"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Abdul Fatawu 352",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-mobile": "Ned sã n maand a taab n maand a sẽn datã, a tõe n maana a sẽn dat n maan a to wã",
"mobile-frontend-account-create-captcha-placeholder": "Kê bumb ninga n wilg tɩ ya fo la bala",
"mobile-frontend-changeslist-nocomment": "Pa tar sõss sẽn na yɩl n tall sõssã",
"mobile-frontend-clear-search": "Vẽenege",
"mobile-frontend-copyright": "Sõngr yaa $1 pʋgẽ, sã n pa be bũmb a to sẽn wilgd ye.",
"mobile-frontend-desc": "Sõngr taoor-lʋɩtgã",
"mobile-frontend-edit-login-action": "<strong>Sõng-y n maneg {{SITENAME}} wã.</strong><br /> Log-y n tool-y neda.",
"mobile-frontend-edit-signup-action": "<strong>Sõng-y n maneg {{SITENAME}} wã.</strong> Sõng-y n sak n tik-y n na n leoke.<br/>",
"mobile-frontend-editor-anon": "Tek-y tɩka kẽeb pʋg ye",
"mobile-frontend-editor-anonwarning": "<strong>Saglga:</strong> Fo ka kẽ. Fo IP aderse nan vẽenega me fo sãn maane tekre. Fo sãn <strong>\nkẽ</strong> bii <strong> naane kõnte</strong>, fo tekra bilga ni fo tʋʋmʋ-tʋʋmde yɩɩre, n pʋge ni sõngre a taaba.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-autocreatewarning": "<strong>Gũusg:</strong> Yãmb ka kẽed ye. Y sã n wa maane tekr bũmb, b nan naana Akonte paalga n kõ-y [[$1 zams-y wʋsgo]]. <strong>Log-y n kẽ</strong> bɩ y <strong>naan Akonte</strong> n tõog n ket n deegd lɛta sõor sẽn be sõor kãngã sɛɛb wakate, la y tõog n kẽe sõor a taab pʋgẽ.",
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"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-action-randompage": "Tall-y maam ne seb-paal a to",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title": "B gɩdg-y lame tɩ y pa tõe n tik {{SITENAME}} ye.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title-partial": "B gɩdg-y lame tɩ y pa tõe n leoke seb-kãngã ye.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title-ip": "B gɩdgame tɩ y pa tõe n leoke {{SITENAME}} ye.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title-ip-partial": "B gɩdgame tɩ y pa tõe n leoke y IP-d-rãmbã ye.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-partial": "Bao n leoke.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-login": "Bao-y n logs-y y meng y sã n tar y sõorã.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-login-partial": "Y sã n tar sõssã, bɩ y bao n kẽe sõssã pʋgẽ, bɩ y segl n tik-y seb-paal a to.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-login-createaccount": "Bao n logs-y n kẽ bɩ y lugl-y sõor.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-login-createaccount-partial": "Bao n logg n kẽ, bɩ f bao n gʋls sõsg bɩ f bao tɩ f tik-a seb-paal a to.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-link": "Ges-y bũmb a taab",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-reason-header": "Tũ sɩda",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-creator-header": "{{GENDER:$1|Blocked}} n ko",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-expiry-header": "Bãnã na n kaoosa",
"mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-help": "Géss a pugin",
"mobile-frontend-editor-generic-block-reason": "Ned sẽn pa mi bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ b maan woto wã",
"mobile-frontend-editor-cancel": "yẽese",
"mobile-frontend-editor-cancel-confirm": "Yãmb sɩd rat n basa y sẽn na n maandã bɩ?",
"mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "Yãk-y n bao n leoke.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "sẽn pʋgdã",
"mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Seb-kãngã yaa koglg sẽn na yɩl n da wa maan tʋʋm-wẽns ye. [$1 View source]",
"mobile-frontend-editor-disabled-anon": "Y segd n kẽe n segl seb-kãngã.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "B sẽn maand bũmb ning",
"mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<span><strong>Editing</strong> $1</span>",
"mobile-frontend-editor-error": "Yĩngr, b pa yiis ye.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-error-conflict": "Yɛlg-yã, ned a to n sak n leoke seb-kãngã.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-error-loading": "Yɩlma, m pa tõe n tʋm yel-gʋlsdã ye.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-error-preview": "Yʋg-y tɩ bũmb sẽn pa nand tɩ b maan n na n wa n yã-y wã zĩndame. Y sã n dat n kaoog n le bao n paase, bɩ y bao n leoke.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-keep-editing": "Ket n tikda",
"mobile-frontend-editor-licensing": "Y san moone-y tekre-ramba,y sakemẽ t-y nan yiisa-y sõsg-sõngra ne $1\n{{PLURAL:$2|License|Licenses}}.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-licensing-with-terms": "Y sã n yiis y sẽn toeemã, y sakda $1 wã, la y sakda tɩ y yiis y kũunã ne $2 {{PLURAL:$3 wã lisensã sẽn yaa to-to}}.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-terms-link": "[$1 Sebr sõssã]",
"mobile-frontend-editor-new-page-confirm": "{{GENDER:$1}} Yãmb sɩd rat n naan neng sõsg a ye {{SITENAME}} zugu?",
"mobile-frontend-editor-placeholder": "Sul kãngã ya zaalem. Bɩ y yɩ pipi n paas-a!",
"mobile-frontend-editor-placeholder-new-page": "{{GENDER:$1 Yãmb naana me}} neng paalg n be {{SITENAME}} zugu!",
"mobile-frontend-editor-previewing-page": "<span><strong>rẽng-gesga</strong>$1</span></span>",
"mobile-frontend-editor-publish": "B yiisda",
"mobile-frontend-editor-save": "Bingi",
"mobile-frontend-editor-summary-placeholder": "Makr: B sẽn da yãk tɩ b gʋls n pa le gʋlsd, b sẽn le paasd bũmb ningã",
"mobile-frontend-editor-summary-request": "Wãn to la y maneg nenga?",
"mobile-frontend-editor-summary": "Bãngr-gomdã:",
"mobile-frontend-editor-switch-editor": "Ték yɩlgra",
"mobile-frontend-editor-switch-visual-editor": "D sã n wa rat n toeem n lebg n lebg n get b sẽn maandã...",
"mobile-frontend-editor-uploadenable": "Bɩ y deng n tall fotã n tõog n tall-a.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-viewing-source-page": "<strong>Viewing source of</strong><span> $1</span>",
"mobile-frontend-editor-wait": "B sẽn yiisd bũmb ningã, bɩ y gũ.",
"mobile-frontend-editor-loading": "A sẽn na n tall-a wã...",
"mobile-frontend-editor-loadingtooslow": "Zĩ-kãnga sẽn pa kaoosã?",
"mobile-frontend-editor-loadbasiceditor": "Lébsé n kêng zii tékɩ",
"mobile-frontend-editor-toload": "Yaa masã la b na n tall-a. Y sã n ket n yãt sõsgã segond bilf poore, bɩ y [$1 reload the page].",
"mf-expand-sections-description": "Y toe paasa sul-sulisa gʋlsga nensa ne default.",
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"mf-font-size-name": "Tʋʋmdã sõor yɛlg bilgr",
"mf-font-size-description": "Y tõe n toeema y gʋls-sõngã n paam n karem-a sõma.",
"mf-font-size-small-label": "bilfu",
"mf-font-size-regular-label": "B sẽn maand wakat fãa",
"mf-font-size-large-label": "Bedré",
"mobile-frontend-generic-404-desc": "Y sẽn dat neng ninga ka toe paam ye.",
"mobile-frontend-generic-404-title": "Sãnga - nenga ka paam",
"mobile-frontend-generic-login-new": "<strong>Yaa neb n ya wẽnd yãmb taaba n naan-a</strong><br /> kẽ-y n paas n tɩm",
"mobile-frontend-joined-just-now": "{{GENDER:$1|j}}",
"mobile-frontend-joined-seconds": "{{GENDER:$1|Joined}}{{PLURAL:$2|$2 second|$2 seconds}} sẽn looge",
"mobile-frontend-joined-minutes": "{{GENDER:$1|Joined}} {{PLURAL:$2|$2 minute|$2 minutes}} sẽn looge",
"mobile-frontend-joined-hours": "{{GENDER:$1|Joined}} {{PLURAL:$2|$2 hour|$2 hours}} n looge",
"mobile-frontend-joined-days": "{{GENDER:$1|Joined}}{{PLURAL:$2|$2 second|$2 seconds}} sẽn looge",
"mobile-frontend-joined-months": "{{GENDER:$1|Joined}} {{PLURAL:$2|$2 minute|$2 minutes}} sẽn looge",
"mobile-frontend-joined-years": "{{GENDER:$1|Joined}} {{PLURAL:$2|$2 hour|$2 hours}} n looge",
"mobile-frontend-language-heading": "<strong>Buud-goama</strong>",
"mobile-frontend-languages-structured-overlay-suggested-languages-header": "Gom-zẽna n tagse",
"mobile-frontend-languages-structured-overlay-all-languages-header": "Buud-goam a taaba",
"mobile-frontend-languages-structured-overlay-search-input-placeholder": "Bao-y buud-gomd",
"mobile-frontend-languages-structured-overlay-no-results": "Buud-gomd ka be yẽ",
"mobile-frontend-languages-structured-overlay-error": "Yɛl-pakr ra be ne buud-goama tʋʋm ne neng kada",
"mobile-frontend-languages-structured-overlay-no-results-body": "Yãmb sẽn datã buud-gomdã ka be ye.",
"mobile-frontend-last-modified-date": "Tekre n ra maane ne $1,ne $2",
"mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-days": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 day|$3 days}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}",
"mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-hours": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 hour|$3 hours}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}",
"mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-just-now": "[$3 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}}] just now by {{PLURAL:$4|[$5 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}",
"mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-minutes": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 day|$3 days}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}",
"mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-months": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 hour|$3 hours}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}",
"mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-seconds": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 hour|$3 hours}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}",
"mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-years": "[$4 Last {{GENDER:$1|edited}} {{PLURAL:$3|$3 day|$3 days}} ago] by {{PLURAL:$5|[$6 $2]|0=an anonymous user}}",
"mobile-frontend-main-menu": "Mɛnu-wa menga",
"mobile-frontend-main-menu-settings-heading": "Lebse-zĩiga",
"mobile-frontend-media-details": "Sõsg ning sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã",
"mobile-frontend-media-license-link": "Sõsg ning sẽn be sɛbã pʋgẽ",
"mobile-frontend-media-load-fail-message": "Yɛl-pakr ra be ne buud-goama tʋʋm ne neng kada",
"mobile-frontend-media-load-fail-retry": "Malg-yigi",
"mobile-frontend-media-next": "Wilg-y foto sẽn pʋgdã",
"mobile-frontend-media-prev": "Wilg-y foto sẽn looge",
"mobile-frontend-missing-image": "Foto",
"mobile-frontend-opt-in-explain": "{{SITENAME}}Beta yaa sor n na n sõng-y tɩ y bãng bõn-kãensã la y kõ-d sagls sẽn tar yõod wʋsgo.",
"mobile-frontend-overlay-close": "Page",
"mobile-frontend-privacy-link-text": "Y yɛl-solgr",
"mobile-frontend-references-citation": "Cĩtation",
"mobile-frontend-references-citation-error": "Yɛl n zĩndame tɩ b pa tõe n tall sõsg kãngã ye.",
"mobile-frontend-requires-mobile": "Neng kada ka be desktop pʋgẽ ye. Sõng-y tɩ y klik seb-kãngã sẽn be seb-kãngã tẽngr wã.",
"mobile-frontend-requires-title": "Nenga ka be yẽ",
"mobile-frontend-save-error": "Yɛl pakr n be ne malgr-gudma. Bɩ y bãng tɩ y tara cookie-rãmb sẽn tõe n sõng-y tɩ y maan woto.",
"mobile-frontend-save-settings": "Bingi",
"mobile-frontend-search-content": "Bao-y noy nins sẽn be ne nensa pʋge",
"mobile-frontend-search-content-no-results": "<b>{{int:mobile-frontend-search-content}}</b> ges-y san maan t gʋls kada be zĩig fãa",
"mobile-frontend-search-no-results": "Neng ka be ne gom-zug kada",
"mobile-frontend-settings-tagline": "Karmẽ-y gʋls-sana y rata",
"mobile-frontend-settings-beta": "{{SITENAME}} βeta",
"mobile-frontend-settings-save": "Malgr-ramba ra bingamẽ",
"mobile-frontend-terms-text": "Bãngre tʋʋma",
"mobile-frontend-view": "Nugẽ bãnga geese",
"mobile-frontend-view-desktop": "Ordinateere",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-a-z-empty-howto": "Yãmb pa geta nense-ramba masa. Y gesg-sõdga na sõng-y tɩ mi bũmb nins yãmb sẽn baod nensa pʋge.Ges-y nensa ne star ĩcona rɩɩbu.",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-a-z-empty-howto-alt": "Klik ãdsã iconã",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-back-home": "Lebg-y yiri",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-cta-button-login": "Kẽ",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-cta-button-signup": "Bao sor kẽ",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-feed-empty": "Nense ka be ne masa tekre-ramba yẽ",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-filter-all": "Fãa",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-filter-articles": "nense",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-filter-other": "Dẽn-dãmb",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-filter-talk": "Gom-y",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-more": "Paase",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-purpose": "<strong>Y sã n dat n ges bũmb ning b sẽn maan tɩ kɩt tɩ y tõe n tall n bãng bũmb ning b sã n toeemẽ, y tõe n paama sõngre.</strong> Log-y n ges-a.<br/>",
"mobile-frontend-watchlist-signup-action": "<strong>Y sã n dat n ges bũmb ning b sẽn maan tɩ kɩt tɩ y tõe n tall n bãng bũmb ning b sã n toeemẽ, y tõe n paama sõngre.</strong> Sõng-y n sɩng n sɩng bũmbu.<br/>",
"mobile-frontend-user-page-no-owner-page-yet": "Fo ka tar tʋmtʋmde neng ye",
"mobile-frontend-user-page-no-page-yet": "Ka tar tɩmtʋmde nenga $1",
"mobile-frontend-user-page-describe-yourself": "Fo tõe n wilga f meng ne f taab $1 ne f sõsdb seb-nengã",
"mobile-frontend-user-page-describe-yourself-editors": "yel-gɛtbã",
"mobile-frontend-user-page-desired-action": "Neng kada tog naanamẽ la a gʋls ne $1",
"mobile-frontend-user-page-create-owner-page-link-label": "Naan-y menga",
"mobile-frontend-user-page-create-user-page-link-label": "Naane-y neng boond $1",
"tag-mobile_edit": "Pogtãble gʋlsgo",
"tag-mobile_edit-description": "Gʋlsgo n yit pogtãble pʋge (web bɩ app)",
"tag-advanced_mobile_edit": "Pogtãble gʋlsg n be neere",
"tag-advanced_mobile_edit-description": "Gʋlsg n maane ne tʋmtʋmda ne neere pʋge",
"tag-mobile_web_edit": "Pogtãble web gʋlsgo",
"tag-mobile_web_edit-description": "Gʋlsgo n maane pogtãble wẽbsite pʋge",
"mobile-frontend-loading-message": "Wãtã mè...",
"mobile-frontend-search-feedback-link-text": "Bɩ y kõ-d y tagsgo.",
"mobile-frontend-search-feedback-prompt": "Tond ka yãend bũmb ning fo sẽn baoodã sɩda?",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-MFEnableWikidataDescriptions": "Gom-zug bilgr",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-MFEnableWikidataDescriptions-description": "Zãms-y nenga yɛl wɛɛmg ne bilgr n be ne gom-zuga",
"mobile-frontend-send-feedback": "Taase lebsgo",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-MFLazyLoadImages-description": "Bao fot-ramb sana y sẽn rata",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-MFLazyLoadImages": "Kʋɩɩm fot-ramb watamẽ",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-MFShowFirstParagraphBeforeInfobox": "Gom-kalg taore",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-MFShowFirstParagraphBeforeInfobox-description": "Gʋlsg nan yi me vẽnege ne ĩnfoboxes,n kẽng tʋʋma la a kaorengo.",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-MFEnableFontChanger": "Tʋʋmdã sõor sẽn yaa sõma",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-MFEnableFontChanger-description": "Malg-zems ne f tʋʋdã sõor sẽn yaa sõma kaorengo bãngr",
"mw-mf-amc-name": "Modg sẽn yaa sõma",
"mw-mf-amc-description": "Modgr-neera ketamẽ tɩ-y toe kẽ nensa goam zĩiga, kibay,nense,tʋʋmtʋmd teedo,la tekr-gʋlsg taaba.",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-amc-learn-more": "Bao n bãng bũmb a taab",
"mobile-frontend-mobile-option-amc-send-feedback": "Taase lebsgo",
"mobile-frontend-user-pref-option": "Tʋmtʋmde yɛl-ratm",
"mobile-frontend-user-pref-description": "Tek f yɛl-ratma,n paas y pãawɛɛd,wɛbsĩte n yi-to-to, wilgre malgr-ramba la n paas",
"mobile-frontend-user-pref-link": "Pak-y yɛl-ratm-ramba",
"mobile-frontend-amc-outreach-intro": "Sɩng-y modgr sõma yɛla",
"mobile-frontend-amc-outreach-description": "Modgr sõma kĩtam t-y toe paas nensa kibar tʋʋma,sodg-gesg nense,paalem tekre-ramba, la tekr-gʋlsg tʋʋm teedo n be-y pogtãble pʋge",
"mobile-frontend-amc-outreach-enable": "Kĩt-y modgr-neera tʋmẽ",
"mobile-frontend-amc-outreach-no-thanks": "Ka boto,puusa-barka",
"mobile-frontend-amc-outreach-enabled-message": "Sẽn paase, b kɩtame tɩ b tõog n maan b sẽn datã. Y tõe n basa-a-la y sẽn datã pʋgẽ.",
"mobile-frontend-amc-outreach-dismissed-message": "Y toe kĩtam tɩ modgr-neera tʋm wakat ning yamb sẽn baod tɩ-a tʋm y malgr-soya pʋge",
"mobile-frontend-beta-only": "Bilgra be beta mode a yĩ-yĩ pʋge",
"mobile-frontend-console-recruit": "Zãms-y wʋsg ne tond sẽn me id pogtãble site wã @\nhttps://www.mediawki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:MobileFrontend",
"mobile-frontend-special-pages-pref": "Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yãk-y y sõssã",
"prefs-mobile": "Tẽns fãa sẽn dat n maan bũmb ninsã"