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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [
            "John Reid",
    "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-mobile": "Whether or nae a uiser is eeditin throu the mobile interface",
    "mobile-frontend-account-create-captcha-placeholder": "Enter confirmation code",
    "mobile-frontend-changeslist-nocomment": "no eedit summary",
    "mobile-frontend-clear-search": "Clear",
    "mobile-frontend-copyright": "Content is available unner $1 unless itherwise notit.",
    "mobile-frontend-editor-licensing": "Bi hainin chynges, ye agree tae release yer contreebution unner the $1 license.",
    "mobile-frontend-editor-licensing-with-terms": "Bi hainin chynges, ye agree til the $1 n agree tae release yer contreebution unner the $2 license.",
    "mobile-frontend-editor-new-page-confirm": "{{GENDER:$1|Ar ye shuir that ye want tae mak}} ae new page on {{SITENAME}}?",
    "mobile-frontend-editor-placeholder-new-page": "{{GENDER:$1|Ye}} {{GENDER:$1|ar cræftin}} ae new page oan {{SITENAME}}!",
    "mobile-frontend-editor-switch-editor": "Switch eediter",
    "mobile-frontend-last-modified-date": "Last eeditit on $1, at $2",
    "mobile-frontend-privacy-link-text": "Privacy",
    "mobile-frontend-requires-mobile": "This page isna available oan desktap. Please clap the mobile luik-at airtin at the bottom o the page.",
    "mobile-frontend-requires-title": "Page naw available",
    "mobile-frontend-terms-text": "Terms o Uiss",
    "mobile-frontend-view": "Mobile view",
    "mobile-frontend-view-desktop": "Desktap",
    "mobile-frontend-watchlist-feed-empty": "Thare are na pages wi recent chynges.",
    "tag-mobile_edit": "Mobile eedit",
    "tag-mobile_web_edit": "Mobile wab eedit"