class IngenicoReturnUrlHelper implements StagingHelper {
public function stage( GatewayType $adapter, $normalized, &$stagedData ) {
if ( !empty( $normalized['return_url'] ) ) {
$returnto = $normalized['return_url'];
} else {
$returnto = '';
if ( isset( $normalized['payment_method'] )
&& $normalized['payment_method'] === 'cc'
) {
// Add order ID to the returnto URL, only if it's not already there.
// TODO: This needs to be more robust (like actually pulling the
// qstring keys, resetting the values, and putting it all back)
// but for now it'll keep us alive.
if ( $adapter->getOrderIDMeta( 'generate' )
&& $returnto !== ''
&& !strpos( $returnto, 'order_id' )
) {
$queryArray = [ 'order_id' => $normalized['order_id'] ];
$stagedData['return_url'] = wfAppendQuery( $returnto, $queryArray );
} else {
// FIXME: An empty return_url should be handled by the result switcher instead.
$stagedData['return_url'] = ResultPages::getThankYouPage( $adapter );