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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [
            "Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry",
    "donate_interface-maintenance-notice": "We apologise, but this type of payment has been temporarily disabled.",
    "donate_interface-error-msg-authorization_id": "Authorisation ID",
    "donate_interface-cvv-explain": "<h4>What is CVV?</h4>\n<p>Cardholder Verification Value (CVV): These three or four digit numbers help ensure that the physical card is in the cardholder’s possession. This helps to prevent unauthorised or fraudulent use.</p>\n<h4>Visa, Mastercard</h4>\n<p>The 3-digit code is located on the back of your card, inside the signature area.\nTypically the signature panel will have a series of numbers, but only the last three digits make up the CVV code.</p>\n<h4>American Express</h4>\n<p>The code is <i>always</i> located <i>above</i> the embossed (raised) account number on the face of the card.\nIn some instances, the code is located on the left side of the card, but is always above the account number.</p><br />",
    "donate_interface-company-name": "Company or organisation name",
    "donate_interface-cc-MX-instructions": "For security, some Mexican banks block online transactions. If your donation is not successful, we suggest you call your bank to authorise the online donation and try again.",
    "donate_interface-dd-authorization_id": "Authorisation ID",
    "donate_interface-email-unsub-delay": "Please allow up to four (4) days for the changes to take effect. We apologise for any emails you receive during this time. If you have any questions, please contact $1",
    "donate_interface-informationsharing": "We do not sell or trade your information to anyone. By donating, you agree to share your personal information with the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organisation that hosts Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, and its service providers pursuant to our <a href=\"$1\">donor policy</a>. Wikimedia Foundation and its service providers are located in the United States and in other countries whose privacy laws may not be equivalent to your own. For more information please read our <a href=\"$1\">donor policy</a>.",
    "donate_interface-taxded-msg-x": "The Wikimedia Foundation is an international non-profit organisation that supports local and independent associations around the world. Our <a href=\"$2\">tax-exempt status</a> varies according to the laws of each country. Donations to the Wikimedia Foundation are not tax-deductible in $1. If you have any questions about tax exemptions or reductions, we invite you to contact <a href=\"mailto:$3\">$3</a>.",
    "donate_interface-photo-license": "All images are licenced under the <a href=\"$1\">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International</a> licence."