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use MediaWiki\Config\Config;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MobileFrontend\Devices\DeviceDetectorService;
use MobileFrontend\Hooks\HookRunner;
use MobileFrontend\WMFBaseDomainExtractor;
use Wikimedia\IPUtils;

 * Provide various request-dependant methods to use in mobile context
class MobileContext extends ContextSource {
    public const MODE_BETA = 'beta';
    public const MODE_STABLE = 'stable';
    public const OPTIN_COOKIE_NAME = 'optin';
    public const STOP_MOBILE_REDIRECT_COOKIE_NAME = 'stopMobileRedirect';
    public const USEFORMAT_COOKIE_NAME = 'mf_useformat';
    public const USER_MODE_PREFERENCE_NAME = 'mfMode';

    // Keep in sync with
    private const ANALYTICS_HEADER_KEY = 'mf-m';
    private const ANALYTICS_HEADER_DELIMITER = ',';
    private const ANALYTICS_HEADER_VALUE_BETA = 'b';
    private const ANALYTICS_HEADER_VALUE_AMC = 'amc';

     * Saves the testing mode user has opted in: 'beta' or 'stable'
     * @var string|null
    protected $mobileMode = null;

     * Save explicitly requested format
     * @var string|null
    protected $useFormat = null;

     * Key/value pairs of things to add to X-Analytics response header for analytics
     * @var array[]
    protected $analyticsLogItems = [];

     * The memoized result of `MobileContext#isMobileDevice`.
     * This defaults to `null`, meaning that `MobileContext#isMobileDevice` has
     * yet to be called.
     * @see MobileContext#isMobileDevice
     * @var bool|null
    private $isMobileDevice = null;

     * Saves requested Mobile action
     * @var string|null
    protected $mobileAction = null;

     * Save whether mobile view is explicitly requested
     * @var bool
    private $forceMobileView = false;

     * Save whether or not we should display the mobile view
     * @var bool|null
    private $mobileView = null;

     * Have we already checked for desktop/mobile view toggling?
     * @var bool
    private $toggleViewChecked = false;

     * @var self|null
    private static $instance = null;

     * @var string|null What to switch the view to
    private $viewChange = null;

     * @var string|null Domain to use for the stopMobileRedirect cookie
    public static $mfStopRedirectCookieHost = null;

     * @var string|null Stores the actual mobile url template.
    private $mobileUrlTemplate = null;

     * In-process cache for checking whether the current wiki has a mobile URL that's
     * different from the desktop one.
     * @var bool|null
    private $hasMobileUrl = null;

     * @var Config
    private $config;

     * Returns the actual MobileContext Instance or create a new if no exists
     * @deprecated use MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' );
     * @return self
    public static function singleton() {
        if ( !self::$instance ) {
            self::$instance = new self(
                MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Config' )
        return self::$instance;

     * Resets the singleton instance.
    public static function resetInstanceForTesting() {
        self::$instance = null;

     * @param IContextSource $context
     * @param Config $config
    protected function __construct( IContextSource $context, Config $config ) {
        $this->setContext( $context );
        $this->config = $config;

     * Detects whether the UA is sending the request from a device and, if so,
     * whether to display the mobile view to that device.
     * The mobile view will always be displayed to mobile devices. However, it
     * will only be displayed to tablet devices if `$wgMFShowMobileViewToTablets`
     * is truthy.
     * @fixme This should be renamed to something more appropriate, e.g.
     * `shouldDisplayMobileViewToDevice`.
     * @see MobileContext::shouldDisplayMobileView
     * @return bool
    public function isMobileDevice() {
        if ( $this->isMobileDevice !== null ) {
            return $this->isMobileDevice;

        $this->isMobileDevice = false;

        $properties = DeviceDetectorService::factory( $this->config )
            ->detectDeviceProperties( $this->getRequest(), $_SERVER );

        if ( $properties ) {
            $showMobileViewToTablets = $this->config->get( 'MFShowMobileViewToTablets' );

            $this->isMobileDevice =
                || ( $properties->isTabletDevice() && $showMobileViewToTablets );

        return $this->isMobileDevice;

     * Save whether mobile view should always be enforced
     * @param bool $value should mobile view be enforced?
    public function setForceMobileView( $value ) {
        $this->forceMobileView = $value;

     * Sets the value of $this->mobileMode property to the value of the 'optin' cookie.
     * If the cookie is not set the value will be an empty string.
    private function loadMobileModeCookie() {
        $this->mobileMode = $this->getRequest()->getCookie( self::OPTIN_COOKIE_NAME, '' );

     * Returns the testing mode user has opted in: 'beta' or any other value for stable
     * @return string
    private function getMobileMode() {
        $enableBeta = $this->config->get( 'MFEnableBeta' );

        if ( !$enableBeta ) {
            return '';
        if ( $this->mobileMode === null ) {
            $mobileAction = $this->getMobileAction();
            if ( $mobileAction === self::MODE_BETA || $mobileAction === self::MODE_STABLE ) {
                $this->mobileMode = $mobileAction;
            } else {
                $user = $this->getUser();
                if ( !$user->isRegistered() ) {
                } else {
                    $userOptionManager = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserOptionsManager();
                    $mode = $userOptionManager->getOption( $user, self::USER_MODE_PREFERENCE_NAME );
                    $this->mobileMode = $mode;
                    // Edge case where preferences are corrupt or the user opted
                    // in before change.
                    if ( $mode === null ) {
                        // Should we set the user option here?
        return $this->mobileMode;

     * Sets testing group membership, both cookie and this class variables
     * WARNING: Does not persist the updated user preference to the database.
     * The caller must handle this by calling User::saveSettings() after all
     * preference updates associated with this web request are made.
     * @param string $mode Mode to set
    public function setMobileMode( $mode ) {
        if ( $mode !== self::MODE_BETA ) {
            $mode = '';
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $stats = $services->getStatsdDataFactory();
        // Update statistics
        if ( $mode === self::MODE_BETA ) {
            $stats->updateCount( 'mobile.opt_in_cookie_set', 1 );
        if ( !$mode ) {
            $stats->updateCount( 'mobile.opt_in_cookie_unset', 1 );
        $this->mobileMode = $mode;

        $user = $this->getUser();
        if ( $user->getId() ) {
            $userOptionsManager = $services->getUserOptionsManager();

        $this->getRequest()->response()->setCookie( self::OPTIN_COOKIE_NAME, $mode, 0, [
            'prefix' => '',
            'domain' => $this->getCookieDomain()
        ] );

     * Whether user is Beta group member
     * @return bool
    public function isBetaGroupMember() {
        return $this->getMobileMode() === self::MODE_BETA;

     * Whether the current user is has advanced mobile contributions enabled.
     * @return bool
    private static function isAmcUser() {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        /** @var \MobileFrontend\Amc\UserMode $userMode */
        $userMode = $services->getService( 'MobileFrontend.AMC.UserMode' );
        return $userMode->isEnabled();

     * Determine whether or not we should display the mobile view
     * Step through the hierarchy of what should or should not trigger
     * the mobile view.
     * Primacy is given to the page action - we will never show mobile view
     * for page edits or page history. 'userformat' request param is then
     * honored, followed by cookie settings, then actual device detection,
     * finally falling back on false.
     * @return bool
    public function shouldDisplayMobileView() {
        if ( $this->mobileView !== null ) {
            return $this->mobileView;
        // check if we need to toggle between mobile/desktop view
        $this->mobileView = $this->shouldDisplayMobileViewInternal();
        if ( $this->mobileView ) {
            $hookRunner = new HookRunner( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer() );
            $hookRunner->onEnterMobileMode( $this );
        return $this->mobileView;

     * Value for shouldDisplayMobileView()
     * @return bool
    private function shouldDisplayMobileViewInternal() {
        // May be overridden programmatically
        if ( $this->forceMobileView ) {
            return true;

        // always display desktop or mobile view if it's explicitly requested
        $useFormat = $this->getUseFormat();
        if ( $useFormat == 'desktop' ) {
            return false;
        } elseif ( $useFormat == 'mobile' ) {
            return true;

        if ( $this->getRequest()->getRawVal( 'mobileformat' ) !== null ) {
            return true;

         * If a user is accessing the site from a mobile domain, then we should
         * always display the mobile version of the site (otherwise, the cache
         * may get polluted). See
        if ( $this->usingMobileDomain() ) {
            return true;

        // check cookies for what to display
        $useMobileFormat = $this->getUseFormatCookie();
        if ( $useMobileFormat == 'true' ) {
            return true;
        $stopMobileRedirect = $this->getStopMobileRedirectCookie();
        if ( $stopMobileRedirect == 'true' ) {
            return false;

        // do device detection
        if ( $this->isMobileDevice() ) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Get requested mobile action
     * @return string
    public function getMobileAction() {
        if ( $this->mobileAction === null ) {
            $this->mobileAction = $this->getRequest()->getRawVal( 'mobileaction' );

        return $this->mobileAction;

     * Gets the value of the `useformat` query string parameter.
     * @return string Typically "desktop" or "mobile"
    private function getUseFormat() {
        if ( $this->useFormat === null ) {
            $this->useFormat = $this->getRequest()->getRawVal( 'useformat' );
        return $this->useFormat;

     * Set Cookie to stop automatically redirect to mobile page
     * @param int|null $expiry Expire time of cookie
    public function setStopMobileRedirectCookie( $expiry = null ) {
        $stopMobileRedirectCookieSecureValue =
            $this->config->get( 'MFStopMobileRedirectCookieSecureValue' );

            $expiry ?? $this->getUseFormatCookieExpiry(),
                'domain' => $this->getStopMobileRedirectCookieDomain(),
                'prefix' => '',
                'secure' => (bool)$stopMobileRedirectCookieSecureValue,

     * Remove cookie and continue automatic redirect to mobile page
    public function unsetStopMobileRedirectCookie() {
        if ( $this->getStopMobileRedirectCookie() === null ) {
        $expire = $this->getUseFormatCookieExpiry( time(), -3600 );
        $this->setStopMobileRedirectCookie( $expire );

     * Read cookie for stop automatic mobile redirect
     * @return string
    public function getStopMobileRedirectCookie() {
        $stopMobileRedirectCookie = $this->getRequest()
            ->getCookie( self::STOP_MOBILE_REDIRECT_COOKIE_NAME, '' );

        return $stopMobileRedirectCookie;

     * This cookie can determine whether or not a user should see the mobile
     * version of a page.
     * @return string|null
    public function getUseFormatCookie() {
        $useFormatFromCookie = $this->getRequest()->getCookie( self::USEFORMAT_COOKIE_NAME, '' );

        return $useFormatFromCookie;

     * Return the base level domain or IP address
     * @return string|null
    public function getCookieDomain() {
        $helper = new WMFBaseDomainExtractor();
        return $helper->getCookieDomain( $this->config->get( 'Server' ) );

     * Determine the correct domain to use for the stopMobileRedirect cookie
     * Will use $wgMFStopRedirectCookieHost if it's set, otherwise will use
     * result of getCookieDomain()
     * @return string|null
    public function getStopMobileRedirectCookieDomain() {
        $mfStopRedirectCookieHost = $this->config->get( 'MFStopRedirectCookieHost' );

        if ( !$mfStopRedirectCookieHost ) {
            self::$mfStopRedirectCookieHost = $this->getCookieDomain();
        } else {
            self::$mfStopRedirectCookieHost = $mfStopRedirectCookieHost;

        return self::$mfStopRedirectCookieHost;

     * Set the mf_useformat cookie
     * This cookie can determine whether or not a user should see the mobile
     * version of pages.
     * @param string $cookieFormat should user see mobile version of pages?
     * @param int|null $expiry Expiration of cookie
    public function setUseFormatCookie( $cookieFormat = 'true', $expiry = null ) {
            $expiry ?? $this->getUseFormatCookieExpiry(),
                'prefix' => '',
                'httpOnly' => true,
        $stats = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory();
        $stats->updateCount( 'mobile.useformat_' . $cookieFormat . '_cookie_set', 1 );

     * Remove cookie based saved useformat value
    public function unsetUseFormatCookie() {
        if ( $this->getUseFormatCookie() === null ) {

        // set expiration date in the past
        $expire = $this->getUseFormatCookieExpiry( time(), -3600 );
        $this->setUseFormatCookie( '', $expire );

     * Get the expiration time for the mf_useformat cookie
     * @param int|null $startTime The base time (in seconds since Epoch) from which to calculate
     *         cookie expiration. If null, time() is used.
     * @param int|null $cookieDuration The time (in seconds) the cookie should last
     * @return int The time (in seconds since Epoch) that the cookie should expire
    protected function getUseFormatCookieExpiry( $startTime = null, $cookieDuration = null ) {
        // use $cookieDuration if it's valid
        if ( intval( $cookieDuration ) === 0 ) {
            $cookieDuration = $this->getUseFormatCookieDuration();

        // use $startTime if it's valid
        if ( intval( $startTime ) === 0 ) {
            $startTime = time();

        $expiry = $startTime + $cookieDuration;
        return $expiry;

     * Determine the duration the cookie should last.
     * If $wgMobileFrontendFormatcookieExpiry has a non-0 value, use that
     * for the duration. Otherwise, fall back to $wgCookieExpiration.
     * @return int The number of seconds for which the cookie should last.
    public function getUseFormatCookieDuration() {
        $mobileFrontendFormatCookieExpiry =
            $this->config->get( 'MobileFrontendFormatCookieExpiry' );

        $cookieExpiration = $this->getConfig()->get( 'CookieExpiration' );

        $cookieDuration = ( abs( intval( $mobileFrontendFormatCookieExpiry ) ) > 0 ) ?
            $mobileFrontendFormatCookieExpiry : $cookieExpiration;
        return $cookieDuration;

     * Take a URL Host Template and return the mobile token portion
     * Eg if a desktop domain is, but the mobile variant is
     *, the mobile token is 'm.'
     * @param string $mobileUrlHostTemplate URL host
     * @return string
     * @deprecated
    public function getMobileHostToken( $mobileUrlHostTemplate ) {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.42', 'MobileFrontend' );
        return preg_replace( '/%h[0-9]\.{0,1}/', '', $mobileUrlHostTemplate );

     * Get the template for mobile URLs.
     * @see $wgMobileUrlTemplate
     * @return string
     * @deprecated In other classes, use hasMobileUrl() instead.
    private function getMobileUrlTemplate() {
        if ( $this->mobileUrlTemplate === null ) {
            $this->mobileUrlTemplate = $this->config->get( 'MobileUrlTemplate' );
        // Only issue deprecation warning when $wgMobileUrlTemplate is set.
        // Neither $wgMobileUrlTemplate nor $wgMobileUrlCallback being set is a valid
        // non-deprecated scenario, and in that case hasMobileDomain() will call this
        // method as fallback.
        if ( $this->mobileUrlTemplate ) {
            wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.42', 'MobileFrontend' );
        return $this->mobileUrlTemplate;

     * Returns the callback from $wgMobileUrlCallback, which changes
     *   a desktop domain into a mobile domain.
     * @return callable|null
     * @phan-return callable(string):string|null
    private function getMobileUrlCallback(): ?callable {
        return $this->config->get( 'MobileUrlCallback' );

     * True if the current wiki has a mobile URL that's different from the desktop one.
     * @return bool
    public function hasMobileDomain(): bool {
        if ( $this->hasMobileUrl === null ) {
            $mobileUrlCallback = $this->getMobileUrlCallback();
            if ( $mobileUrlCallback ) {
                $server = wfExpandUrl( $this->getConfig()->get( 'Server' ), PROTO_CANONICAL );
                $serverParts = wfParseUrl( $server );
                $mobileDomain = call_user_func( $mobileUrlCallback, $serverParts['host'] );
                $this->hasMobileUrl = $mobileDomain !== $serverParts['host'];
            } else {
                $this->hasMobileUrl = $this->getMobileUrlTemplate() !== '';
        return $this->hasMobileUrl;

     * Take a URL and return a copy that conforms to the mobile URL template
     * @param string $url URL to convert
     * @param bool $forceHttps should force HTTPS?
     * @return string|bool
    public function getMobileUrl( $url, $forceHttps = false ) {
        if ( $this->shouldDisplayMobileView() ) {
            $subdomainTokenReplacement = null;
            $hookRunner = new HookRunner( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer() );
            if ( $hookRunner->onGetMobileUrl( $subdomainTokenReplacement, $this ) ) {
                if ( $subdomainTokenReplacement !== null ) {
                    $mobileUrlHostTemplate = $this->parseMobileUrlTemplate( 'host' );
                    $mobileToken = $this->getMobileHostToken( $mobileUrlHostTemplate );
                    $this->mobileUrlTemplate = str_replace(

        $parsedUrl = wfParseUrl( $url );
        // if parsing failed, maybe it's a local Url, try to expand and reparse it - task T107505
        if ( !$parsedUrl ) {
            $expandedUrl = wfExpandUrl( $url );
            if ( $expandedUrl ) {
                $parsedUrl = wfParseUrl( $expandedUrl );
            if ( !$expandedUrl || !$parsedUrl ) {
                return false;

        $mobileUrlCallback = $this->getMobileUrlCallback();
        if ( $mobileUrlCallback ) {
            $parsedUrl['host'] = call_user_func( $mobileUrlCallback, $parsedUrl['host'] );
        } elseif ( $this->getMobileUrlTemplate() ) {
            $this->updateMobileUrlHost( $parsedUrl );
        if ( $forceHttps ) {
            $parsedUrl['scheme'] = 'https';
            $parsedUrl['delimiter'] = '://';

        $assembleUrl = wfAssembleUrl( $parsedUrl );
        return $assembleUrl;

     * If a mobile-domain is specified by the $wgMobileUrlTemplate and
     * there's a mobile header, then we assume the user is accessing
     * the site from the mobile-specific domain (because why would the
     * desktop site set the header?).
     * @return bool
    public function usingMobileDomain() {
        $mobileHeader = $this->config->get( 'MFMobileHeader' );
        return ( $this->hasMobileDomain()
            && $mobileHeader
            && $this->getRequest()->getHeader( $mobileHeader ) !== false

     * Take a URL and return a copy that removes any mobile tokens
     * @param string $url representing a page on the mobile domain e.g. ``
     * @return string (absolute url)
    public function getDesktopUrl( $url ) {
        $parsedUrl = wfParseUrl( $url );
        $this->updateDesktopUrlHost( $parsedUrl );
        $this->updateDesktopUrlQuery( $parsedUrl );
        $desktopUrl = wfAssembleUrl( $parsedUrl );
        return $desktopUrl;

     * Update host of given URL to conform to mobile URL template.
     * @param array &$parsedUrl Result of parseUrl() or wfParseUrl()
     * @deprecated
    protected function updateMobileUrlHost( array &$parsedUrl ) {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.42', 'MobileFrontend' );

        if ( IPUtils::isIPAddress( $parsedUrl['host'] ) ) {
            // Do not update host when IP is used
        $mobileUrlHostTemplate = $this->parseMobileUrlTemplate( 'host' );
        if ( !strlen( $mobileUrlHostTemplate ) ) {

        $parsedHostParts = explode( ".", $parsedUrl['host'] );
        $templateHostParts = explode( ".", $mobileUrlHostTemplate );
        $targetHostParts = [];

        foreach ( $templateHostParts as $key => $templateHostPart ) {
            if ( strstr( $templateHostPart, '%h' ) ) {
                $parsedHostPartKey = (int)substr( $templateHostPart, 2 );
                if ( !array_key_exists( $parsedHostPartKey, $parsedHostParts ) ) {
                    // invalid pattern for this host, ignore
                $targetHostParts[$key] = $parsedHostParts[$parsedHostPartKey];
            } elseif ( isset( $parsedHostParts[$key] )
                && $templateHostPart == $parsedHostParts[$key] ) {
                $targetHostParts = $parsedHostParts;
            } else {
                $targetHostParts[$key] = $templateHostPart;

        $parsedUrl['host'] = implode( ".", $targetHostParts );

     * Update the host of a given URL to strip out any mobile tokens
     * @param array &$parsedUrl Result of parseUrl() or wfParseUrl()
    protected function updateDesktopUrlHost( array &$parsedUrl ) {
        $server = $this->getConfig()->get( 'Server' );

        if ( !$this->hasMobileDomain() ) {

        $parsedWgServer = wfParseUrl( $server );
        $parsedUrl['host'] = $parsedWgServer['host'];

     * Update the query portion of a given URL to remove any 'useformat' params
     * @param array &$parsedUrl Result of parseUrl() or wfParseUrl()
    protected function updateDesktopUrlQuery( array &$parsedUrl ) {
        if ( isset( $parsedUrl['query'] ) && strpos( $parsedUrl['query'], 'useformat' ) !== false ) {
            $query = wfCgiToArray( $parsedUrl['query'] );
            unset( $query['useformat'] );
            $parsedUrl['query'] = wfArrayToCgi( $query );

     * Update path of given URL to conform to mobile URL template.
     * NB: this is not actually being used anywhere at the moment. It will
     * take some magic to get MW to properly handle path modifications like
     * this is intended to provide. This will hopefully be implemented someday
     * in the not to distant future.
     * @param array &$parsedUrl Result of parseUrl() or wfParseUrl()
     * @deprecated
    protected function updateMobileUrlPath( array &$parsedUrl ) {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.42', 'MobileFrontend' );

        $scriptPath = $this->getConfig()->get( 'ScriptPath' );

        $mobileUrlPathTemplate = $this->parseMobileUrlTemplate( 'path' );

        // if there's no path template, no reason to continue.
        if ( !strlen( $mobileUrlPathTemplate ) ) {

        // find out if we already have a templated path
        $templatePathOffset = strpos( $mobileUrlPathTemplate, '%p' );
        $templatePathSansToken = substr( $mobileUrlPathTemplate, 0, $templatePathOffset );
        if ( substr_compare( $parsedUrl['path'], $scriptPath . $templatePathSansToken, 0 ) > 0 ) {

        $scriptPathLength = strlen( $scriptPath );
        // the "+ 1" removes the preceding "/" from the path sans $wgScriptPath
        $pathSansScriptPath = substr( $parsedUrl['path'], $scriptPathLength + 1 );
        $parsedUrl['path'] = $scriptPath . $templatePathSansToken . $pathSansScriptPath;

     * Parse mobile URL template into its host and path components.
     * Optionally specify which portion of the template you want returned.
     * @param string|null $part which part to return?
     * @return mixed
     * @deprecated
    public function parseMobileUrlTemplate( $part = null ) {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.42', 'MobileFrontend' );

        $mobileUrlTemplate = $this->getMobileUrlTemplate();

        $pathStartPos = strpos( $mobileUrlTemplate, '/' );

         * This if/else block exists because of an annoying aspect of substr()
         * Even if you pass 'null' or 'false' into the 'length' param, it
         * will return an empty string.
        if ( $pathStartPos === false ) {
            $host = substr( $mobileUrlTemplate, 0 );
        } else {
            $host = substr( $mobileUrlTemplate, 0, $pathStartPos );

        $path = substr( $mobileUrlTemplate, $pathStartPos );

        if ( $part == 'host' ) {
            return $host;
        } elseif ( $part == 'path' ) {
            return $path;
        } else {
            return [ 'host' => $host, 'path' => $path ];

     * Toggles view to one specified by the user
     * If a user has requested a particular view (eg clicked 'Desktop' from
     * a mobile page), set the requested view for this particular request
     * and set a cookie to keep them on that view for subsequent requests.
     * @param string $view User requested particular view
    public function toggleView( $view ) {
        $this->viewChange = $view;
        if ( !$this->hasMobileDomain() ) {
            $this->useFormat = $view;

     * Performs view change as requested vy toggleView()
    public function doToggling() {
        // make sure viewChange is set

        if ( !$this->viewChange ) {

        $query = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues();
        unset( $query['mobileaction'] );
        unset( $query['useformat'] );
        unset( $query['title'] );
        $url = $this->getTitle()->getFullURL( $query, false, PROTO_CURRENT );

        if ( $this->viewChange == 'mobile' ) {
            // unset stopMobileRedirect cookie
            // @TODO is this necessary with unsetting the cookie via JS?

            // if no mobile domain support, set mobile cookie
            if ( !$this->hasMobileDomain() ) {
            } else {
                // else redirect to mobile domain
                $mobileUrl = $this->getMobileUrl( $url );
                $this->getOutput()->redirect( $mobileUrl, 301 );
        } elseif ( $this->viewChange == 'desktop' ) {
            // set stopMobileRedirect cookie
            // unset useformat cookie
            if ( $this->getUseFormatCookie() == "true" ) {

            if ( $this->hasMobileDomain() ) {
                // if there is mobile domain support, redirect to desktop domain
                $desktopUrl = $this->getDesktopUrl( $url );
                $this->getOutput()->redirect( $desktopUrl, 301 );

     * Determine whether or not we need to toggle the view, and toggle it
    public function checkToggleView() {
        if ( !$this->toggleViewChecked ) {
            $this->toggleViewChecked = true;
            $mobileAction = $this->getMobileAction();
            if ( $mobileAction == 'toggle_view_desktop' ) {
                $this->toggleView( 'desktop' );
            } elseif ( $mobileAction == 'toggle_view_mobile' ) {
                $this->toggleView( 'mobile' );

     * Determine whether or not a given URL is local
     * @param string $url URL to check against
     * @return bool
    public function isLocalUrl( $url ) {
        $parsedTarget = wfParseUrl( $url );
        $parsedServer = wfParseUrl( $this->config->get( 'Server' ) );
        return $parsedTarget['host'] === $parsedServer['host'];

     * Add key/value pairs for analytics purposes to $this->analyticsLogItems. Pre-existing entries
     * are appended to as sets delimited by commas.
     * @param string $key for <key> in `X-Analytics: <key>=<value>`
     * @param string $val for <value> in `X-Analytics: <key>=<value>`
    public function addAnalyticsLogItem( $key, $val ) {
        $key = trim( $key );
        $val = trim( $val );
        $items = $this->analyticsLogItems[$key] ?? [];
        if ( !in_array( $val, $items ) ) {
            $items[] = $val;
            $this->analyticsLogItems[$key] = $items;

     * Read key/value pairs for analytics purposes from $this->analyticsLogItems
     * @return array
    public function getAnalyticsLogItems() {
        return array_map(
            static function ( $val ) {
                return implode( self::ANALYTICS_HEADER_DELIMITER, $val );

     * Get HTTP header string for X-Analytics
     * This is made up of key/value pairs and is used for analytics purposes.
     * @return string|bool
    public function getXAnalyticsHeader() {
        $response = $this->getRequest()->response();
        $currentHeader = method_exists( $response, 'getHeader' ) ?
            (string)$response->getHeader( 'X-Analytics' ) : '';
        parse_str( preg_replace( '/; */', '&', $currentHeader ), $logItems );
        $logItems += $this->getAnalyticsLogItems();
        if ( count( $logItems ) ) {
            $xanalytics_items = [];
            foreach ( $logItems as $key => $val ) {
                $xanalytics_items[] = urlencode( $key ) . "=" . urlencode( $val );
            $headerValue = implode( ';', $xanalytics_items );
            return "X-Analytics: $headerValue";
        } else {
            return false;

     * Take a key/val pair in string format and add it to $this->analyticsLogItems
     * @param string $xanalytics_item In the format key=value
    public function addAnalyticsLogItemFromXAnalytics( $xanalytics_item ) {
        [ $key, $val ] = explode( '=', $xanalytics_item, 2 );
        $this->addAnalyticsLogItem( urldecode( $key ), urldecode( $val ) );

     * Adds analytics log items depending on which modes are enabled for the user
     * Invoked from MobileFrontendHooks::onRequestContextCreateSkin()
     * Making changes to what this method logs? Make sure you update the
     * documentation for the X-Analytics header:
    public function logMobileMode() {
        if ( $this->isBetaGroupMember() ) {
            $this->addAnalyticsLogItem( self::ANALYTICS_HEADER_KEY, self::ANALYTICS_HEADER_VALUE_BETA );
        if ( self::isAmcUser() ) {
            $this->addAnalyticsLogItem( self::ANALYTICS_HEADER_KEY, self::ANALYTICS_HEADER_VALUE_AMC );

     * Gets whether Wikibase descriptions should be shown in search results,
     * and watchlists; or as taglines on article pages.
     * Doesn't take into account whether the wikidata descriptions
     * feature has been enabled.
     * @param string $feature which description to show?
     * @param Config $config
     * @return bool
     * @throws DomainException If `feature` isn't one that shows Wikidata descriptions. See the
     *  `wgMFDisplayWikibaseDescriptions` configuration variable for detail
    public function shouldShowWikibaseDescriptions( $feature, Config $config ) {
        $displayWikibaseDescriptions = $config->get( 'MFDisplayWikibaseDescriptions' );
        if ( !isset( $displayWikibaseDescriptions[$feature] ) ) {
            throw new DomainException(
                "\"{$feature}\" isn't a feature that shows Wikidata descriptions."

        return $displayWikibaseDescriptions[$feature];