like setting order_id_meta['final']
        // TODO: On second thought, neither set data nor validate in this constructor.
        $this->dataObj = new DonationData( $this, $options['external_data'] );

        $this->unstaged_data = $this->dataObj->getData();
        $this->staged_data = $this->unstaged_data;

        // checking to see if we have an edit token in the request...
        $this->posted = ( $this->dataObj->wasPosted() && ( WmfFramework::getRequestValue( 'wmf_token', null ) !== null ) );


        $this->setGatewayDefaults( $options );

        // FIXME: Same as above, don't validate or stage in the constructor.


        BannerHistoryLogIdProcessor::onGatewayReady( $this );

     * defineTransactions will define the $transactions array.
     * The array will contain everything we need to know about the request structure for all the transactions we care about,
     * for the current gateway.
     * First array key: Some way for us to id the transaction. Doesn't actually have to be the gateway's name for it, but I'm going with that until I have a reason not to.
     * Second array key:
     *         'request' contains the structure of that request. Leaves in the array tree will eventually be mapped to actual values of ours,
     *         according to the precedence established in the getTransactionSpecificValue function.
     *         'values' contains default values for the transaction. Things that are typically not overridden should go here.
     *         'check_required' should be set to true for transactions that require donor information,
     *           like initial payment setup. TODO: different required fields per transaction
    abstract protected function defineTransactions();

     * defineAccountInfo needs to set up the $accountInfo array.
     * Keys = the name (or node name) value in the gateway transaction
     * Values = The actual values for those keys. Probably have to access a global or two. (use getGlobal()!)
    abstract protected function defineAccountInfo();

     * Sets up the $order_id_meta array.
     * @todo Data Item Class. There should be a class that keeps track of
     * the metadata for every field we use (everything that currently comes
     * back from DonationData), that can be overridden per gateway. Revisit
     * this in a more universal way when that time comes.
     * In general, $order_id_meta contains default data about how we
     * handle/create/gather order_id, which needs to be defined on a
     * per-gateway basis. Once $order_id_meta has been used to decide the
     * order_id for the current request, it will also be used to keep
     * information about the origin and state of the order_id data.
     * Should contain the following keys/values:
     * 'alt_locations' (optional) => [ $dataset_name, $dataset_key ]
     *     ** alt_locations is intended to contain a list of arrays that
     *     are always available (or should be), from which we can pull the
     *     order_id.
     *     ** Examples of valid things to throw in $dataset_name are 'request'
     *     and 'session'
     *     ** $dataset_key : The key in the associated dataset that is
     *     expected to contain the order_id. Probably going to be order_id
     *     if we are generating the dataset internally. Probably something
     *     else if a gateway is posting or getting back to us in a
     *     resultswitcher situation.
     *     ** These should be expressed in $order_id_meta in order of
     *     preference / authority.
     * 'generate' => boolean value. True if we will be generating our own
     *     order IDs, false if we are deferring order_id generation to the
     *     gateway.
     * 'ct_id' => boolean value.  If True, when generating order ID use
     * the contribution tracking ID with the sequence number appended
     * Will eventually contain the following keys/values:
     * 'final'=> The value that we have chosen as the valid order ID for
     *     this request.
     * 'final_source' => Where we ultimately decided to grab the value we
     *     chose to stuff in 'final'.
    abstract protected function defineOrderIDMeta();

    public function loadConfig( $variant = null ) {
        $configurationReader = ConfigurationReader::createForGateway(
            static::getIdentifier(), $variant, WmfFramework::getConfig()
        $this->config = $configurationReader->readConfiguration();

    public function getConfig( $key = null ) {
        if ( $key === null ) {
            return $this->config;
        if ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->config ) ) {
            return $this->config[$key];
        return null;

     * Return the base URL to use for the current transaction.
     * Some adapters will append a path component and query parameters.
     * That variation should be handled by the request controller.  Customize
     * things like varying server endpoints by overriding this function.
     * @return string
    protected function getProcessorUrl() {
        if ( !self::getGlobal( 'Test' ) ) {
            $url = self::getGlobal( 'URL' );
        } else {
            $url = self::getGlobal( 'TestingURL' );
        return $url;

     * Sets up the $payment_methods array.
     * Keys = unique name for this method
     * Values = metadata about the method
     *   'validation' should be an array whose keys are field names and
     *                whose values indicate whether the field is required
     * For legacy support.
     * TODO replace with access to config structure
    public function definePaymentMethods() {
        // All adapters have payment_method(s)
        $this->payment_methods = $this->config['payment_methods'];
        // Some (Pay Pal) do not have any submethods.
        if ( isset( $this->config['payment_submethods'] ) ) {
            $this->payment_submethods = $this->config['payment_submethods'];

     * defineVarMap needs to set up the $var_map array.
     * Keys = the name (or node name) value in the gateway transaction
     * Values = the mediawiki field name for the corresponding piece of data.
     * TODO: see comment on definePaymentMethods
    protected function defineVarMap() {
        if ( isset( $this->config['var_map'] ) ) {
            $this->var_map = $this->config['var_map'];

     * TODO: see comment on definePaymentMethods
    protected function defineDataConstraints() {
        if ( isset( $this->config['data_constraints'] ) ) {
            $this->dataConstraints = $this->config['data_constraints'];

     * Define the message keys used to display errors to the user.  Should set
     * @see $this->error_map to an array whose keys are error codes and whose
     * values are i18n keys or callables that return a translated error message.
     * Any unmapped error code will use 'donate_interface-processing-error'
     * TODO: see comment on definePaymentMethods
    protected function defineErrorMap() {
        if ( isset( $this->config['error_map'] ) ) {
            $this->error_map = $this->config['error_map'];

     * Sets up the $data_transformers array.
    public function defineDataTransformers() {
        if ( empty( $this->config['transformers'] ) ) {

        foreach ( $this->config['transformers'] as $className ) {
            // TODO: Pass $this to the constructor so we can take gateway out
            // of the interfaces.
            $this->data_transformers[] = new $className();

     * FIXME: Not convinced we need this.
     * @return array
    public function getDataTransformers() {
        return $this->data_transformers;

     * Determine which account to use for this session
    protected function findAccount() {
        $acctConfig = self::getGlobal( 'AccountInfo' );

        // this is causing warns in Special:SpecialPages
        if ( !$acctConfig ) {

        // TODO crazy logic to determine which account we want
        $accounts = array_keys( $acctConfig );
        $this->account_name = array_shift( $accounts );

        $this->account_config = $acctConfig[ $this->account_name ];

     * Get the log message prefix:
     * $contribution_tracking_id . ':' . $order_id . ' '
     * Now, going to the DonationData object to handle this, because it will
     * always have less stale data (and we need messages to come out of
     * there before data exists here)
     * @return string
    public function getLogMessagePrefix() {
        if ( !is_object( $this->dataObj ) ) {
            // please avoid exploding; It's just a log line.
            return 'Constructing! ';
        return $this->dataObj->getLogMessagePrefix();

     * Checks the edit tokens in the user's session against the one gathered
     * from populated form data.
     * Adds a string to the debugarray, to make it a little easier to tell what
     * happened if we turn the debug results on.
     * Only called from the .body pages
     * @return bool true if match, else false.
    public function checkTokens() {
        $checkResult = $this->token_checkTokens();

        if ( $checkResult ) {
            $this->debugarray[] = 'Token Match';
        } else {
            $this->debugarray[] = 'Token MISMATCH';

        $this->refreshGatewayValueFromSource( 'wmf_token' );
        return $checkResult;

     * Returns staged data from the adapter object, or null if a key was
     * specified and no value exists.
     * @param string $val An optional specific key you want returned.
     * @return mixed All the staged data held by the adapter, or if a key was
     * set, the staged value for that key.
    protected function getData_Staged( $val = '' ) {
        if ( $val === '' ) {
            return $this->staged_data;
        } else {
            if ( array_key_exists( $val, $this->staged_data ) ) {
                return $this->staged_data[$val];
            } else {
                return null;

     * A helper function to let us stash extra data after the form has been submitted.
     * @param array $dataArray An associative array of data.
    public function addRequestData( $dataArray ) {
        $this->dataObj->addData( $dataArray );

        $calculated_fields = $this->dataObj->getCalculatedFields();
        $data_fields = array_keys( $dataArray );
        $data_fields = array_merge( $data_fields, $calculated_fields );

        foreach ( $data_fields as $value ) {
            $this->refreshGatewayValueFromSource( $value );

        // Always restage after changing unstaged_data

     * Add data from the processor to staged_data and run any unstaging functions.
     * @param array $dataArray An associative array of data, with normalized
     * keys and raw processor values.
     * Only keys that are included in $dataArray will be persisted to the stored
     * normalized data. This prevents us from overwriting items which should
     * only ever hold data determined in this extension, not data from the
     * processor or return querystring.
    public function addResponseData( $dataArray ) {
        foreach ( $dataArray as $key => $value ) {
            $this->staged_data[$key] = $value;

        $originalNormalizedData = $this->unstaged_data;

        // Only copy the affected values back into the normalized data.
        $newlyUnstagedData = [];
        foreach ( $dataArray as $key => $stagedValue ) {
            if ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->unstaged_data ) ) {
                $newlyUnstagedData[$key] = $this->unstaged_data[$key];
                $originalNormalizedData[$key] = $this->unstaged_data[$key];
        $this->logger->debug( "Adding response data: " . json_encode( $newlyUnstagedData ) );
        $this->dataObj->addData( $newlyUnstagedData );
        $this->unstaged_data = $originalNormalizedData;

     * Change the keys on this data from processor API names to normalized names.
     * @param array $processor_data Response data with raw API keys
     * @param array|null $key_map map processor keys to our keys, defaults to
     *                       $this->var_map
     * @return array data with normalized keys
     * TODO: Figure out why this isn't the default behavior in addResponseData.
     * Once that's resolved, we might operate on member fields rather than do
     * this as a function.
    public function unstageKeys( $processor_data, $key_map = null ) {
        if ( $key_map === null ) {
            $key_map = $this->var_map;

        $staged_data = [];
        foreach ( $key_map as $their_key => $our_key ) {
            if ( isset( $processor_data[$their_key] ) ) {
                $staged_data[$our_key] = $processor_data[$their_key];
            } else {
                // TODO: do any callers care? $emptyVars[] = $their_key;
        return $staged_data;

    public function getData_Unstaged_Escaped( $val = '' ) {
        if ( $val === '' ) {
            return $this->unstaged_data;
        } else {
            if ( array_key_exists( $val, $this->unstaged_data ) ) {
                return $this->unstaged_data[$val];
            } else {
                return null;

    public function getDataSources() {
        return $this->dataObj->getDataSources();

    public static function getGlobal( $varname ) {
        // adding another layer of depth here, in case you're working with two gateways in the same request.
        // That does, in fact, ruin everything. :/
        $globalname = self::getGlobalPrefix() . $varname;
        // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
        global $$globalname;
        if ( !isset( $$globalname ) ) {
            $globalname = "wgDonationInterface" . $varname;
            global $$globalname; // set or not. This is fine.
        return $$globalname;
        // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd

     * Gets a global variable according to @see getGlobal rules, then replaces
     * $country and $language with values from gateway instance data.
     * @param string $varname Name of setting to retrieve
     * @return string Localized setting
    public function localizeGlobal( $varname ) {
        $value = self::getGlobal( $varname );
        $language = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'language' );
        $country = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'country' );
        $value = str_replace( '$language', $language, $value );
        $value = str_replace( '$country', $country, $value );
        return $value;

     * getErrorMap
     * This will also return an error message if a $code is passed.
     * If the error code does not exist, the default message will be returned.
     * A default message should always exist with an index of 0.
     * NOTE: This method will check to see if the message exists in translation
     * and use that message instead of the default. This would override error_map.
     * @param string $code The error code to look up in the map
     * @param array $options
     * @return array|string Returns @see GatewayAdapter::$error_map
    public function getErrorMap( $code, $options = [] ) {
        $defaults = [
            'translate' => false,
        $options = array_merge( $defaults, $options );

        $response_message = $this->getIdentifier() . '_gateway-response-' . $code;

        $translatedMessage = '';
        if ( WmfFramework::messageExists( $response_message ) ) {
            $translatedMessage = WmfFramework::formatMessage( $response_message );

        if ( isset( $this->error_map[ $code ] ) ) {
            $mapped = $this->error_map[ $code ];
            // Errors with complicated formatting can map to a function
            if ( is_callable( $mapped ) ) {
                // FIXME: not respecting when $options['translate'] = false
                return $mapped();
            $messageKey = $mapped;
        } else {
            // If the $code does not exist, use the default message
            $messageKey = 'donate_interface-processing-error';

        $translatedMessage = ( $options['translate'] && $translatedMessage === '' )
            ? WmfFramework::formatMessage( $messageKey, $this->getGlobal( 'ProblemsEmail' ) )
            : $translatedMessage;

        // Check to see if we return the translated message.
        $message = ( $options['translate'] ) ? $translatedMessage : $messageKey;

        return $message;

     * getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate
     * This will take an error code and translate the message.
     * @param string $code The error code to look up in the map
     * @return string Returns the translated message from @see GatewayAdapter::$error_map
    public function getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate( $code ) {
        return $this->getErrorMap( $code, [ 'translate' => true, ] );

     * This function is used exclusively by the two functions that build
     * requests to be sent directly to external payment gateway servers. As
     * such, unless a valid current transaction has already been set, this
     * will error out rather hard.
     * In other words: In all likelihood, this is not the function you're
     * looking for.
     * @param string $gateway_field_name The GATEWAY's field name that we are
     * hoping to populate. Probably not even remotely the way we name the same
     * data internally.
     * @throws LogicException
     * @return mixed The value we want to send directly to the gateway, for the specified gateway field name.
    public function getTransactionSpecificValue( $gateway_field_name ) {
        if ( !$this->transactions ) {
            $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ': Transactions structure is empty! No transaction can be constructed.';
            $this->logger->critical( $msg );
            throw new LogicException( $msg );
        // Ensures we are using the correct transaction structure for our various lookups.
        $transaction = $this->getCurrentTransaction();

        if ( !$transaction ) {
            return null;

        // If there's a hard-coded value in the transaction definition, use that.
        if ( array_key_exists( $transaction, $this->transactions ) && is_array( $this->transactions[$transaction] ) &&
            array_key_exists( 'values', $this->transactions[$transaction] ) &&
            array_key_exists( $gateway_field_name, $this->transactions[$transaction]['values'] ) ) {
            $value = $this->transactions[$transaction]['values'][$gateway_field_name];
            return $this->trimFieldToConstraints( $value, $gateway_field_name );

        // if it's account info, use that.
        // $this->accountInfo;
        if ( array_key_exists( $gateway_field_name, $this->accountInfo ) ) {
            return $this->accountInfo[$gateway_field_name];

        // If there's a value in the post data (name-translated by the var_map), use that.
        if ( array_key_exists( $gateway_field_name, $this->var_map ) ) {
            $staged = $this->getData_Staged( $this->var_map[$gateway_field_name] );
            if ( $staged !== null ) {
                // if it was sent, use that.
                return $staged;
            } else {
                // return blank string
                return '';

        // not in the map, or hard coded. What then?
        // Complain furiously, for your code is faulty.
        // TODO maybe just assume the name doesn't need to be var_mapped?
        $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ': Requested value ' . $gateway_field_name . ' cannot be found in the transactions structure.';
        $this->logger->critical( $msg );
        throw new LogicException( $msg );

     * Returns the current transaction request structure if it exists, otherwise
     * returns false.
     * Fails nicely if the current transaction is simply not set yet.
     * @throws LogicException if the transaction is set, but no structure is defined.
     * @return mixed current transaction's structure as an array, or false
    protected function getTransactionRequestStructure() {
        $transaction = $this->getCurrentTransaction();
        if ( !$transaction ) {
            return false;

        if ( !$this->transactions ||
            !array_key_exists( $transaction, $this->transactions ) ||
            !array_key_exists( 'request', $this->transactions[$transaction] )
        ) {
            $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ": $transaction request structure is empty! No transaction can be constructed.";
            $this->logger->critical( $msg );
            throw new LogicException( $msg );

        return $this->transactions[$transaction]['request'];

    protected function buildRequestArray() {
        // Look up the request structure for our current transaction type in the transactions array
        $structure = $this->getTransactionRequestStructure();
        if ( !is_array( $structure ) ) {
            return [];
        $callback = [ $this, 'getTransactionSpecificValue' ];
        return ArrayHelper::buildRequestArray( $callback, $structure );

    protected function setFailedValidationTransactionResponse( string $transaction, $phase = 'pre-process' ) {
        $this->logger->info( "Failed $phase checks for transaction type $transaction." );
        $this->transaction_response->setCommunicationStatus( false );
        $this->transaction_response->setMessage( $this->getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate( 'internal-0000' ) );
            new PaymentError(
                "Failed $phase checks for transaction type $transaction.",
        return $this->transaction_response;

     * Sets the transaction you are about to send to the payment gateway. This
     * will throw an exception if you try to set it to something that has no
     * transaction definition.
     * @param string $transaction_name This is a specific transaction type like
     * 'createPaymentSession' (if you're Ingenico) that maps to a
     * first-level key in the $transactions array.
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    public function setCurrentTransaction( $transaction_name ) {
        if ( !$this->transactions ||
            !is_array( $this->transactions ) ||
            !array_key_exists( $transaction_name, $this->transactions )
        ) {
            $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ': Transaction Name "' . $transaction_name . '" undefined for this gateway.';
            $this->logger->alert( $msg );
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( $msg );
        } else {
            $this->current_transaction = $transaction_name;

    public function getCurrentTransaction() {
        if ( $this->current_transaction === null ) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return $this->current_transaction;

     * Get the payment method
     * @return string
    public function getPaymentMethod() {
        // FIXME: this should return the final calculated method
        return $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'payment_method' );

     * Define payment methods
     * Not all payment methods are available within an adapter
     * @return array Returns the available payment methods for the specific adapter
    public function getPaymentMethods() {
        return $this->payment_methods;

     * Get the default payment method from payment_methods.yaml
     * @return string
    public function getDefaultPaymentMethod() {
        foreach ( $this->payment_methods as $payment_method => $object ) {
            if ( isset( $object['is_default'] ) ) {
                return $payment_method;
        return '';

    public function getPaymentSubmethod() {
        return $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'payment_submethod' );

    public function getPaymentSubmethods() {
        return $this->payment_submethods;

     * Called in the constructor, this function should be used to define
     * pieces of default data particular to the gateway. It will be up to
     * the child class to poke the data through to the data object
     * (probably with $this->addRequestData()).
     * DO NOT set default payment informati
     * on here (or anywhere, really).
     * That would be naughty.
     * @param array $options associative array of values as given to the
     *  GateWayType constructor.
    protected function setGatewayDefaults( $options = [] ) {

     * Add donation rules for the users country & currency combo.
     * @return array
    public function getDonationRules(): array {
        $rules = $this->config['donation_rules'];
        foreach ( $rules as $rule ) {
            // Do our $params match all the conditions for this rule?
            $ruleMatches = true;
            if ( isset( $rule['conditions'] ) ) {
                // Loop over all the conditions looking for any that don't match
                foreach ( $rule['conditions'] as $conditionName => $conditionValue ) {
                    $realValue = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( $conditionName );
                    // If the key of a condition is not in the params, the rule does not match like recurring
                    if ( $realValue === null ) {
                        $ruleMatches = false;
                    // Condition value is a scalar, just check it against the param value like country or payment_method
                    if ( $realValue == $conditionValue ) {
                    } else {
                        $ruleMatches = false;
            if ( $ruleMatches ) {
                return $rule;
        $this->logger->warning( "Please set a default rule in donation_rules.yaml" );
        return [];

    public function getCurrencies( $options = [] ) {
        return $this->config['currencies'];

    public function logPending() {
        // Write the donor's details to the log for the audit processor
        // Feed the message into the pending queue, so the CRM queue consumer
        // can read it to fill in donor details when it gets a partial message

     * Whether donation processing depends on additional processing on-wiki
     * at the donor's return from a payment processor. This is used to
     * determine whether we should show fail pages on session timeouts.
     * @return bool true when on-wiki post-processing is required.
    public function isReturnProcessingRequired() {
        return false;

     * Gateways which return true from isReturnProcessingRequired must
     * override this with logic to get an ID from the request which will
     * identify repeated attempts to process the same payment.
     * @param array $requestValues
     * @return int|string|null Order id
    public function getRequestProcessId( $requestValues ) {
        return null;

     * Default implementation sets status to complete.
     * @param array $requestValues all GET and POST values from the request
     * @return PaymentResult
    public function processDonorReturn( $requestValues ) {
        $this->finalizeInternalStatus( FinalStatus::COMPLETE );
        return PaymentResult::newSuccess();

     * @param string $stringToCheck
     * @return int|mixed
    public function calculateKeyMashScore( $stringToCheck ) {
        $letters = str_split( strtolower( $stringToCheck ) );
        $rules = $this->getGlobal( 'NameFilterRules' );
        $score = 0;

        foreach ( $rules as $rule ) {
            $keyMapA = $rule['KeyMapA'];
            $keyMapB = $rule['KeyMapB'];

            $gibberishWeight = $rule['GibberishWeight'];

            $minimumLength = $rule['MinimumLength'];

            $failScore = $rule['Score'];

            $points = 0;

            if ( is_array( $letters ) && count( $letters ) > $minimumLength ) {
                foreach ( $letters as $letter ) {
                    // For each char in zone A add a point, zone B subtract.
                    if ( in_array( $letter, $keyMapA ) ) {
                    if ( in_array( $letter, $keyMapB ) ) {

                if ( abs( $points ) / count( $letters ) >= $gibberishWeight ) {
                    $score += $failScore;
        return $score;

    public static function getGatewayName() {
        $c = get_called_class();
        return $c::GATEWAY_NAME;

    public static function getGlobalPrefix() {
        $c = get_called_class();
        return $c::GLOBAL_PREFIX;

    public static function getIdentifier() {
        $c = get_called_class();
        return $c::IDENTIFIER;

    public static function getLogIdentifier() {
        return self::getIdentifier() . '_gateway';

     * Return an array of all the currently enabled gateways.
     * @param Config $mwConfig MediaWiki Config
     * @return array of gateway identifiers.
    public static function getEnabledGateways( Config $mwConfig ): array {
        $gatewayClasses = $mwConfig->get( 'DonationInterfaceGatewayAdapters' );

        $enabledGateways = [];
        foreach ( $gatewayClasses as $identifier => $gatewayClass ) {
            if ( $gatewayClass::getGlobal( 'Enabled' ) ) {
                $enabledGateways[] = $identifier;
        return $enabledGateways;

     * Sends a queue message to the configured server and queue, based on the
     * outcome of our current transaction.
     * The big tricky thing here, is that we DO NOT SET a FinalStatus,
     * unless we have just learned what happened to a donation in progress,
     * through performing the current transaction.
     * To put it another way, getFinalStatus should always return
     * false, unless it's new data about a new transaction. In that case, the
     * outcome will be assigned and the proper queue selected.
     * Probably called in postProcessDonation(), which is itself most likely to
     * be called through executeFunctionIfExists, later on in do_transaction.
    protected function doQueueTransaction() {
        $status = $this->getFinalStatus();
        switch ( $status ) {
            case FinalStatus::COMPLETE:
                // This transaction completed successfully.  Send to the CRM
                // for filing.
                $this->pushMessage( 'donations' );

            case FinalStatus::PENDING:
            case FinalStatus::PENDING_POKE:
                // Don't consider this a done deal.  Send to a database where
                // various workers can clean up and correlate pending data as
                // new information arrives from the processor.
                $this->pushMessage( 'pending' );

                // No action.  FIXME: But don't callers assume that we've done
                // something responsible with this message?  Throw a not sent
                // exception?
                $this->logger->info( "Not sending queue message for status {$status}." );

    protected function getQueueContactMessage() {
        $queueMessage = [];
        foreach ( DonationData::getContactFields() as $field ) {
            $queueMessage[$field] = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( $field );
        $queueMessage = $this->addContactMessageFields( $queueMessage );
        return $queueMessage;

     * Collect donation details and normalize keys for pending or
     * donations queue
     * @return array
    protected function getQueueDonationMessage(): array {
        $gatewayTxnId = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'gateway_txn_id' );
        if ( $gatewayTxnId === null ) {
            $gatewayTxnId = false;
        $queueMessage = [
            'gateway_txn_id' => $gatewayTxnId,
            'response' => $this->getTransactionMessage(),
            'gateway_account' => $this->account_name,
            'fee' => 0, // FIXME: don't we know this for some gateways?

        $messageKeys = DonationData::getMessageFields();

        // only includes these keys if recurring = 1
        $recurringKeys = [

        $requiredKeys = [

        $remapKeys = [
            'amount' => 'gross',

        // Add the rest of the relevant data
        // FIXME: This is "normalized" data.  We should refer to it as such,
        // and rename the getData_Unstaged_Escaped function.
        $data = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped();
        $isRecurring = $data['recurring'];

        foreach ( $messageKeys as $key ) {
            // skip the keys in the queueMessage in recurring keys when we are not doing recurring
            if ( !$isRecurring && in_array( $key, $recurringKeys ) ) {

            if ( isset( $queueMessage[$key] ) ) {
                // don't clobber the pre-sets
            if ( !isset( $data[$key] ) ) {
                if ( in_array( $key, $requiredKeys ) ) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( "Missing required message key $key" );
            $value = Encoding::toUTF8( $data[$key] );
            if ( isset( $remapKeys[$key] ) ) {
                $queueMessage[$remapKeys[$key]] = Amount::round( (float)$value, $data['currency'] );
            } else {
                $queueMessage[$key] = $value;

        // FIXME: Note that we're not using any existing date or ts fields.  Why is that?
        $queueMessage['date'] = time();

        $queueMessage = $this->addContactMessageFields( $queueMessage );
        return $queueMessage;

     * IMPORTANT: only add the contact_id to a message if the contact_hash
     * is preset. We don't want to allow overwriting arbitrary CiviCRM
     * contacts.
     * @param array $message
     * @return array
    protected function addContactMessageFields( $message ) {
        $contactId = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'contact_id' );
        $contactHash = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'contact_hash' );
        if ( $contactId && $contactHash ) {
            $message['contact_id'] = $contactId;
            $message['contact_hash'] = $contactHash;
        return $message;

    public function addStandardMessageFields( $transaction ) {
        // basically, add all the stuff we have come to take for granted, because syslog.
        $transaction['date'] = UtcDate::getUtcTimestamp();
        $transaction['server'] = gethostname();

        $these_too = [
        foreach ( $these_too as $field ) {
            $transaction[$field] = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( $field );

        return $transaction;

     * Run any staging DataTransformers configured for the adapter
    protected function stageData() {
        // Copy data, the default is to not change the values.
        // Reset from our normalized unstaged data so we never double-stage.
        $this->staged_data = $this->unstaged_data;

        foreach ( $this->data_transformers as $transformer ) {
            if ( $transformer instanceof StagingHelper ) {
                $transformer->stage( $this, $this->unstaged_data, $this->staged_data );

        // Format the staged data

     * Run any unstaging functions to decode processor responses
    protected function unstageData() {
        $this->unstaged_data = $this->staged_data;

        foreach ( $this->data_transformers as $transformer ) {
            if ( $transformer instanceof UnstagingHelper ) {
                $transformer->unstage( $this, $this->staged_data, $this->unstaged_data );

     * Format staged data
     * Formatting:
     * - trim - all strings
     * - truncate - all strings to the maximum length permitted by the gateway
    public function formatStagedData() {
        foreach ( $this->staged_data as $field => $value ) {
            // Note: This is the very last resort. This should already have been dealt with thoroughly in staging.
            $this->staged_data[ $field ] = $this->trimFieldToConstraints( $value, $field );

     * Trims a single field according to length constraints in data_constraints.yaml
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string $field the name of the field specified in data_constraints
     * @return mixed|string
    protected function trimFieldToConstraints( $value, $field ) {
        // Trim all values if they are a string
        $value = is_string( $value ) ? trim( $value ) : $value;

        if ( isset( $this->dataConstraints[$field] ) && is_string( $value ) ) {
            // Truncate the field if it has a length specified
            if ( isset( $this->dataConstraints[$field]['length'] ) ) {
                $length = (int)$this->dataConstraints[$field]['length'];
            } else {
                $length = false;

            if ( $length && $value !== '' ) {
                $value = mb_substr( $value, 0, $length, 'UTF-8' );

        return $value;

    public function getTransactionResponse() {
        return $this->transaction_response;

     * Returns the transaction communication status, or false if not set
     * present.
     * @return mixed
    public function getTransactionStatus() {
        if ( $this->transaction_response && $this->transaction_response->getCommunicationStatus() ) {
            return $this->transaction_response->getCommunicationStatus();
        return false;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getFinalStatus() {
        if ( $this->final_status ) {
            return $this->final_status;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Sets the final payment status. This is the one we care about for
     * switching on behavior.
     * DO NOT SET THE FINAL STATUS unless you've just taken an entire donation
     * process to completion: This status being set at all, denotes the very end
     * of the donation process on our end. Further attempts by the same user
     * will be seen as starting over.
     * @param string $status The final status of one discrete donation attempt,
     * can be one of constants defined in @see FinalStatus
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    public function finalizeInternalStatus( $status ) {
         * Handle session stuff!
         * -Behavior-
         * * Always, always increment numAttempt.
         * * complete/pending/pending-poke: Reset for potential totally
         * new payment, but keep numAttempt and other antifraud things
         * (velocity data) around.
         * * failed: KEEP all donor data around unless numAttempt has
         * hit its max, but kill the ctid (in the likely case that it
         * was an honest mistake)
        $force = false;
        switch ( $status ) {
            case FinalStatus::COMPLETE:
            case FinalStatus::PENDING:
            case FinalStatus::PENDING_POKE:
                $force = true;
            case FinalStatus::FAILED:
            case FinalStatus::CANCELLED:
            case FinalStatus::REVISED:
                if (
                    $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'opt_in' ) == '1' &&
                    $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'email' ) &&
                    $this->getGlobal( 'SendOptInOnFailure' )
                ) {
                    // When a donation fails but the donor has opted in to emails,
                    // just send the donor contact data to the opt-in queue.
                    $this->pushMessage( 'opt-in', true );
        // If we're asking the donor to convert their donation to recurring,
        // don't delete everything from session just yet.
        if ( $this->showMonthlyConvert() ) {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredMethod RecurringConversion is checked in the if condition
            $this->session_MoveDonorDataToBackupForRecurringConversion( $force );
        } else {
            $this->session_resetForNewAttempt( $force );

        $this->logFinalStatus( $status );

        $this->sendFinalStatusMessage( $status );

        $this->final_status = $status;

     * Easily-child-overridable log component of setting the final
     * transaction status, which will only ever be set at the very end of a
     * transaction workflow.
     * @param string $status one of the constants defined in @see FinalStatus
    public function logFinalStatus( $status ) {
        $action = $this->getValidationAction();

        $msg = " FINAL STATUS: '$status:$action' - ";

        // what do we want in here?
        // Attempted payment type, country of origin, $status, amount... campaign?
        // error message if one exists.
        $keys = [

        foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
            $msg .= $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( $key ) . ', ';

        $txn_message = $this->getTransactionMessage();
        if ( $txn_message ) {
            $msg .= " $txn_message";

        $this->payment_init_logger->info( $msg );

     * Build and send a message to the payments-init queue, once the initial workflow is complete.
     * @param string $status one of the constants in @see SmashPig\PaymentData\FinalStatus
    public function sendFinalStatusMessage( $status ) {
        $transaction = [
            'validation_action' => $this->getValidationAction(),
            'payments_final_status' => $status,

        // add more keys here if you want it in the db equivalent of the payments-init queue.
        // for now, though, just taking the ones that make it to the logs.
        $keys = [

        foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
            $transaction[$key] = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( $key );

        $transaction = $this->addStandardMessageFields( $transaction );

        try {
            // FIXME: Dispatch "freeform" messages transparently as well.
            // TODO: write test
            $this->logger->info( 'Pushing transaction to payments-init queue.' );
            QueueWrapper::push( 'payments-init', $transaction );
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            $this->logger->error( 'Unable to send payments-init message' );

     * @deprecated
     * @return string|boolean
    public function getTransactionMessage() {
        if ( $this->transaction_response && $this->transaction_response->getTxnMessage() ) {
            return $this->transaction_response->getTxnMessage();
        return false;

     * Returns the FORMATTED data harvested from the reply, or false if it is not set.
     * @return mixed An array of returned data, or false.
    public function getTransactionData() {
        if ( $this->transaction_response && $this->transaction_response->getData() ) {
            return $this->transaction_response->getData();
        return false;

    public function getGatewayAdapterClass() {
        return get_called_class();

     * Return any errors that prevent this transaction from continuing.
     * @return ErrorState
    public function getErrorState() {
        return $this->errorState;

     * Adds one to the 'numAttempt' field we use to keep track of how many
     * times a donor has attempted a payment, in a session.
     * When they first show up (or get their token/session reset), it should
     * be set to '0'.
    protected function incrementNumAttempt() {
        $attempts = $this->session_getData( 'numAttempt' ); // intentionally outside the 'Donor' key.
        if ( is_numeric( $attempts ) ) {
            $attempts += 1;
        } else {
            // assume garbage = 0, so...
            $attempts = 1;

        WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'numAttempt', $attempts );

     * Some payment gateways require a distinct identifier for each API call
     * or for each new payment attempt, even if retrying an attempt that failed
     * validation.  This is slightly different from numAttempt, which is only
     * incremented when setting a final status for a payment attempt.
     * It is the child class's responsibility to increment this at the
     * appropriate time.
    protected function incrementSequenceNumber() {
        $sequence = $this->session_getData( 'sequence' ); // intentionally outside the 'Donor' key.
        if ( is_numeric( $sequence ) ) {
            $sequence += 1;
        } else {
            $sequence = 1;

        WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'sequence', $sequence );

    public function setHash( $hashval ) {
        $this->dataObj->setVal( 'data_hash', $hashval );

    public function unsetHash() {
        $this->dataObj->expunge( 'data_hash' );

     * Runs all the fraud filters that have been enabled and configured in
     * donationdata.php and/or LocalSettings.php
     * This function is most likely to be called through
     * executeFunctionIfExists, early on in do_transaction.
    public function runAntifraudFilters() {
        // extra layer of Stop Doing This.
        if ( $this->errorState->hasErrors() ) {
            $this->logger->info( 'Skipping antifraud filters: Transaction is already in error' );
        // allow any external validators to have their way with the data
        $this->logger->info( 'Preparing to run custom filters' );
        Gateway_Extras_CustomFilters::onValidate( $this );
        $this->logger->info( 'Finished running custom filters' );

     * Runs all the post-process logic that has been enabled and configured in
     * donationdata.php and/or LocalSettings.php, including the queue message.
     * This function is most likely to be called through
     * executeFunctionIfExists, later on in do_transaction.
    protected function postProcessDonation() {
        Gateway_Extras_ConversionLog::onPostProcess( $this );

        try {
        } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
            $this->logger->alert( "Failure queueing final status message: {$ex->getMessage()}" );

     * NOTE: Adyen Checkout has it's own pushMessage that does not push recurring
     * iDEALs to the donations queue
     * @param string $queue What queue to send the message to
     * @param bool $contactOnly If we only have the donor's contact information
    protected function pushMessage( $queue, $contactOnly = false ) {
        $this->logger->info( "Pushing transaction to queue [$queue]" );
        if ( $contactOnly ) {
            $message = $this->getQueueContactMessage();
        } else {
            $message = $this->getQueueDonationMessage();
        QueueWrapper::push( $queue, $message );

    protected function sendPendingMessage() {
        $order_id = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'order_id' );
        $this->logger->info( "Sending donor details for $order_id to pending queue" );
        QueueWrapper::push( 'pending', $this->getQueueDonationMessage() );

     * If there are things about a transaction that we need to stash in the
     * transaction's definition (defined in a local defineTransactions() ), we
     * can recall them here. Currently, this is only being used to determine if
     * we have a transaction whose transmission would require multiple attempts
     * to wait for a certain status (or set of statuses), but we could do more
     * with this mechanism if we need to.
     * @param string $option_value the name of the key we're looking for in the
     * transaction definition.
     * @return mixed the transaction's value for that key if it exists, or NULL.
    protected function transaction_option( $option_value ) {
        // ooo, ugly.
        $transaction = $this->getCurrentTransaction();
        if ( !$transaction ) {
            return null;
        if ( array_key_exists( $option_value, $this->transactions[$transaction] ) ) {
            return $this->transactions[$transaction][$option_value];
        return null;

     * Instead of pulling all the DonationData back through to update one local
     * value, use this. It updates both staged_data (which is intended to be
     * staged and used _just_ by the gateway) and unstaged_data, which is actually
     * just normalized and sanitized form data as entered by the user.
     * You should restage the data after running this.
     * Not doing this right now, though, because it's not yet necessary for
     * anything we have at the moment.
     * @param string $val The field name that we are looking to retrieve from
     * our DonationData object.
    protected function refreshGatewayValueFromSource( $val ) {
        $refreshed = $this->dataObj->getVal( $val );
        if ( $refreshed !== null ) {
            $this->staged_data[$val] = $refreshed;
            $this->unstaged_data[$val] = $refreshed;
        } else {
            unset( $this->staged_data[$val] );
            unset( $this->unstaged_data[$val] );

    public function setRiskScore( $score ) {
        $this->risk_score = $score;

    public function setValidationAction( $action, $reset = false ) {
        // our choices are:
        $actions = [
            ValidationAction::PROCESS => 0,
            ValidationAction::REVIEW => 1,
            ValidationAction::CHALLENGE => 2,
            ValidationAction::REJECT => 3,
        if ( !isset( $actions[$action] ) ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Action $action is invalid." );

        if ( $reset ) {
            $this->action = $action;

        if ( (int)$actions[$action] > (int)$actions[$this->getValidationAction()] ) {
            $this->action = $action;

    public function getValidationAction() {
        if ( !isset( $this->action ) ) {
            $this->action = ValidationAction::PROCESS;
        return $this->action;

     * Build list of form fields
     * TODO: Determine if this ever needs to be overridden per gateway, or if
     * all the per-country / per-gateway cases can be expressed declaratively
     * in payment method / submethod metadata.  If that's the case, move this
     * function (to DataValidator?)
     * @param array|null $knownData if provided, used to determine fields that
     *  depend on country or payment method. Falls back to unstaged data.
     * @return array of field names (empty if no payment method set)
    public function getFormFields( ?array $knownData = null ): array {
        if ( $knownData === null ) {
            $knownData = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped();
        $fields = [];
        $fieldsConfig = [];

        // Add any country-specific required fields
        if (
            isset( $this->config['country_fields'] ) &&
            !empty( $knownData['country'] )
        ) {
            $country = $knownData['country'];
            if ( isset( $this->config['country_fields'][$country] ) ) {
                $fieldsConfig = $this->config['country_fields'][$country];

        if ( !empty( $knownData['payment_method'] ) ) {
            $methodMeta = $this->getPaymentMethodMeta( $knownData['payment_method'] );
            if ( isset( $methodMeta['validation'] ) ) {
                $fieldsConfig = $methodMeta['validation'] + $fieldsConfig;

        if ( !empty( $knownData['payment_submethod'] ) ) {
            $submethodMeta = $this->getPaymentSubmethodMeta( $knownData['payment_submethod'], $knownData['payment_method'] ?? null );
            if ( isset( $submethodMeta['validation'] ) ) {
                // submethod validation can override method validation
                // TODO: child method anything should supersede parent method
                // anything, and PaymentMethod should handle that.
                $fieldsConfig = $submethodMeta['validation'] + $fieldsConfig;

        foreach ( $fieldsConfig as $fieldName => $requirementFlag ) {
            if ( $requirementFlag === false ) {

            switch ( $fieldName ) {
                case 'address':
                    $field = [
                        'street_address' => $requirementFlag,
                        'city' => $requirementFlag,
                        'country' => $requirementFlag,
                        'postal_code' => $requirementFlag,
                        // 'postal_code' this should really be added or removed, depending on the country and/or gateway requirements.
                        // however, that's not happening in this class in the code I'm replacing, so...
                        // TODO: Something clever in the DataValidator with data groups like these.
                    if ( !empty( $knownData['country'] ) ) {
                        $country = $knownData['country'];
                        if ( $country && Subdivisions::getByCountry( $country ) ) {
                            $field['state_province'] = $requirementFlag;
                case 'name':
                    $field = [
                        'first_name' => $requirementFlag,
                        'last_name'  => $requirementFlag
                    $field = [ $fieldName => $requirementFlag ];
            $fields = array_merge( $fields, $field );

        return $fields;

     * @param array|null $knownData
     * @return array
    public function getRequiredFields( $knownData = null ) {
        $all_fields = $this->getFormFields( $knownData );
        $required_fields = array_filter( $all_fields, static function ( $val ) {
            return $val === true;
        } );

        return array_keys( $required_fields );

     * Check donation data for validity and set errors.
     * This function will go through all the data we have pulled from wherever
     * we've pulled it, and make sure it's safe and expected and everything.
     * If it is not, it will return an array of errors ready for any
     * DonationInterface form class derivative to display.
     * @return bool true if validation passes
    public function validate() {
        $normalized = $this->dataObj->getData();

        if ( $this->transaction_option( 'check_required' ) ) {
            // The fields returned by getRequiredFields only make sense
            // for certain transactions. TODO: getRequiredFields should
            // actually return different things for different transactions
            $check_not_empty = $this->getRequiredFields();
        } else {
            $check_not_empty = [];
            DataValidator::validate( $this, $normalized, $check_not_empty )

        // Run modular validations.
        $transformers = $this->getDataTransformers();
        foreach ( $transformers as $transformer ) {
            if ( $transformer instanceof ValidationHelper ) {
                $transformer->validate( $this, $normalized, $this->errorState );

        // TODO: Rewrite as something modular?  It's in-between validation and normalization...
        if ( $this->errorState->hasValidationError( 'currency' ) ) {
            // Try to fall back to a default currency, clearing the error if
            // successful.
            // FIXME: This is part of the same wart.
            $this->unstaged_data = $this->dataObj->getData();

        // during validate, if payment method not defined, set to the default one
        if ( $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'payment_method' ) == null ) {
            $this->unstaged_data['payment_method'] = $this->getDefaultPaymentMethod();
            if ( $this->unstaged_data['utm_source'] == '..' ) {
                $this->unstaged_data['utm_source'] .= $this->unstaged_data['payment_method'];

        return $this->validatedOK();

     * @return bool True if submitted data is valid and sufficient to proceed to the next step.
     * TODO: Were we also trying to indicate whether the validation step has succeeded here, by distinguishing array() != false?
    public function validatedOK() {
        return !$this->errorState->hasValidationError();

     * Called when a currency code error exists. If a fallback currency
     * conversion is enabled for this adapter, convert intended amount to
     * default currency.
     * TODO: In the future, we might want to switch gateways.
     * @throws DomainException
    protected function fallbackToDefaultCurrency() {
        $defaultCurrency = null;
        if ( $this->getGlobal( 'FallbackCurrencyByCountry' ) ) {
            $country = $this->dataObj->getVal( 'country' );
            if ( $country !== null ) {
                $defaultCurrency = NationalCurrencies::getNationalCurrency( $country );
        } else {
            $defaultCurrency = $this->getGlobal( 'FallbackCurrency' );
        if ( !$defaultCurrency ) {
        // Our conversion rates are all relative to USD, so use that as an
        // intermediate currency if converting between two others.
        $oldCurrency = $this->dataObj->getVal( 'currency' );
        if ( $oldCurrency === $defaultCurrency ) {
            $adapterClass = $this->getGatewayAdapterClass();
            throw new DomainException( __FUNCTION__ . " Unsupported currency $defaultCurrency set as fallback for $adapterClass." );
        $oldAmount = $this->dataObj->getVal( 'amount' );
        $usdAmount = 0.0;
        $newAmount = 0;

        $conversionRates = CurrencyRates::getCurrencyRates();
        if ( $oldCurrency === 'USD' ) {
            $usdAmount = $oldAmount;
        } elseif ( array_key_exists( $oldCurrency, $conversionRates ) ) {
            $usdAmount = $oldAmount / $conversionRates[$oldCurrency];
        } else {
            // We can't convert from this unknown currency.
            $this->logger->warning( "Currency conversion not available for {$oldCurrency}" );

        if ( $defaultCurrency === 'USD' ) {
            $newAmount = floor( $usdAmount );
        } elseif ( array_key_exists( $defaultCurrency, $conversionRates ) ) {
            $newAmount = floor( $usdAmount * $conversionRates[$defaultCurrency] );
        } else {
            // No conversion available.
            $this->logger->error( "Default fallback currency {$defaultCurrency} has no conversion available" );

        $formData = [
            'amount' => $newAmount,
            'currency' => $defaultCurrency,
        $this->dataObj->addData( $formData );

        $this->logger->info( "Unsupported currency $oldCurrency forced to $defaultCurrency" );

        // Clear the currency error.
        $this->errorState->clearValidationError( 'currency' );

        $notify = $this->getGlobal( 'NotifyOnConvert' );

        // If we're configured to notify, or if there are already other errors,
        // add a notification message.
        if ( $notify || $this->errorState->hasErrors() ) {
                new ValidationError(
                    [ $defaultCurrency ]

     * This custom filter function checks the global variable:
     * wgDonationInterfaceNameFilterRules
     * Each entry in that array has keys
     *   KeyMapA, KeyMapB: define keyboard zones
     *   GibberishWeight: threshold fraction of name letters in a single zone
     *   Score: added to the total fraud score when this threshold is exceeded
     * How the score is tabulated:
     *  - If the configurable portion letters in a name come from the same zone points are added.
     *  - Returns an integer: 0 <= $score <= 100
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceCustomFiltersFunctions
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceNameFilterRules
     * @return int
    public function getScoreName() {
        $fName = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'first_name' );
        $lName = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'last_name' );

        $fullName = $fName . $lName;
        return $this->calculateKeyMashScore( $fullName );

     * This custom filter function checks the global variable:
     * CountryMap
     * How the score is tabulated:
     *  - If a country is not defined, a score of zero will be generated.
     *  - Generates a score based on the defined value.
     *  - Returns an integer: 0 <= $score <= 100
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceCustomFiltersFunctions
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceCountryMap
     * @return int
    public function getScoreCountryMap() {
        $score = 0;

        $country = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'country' );

        $countryMap = $this->getGlobal( 'CountryMap' );

        $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ': Country map: '
            . print_r( $countryMap, true );

        $this->logger->debug( $msg );

        // Lookup a score if it is defined
        if ( isset( $countryMap[ $country ] ) ) {
            $score = (int)$countryMap[ $country ];

        // @see $wgDonationInterfaceDisplayDebug
        $this->debugarray[] = 'custom filters function: get country [ '
            . $country . ' ] map score = ' . $score;

        return $score;

     * This custom filter function checks the global variable:
     * EmailDomainMap
     * How the score is tabulated:
     *  - If a emailDomain is not defined, a score of zero will be generated.
     *  - Generates a score based on the defined value.
     *  - Returns an integer: 0 <= $score <= 100
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceCustomFiltersFunctions
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceEmailDomainMap
     * @return int
    public function getScoreEmailDomainMap() {
        $score = 0;

        $email = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'email' );

        $emailDomain = substr( strstr( $email, '@' ), 1 );

        $emailDomainMap = $this->getGlobal( 'EmailDomainMap' );

        $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ': Email Domain map: '
            . print_r( $emailDomainMap, true );

        // TODO: Remove this weaksalsa debug message...
        $this->logger->debug( $msg );

        // Lookup a score if it is defined
        if ( isset( $emailDomainMap[ $emailDomain ] ) ) {
            $score = (int)$emailDomainMap[ $emailDomain ];

        // @see $wgDonationInterfaceDisplayDebug
        $this->debugarray[] = 'custom filters function: get email domain [ '
            . $emailDomain . ' ] map score = ' . $score;

        return $score;

     * This custom filter function checks the global variable:
     * UtmCampaignMap
     * @todo All these regex map matching functions that are identical with
     * different internal var names are making me rilly mad. Collapse.
     * How the score is tabulated:
     *  - Add the score(value) associated with each regex(key) in the map var.
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceCustomFiltersFunctions
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceUtmCampaignMap
     * @return int
    public function getScoreUtmCampaignMap() {
        $score = 0;

        $campaign = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'utm_campaign' );
        $campaignMap = $this->getGlobal( 'UtmCampaignMap' );

        $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ': UTM Campaign map: '
            . print_r( $campaignMap, true );

        $this->logger->debug( $msg );

        // If any of the defined regex patterns match, add the points.
        if ( is_array( $campaignMap ) ) {
            foreach ( $campaignMap as $regex => $points ) {
                if ( preg_match( $regex, $campaign ) ) {
                    $score = (int)$points;

        // @see $wgDonationInterfaceDisplayDebug
        $this->debugarray[] = 'custom filters function: get utm campaign [ '
            . $campaign . ' ] score = ' . $score;

        return $score;

     * This custom filter function checks the global variable:
     * UtmMediumMap
     * @todo Again. Regex map matching functions, identical, with minor
     * internal var names. Collapse.
     * How the score is tabulated:
     *  - Add the score(value) associated with each regex(key) in the map var.
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceCustomFiltersFunctions
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceUtmMediumMap
     * @return int
    public function getScoreUtmMediumMap() {
        $score = 0;

        $medium = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'utm_medium' );
        $mediumMap = $this->getGlobal( 'UtmMediumMap' );

        $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ': UTM Medium map: '
            . print_r( $mediumMap, true );

        $this->logger->debug( $msg );

        // If any of the defined regex patterns match, add the points.
        if ( is_array( $mediumMap ) ) {
            foreach ( $mediumMap as $regex => $points ) {
                if ( preg_match( $regex, $medium ) ) {
                    $score = (int)$points;

        // @see $wgDonationInterfaceDisplayDebug
        $this->debugarray[] = 'custom filters function: get utm medium [ '
            . $medium . ' ] score = ' . $score;

        return $score;

     * This custom filter function checks the global variable:
     * UtmSourceMap
     * @todo Argharghargh, inflated code! Collapse!
     * How the score is tabulated:
     *  - Add the score(value) associated with each regex(key) in the map var.
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceCustomFiltersFunctions
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceUtmSourceMap
     * @return int
    public function getScoreUtmSourceMap() {
        $score = 0;

        $source = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'utm_source' );
        $sourceMap = $this->getGlobal( 'UtmSourceMap' );

        $msg = self::getGatewayName() . ': UTM Source map: '
            . print_r( $sourceMap, true );

        $this->logger->debug( $msg );

        // If any of the defined regex patterns match, add the points.
        if ( is_array( $sourceMap ) ) {
            foreach ( $sourceMap as $regex => $points ) {
                if ( preg_match( $regex, $source ) ) {
                    $score = (int)$points;

        // @see $wgDonationInterfaceDisplayDebug
        $this->debugarray[] = 'custom filters function: get utm source [ '
            . $source . ' ] score = ' . $score;

        return $score;

    public function getAccountConfig( $key ) {
        return $this->account_config[$key];

    public function session_ensure() {

     * Retrieve data from the session if it's set, and null if it's not.
     * @param string $key The array key to return from the session.
     * @param string|null $subkey Optional: The subkey to return from the session.
     * Only really makes sense if $key is an array.
     * @return mixed The session value if present, or null if it is not set.
    public function session_getData( $key, $subkey = null ) {
        $data = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( $key );
        if ( $data !== null ) {
            if ( $subkey === null ) {
                return $data;
            } elseif ( is_array( $data ) && array_key_exists( $subkey, $data ) ) {
                return $data[$subkey];
        return null;

     * Checks to see if we have donor data in our session.
     * This can be useful for determining if a user should be at a certain point
     * in the workflow for certain gateways. For example: This is used on the
     * outside of the adapter in resultswitcher pages, to determine if the user
     * is actually in the process of making a credit card transaction.
     * @return bool true if the session contains donor data
    public function session_hasDonorData() {
        return $this->session_getData( 'Donor' ) !== null;

     * Saves a backup of the Donor Data in session
     * @param array $donorData
    public function session_setDonorBackupData( array $donorData ) {
        WmfFramework::setSessionValue( self::DONOR_BKUP, $donorData );

     * Unsets the session data, in the case that we've saved it for gateways
     * like Ingenico that require it to persist over here through their
     * iframe experience.
    public function session_unsetDonorData() {
        if ( $this->session_hasDonorData() ) {
            WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'Donor', null );

     * Removes any old donor data from the session, and adds the current set.
     * This will be used internally every time we call do_transaction.
    public function session_addDonorData() {
        $sessionId = WmfFramework::getSessionId();
        $this->logger->info( __FUNCTION__ . ": Refreshing all donor data in session '$sessionId''" );
        $sessionFields = DonationData::getSessionFields();

        $data = [];
        foreach ( $sessionFields as $field ) {
            $data[$field] = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( $field );
        WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'Donor', $data );

     * This should kill the session as hard as possible.
     * It will leave the cookie behind, but everything it could possibly
     * reference will be gone.
    public function session_killAllEverything() {

     * Destroys the session completely.
     * ...including session velocity data, and the form stack. So, you
     * probably just shouldn't. Please consider session_reset instead. Please.
     * Note: This will leave the cookie behind! It just won't go to anything at
     * all.
     * FIXME: This is silly and redundant and should probably be killed.
    public function session_unsetAllData() {
        $this->logger->debug( 'Killed all the session everything.' );

     * For those times you want to have the user functionally start over
     * without, you know, cutting your entire head off like you do with
     * session_unsetAllData().
     * @param bool $force Behavior Description:
     * $force = true: Reset for potential totally new payment, but keep
     * numAttempt and other antifraud things (velocity data) around.
     * $force = false: Keep all donor data around unless numAttempt has hit
     * its max, but kill the ctid (in the likely case that it was an honest
     * mistake)
    public function session_resetForNewAttempt( $force = false ) {
        $reset = $force;
        if ( $this->session_getData( 'numAttempt' ) > 3 ) {
            $reset = true;
            WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'numAttempt', 0 );

        if ( $reset ) {
            $this->logger->info( __FUNCTION__ . ': Unsetting session donor data' );
            // leave the payment forms and antifraud data alone.
            // but, under no circumstances should the gateway edit
            // token appear in the preserve array...
            $preserveKeys = [
                'order_status', // for post-payment activities
                self::getIdentifier() . 'EditToken',
                'variant', // FIXME: this is actually a sub-key of Donor :(
            $preservedData = [];
            $msg = '';
            foreach ( $preserveKeys as $keep ) {
                $value = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( $keep );
                if ( $value !== null ) {
                    $preservedData[$keep] = $value;
                    $msg .= "$keep, "; // always one extra comma; Don't care.
            foreach ( $preservedData as $keep => $value ) {
                WmfFramework::setSessionValue( $keep, $value );
            if ( $msg === '' ) {
                $this->logger->info( __FUNCTION__ . ": Reset session, nothing to preserve" );
            } else {
                $this->logger->info( __FUNCTION__ . ": Reset session, preserving the following keys: $msg" );
        } else {
            // I'm sure we could put more here...
            $soft_reset = [
            $donorData = $this->session_getData( 'Donor' );
            foreach ( $soft_reset as $reset_me ) {
                unset( $donorData[$reset_me] );
            WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'Donor', $donorData );
            $this->logger->info( __FUNCTION__ . ': Soft reset, order_id only' );

     * Check to see if donor is making a repeated attempt that is incompatible
     * with the previous attempt, such as a gateway changes.  Reset certain
     * things if so.  Prevents order_id leakage, log spam, and recur problems.
     * FIXME: this all has to be special cases because we need to compare
     * session values with request values that are normalized by DonationData,
     * and DonationData's idea of normalization includes some stuff we don't
     * want to do yet, like assigning order ID and saving contribution tracking.
    protected function session_resetOnSwitch() {
        $oldData = $this->session_getData( 'Donor' );
        if ( !is_array( $oldData ) ) {

        // If the gateway has changed, reset everything
        $newGateway = $this->getIdentifier();
        if ( !empty( $oldData['gateway'] ) && $oldData['gateway'] !== $newGateway ) {
                "Gateway changed from {$oldData['gateway']} to $newGateway.  Resetting session."
            $this->session_resetForNewAttempt( true );

        // Now compare session with current request parameters
        // Reset submethod when method changes to avoid form mismatch errors
        if ( !empty( $oldData['payment_method'] ) && !empty( $oldData['payment_submethod'] ) ) {
            $newMethod = WmfFramework::getRequestValue( 'payment_method', null );
            if ( $newMethod ) {
                $parts = explode( '.', $newMethod );
                $newMethod = $parts[0];
                if ( $newMethod !== $oldData['payment_method'] ) {
                        "Payment method changed from {$oldData['payment_method']} to $newMethod.  Unsetting submethod."
                    unset( $oldData['payment_submethod'] );
                    WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'Donor', $oldData );

        // Don't reuse order IDs between recurring and non-recurring donations
        // Recurring is stored in session as '1' for true and '' for false
        // Only reset if there is an explicit querystring parameter.
        if ( isset( $oldData['recurring'] ) && !empty( $oldData['order_id'] ) ) {
            $newRecurring = '';
            $hasRecurParam = false;
            foreach ( [ 'recurring_paypal', 'recurring' ] as $key ) {
                $newVal = WmfFramework::getRequestValue( $key, null );
                if ( $newVal !== null ) {
                    $hasRecurParam = true;
                if ( $newVal === '1' || $newVal === 'true' ) {
                    $newRecurring = '1';
            if ( $hasRecurParam && ( $newRecurring !== $oldData['recurring'] ) ) {
                    "Recurring changed from '{$oldData['recurring']}' to '$newRecurring'.  Unsetting order ID."
                // Order ID is derived from contribution tracking ID, so wipe them both
                // out to ensure we get fresh values.
                unset( $oldData['contribution_tracking_id'] );
                unset( $oldData['order_id'] );
                WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'Donor', $oldData );

     * token_applyMD5AndSalt
     * Takes a clear-text token, and returns the MD5'd result of the token plus
     * the configured gateway salt.
     * @param string $clear_token The original, unsalted, unencoded edit token.
     * @return string The salted and MD5'd token.
    protected static function token_applyMD5AndSalt( $clear_token ) {
        $salt = self::getGlobal( 'Salt' );

        if ( is_array( $salt ) ) {
            $salt = implode( "|", $salt );

        $salted = md5( $clear_token . $salt ) . Token::SUFFIX;
        return $salted;

     * token_generateToken
     * Generate a random string to be used as an edit token.
     * @param string $padding A string with which we could pad out the random hex
     * further.
     * @return string
    public static function token_generateToken( $padding = '' ) {
        $token = dechex( mt_rand() ) . dechex( mt_rand() );
        return md5( $token . $padding );

    public function token_getSaltedSessionToken() {
        // make sure we have a session open for tracking a CSRF-prevention token

        $tokenKey = self::getIdentifier() . 'EditToken';

        $token = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( $tokenKey );
        if ( $token === null ) {
            // generate unsalted token to place in the session
            $token = self::token_generateToken();
            WmfFramework::setSessionValue( $tokenKey, $token );

        return self::token_applyMD5AndSalt( $token );

     * token_refreshAllTokenEverything
     * In the case where we have an expired session (token mismatch), we go
     * ahead and fix it for 'em for their next post. We do this by refreshing
     * everything that has to do with the edit token.
    protected function token_refreshAllTokenEverything() {
        $unsalted = self::token_generateToken();
        $gateway_ident = self::getIdentifier();
        WmfFramework::setSessionValue( $gateway_ident . 'EditToken', $unsalted );
        $salted = $this->token_getSaltedSessionToken();

        $this->addRequestData( [ 'wmf_token' => $salted ] );

     * token_matchEditToken
     * Determine the validity of a token by checking it against the salted
     * version of the clear-text token we have already stored in the session.
     * On failure, it resets the edit token both in the session and in the form,
     * so they will match on the user's next load.
     * @param string $val
     * @return bool
    protected function token_matchEditToken( $val ) {
        // When fetching the token from the URL (like we do for Worldpay), the last
        // portion may be mangled by + being substituted for ' '. Normally this is
        // valid URL unescaping, but not in this case.
        $val = str_replace( ' ', '+', $val );

        // fetch a salted version of the session token
        $sessionSaltedToken = $this->token_getSaltedSessionToken();
        if ( $val != $sessionSaltedToken ) {
            $this->logger->debug( __FUNCTION__ . ": broken session data\n" );
            // and reset the token for next time.
        return $val === $sessionSaltedToken;

     * token_checkTokens
     * The main function to check the salted and MD5'd token we should have
     * saved and gathered from the request, against the clear-text token we
     * should have saved to the user's session.
     * token_getSaltedSessionToken() will start off the process if this is a
     * first load, and there's no saved token in the session yet.
     * @return bool
    protected function token_checkTokens() {
        static $match = null; // because we only want to do this once per load.

        if ( $match === null ) {
            // establish the edit token to prevent csrf
            $token = $this->token_getSaltedSessionToken();

            $this->logger->debug( 'editToken: ' . $token );

            // match token
            if ( !$this->dataObj->isSomething( 'wmf_token' ) ) {
                $this->addRequestData( [ 'wmf_token' => $token ] );
            $token_check = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'wmf_token' );

            $match = $this->token_matchEditToken( $token_check );
            if ( $this->dataObj->wasPosted() ) {
                $this->logger->debug( 'Submitted edit token: ' . $token_check );
                $this->logger->debug( 'Token match: ' . ( $match ? 'true' : 'false' ) );

        return $match;

     * buildOrderIDSources: Uses the 'alt_locations' array in the order id
     * metadata, to build an array of all possible candidates for order_id.
     * This will also weed out candidates that do not meet the
     * gateway-specific data constraints for that field, and are therefore
     * invalid.
     * @todo Data Item Class. There should be a class that keeps track of
     * the metadata for every field we use (everything that currently comes
     * back from DonationData), that can be overridden per gateway. Revisit
     * this in a more universal way when that time comes.
    public function buildOrderIDSources() {
        static $built = false;

        if ( $built && isset( $this->order_id_candidates ) ) { // once per request is plenty

        // pull all order ids and variants from all their usual locations
        $locations = [
            'request' => 'order_id',
            'session' => [ 'Donor' => 'order_id' ],

        $alt_locations = $this->getOrderIDMeta( 'alt_locations' );
        if ( $alt_locations && is_array( $alt_locations ) ) {
            foreach ( $alt_locations as $var => $key ) {
                $locations[$var] = $key;

        // Now pull all the locations and populate the candidate array.
        $oid_candidates = [];

        foreach ( $locations as $var => $key ) {
            switch ( $var ) {
                case "request":
                    $value = WmfFramework::getRequestValue( $key, '' );
                    if ( $value !== '' ) {
                        $oid_candidates[$var] = $value;
                case "session":
                    if ( is_array( $key ) ) {
                        foreach ( $key as $subkey => $subvalue ) {
                            $parentVal = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( $subkey );
                            if ( is_array( $parentVal ) && array_key_exists( $subvalue, $parentVal ) ) {
                                $oid_candidates['session' . $subkey . $subvalue] = $parentVal[$subvalue];
                    } else {
                        $val = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( $key );
                        if ( $val !== null ) {
                            $oid_candidates[$var] = $val;
                    if ( !is_array( $key ) && array_key_exists( $key, $$var ) ) {
                        // simple case first. This is a direct key in $var.
                        $oid_candidates[$var] = $$var[$key];
                    if ( is_array( $key ) ) {
                        foreach ( $key as $subkey => $subvalue ) {
                            if ( array_key_exists( $subkey, $$var ) && array_key_exists( $subvalue, $$var[$subkey] ) ) {
                                $oid_candidates[$var . $subkey . $subvalue] = $$var[$subkey][$subvalue];

        // unset every invalid candidate
        foreach ( $oid_candidates as $source => $value ) {
            if ( !$value || !$this->validateDataConstraintsMet( 'order_id', $value ) ) {
                unset( $oid_candidates[$source] );

        $this->order_id_candidates = $oid_candidates;
        $built = true;

    public function getDataConstraints( $field ) {
        if ( array_key_exists( $field, $this->dataConstraints ) ) {
            return $this->dataConstraints[$field];
        return [];

     * Validates that the gateway-specific data constraints for this field
     * have been met.
     * @param string $field The field name we're checking
     * @param mixed $value The candidate value of the field we want to check
     * @return bool True if it's a valid value for that field, false if it isn't.
    protected function validateDataConstraintsMet( $field, $value ) {
        $met = true;

        if ( is_array( $this->dataConstraints ) && array_key_exists( $field, $this->dataConstraints ) ) {
            $type = $this->dataConstraints[$field]['type'];
            $length = $this->dataConstraints[$field]['length'];
            switch ( $type ) {
                case 'numeric':
                    // @TODO: Determine why the DataValidator's type validation functions are protected.
                    // There is no good answer, use those.
                    // In fact, we should probably just port the whole thing over there. Derp.
                    if ( !is_numeric( $value ) ) {
                        $met = false;
                    } elseif ( $field === 'order_id' && $this->getOrderIDMeta( 'disallow_decimals' ) ) { // haaaaaack...
                        // it's a numeric string, so all the number functions (like is_float) always return false. Because, string.
                        if ( strpos( $value, '.' ) !== false ) {
                            // we don't want decimals. Something is wrong. Regen.
                            $met = false;
                case 'alphanumeric':
                    // TODO: Something better here.
                    // fail closed.
                    $met = false;

            if ( strlen( $value ) > $length ) {
                $met = false;
        return $met;

     * This function is meant to be run by the DonationData class, both
     * before and after any communication has been done that might retrieve
     * an order ID.
     * To put it another way: If we are meant to be getting the OrderID from
     * a piece of gateway communication that hasn't been done yet, this
     * should return NULL. I think.
     * @param string|null $override The pre-determined value of order_id.
     * When you want to normalize an order_id to something you have already
     * sorted out, short-circuit the hunting process and just take
     * the override's word for order_id's final value.
     * Also used when receiving the order_id from external sources
     * (example: An API response)
     * @param DonationData|null $dataObj Reference to the donation data object when
     * we're creating the order ID in the constructor of the object (and thus
     * do not yet have a reference to it.)
     * @return string|null The normalized value of order_id
    public function normalizeOrderID( $override = null, $dataObj = null ) {
        $selected = false;
        $source = null;
        $value = null;
        if ( $override !== null && $this->validateDataConstraintsMet( 'order_id', $override ) ) {
            // just do it.
            $selected = true;
            $source = 'override';
            $value = $override;
        } else {
            // we are not overriding. Exit if we've been here before and decided something.
            if ( $this->getOrderIDMeta( 'final' ) ) {
                return $this->getOrderIDMeta( 'final' );

        $this->buildOrderIDSources(); // make sure all possible preexisting data is ready to go

        // If there's anything in the candidate array, take it. It's already in default order of preference.
        if ( !$selected && is_array( $this->order_id_candidates ) && $this->order_id_candidates ) {
            $selected = true;
            reset( $this->order_id_candidates );
            $source = key( $this->order_id_candidates );
            $value = $this->order_id_candidates[$source];

        if ( !$selected && !array_key_exists( 'generated', $this->order_id_candidates ) && $this->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ) ) {
            $selected = true;
            $source = 'generated';
            $value = $this->generateOrderID( $dataObj );
            $this->order_id_candidates[$source] = $value; // so we don't regen accidentally

        if ( $selected ) {
            $this->setOrderIDMeta( 'final', $value );
            $this->setOrderIDMeta( 'final_source', $source );
            return $value;
        } elseif ( $this->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ) ) {
            // I'd dump the whole oid meta array here, but it's pretty much guaranteed to be empty if we're here at all.
            $this->logger->error( __FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to determine what oid to use, in generate mode." );

        return null;

     * Default orderID generation
     * This used to be done in DonationData, but gateways should control
     * the format here. Override this in child classes.
     * @param DonationData|null $dataObj Reference to the donation data object
     * when we are forced to create the order ID during construction of it
     * and thus do not already have a reference. THIS IS A HACK! /me vomits
     * @return string A freshly generated order ID
    public function generateOrderID( $dataObj = null ) {
        if ( $this->getOrderIDMeta( 'ct_id' ) ) {
            // This option means use the contribution tracking ID with the
            // sequence number tacked on to the end for uniqueness
            $dataObj = ( $dataObj ) ?: $this->dataObj;

            $ctid = $dataObj->getVal( 'contribution_tracking_id' );
            if ( !$ctid ) {
                $ctid = $dataObj->saveContributionTrackingData();

            $sequence = $this->session_getData( 'sequence' );
            if ( !$sequence ) {
                $sequence = 1;
                WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'sequence', $sequence );

            return "{$ctid}.{$sequence}";
        $order_id = (string)mt_rand( 1000, 9999999999 );
        return $order_id;

    public function regenerateOrderID() {
        $id = null;
        if ( $this->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' ) ) {
            $id = $this->generateOrderID(); // should we pass $this->dataObj?
            $source = 'regenerated';  // This implies the try number is > 1.
            $this->order_id_candidates[$source] = $id;
            // alter the meta with the new data
            $this->setOrderIDMeta( 'final', $id );
            $this->setOrderIDMeta( 'final_source', 'regenerated' );
        } else {
            // we are not regenerating ourselves, but we need a new one...
            // so, blank it and wait.
            $this->order_id_candidates = [];
            unset( $this->order_id_meta['final'] );
            unset( $this->order_id_meta['final_source'] );

        // tell DonationData about it
        $this->addRequestData( [ 'order_id' => $id ] );
        // Add new Order ID to the session.
        return $id;

    protected function ensureUniqueOrderID() {
        // If this is not our first call, get a fresh order ID
        // FIXME: This is still too complicated. We want to maintain
        // a consistent order ID from the start of do_transaction till
        // the start of at least the next transaction (if not longer).
        // For that reason, we're not regenerating the order ID at the
        // same time as we increment the sequence number. We should
        // be able to achieve that more simply.
        $sequenceNum = $this->session_getData( 'sequence' );
        if ( $sequenceNum && $sequenceNum > 1 ) {

    public function getOrderIDMeta( $key = false ) {
        $data = $this->order_id_meta;
        if ( !is_array( $data ) ) {
            return false;

        if ( $key ) {
            // just return the key if it exists
            if ( array_key_exists( $key, $data ) ) {
                return $data[$key];
            return false;
        } else {
            return $data;

     * sets more orderID Meta, so we can remember things about what we chose
     * to go with in later logic.
     * @param string $key The key to set.
     * @param mixed $value The value to set.
    public function setOrderIDMeta( $key, $value ) {
        $this->order_id_meta[$key] = $value;

    public function getPaymentMethodMeta( $payment_method = null ) {
        if ( $payment_method === null ) {
            $payment_method = $this->getPaymentMethod();

        if ( isset( $this->payment_methods[ $payment_method ] ) ) {
            return $this->payment_methods[ $payment_method ];
        } else {
            $message = "The payment method [{$payment_method}] was not found.";
            throw new OutOfBoundsException( $message );

     * @param string $payment_method
     * @return bool
    public function isThirdPartyFormPaymentMethod( $payment_method ) {
        // we might have more thrid party payment methods here in the array, probably manage them in other place
        return in_array( $payment_method, [ 'google', 'apple', 'venmo', 'paypal', 'amazon' ] );

    public function getPaymentSubmethodMeta( $payment_submethod = null, $payment_method = null ) {
        if ( $payment_submethod === null ) {
            $payment_submethod = $this->getPaymentSubmethod();

        if ( $payment_method === null ) {
            $payment_method = $this->getPaymentMethod();

        // no need to validate submethod for payment methods that use their own form
        if ( $this->isThirdPartyFormPaymentMethod( $payment_method ) ) {
            $this->logger->debug( 'Add validation metadata for payment ' . $payment_method . '[' . $payment_submethod . ']' );
            return [ 'validation' => [] ];

        if ( isset( $this->payment_submethods[ $payment_submethod ] ) ) {
            $this->logger->debug( 'Getting metadata for payment submethod: ' . (string)$payment_submethod );

            // Ensure that the validation index is set.
            if ( !isset( $this->payment_submethods[ $payment_submethod ]['validation'] ) ) {
                $this->payment_submethods[ $payment_submethod ]['validation'] = [];

            return $this->payment_submethods[ $payment_submethod ];

        $msg = "The payment submethod [{$payment_submethod}] was not found.";
        $this->logger->error( $msg );
        throw new OutOfBoundsException( $msg );

     * Get metadata for all available submethods, given current method / country
     * TODO: A PaymentMethod should be able to list its child options.  Probably
     * still need some gateway-specific logic to prune the list by country and
     * currency.
     * TODO: Make it possible to override availability by currency and currency
     * in LocalSettings.  Idea: same metadata array structure as used in
     * definePaymentMethods, overrides cascade from
     * methodMeta -> submethodMeta -> settingsMethodMeta -> settingsSubmethodMeta
     * @return array with available submethods 'visa' => [ 'label' => 'Visa' ]
    public function getAvailableSubmethods() {
        $method = $this->getPaymentMethod();
        $isRecurring = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'recurring' );
        $country = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'country' );
        $methodSupportsRecurring = $method ? $this->getPaymentMethodMeta( $method )['recurring'] : false;

        $submethods = [];
        foreach ( $this->payment_submethods as $key => $available_submethod ) {
            $group = $available_submethod['group'];
            if ( $method !== $group ) {
                continue; // skip anything not part of the selected method

            $submethodHasCountryFilter = isset( $available_submethod['countries'] );
            $removeForUnsupportedCountry =
                $submethodHasCountryFilter && empty( $available_submethod['countries'][$country] );

            // If the submethod does not specify whether it supports recurring, fall back to
            // the setting for its parent method.
            $submethodSupportsRecurring = $available_submethod['recurring'] ?? $methodSupportsRecurring;
            $removeForUnsupportedRecurring = $isRecurring && !$submethodSupportsRecurring;

            if ( $removeForUnsupportedCountry || $removeForUnsupportedRecurring ) {
                continue; // skip 'em if they're not allowed round here
            $submethods[$key] = $available_submethod;
        return $submethods;

    protected function logPaymentDetails( $preface = self::REDIRECT_PREFACE ) {
        $details = $this->getQueueDonationMessage();
        $json = json_encode( $details );
        $this->logger->info( $preface . $json );

    protected function logCompletedPayment() {
        if ( $this->getGlobal( 'LogCompleted' ) ) {
            $this->logPaymentDetails( self::COMPLETED_PREFACE );

    protected function runSessionVelocityFilter() {
        $result = Gateway_Extras_SessionVelocityFilter::onProcessorApiCall( $this );

        if ( $result == false ) {
            $this->logger->info( 'Processor API call aborted on Session Velocity filter' );
            $this->setValidationAction( ValidationAction::REJECT );
        return $result;

     * Returns an array of rules used to validate data before submission.
     * Each entry's key should correspond to the id of the target field, and
     * the value should be a list of rules with keys as described in
     * @see ClientSideValidationHelper::getClientSideValidation
     * @return array
    public function getClientSideValidationRules() {
        // Start with the server required field validations.
        $requiredRules = [];
        foreach ( $this->getRequiredFields() as $field ) {
            $key = 'donate_interface-error-msg-' . $field;
            $requiredRules[$field] = [
                    'required' => true,
                    'messageKey' => $key,

        $transformerRules = [];
        foreach ( $this->data_transformers as $transformer ) {
            if ( $transformer instanceof ClientSideValidationHelper ) {
        return array_merge_recursive( $requiredRules, $transformerRules );

     * Takes normalized data and creates adapter specific params for processDonorReturn
     * @return array
    public function createDonorReturnParams() {
        return [];

     * Allows adapters to specify logic as to whether an orphan can be rectified
     * @return bool
    public function shouldRectifyOrphan() {
        return false;

     * Cancel payment based on adapter and set status to cancelled
     * @return PaymentResult
    public function cancel() {
        return PaymentResult::newFailure();

     * Check if country is in the list for $wgDonationInterfaceMonthlyConvertCountries
     * @return bool
    protected function isMonthlyConvertCountry() {
        $country = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'country' );
        $monthlyConvertCountries = $this->getGlobal( 'MonthlyConvertCountries' );
        return in_array( $country, $monthlyConvertCountries );

     * Add the suggested monthly donation amounts for each donation level
     * according to the currency saved in session for this donation attempt.
     * For currencies that are neither in the config nor these fallback rules,
     * we leave the variable unset here and the JavaScript just redirects the
     * donor to the Thank You page. Defaults include rules for USD, GBP, and JPY
     * @return array|null
    public function getMonthlyConvertAmounts(): ?array {
        $convertAmounts = $this->getGlobal( 'MonthlyConvertAmounts' );
        $currency = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'currency' );
        if ( isset( $convertAmounts[$currency] ) ) {
            return $convertAmounts[$currency];
        } elseif ( $currency === 'EUR' ) {
            // If EUR not specifically configured, fall back to GBP rules
            return $convertAmounts['GBP'];
        } elseif ( $currency === 'NOK' ) {
            // If NOK not specifically configured, fall back to SEK rules
            return $convertAmounts['SEK'];
        } elseif ( in_array( $currency, [ 'PLN', 'RON' ], true ) ) {
            // If these currencies aren't configured, fall back to MYR rules
            return $convertAmounts['MYR'];
        } elseif ( in_array( $currency, [ 'AUD', 'CAD', 'NZD' ], true ) ) {
            // If these currencies aren't configured, fall back to USD rules
            return $convertAmounts['USD'];
        return null;

     * @return bool true when we want to ask a one-time donor for a recurring
     *  donation after their one-time donation is complete.
     * @see $wgDonationInterfaceMonthlyConvertCountries
    public function showMonthlyConvert() {
        $monthlyConvertAmounts = $this->getMonthlyConvertAmounts();
        if ( $monthlyConvertAmounts !== null ) {
            $mcMinimumAmount = $monthlyConvertAmounts[0][0];
            // check if amount is up to monthly convert minimum amount for specified currency
            if ( floatval( $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'amount' ) ) < $mcMinimumAmount ) {
                return false;

        if ( !$this instanceof RecurringConversion ) {
            return false;
        if ( !in_array(
        ) ) {
            return false;
        // FIXME:: make a hook, move this check to EndowmentHooks
        $medium = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'utm_medium' );
        // never show for endowment
        if ( $medium == "endowment" ) {
            return false;
        $variant = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'variant' );
        if ( $variant === 'noMonthlyConvert' ) {
            return false;
        $isMonthlyConvert = strstr( $variant, 'monthlyConvert' ) !== false;
        $isRecurring = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'recurring' );

        if ( !$isMonthlyConvert && $this->isMonthlyConvertCountry() ) {
            $isMonthlyConvert = true;
        return !$isRecurring && $isMonthlyConvert;