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Test Coverage
{{{ template_trail }}}

        <div id="appeal">
            {{{ appeal_text }}}
        <div id="donate">
            <div id="greenBackground" class="">
                {{> no_script }}
                <div id="topError" class="creditcard-error-msg">{{# errors/general }}<p class="error">{{{ message }}}</p>{{/ errors/general }}</div>
                <div id="cookieMsg" class="errorMsgHide" ></div>
                <p id="errorReference" class="errorMsg{{^ show_error_reference }}Hide{{/ show_error_reference }}" >
                {{# order_id }}{{! Use the full order id as reference if we have one }}
                    {{ l10n "donate_interface-error-reference" . }}
                {{/order_id}}{{^ order_id }}{{! Otherwise fall back to contribution tracking ID }}
                    {{ l10n "donate_interface-error-reference" contribution_tracking_id }}

            <form name="payment" id="payment-form" method="post" action="{{ action }}" autocomplete="on">
                <div id="payment_gateway-personal-info">
                        {{{ fieldError "amount" }}}
                        {{{ fieldError "currency" }}}
                                <div id="step1header">
                                    {{> payment_amount }}
{{# show_personal_fields }}
                                <h3 class="cc_header">{{ l10n "donate_interface-cc-form-header-personal" }}<img src="{{ script_path }}/extensions/DonationInterface/gateway_forms/includes/padlock.gif" /></h3>
    {{> personal_info }}
{{/ show_personal_fields }}
{{> opt_in }}
{{> bank_account_type_dropdown}}
{{> payment_method }}
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ country }}" name="country" id="country" />
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ expiration }}" name="expiration" id="expiration"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ contact_id }}" name="contact_id" id="contact_id"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ contact_hash }}" name="contact_hash" id="contact_hash"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ utm_source }}" name="utm_source" id="utm_source"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ utm_medium }}" name="utm_medium" id="utm_medium"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ utm_campaign }}" name="utm_campaign" id="utm_campaign"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ language }}" name="language" id="language"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ referrer }}" name="referrer" id="referrer"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ wmf_token }}" name="wmf_token" id="wmf_token"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ order_id }}" name="order_id" id="order_id"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ data_hash }}" name="data_hash" id="data_hash"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ gateway }}" name="gateway" id="gateway"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ recurring }}" name="recurring" id="recurring"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ variant }}" name="variant" id="variant"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ processor_form }}" name="processor_form" id="processor_form"/>
                <input type="hidden" value="{{ payment_method }}" name="payment_method" id="payment_method"/>
            <p id="informationsharing">{{{ l10n "donate_interface-informationsharing" policy_url }}}</p>
{{# recurring }}
            <p id="monthlycancel">{{{ l10n "donate_interface-monthly-cancel" problems_email }}}</p>
{{/ recurring }}
{{> more_info_links }}
<div id="overlay">
    <img id="loading" src="{{ script_path }}/extensions/DonationInterface/gateway_forms/includes/loading-black.gif" />
{{> monthly_convert }}
{{# is_tax_ded }}
    <div id="payment-footer">
        <p id="taxded">{{{ l10n "donate_interface-taxded-msg-x" country_full tax_url problems_email }}}</p>
{{/ is_tax_ded }}