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namespace Flow\Model;

use Flow\Collection\AbstractCollection;
use Flow\Conversion\Utils;
use Flow\Exception\DataModelException;
use Flow\Exception\InvalidDataException;
use Flow\Exception\PermissionException;
use Flow\Hooks\HookRunner;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Sanitizer;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use RecentChange;

abstract class AbstractRevision {
    public const MODERATED_NONE = '';
    public const MODERATED_HIDDEN = 'hide';
    public const MODERATED_DELETED = 'delete';
    public const MODERATED_SUPPRESSED = 'suppress';
    public const MODERATED_LOCKED = 'lock';

     * List of available permission levels.
     * @var string[]
    public static $perms = [

     * List of moderation change types
     * @var array|null
    protected static $moderationChangeTypes = null;

     * @var UUID
    protected $revId;

     * @var UserTuple
    protected $user;

     * Array of flags strictly related to the content. Flags are reset when
     * content changes.
     * @var string[]
    protected $flags = [];

     * Name of the action performed that generated this revision.
     * @see FlowActions.php
     * @var string
    protected $changeType;

     * @var UUID|null The id of the revision prior to this one, or null if this is first revision
    protected $prevRevision;

     * @var string|null Raw content of revision
    protected $content;

     * @var string|null Only populated when external store is in use
    protected $contentUrl;

     * @var string|null This is decompressed on-demand from $this->content in self::getContent()
    protected $decompressedContent;

     * @var string[] Converted (wikitext|html) content, based off of $this->decompressedContent
    protected $convertedContent = [];

     * html content has been allowed by the xss check.  When we find the next xss
     * in the parser this hook allows preventing any display of hostile html. True
     * means the content is allowed. False means not allowed. Null means unchecked
     * @var bool
    protected $xssCheck;

     * moderation states for the revision.  This is technically denormalized data
     * since it can be overwritten and does not provide a full history.
     * The tricky part is updating moderation is a new revision for hide and
     * delete, but adjusts an existing revision for full suppression.
     * @var string
    protected $moderationState = self::MODERATED_NONE;

     * @var string|null
    protected $moderationTimestamp;

     * @var UserTuple|null
    protected $moderatedBy;

     * @var string|null
    protected $moderatedReason;

     * @var UUID|null The id of the last content edit revision
    protected $lastEditId;

     * @var UserTuple|null
    protected $lastEditUser;

     * @var int Size of previous revision wikitext
    protected $previousContentLength = 0;

     * @var int Size of current revision wikitext
    protected $contentLength = 0;

     * Author of the first revision
     * @var UserTuple
    protected $creator;

     * @param string[] $row
     * @param AbstractRevision|null $obj
     * @return AbstractRevision
     * @throws DataModelException
    public static function fromStorageRow( array $row, $obj = null ) {
        if ( $obj === null ) {
            /** @var AbstractRevision $obj */
            $obj = new static; // @phan-suppress-current-line PhanTypeInstantiateAbstractStatic
        } elseif ( !$obj instanceof static ) {
            throw new DataModelException( 'wrong object type', 'process-data' );
        $obj->revId = UUID::create( $row['rev_id'] );
        $obj->user = UserTuple::newFromArray( $row, 'rev_user_' );
        if ( $obj->user === null ) {
            throw new DataModelException( 'Could not load UserTuple for rev_user_' );
        $obj->prevRevision = $row['rev_parent_id'] ? UUID::create( $row['rev_parent_id'] ) : null;
        $obj->changeType = $row['rev_change_type'];
        $obj->flags = array_filter( explode( ',', $row['rev_flags'] ) );
        $obj->content = $row['rev_content'];
        // null if external store is not being used
        $obj->contentUrl = $row['rev_content_url'] ?? null;
        $obj->decompressedContent = null;

        $obj->moderationState = $row['rev_mod_state'];
        $obj->moderatedBy = UserTuple::newFromArray( $row, 'rev_mod_user_' );
        $obj->moderationTimestamp = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $row['rev_mod_timestamp'] ?: null );
        $obj->moderatedReason = isset( $row['rev_mod_reason'] ) && $row['rev_mod_reason']
            ? $row['rev_mod_reason'] : null;

        // BC: 'suppress' used to be called 'censor' & 'lock' was 'close'
        $bc = [
            'censor' => self::MODERATED_SUPPRESSED,
            'close' => self::MODERATED_LOCKED,
        $obj->moderationState = str_replace( array_keys( $bc ), array_values( $bc ), $obj->moderationState );

        // isset required because there is a possible db migration, cached data will not have it
        $obj->lastEditId = isset( $row['rev_last_edit_id'] ) && $row['rev_last_edit_id']
            ? UUID::create( $row['rev_last_edit_id'] ) : null;
        $obj->lastEditUser = UserTuple::newFromArray( $row, 'rev_edit_user_' );

        $obj->contentLength = $row['rev_content_length'] ?? 0;
        $obj->previousContentLength = $row['rev_previous_content_length'] ?? 0;

        return $obj;

     * @param AbstractRevision $obj
     * @return array
    public static function toStorageRow( $obj ) {
        $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->getConnection( DB_REPLICA );
        return [
            'rev_id' => $obj->revId->getAlphadecimal(),
            'rev_user_id' => $obj->user->id,
            'rev_user_ip' => $obj->user->ip,
            'rev_user_wiki' => $obj->user->wiki,
            'rev_parent_id' => $obj->prevRevision ? $obj->prevRevision->getAlphadecimal() : null,
            'rev_change_type' => $obj->changeType,
            'rev_type' => $obj->getRevisionType(),
            'rev_type_id' => $obj->getCollectionId()->getAlphadecimal(),

            'rev_content' => $obj->content,
            'rev_content_url' => $obj->contentUrl,
            'rev_flags' => implode( ',', $obj->flags ),

            'rev_mod_state' => $obj->moderationState,
            'rev_mod_user_id' => $obj->moderatedBy ? $obj->moderatedBy->id : null,
            'rev_mod_user_ip' => $obj->moderatedBy ? $obj->moderatedBy->ip : null,
            'rev_mod_user_wiki' => $obj->moderatedBy ? $obj->moderatedBy->wiki : null,
            'rev_mod_timestamp' => $dbr->timestampOrNull( $obj->moderationTimestamp ),
            'rev_mod_reason' => $obj->moderatedReason,

            'rev_last_edit_id' => $obj->lastEditId ? $obj->lastEditId->getAlphadecimal() : null,
            'rev_edit_user_id' => $obj->lastEditUser ? $obj->lastEditUser->id : null,
            'rev_edit_user_ip' => $obj->lastEditUser ? $obj->lastEditUser->ip : null,
            'rev_edit_user_wiki' => $obj->lastEditUser ? $obj->lastEditUser->wiki : null,

            'rev_content_length' => $obj->contentLength,
            'rev_previous_content_length' => $obj->previousContentLength,

     * NOTE: No guarantee is made here regarding if $this is the newest revision.  Validation
     * must happen externally.  DB *will* throw an exception if this attempts to write to db
     * and it is not the most recent revision.
     * @param User $user
     * @return AbstractRevision
     * @throws PermissionException
    public function newNullRevision( User $user ) {
        if ( !MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPermissionManager()
                ->userHasRight( $user, 'edit' )
        ) {
            throw new PermissionException( 'User does not have core edit permission',
                'insufficient-permission' );
        $obj = clone $this;
        $obj->revId = UUID::create();
        $obj->user = UserTuple::newFromUser( $user );
        $obj->prevRevision = $this->revId;
        $obj->changeType = '';
        $obj->previousContentLength = $obj->contentLength;

        return $obj;

     * Create the next revision with new content
     * or return itself when content is the same
     * @param User $user
     * @param string $content
     * @param string $format wikitext|html
     * @param string $changeType
     * @param Title $title The article title of the related workflow
     * @return AbstractRevision
    public function newNextRevision( User $user, $content, $format, $changeType, Title $title ) {
        $obj = $this->newNullRevision( $user );
        $obj->setNextContent( $user, $content, $format, $title );
        $obj->changeType = $changeType;
        return $this->hasSameContentAs( $obj ) ? $this : $obj;

     * @param User $user
     * @param string $state
     * @param string $changeType
     * @param string $reason
     * @return AbstractRevision|null
    public function moderate( User $user, $state, $changeType, $reason ) {
        if ( !$this->isValidModerationState( $state ) ) {
            wfWarn( __METHOD__ . ': Provided moderation state does not exist : ' . $state );
            return null;

        $obj = $this->newNullRevision( $user );
        $obj->changeType = $changeType;

        // This is a bit hacky, but we store the restore reason
        // in the "moderated reason" field. Hmmph.
        $obj->moderatedReason = $reason;
        $obj->moderationState = $state;

        if ( $state === self::MODERATED_NONE ) {
            $obj->moderatedBy = null;
            $obj->moderationTimestamp = null;
        } else {
            $obj->moderatedBy = UserTuple::newFromUser( $user );
            $obj->moderationTimestamp = $obj->revId->getTimestamp();

        // all moderation levels past lock report a size of 0
        if ( $obj->isModerated() && !$obj->isLocked() ) {
            $obj->contentLength = 0;
        } else {
            // reset content length (we may be restoring, in which case $obj's
            // current length will be 0)
            $obj->contentLength = $this->calculateContentLength();

        return $obj;

     * @param string $state
     * @return bool
    public function isValidModerationState( $state ) {
        return in_array( $state, self::$perms );

     * @return UUID
    public function getRevisionId() {
        return $this->revId;

     * @return bool
    public function hasHiddenContent() {
        return $this->moderationState === self::MODERATED_HIDDEN;

     * @return string
    public function getContentRaw() {
        if ( $this->decompressedContent === null ) {
            $this->decompressedContent = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
                ->decompressData( $this->content, $this->flags );

        return $this->decompressedContent;

     * Checks whether the content is retrievable.
     * False is an error state, used when the content is unretrievable, e.g. due to data loss (T95580)
     * or a temporary database error.
     * This is unrelated to whether the content is loaded on-demand.
     * @return bool
    public function isContentCurrentlyRetrievable() {
        return $this->content !== false;

     * DO NOT USE THIS METHOD to output the content; use
     * Templating::getContent, which will do additional (permissions-based)
     * checks to make sure it outputs something the user can see.
     * @param string $format Format to output content in
     *   (html|wikitext|topic-title-wikitext|topic-title-html|topic-title-plaintext)
     * @return string
     * @return-taint onlysafefor_htmlnoent
     * @throws InvalidDataException
     * @throws \Flow\Exception\WikitextException
    public function getContent( $format = 'html' ) {
        if ( !$this->isContentCurrentlyRetrievable() ) {
            wfDebugLog( 'Flow', __METHOD__ . ': Failed to load the content of revision with rev_id ' .
                $this->revId->getAlphadecimal() );

            $stubContent = wfMessage( 'flow-stub-post-content' )->parse();
            if ( !in_array( $format, [ 'html', 'fixed-html' ] ) ) {
                $stubContent = Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $stubContent );

            return $stubContent;

        if ( $this->xssCheck === false ) {
            return '';
        $raw = $this->getContentRaw();
        $sourceFormat = $this->getContentFormat();
        if ( $this->xssCheck === null && $sourceFormat === 'html' ) {
            // returns true if no handler aborted the hook
            $this->xssCheck = ( new HookRunner( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer() ) )
                ->onFlowCheckHtmlContentXss( $raw );
            if ( !$this->xssCheck ) {
                wfDebugLog( 'Flow', __METHOD__ . ': XSS check prevented display of revision ' .
                    $this->revId->getAlphadecimal() );
                return '';

        if ( !isset( $this->convertedContent[$format] ) ) {
            if ( $sourceFormat === $format ) {
                $this->convertedContent[$format] = $raw;
                if ( in_array( $format, [ 'fixed-html', 'html' ] ) ) {
                    // For backwards compatibility wrap old content with body tag if necessary,
                    // and restore the <base> tag based on the base-url attribute on the body tag,
                    // if any. All of this is done by decodeHeadInfo().
                    $this->convertedContent[$format] = Utils::decodeHeadInfo( $raw );
            } else {
                $this->convertedContent[$format] = Utils::convert(

        return $this->convertedContent[$format];

     * Gets the content in a wikitext format.  In this class, it will be 'wikitext',
     * but this can be overriden in sub-classes (e.g. to 'topic-title-wikitext' for topic titles).
     * DO NOT USE THIS METHOD to output the content; use Templating::getContent for security reasons.
     * @return string Text in a wikitext-based format.
    public function getContentInWikitext() {
        return $this->getContent( $this->getWikitextFormat() );

     * Gets a wikitext format that is suitable for this revision.
     * In this class, it will be 'wikitext', but this can be overriden in sub-classes
     * (e.g. to 'topic-title-wikitext' for topic titles).
     * @return string Format name
    public function getWikitextFormat() {
        return 'wikitext';

     * Gets the content in an HTML format.  In this class, it will be 'html',
     * but this can be overriden in sub-classes (e.g. to 'topic-title-html' for topic titles).
     * DO NOT USE THIS METHOD to output the content; use Templating::getContent for security reasons.
     * @return string Text in an HTML-based format.
    public function getContentInHtml() {
        return $this->getContent( $this->getHtmlFormat() );

     * Gets an HTML format that is suitable for this revision.
     * In this class, it will be 'html', but this can be overriden in sub-classes
     * (e.g. to 'topic-title-html' for topic titles).
     * @return string Format name
    public function getHtmlFormat() {
        return 'html';

     * @return UserTuple
    public function getUserTuple() {
        return $this->user;

     * @return int
    public function getUserId() {
        return $this->user->id;

     * @return string|null
    public function getUserIp() {
        return $this->user->ip;

     * @return string
    public function getUserWiki() {
        return $this->user->wiki;

     * @return User
    public function getUser() {
        return $this->user->createUser();

     * Should only be used for setting the initial content.  To set subsequent content
     * use self::setNextContent
     * @param string $content
     * @param string $format wikitext|html|topic-title-wikitext
     * @param Title|null $title When null the related workflow will be lazy-loaded to locate the title
     * @throws DataModelException
    protected function setContent( $content, $format, Title $title = null ) {
        if ( $this->moderationState !== self::MODERATED_NONE ) {
            throw new DataModelException( 'TODO: Cannot change content of restricted revision',
                'process-data' );

        if ( $this->content !== null ) {
            throw new DataModelException( 'Updating content must use setNextContent method', 'process-data' );

        if ( !$title ) {
            $title = $this->getCollection()->getTitle();

        if ( $format !== 'wikitext' && $format !== 'html' && $format !== 'topic-title-wikitext' ) {
            throw new DataModelException( 'Invalid format: Supported formats for new content are ' .
                '\'wikitext\', \'html\', and \'topic-title-wikitext\'' );

        // never trust incoming html - roundtrip to wikitext first
        if ( $format === 'html' ) {
            $content = Utils::convert( $format, 'wikitext', $content, $title );
            $format = 'wikitext';

        if ( $format === 'wikitext' ) {
            // Run pre-save transform
            $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
            $contentTransformer = $services->getContentTransformer();
            $content = $services->getContentHandlerFactory()
                ->getContentHandler( CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT )
                ->unserializeContent( $content );
            $content = $contentTransformer->preSaveTransform(
                    ->newFromTitle( $title )->makeParserOptions( $this->getUser() )
            )->serialize( 'text/x-wiki' );

        // Keep consistent with normal edit page, trim only trailing whitespaces
        $content = rtrim( $content );
        $this->convertedContent = [ $format => $content ];

        // convert content to desired storage format
        $storageFormat = $this->getStorageFormat();
        if ( $storageFormat !== $format ) {
            $this->convertedContent[$storageFormat] = Utils::convert(
                $format, $storageFormat, $content, $title );

        // @phan-suppress-next-line SecurityCheck-DoubleEscaped Seems a false positive
        $this->setContentRaw( $this->convertedContent );

     * Helper function for setContent(). Don't call this directly.
     * Also called by the FlowReserializeRevisionContent maintenance script using reflection.
     * $convertedContent may contain 'html', 'wikitext' or both, but must at least contain the
     * storage format (as returned by getStorageFormat()).
     * @param array $convertedContent [ 'html' => string, 'wikitext' => string ]
    protected function setContentRaw( $convertedContent ) {
        $storageFormat = $this->getStorageFormat();
        if ( !isset( $convertedContent[ $storageFormat ] ) ) {
            throw new DataModelException( 'Content not given in storage format ' . $storageFormat );

        $this->convertedContent = $convertedContent;
        $this->content = $this->decompressedContent = $this->convertedContent[$storageFormat];
        $this->contentUrl = null;

        // should this only remove a subset of flags?
        $compressed = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->compressData( $this->content );
        $this->flags = array_filter( explode( ',', $compressed ) );
        $this->flags[] = $storageFormat;

        $this->contentLength = $this->calculateContentLength();

     * Apply new content to a revision.
     * @param User $user
     * @param string $content
     * @param string $format wikitext|html|topic-title-wikitext
     * @param Title|null $title When null the related workflow will be lazy-loaded to locate the title
     * @throws DataModelException
    protected function setNextContent( User $user, $content, $format, Title $title = null ) {
        if ( $this->moderationState !== self::MODERATED_NONE ) {
            throw new DataModelException( 'Cannot change content of restricted revision', 'process-data' );

        // Do we need this if check, or just the one in newNextRevision against the prior revision?
        if ( $content !== $this->getContent( $format ) ) {
            $this->content = null;
            $this->setContent( $content, $format, $title );
            $this->lastEditId = $this->getRevisionId();
            $this->lastEditUser = UserTuple::newFromUser( $user );

     * @return string The content format of this revision
    public function getContentFormat() {
        return in_array( 'html', $this->flags ) ? 'html' : 'wikitext';

     * Determines the appropriate format to store content in.
     * NOTE: The format of the current content is retrieved with getContentFormat
     * @return string The name of the storage format.
    protected function getStorageFormat() {
        global $wgFlowContentFormat;

        return $wgFlowContentFormat;

     * @return UUID|null
    public function getPrevRevisionId() {
        return $this->prevRevision;

     * @return string
    public function getChangeType() {
        return $this->changeType;

     * @return string
    public function getModerationState() {
        return $this->moderationState;

     * @return string|null
    public function getModeratedReason() {
        return $this->moderatedReason;

     * @return bool
    public function isModerated() {
        return $this->moderationState !== self::MODERATED_NONE;

     * @return bool
    public function isHidden() {
        return $this->moderationState === self::MODERATED_HIDDEN;

     * @return bool
    public function isDeleted() {
        return $this->moderationState === self::MODERATED_DELETED;

     * @return bool
    public function isSuppressed() {
        return $this->moderationState === self::MODERATED_SUPPRESSED;

     * @return bool
    public function isLocked() {
        return $this->moderationState === self::MODERATED_LOCKED;

     * @return string|null Timestamp in TS_MW format
    public function getModerationTimestamp() {
        return $this->moderationTimestamp;

     * @param string|array $flags
     * @return bool True when at least one flag in $flags is set
    public function isFlaggedAny( $flags ) {
        foreach ( (array)$flags as $flag ) {
            if ( in_array( $flag, $this->flags ) ) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @param string|array $flags
     * @return bool
    public function isFlaggedAll( $flags ) {
        foreach ( (array)$flags as $flag ) {
            if ( !in_array( $flag, $this->flags ) ) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * @return bool
    public function isFirstRevision() {
        return $this->prevRevision === null;

     * @return bool
    public function isOriginalContent() {
        return $this->lastEditId === null;

     * @return UUID
    public function getLastContentEditId() {
        return $this->lastEditId;

     * @return UserTuple
    public function getLastContentEditUserTuple() {
        return $this->lastEditUser;

     * @return int|null
    public function getLastContentEditUserId() {
        return $this->lastEditUser ? $this->lastEditUser->id : null;

     * @return string|null
    public function getLastContentEditUserIp() {
        return $this->lastEditUser ? $this->lastEditUser->ip : null;

     * @return string|null
    public function getLastContentEditUserWiki() {
        return $this->lastEditUser ? $this->lastEditUser->wiki : null;

     * @return UserTuple
    public function getModeratedByTuple() {
        return $this->moderatedBy;

     * @return int|null
    public function getModeratedByUserId() {
        return $this->moderatedBy ? $this->moderatedBy->id : null;

     * @return string|null
    public function getModeratedByUserIp() {
        return $this->moderatedBy ? $this->moderatedBy->ip : null;

     * @return string|null
    public function getModeratedByUserWiki() {
        return $this->moderatedBy ? $this->moderatedBy->wiki : null;

    public static function getModerationChangeTypes() {
        if ( self::$moderationChangeTypes === null ) {
            self::$moderationChangeTypes = [];
            foreach ( self::$perms as $perm ) {
                if ( $perm != '' ) {
                    self::$moderationChangeTypes[] = "{$perm}-topic";
                    self::$moderationChangeTypes[] = "{$perm}-post";

            self::$moderationChangeTypes[] = 'restore-topic';
            self::$moderationChangeTypes[] = 'restore-post';

        return self::$moderationChangeTypes;

    public function isModerationChange() {
        return in_array( $this->getChangeType(), self::getModerationChangeTypes() );

     * @return int
    public function getContentLength() {
        return $this->contentLength;

    // Only public for FlowUpdateRevisionContentLength.

     * Determines the content length by measuring the actual content.
     * @return int
    public function calculateContentLength() {
        return mb_strlen( $this->getContentInWikitext() );

     * @return int
    public function getPreviousContentLength() {
        return $this->previousContentLength;

     * Finds the RecentChange object associated with this flow revision.
     * @return null|RecentChange
    public function getRecentChange() {
        $timestamp = $this->revId->getTimestamp();

        if ( !RecentChange::isInRCLifespan( $timestamp ) ) {
            // Too old to be in RC, don't even bother checking
            return null;
        $workflow = $this->getCollection()->getWorkflow();
        if ( $this->changeType === 'new-post' ) {
            $title = $workflow->getOwnerTitle();
        } else {
            $title = $workflow->getArticleTitle();
        $namespace = $title->getNamespace();

        $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
        $rcQuery = RecentChange::getQueryInfo();
        $rows = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
            ->tables( $rcQuery['tables'] )
            ->fields( $rcQuery['fields'] )
            ->where( [
                'rc_title' => $title->getDBkey(),
                'rc_timestamp' => $timestamp,
                'rc_namespace' => $namespace,
            ] )
            ->useIndex( [ 'recentchanges' => 'rc_timestamp' ] )
            ->joinConds( $rcQuery['joins'] )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ )

        if ( $rows->numRows() === 1 ) {
            return RecentChange::newFromRow( $rows->fetchObject() );

        // it is possible that more than 1 changes on the same page have the same timestamp
        // the revision id is hidden in rc_params['flow-workflow-change']['revision']
        $revId = $this->revId->getAlphadecimal();
        foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
            $rc = RecentChange::newFromRow( $row );
            $params = $rc->parseParams();
            if ( isset( $params['flow-workflow-change'] ) &&
                $params['flow-workflow-change']['revision'] === $revId
            ) {
                return $rc;

        return null;

     * @return UserTuple
    public function getCreatorTuple() {
        if ( !$this->creator ) {
            if ( $this->isFirstRevision() ) {
                $this->creator = $this->user;
            } else {
                $this->creator = $this->getCollection()->getFirstRevision()->getUserTuple();

        return $this->creator;

     * Get the user ID of the user who created this summary.
     * @return int The user ID
    public function getCreatorId() {
        return $this->getCreatorTuple()->id;

     * @return string
    public function getCreatorWiki() {
        return $this->getCreatorTuple()->wiki;

     * Get the user ip of the user who created this summary if it
     * was created by an anonymous user
     * @return string|null String if an creator is anon, or null if not.
    public function getCreatorIp() {
        return $this->getCreatorTuple()->ip;

     * @param AbstractRevision $revision
     * @return bool
     * @throws InvalidDataException
    protected function hasSameContentAs( AbstractRevision $revision ) {
        return $this->getContentInWikitext() === $revision->getContentInWikitext();

     * @return string
    abstract public function getRevisionType();

     * @return UUID
    abstract public function getCollectionId();

     * @return AbstractCollection
    abstract public function getCollection();