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Test Coverage
 * Validate the donation amount to make sure it is formatted correctly and at least a minimum amount.
 * TODO: also validate ceiling
window.validateAmount = function () {
    var error = true,
        amount = $( 'input[name="amount"]' ).val(), // get the amount
        currency = '',
        rates = mw.config.get( 'wgDonationInterfaceCurrencyRates' ),
        amountRules = mw.config.get( 'wgDonationInterfaceAmountRules' ),
        message = mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-smallamount-error' ),
        $amountMsg = $( '#amountMsg' ),
        threeDecimalCurrencies = [ 'BHD', 'CLF', 'IQD', 'KWD', 'LYD',
            'MGA', 'MRO', 'OMR', 'TND' ];

    // Check amount is at least the minimum
    if ( $( 'input[name="currency"]' ).length ) {
        currency = $( 'input[name="currency"]' ).val();
    if ( $( 'select[name="currency"]' ).length ) {
        currency = $( 'select[name="currency"]' ).val();

    // Normalize weird amount formats.
    // Don't mess with these unless you know what you're doing.
    /*jshint ignore:start*/
    amount = amount.replace( /[,.](\d)$/, '\:$10' );
    amount = amount.replace( /[,.](\d)(\d)$/, '\:$1$2' );
    if ( threeDecimalCurrencies.indexOf( currency ) > -1 ) {
        amount = amount.replace( /[,.](\d)(\d)(\d)$/, '\:$1$2$3' );
    amount = amount.replace( /[,.]/g, '' );
    amount = amount.replace( /:/, '.' );
    $( 'input[name="amount"]' ).val( amount ); // set the new amount back into the form
    /*jshint ignore:end*/

    // Check amount is a real number, sets error as true (good) if no issues
    error = ( amount === null || isNaN( amount ) || amount.value <= 0 );

    if ( currency === amountRules.currency || ( typeof rates[ currency ] ) === 'undefined' ) {
        minimumInDonationCurrency = amountRules.min;
    } else {
        // Rates are all relative to USD, so we divide the configured minimum by its corresponding
        // rate to get the minimum in USD, then multiply by the rate of the donation currency to get
        // the minimum in the donation currency.
        minimumInDonationCurrency = amountRules.min / rates[ amountRules.currency ] * rates[ currency ];
    // if we're on a new form, clear existing amount error
    $amountMsg.removeClass( 'errorMsg' ).addClass( 'errorMsgHide' ).text( '' );
    if ( ( amount < minimumInDonationCurrency ) || error ) {
        // Round to two decimal places (TODO: no decimals for some currencies)
        minDisplay = Math.round( minimumInDonationCurrency * 100 ) / 100;
        message = message.replace( '$1', minDisplay + ' ' + currency );
        $amountMsg.removeClass( 'errorMsgHide' ).addClass( 'errorMsg' ).text( message );

        error = true;
        // See if we're on a webitects accordion form
        if ( $( '#step1wrapper' ).length ) {
            $( '#step1wrapper' ).slideDown();
            $( '#paymentContinue' ).show();
            // If we're on an Ingenico iframe form, slide up the 3rd step to force the user to
            // generate a new iframe after they change the form.
            if ( $( '#payment iframe' ).length ) {
                $( '#step3wrapper' ).slideUp();
        $( '#other-amount' ).val( '' );
        $( '#other-amount' ).focus();
    return !error;

 * Validates the personal information fields
 * FIXME: Bad name, this validates more than just personal info.
 * Move the good parts to ext.donationInterface.validation.js
 * @return {boolean} true if no errors, false otherwise (also uses in-page error messages to notify the user)
window.validate_personal = function () {
    var value, countryField, emailAdd, invalid, apos, dotpos, domain,
        errorsPresent = false,
        invalids = [ '..', '/', '\\', ',', '<', '>' ],
        rules = mediaWiki.config.get( 'wgDonationInterfaceValidationRules' ) || [];

    function clearError( field ) {
        $( '#' + field ).removeClass( 'errorHighlight' );
        $( '#' + field + 'Msg' )
            .removeClass( 'errorMsg' )
            .addClass( 'errorMsgHide' );

    function setError( field, message ) {
        errorsPresent = true;
        $( '#' + field ).addClass( 'errorHighlight' );
        $( '#' + field + 'Msg' )
            .removeClass( 'errorMsgHide' )
            .addClass( 'errorMsg' )
            .text( message );

    function isEmpty( field, value ) {
        return !$.trim( value ) ||
            value === mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-donor-' + field );

    // Generically defined rules set by GatewayAdapter->getClientSideValidationRules
    $.each( rules, function ( fieldKey, ruleList ) {
        clearError( fieldKey );
        $.each( ruleList, function ( i, rule ) {
            var failed = false;
            $formField = $( '#' + fieldKey );
            if ( $formField.length === 0 ) {
                // Radio button special case. First see if the group exists ...
                $formField = $( 'input[name=' + fieldKey + ']' );
                if ( $formField.length > 0 ) {
                    // ... then filter to just the selected button
                    $formField = $formField.filter( ':checked' );
                } else {
                    // Field doesn't exist by id or by name
            value = $formField.val();
            if ( rule.required ) {
                if ( isEmpty( fieldKey, value ) ) {
                    failed = true;
            if ( rule.pattern && !isEmpty( fieldKey, value ) ) {
                if ( !value.match( new RegExp( rule.pattern ) ) ) {
                    failed = true;
            if ( failed ) {
                setError( fieldKey, rule.message );
        } );
    } );

    // FIXME: wouldn't $( '#country' ).val() work for both types?
    countryField = document.getElementById( 'country' );
    if ( countryField && countryField.type === 'select-one' ) { // country is a dropdown select
        if ( !$.trim( countryField.options[ countryField.selectedIndex ].value ) ) {
                mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-country' )
        } else {
            clearError( 'country' );
    } else { // country is a hidden or text input
        if ( !$.trim( countryField.value ) ) {
                mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-country' )
        } else {
            clearError( 'country' );

    // validate email address
    // FIXME: replace with regex in wgDonationInterfaceValidationRules
    emailAdd = document.getElementById( 'email' );
    if (
        emailAdd &&
        $.trim( emailAdd.value ) &&
        emailAdd.value !== mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-donor-email' )
    ) {
        invalid = false;

        var specialCharacterRegex = [ '(^[\\-])|',
        '([`!@#$%^&*()_+\\-=\\[\\]{};\':"\\\\|,.<>\\/?~]+$)' ];

        if ( new RegExp( specialCharacterRegex.join( '' ) ).test( emailAdd.value ) ) {
                mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-email' )
            invalid = true;
        apos = emailAdd.value.indexOf( '@' );
        dotpos = emailAdd.value.lastIndexOf( '.' );

        if ( apos < 1 || dotpos - apos < 2 ) {
                mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-email' )
            invalid = true;

        domain = emailAdd.value.slice( Math.max( 0, apos + 1 ) );

        for ( i = 0; i < invalids.length && !invalid; i++ ) {
            if ( domain.indexOf( invalids[ i ] ) !== -1 ) {
                    mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-email' )
                invalid = true;

        if ( /[0-9]$/.test( domain ) ) {
                mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-invalid-email' )

    // Make sure cookies are enabled
    document.cookie = 'wmf_test=1;';
    if ( document.cookie.indexOf( 'wmf_test=1' ) !== -1 ) {
        document.cookie = 'wmf_test=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT;'; // unset the cookie
        clearError( 'cookie' );
    } else {
        errorsPresent = true; // display error
        setError( 'cookie', mediaWiki.msg( 'donate_interface-error-msg-cookies' ) );

    return !errorsPresent;