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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": []
    "ingenico_gateway-desc": "Ingenico payment processing",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-9130": "Invalid country.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-9140": "Invalid currency.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-9150": "Invalid language.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-400530": "Invalid payment method.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-430306": "Your credit card has expired. Please try a different card or one of our other payment methods.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-430330": "Invalid card number.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-430421": "Your credit card could not be validated. Please verify that all information matches your credit card profile, or try a different card.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-430360": "The transaction could not be authorized. Please try a different card or one of our other payment methods.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-430285": "The transaction could not be authorized. Please try a different card or one of our other payment methods.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-21000150": "Invalid bank account number.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-21000155": "Invalid bank code.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-21000160": "Invalid giro account number.",
    "ingenico_gateway-response-default": "There was an error processing your transaction.\nPlease try again later."