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 * GatewayChooser acts as a gateway-agnostic landing page.
 * When passed a country, currency, and payment method combination, it determines the
 * appropriate gateway based on gateway configurations and priority rules.
 * @author Damilare Adedoyin <>
 * @author Elliott Eggleston <>
 * @author Wenjun Fan <>
 * @author Peter Gehres <>
 * @author Jack Gleeson <>
 * @author Andrew Green <>
 * @author Katie Horn <>
 * @author Christine Stone <>
 * @author Matt Walker <>
class GatewayChooser extends UnlistedSpecialPage {

     * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
    protected $logger;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->logger = DonationLoggerFactory::getLoggerForType( 'GatewayAdapter', 'GatewayChooser' );
        parent::__construct( 'GatewayChooser' );

    public function execute( $par ) {
        // Bow out if gateway chooser is not enabled
        if ( !$this->getConfig()->get( 'DonationInterfaceEnableGatewayChooser' ) ) {
            throw new BadTitleError();

        // Also bow out if we're in maintenance mode
        if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'DonationInterfaceFundraiserMaintenance' ) ) {
            $this->getOutput()->redirect( Title::newFromText( 'Special:FundraiserMaintenance' )->getFullURL(), '302' );

        // Get an associative array of params from the URL. The ones we look at to determine
        // gateway options will be sanitized/vaidated, and the rest will be fetched verbatim.
        $params = $this->getParamsFromURL();

        if ( $params[ 'country' ] && $params[ 'payment_method' ] ) {
            // Find possible gateways
            $supportedGateways = $this->getSupportedGateways(
                $params[ 'country' ],
                $params[ 'currency' ],
                $params[ 'payment_method' ],
                $params[ 'payment_submethod' ],
                $params[ 'recurring' ],
                $params[ 'variant' ]
        } else {
            // redirect to ways to give
                'Missing country or payment_method at GatewayChooser for query string ' .
                $this->getRequest()->getRawQueryString() .
                ' and referer ' .
                $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'referer' )
            $this->getOutput()->redirect( $this->getProblemRedirectUrl() );

        // If there are no supported gateways for these inputs, log an error and show an
        // error page.
        if ( count( $supportedGateways ) === 0 ) {
                'No supported gateway for parameters: ' . print_r( $params, true ) .
                ' from referrer ' . $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'referer' ) );

                [ $this->getConfig()->get( 'DonationInterfaceProblemsEmail' ) ]


        // If a specific gateway was requested and it's supported, choose it
        if ( $params[ 'gateway' ] && in_array( $params[ 'gateway' ], $supportedGateways ) ) {
            $selectedGateway = $params[ 'gateway' ];

        } elseif ( count( $supportedGateways ) === 1 ) {
            // If only one gateway is supported, choose it
            $selectedGateway = $supportedGateways[ 0 ];

        } else {
            // We need to choose from among two or more supported gateways
            $selectedGateway = $this->chooseGatewayByPriority( $supportedGateways, $params );

        // Get the URL and perform the redirection
        $redirectURL = self::buildGatewayPageURL( $selectedGateway, $params, $this->getConfig() );
        $this->getOutput()->redirect( $redirectURL );

     * Build a URL to a payments form with the data that we have.
     * @param string $gateway The short name of the payment gateway.
     * @param array $params An array of params to send to the gateway page.
     * @param Config $mwConfig MediaWiki Config
     * @return string URL of special page for $gateway with $params on the querystring.
    public static function buildGatewayPageURL( string $gateway, array $params, Config $mwConfig ) {
        // Remove empty strings (normally not expected)
        $params = array_filter( $params, static function ( $v ) {
            return $v !== '';
        } );

        // Add an appeal parameter if none was present
        $params = array_merge( [
            'appeal' => $mwConfig->get( 'DonationInterfaceDefaultAppeal' ),
        ], $params );

        $specialPage = GatewayPage::getGatewayPageName( $gateway, $mwConfig );
        return self::getTitleFor( $specialPage )->getLocalURL( $params );

     * Get all the gateways supported for the provided inputs.
     * @param string $country
     * @param string|null $currency
     * @param string $paymentMethod
     * @param string|null $paymentSubmethod
     * @param bool $recurring
     * @param string|null $variant
     * @return array
    private function getSupportedGateways(
        string $country,
        ?string $currency,
        string $paymentMethod,
        ?string $paymentSubmethod,
        bool $recurring,
        ?string $variant
    ): array {
        $possibleGateways = [];
        $mwConfig = $this->getConfig(); // Main MediaWiki config object, via superclass
        $enabledGateways = GatewayAdapter::getEnabledGateways( $mwConfig );

        // Loop over enabled gateways to find ones supported for these inputs
        foreach ( $enabledGateways as $enabledGateway ) {
            $gatewayConfig =
                ConfigurationReader::createForGateway( $enabledGateway, $variant, $mwConfig )

            // TODO Knowledge about configuration layout should be encapsulated somewhere
            // See

            // Check availability for country; config is a flat array, and
            // $country input and countries config are always expected.
            if ( !in_array( $country, $gatewayConfig[ 'countries' ] ) ) {

            // Check if we should include the gateway even if the currency is unsupported,
            // and, if not, check availability for this currency.
            // Currencies config is a flat array and is always expected.
            if (
                !$gatewayConfig[ 'general' ][ 'gateway_chooser' ][ 'still_include_if_currency_is_not_supported' ] &&
                $currency &&
                !in_array( $currency, $gatewayConfig[ 'currencies' ] )
            ) {

            // Check availability for payment method, and, if requested, recurring;
            // in config, payment methods codes are keys of the outer array, though
            // payment_methods.yaml can also be empty.
            // $paymentMethod input is always expected.
            if ( !empty( $gatewayConfig[ 'payment_methods' ] ) ) {

                $supportedPaymentMethods = $gatewayConfig[ 'payment_methods' ];
                if ( !isset( $supportedPaymentMethods[ $paymentMethod ] ) ) {
                    // Specified payment method not supported for this gateway

                // Check whether the payment method is restricted by country, and if so
                // skip when the donor's country is not on the list
                if (
                    isset( $supportedPaymentMethods[ $paymentMethod ][ 'countries' ] ) &&
                    !in_array( $country, $supportedPaymentMethods[ $paymentMethod ][ 'countries' ] )
                ) {
                    // Specified country not supported by payment method for this gateway

                // Recurring availability for the payment method is indicated by a key
                // on the associative array that is the value for the payment method
                if (
                    $recurring &&
                    empty( $supportedPaymentMethods[ $paymentMethod ][ 'recurring' ] )
                ) {
                    // Specified payment method does not support recurring for this gateway

            // When a submethod is specified, check to see whether it is supported, then
            // whether it is restricted by country. If there are country restrictions, skip
            // the gateway when the donor's country is not on the list.
            if ( $paymentSubmethod && !empty( $gatewayConfig[ 'payment_submethods' ] ) ) {
                $supportedSubmethods = $gatewayConfig[ 'payment_submethods' ];
                if ( !isset( $supportedSubmethods[ $paymentSubmethod ] ) ) {
                    // Specified submethod not supported by gateway
                // FIXME: submethod-level country restrictions are not a flat array of country
                // codes like the lists for gateway and method-level restrictions, but an associative
                // array of country code => bool. None are set to false in the shipped defaults.
                // Switch that over to a flat array so we can use !in_array() rather than empty()
                if (
                    isset( $supportedSubmethods[ $paymentSubmethod ][ 'countries' ] ) &&
                    empty( $supportedSubmethods[ $paymentSubmethod ][ 'countries' ][ $country ] )
                ) {
                    // Specified country not in submethod's country list for this gateway, or
                    // is present with a value of false.

            $possibleGateways[] = $enabledGateway;

        return $possibleGateways;

     * In here we're gonna check a predefined list of
     * priority rules to see which of the supported gateways
     * best fits the user parameters.
     * Example rules would look like:
     * $rules = [
     *    [
     *         'conditions' => [ 'utm_medium' => 'endowment' ],
     *         'gateways' => [ 'ingenico', 'paypal_ec' ]
     *       ],
     *    [
     *      'conditions' => [
     *        'payment_method' => 'cc',
     *        'country' => [ 'NL', 'IL', 'FR' ]
     *      ],
     *      'gateways' => [ 'adyen', 'ingenico' ]
     *    ],
     *    [
     *         # No conditions, this is treated as default.
     *         # Should be last in the list as it will always match.
     *         'gateways' => [ 'ingenico', 'adyen', 'paypal_ec', 'amazon', 'dlocal' ]
     *       ]
     * ];
     * @param array $supportedGateways List of gateway codes assumed to
     *  support the requested country / currency / payment_method
     * @param array $params Query-string parameters
     * @return string|null Selected gateway code
    public function chooseGatewayByPriority( $supportedGateways, $params ) {
        $rules = $this->getConfig()->get( 'DonationInterfaceGatewayPriorityRules' );

        foreach ( $rules as $rule ) {
            // Do our $params match all the conditions for this rule?
            // A rule with no conditions will always be matched.
            $ruleMatches = true;
            if ( isset( $rule['conditions'] ) ) {
                // Loop over all the conditions looking for any that don't match
                foreach ( $rule['conditions'] as $conditionName => $conditionValue ) {
                    // If the key of a condition is not in the params, the rule does not match
                    if ( !isset( $params[$conditionName] ) ) {
                        $ruleMatches = false;
                    // Condition value is a list, e.g. of countries
                    if ( is_array( $conditionValue ) ) {
                        if ( in_array( $params[$conditionName], $conditionValue ) ) {
                        } else {
                            $ruleMatches = false;
                    // Condition value is a scalar, just check it against the param value
                    if ( $params[$conditionName] == $conditionValue ) {
                    } else {
                        $ruleMatches = false;
            if ( $ruleMatches ) {
                // Find the first in the rule's gateways list which is in $supportedGateways
                foreach ( $rule['gateways'] as $ruleGateway ) {
                    if ( in_array( $ruleGateway, $supportedGateways ) ) {
                        return $ruleGateway;
                // Complain, this is fishy. If for example a rule states that all endowment donations
                // should go to gateways X and Y, and we get to this point, it means an endowment
                // donation has come in for a method or country not supported by gateways X or Y.
                $conditionMessage = isset( $rule['conditions'] ) ?
                    'rule with conditions ' . print_r( $rule['conditions'], true ) :
                    'default rule';
                    'Matched ' . $conditionMessage . ' ' .
                    'and parameters ' . print_r( $params, true ) . ', but rule gateway list includes ' .
                    'none of supported gateways (' . implode( ',', $supportedGateways ) . '), ' .
                    ' from referrer ' . $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'referer' )

        // We only had one supported gateway, but no rules matched or the matching rule didn't include
        // the supported gateway. Dealing with this here rather than at top of method, so that we hit
        // the code to log a warning if a matched rule points to an unsupported gateway.
        if ( count( $supportedGateways ) === 1 ) {
            return $supportedGateways[0];
        // Multiple gateways supported, but no rule matched. Warn and return the first supported gateway.
        if ( count( $supportedGateways ) > 1 ) {
                'No rules matched parameters ' . print_r( $params, true ) .
                ' from referrer ' . $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'referer' ) . '; arbitrarily ' .
                'choosing from supported gateways (' . implode( ',', $supportedGateways ) . '). ' .
                'Consider adding a default rule (one with no conditions) to the end of ' .
            return $supportedGateways[0];
        // No gateways were supported in the first place - return null and trigger an error page
        return null;

     * Get params from the URL, sanitizing and, in some cases, validating the ones we
     * use to get possible gateway, and including the rest verbatim.
     * @return array associative array of params from the URL
    private function getParamsFromURL(): array {
        // Get country code from request param, or, if it's not sent or is invalid, use
        // geoip lookup
        $country = $this->sanitizedValOrNull( 'country' );

        if ( !CountryValidation::isValidIsoCode( $country ) ) {
            $country = CountryValidation::lookUpCountry( $this->getRequest()->getIP() );

            if ( !$country || !CountryValidation::isValidIsoCode( $country ) ) {
                    "GeoIP lookup returned invalid country '$country'!, " .
                    'from referrer ' . $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'referer' ) );

        // Get currency from request param. Also check for a value from the currency_code
        // param, and if there is one, warn so we can track and remove these
        $currency = $this->sanitizedValOrNull( 'currency' );

        if ( !$currency ) {
            $currency = $this->sanitizedValOrNull( 'currency_code' );
            if ( $currency ) {
                    'Deprecated currency_code param from referrer ' .
                    $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'referer' ) );

        $paymentMethod = $this->sanitizedValOrNull( 'payment_method' );
        // No payment method will cause an error a little further down
        if ( !$paymentMethod ) {
                'No payment method URL param from referrer ' .
                $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'referer' ) );

        // For recurring, we'll interpret no URL param, 'false', '0' and '' as false.
        // This follows legacy behavior, to ensure existing links work as expected.

        // sanitizedValOrNull() will return null if the param is absent or ''
        $recurringRawVal = $this->sanitizedValOrNull( 'recurring' );

        // We map this to 0 or 1 rather than boolean true or false because the
        // getLocalURL function we eventually feed this to will discard any param
        // whose value is false.
        if ( $recurringRawVal === 'false' ) {
            $recurring = 0;
        } elseif ( $recurringRawVal === 'true' ) {
            $recurring = 1;
        } else {
            // map null to 0, as we want to affirmatively overwrite any recurring=1
            // from a previous attempt if there is no recurring value on this URL.
            $recurring = (int)$recurringRawVal;

        // These are the parameters that are actually used to find possible gateways
        $params = [
            'country' => $country,
            'currency' => $currency,
            'payment_method' => $paymentMethod,
            'payment_submethod' => $this->sanitizedValOrNull( 'payment_submethod' ),
            'recurring' => $recurring,
            'gateway' => $this->sanitizedValOrNull( 'gateway' ),
            'variant' => $this->sanitizedValOrNull( 'variant' )

        // All other URL parameters (except title and deprecated currency_code) will be
        // passed through on the redirect URL without sanitization or validation
        $passThruParams = [];
        foreach ( $this->getRequest()->getValues() as $key => $value ) {
            if ( !array_key_exists( $key, $params ) && $key !== 'title' && $key !== 'currency_code' ) {
                $passThruParams[ $key ] = $value;

        return $params + $passThruParams;

     * Get the sanitized string value of a URL parameter. If the parameter was not present
     * or is an empty string, return null.
     * @param string $paramName
     * @return ?string
    private function sanitizedValOrNull( string $paramName ): ?string {
        $val = $this->getRequest()->getVal( $paramName, null );

        if ( $val === '' || $val === null ) {
            return null;

        $sanitizedVal = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]+/", "", $val );

        if ( $sanitizedVal !== $val ) {
                "Unexpected characters in $paramName; sanitized value is $sanitizedVal, " .
                'from referrer ' . $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'referer' )

        return $sanitizedVal;

    protected function getProblemRedirectUrl(): string {
        $problemsUrl = $this->getConfig()->get( 'DonationInterfaceChooserProblemURL' );
        $queryValues = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues() ?? [];
        unset( $queryValues['title'] );
        if ( count( $queryValues ) > 0 ) {
            $glue = strpos( $problemsUrl, '?' ) === false ? '?' : '&';
            $problemsUrl .= $glue . http_build_query( $queryValues );
        return $problemsUrl;