const util = require( '../mobile.startup/util' ),
mfExtend = require( '../mobile.startup/mfExtend' );
* Class to assist a view in implementing infinite scrolling on some DOM
* element. This module itself is only responsible for emitting an Event when
* the bottom of an Element is scrolled to.
* @class ScrollEndEventEmitter
* @mixes OO.EventEmitter
* Use this class in a view to help it do infinite scrolling.
* 1. Initialize it in the constructor `initialize` and listen to the
* EVENT_SCROLL_END event it emits (and call your loading function then)
* 2. On preRender (once we have the DOM element) set it into the infinite
* scrolling object and disable it until we've loaded.
* 3. Once you have loaded the list and put it in the DOM, enable the
* infinite scrolling detection.
* - Every time the scroller detection triggers a load, it auto disables
* to not trigger multiple times. After you have loaded, manually
* re-enable it.
* Example:
* @example
* <code>
* var
* mfExtend = require( './mfExtend' ),
* ScrollEndEventEmitter = require( './ScrollEndEventEmitter' ),
* eventBus = require( './eventBusSingleton' );
* mfExtend( PhotoList, View, {
* //...
* initialize: function ( options ) {
* this.gateway = new PhotoListGateway( {
* username: options.username
* } );
* // 1. Set up infinite scroll helper and listen to events
* this.scrollEndEventEmitter = new ScrollEndEventEmitter( eventBus, 1000 );
* this.scrollEndEventEmitter.on( ScrollEndEventEmitter.EVENT_SCROLL_END,
* this._loadPhotos.bind( this ) );
* View.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
* },
* preRender: function () {
* // 2. Disable until we've got the list rendered and set DOM el
* this.scrollEndEventEmitter.setElement( this.$el );
* this.scrollEndEventEmitter.disable();
* },
* _loadPhotos: function () {
* var self = this;
* this.gateway.getPhotos().then( function ( photos ) {
* // load photos into the DOM ...
* // 3. and (re-)enable infinite scrolling
* self.scrollEndEventEmitter.enable();
* } );
* }
* } );
* </code>
* @fires ScrollEndEventEmitter#ScrollEndEventEmitter-scrollEnd
* @param {Object} eventBus object to listen for scroll:throttled events
* @param {number} [threshold=100] distance in pixels used to calculate if scroll
* position is near the end of the $el
function ScrollEndEventEmitter( eventBus, threshold ) {
this.threshold = threshold || 100;
this.eventBus = eventBus;
this.enable(); this );
OO.mixinClass( ScrollEndEventEmitter, OO.EventEmitter );
* Fired when scroll bottom has been reached.
* @event ScrollEndEventEmitter#ScrollEndEventEmitter-scrollEnd
ScrollEndEventEmitter.EVENT_SCROLL_END = 'ScrollEndEventEmitter-scrollEnd';
mfExtend( ScrollEndEventEmitter, {
* Listen to scroll on window and notify this._onScroll
* @memberof ScrollEndEventEmitter
* @instance
* @private
_bindScroll() {
if ( !this._scrollHandler ) {
this._scrollHandler = this._onScroll.bind( this );
this.eventBus.on( 'scroll:throttled', this._scrollHandler );
* Unbind scroll handler
* @memberof ScrollEndEventEmitter
* @instance
* @private
_unbindScroll() {
if ( this._scrollHandler ) { 'scroll:throttled', this._scrollHandler );
this._scrollHandler = null;
* Scroll handler. Triggers load event when near the end of the container.
* @memberof ScrollEndEventEmitter
* @instance
* @private
_onScroll() {
if ( this.$el && this.enabled && this.scrollNearEnd() ) {
// Disable when triggering an event. Won't trigger again until
// re-enabled.
this.emit( ScrollEndEventEmitter.EVENT_SCROLL_END );
* Is the scroll position near the end of the container element?
* @memberof ScrollEndEventEmitter
* @instance
* @private
* @return {boolean}
scrollNearEnd() {
if ( !this.$el || !this.$el.offset() ) {
return false;
const $window = util.getWindow(),
scrollBottom = $window.scrollTop() + $window.height(),
endPosition = this.$el.offset().top + this.$el.outerHeight();
return scrollBottom + this.threshold > endPosition;
* Enable the ScrollEndEventEmitter so that it triggers events.
* @memberof ScrollEndEventEmitter
* @instance
enable() {
this.enabled = true;
* Disable the ScrollEndEventEmitter so that it doesn't trigger events.
* @memberof ScrollEndEventEmitter
* @instance
disable() {
this.enabled = false;
* Set the element to compare to scroll position to
* @memberof ScrollEndEventEmitter
* @instance
* @param {jQuery.Object} $el jQuery element where we want to listen for
* scroll end.
setElement( $el ) {
this.$el = $el;
} );
module.exports = ScrollEndEventEmitter;