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/* globals Mailcheck */
 * Client-side validation logic for DonationInterface
 * For starters, we just redirect to the existing global functions.
 * They should be rewritten here when we modernize the remaining forms.
 * @param $
 * @param mw
( function ( $, mw ) {
    var di = mw.donationInterface = mw.donationInterface || {},
        checkMail = true,
        mcDomains = Mailcheck.defaultDomains.concat( [
            '', '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '','', '',
            '', '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '', '',
            '', '', ''
        ] ),
        multiCountrySubdomains = [ 'yahoo', 'hotmail', 'outlook', 'live' ],
        countryTlds = [
            'ca', 'cl', '', '', '', '', '', '',
            '', '', '', '', '', 'cz', 'de', 'es',
            'fr', 'it', 'jp', 'kr', 'nl', 'pt', 'se'
    $.each( multiCountrySubdomains, function ( i, subdomain ) {
        $.each( countryTlds, function ( i, countryTld ) {
            mcDomains.push( subdomain + '.' + countryTld );
        } );
    } );

    function showErrors( errors ) {
        var generalErrors = [];

        $.each( errors, function ( field, message ) {
            var $messageField = $( '#' + field + 'Msg' );

            if ( $messageField.length > 0 ) {
                $( '#' + field ).addClass( 'errorHighlight' );
                    .removeClass( 'errorMsgHide' )
                    .addClass( 'errorMsg' )
                    .text( message );
            } else {
                generalErrors.push( message );
        } );
        if ( generalErrors.length > 0 ) {
            $( '#topError' ).html(
                generalErrors.join( '<br/>' )
            $( '#errorReference' )
                .removeClass( 'errorMsgHide' )
                .addClass( 'errorMsg' );

     * Are any errors currently showing, from either server-side or
     * client-side validation?
     * @return {boolean}
    function hasErrors() {
        return $( '.errorMsg' ).length > 0;

    di.validation = {
        validate: function () {
            // This funkiness is to make sure we run all the validations and
            // highlight bad values, rather than short-circuiting the second
            // group of tests if "&&" detects that the first tests failed.
            var results = [
                // Fail if one or more tests failed.
                success = ( results.indexOf( false ) === -1 );

            return success;
        // FIXME: Move global scope functions here
        validateAmount: window.validateAmount,
        validatePersonal: window.validate_personal,
        showErrors: showErrors,
        hasErrors: hasErrors

    // Set up email error detection and correction
    $( document ).on( 'blur', '#email', function () {
        if ( !checkMail ) {

        // Be really conservative - only catch two letter errors
        Mailcheck.domainThreshold = 2; // No way to set from opts!
        $( this ).mailcheck( {
            topLevelDomains: [],
            domains: mcDomains,
            suggested: function ( element, suggestion ) {
                var message = mw.msg(
                $( '#emailSuggestion' ).show();
                $( '#emailSuggestion span' ).html( message );
            empty: function ( element ) {
                $( '#emailSuggestion' ).hide();
        } );
    } );
    $( document ).on( 'click', '#emailSuggestion .correction', function () {
        $( '#email' ).val( $( this ).text() );
        $( '#emailSuggestion' ).hide();
    } );
    $( document ).on( 'click', '#emailSuggestion .close-button', function () {
        checkMail = false; // Don't bother them again
        $( '#emailSuggestion' ).hide();
    } );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );