Thumbnail = require( './Thumbnail' ),
HEADING_SELECTOR = mw.config.get( 'wgMFMobileFormatterHeadings', [ 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5' ] ).join( ',' ),
EXCLUDE_THUMBNAIL_CLASS_SELECTORS = [ 'noviewer', 'metadata' ],
NOT_SELECTORS = ( excludeSelector ) => `:not(.${ excludeSelector })` ).join( '' ),
THUMB_SELECTOR = [ 'a.image', 'a.thumbimage,' ].map(
( selector ) => `${ selector }${ NOT_SELECTORS }`
).join( ',' );
class PageHTMLParser {
* @constructor
* @class module:mobile.startup/PageHTMLParser
* @classdesc Parses an article and converts it into a queriable object.
* @param {jQuery.Object} $container Used when parsing to find children within
* this container
constructor( $container ) {
this.$el = $container;
// T220751: Cache headings as $el.find is a very expensive call.
/** @private */
this.$headings = this.$el.find( HEADING_SELECTOR );
* Find the heading in the page.
* This has the benefit of excluding any additional h2s and h3s that may
* have been added programatically.
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/PageHTMLParser
* @param {number} sectionIndex as defined by the PHP parser.
* It should correspond to the section id
* used in the edit link for the section.
* Note, confusingly, this is different from section "ID" which is
* used in methods
* @return {jQuery.Object}
findSectionHeadingByIndex( sectionIndex ) {
if ( sectionIndex < 1 ) {
// negative indexes will search from the end, which is behaviour we do not want.
// return an empty set when this happens.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
return $( [] );
} else {
return this.$headings
// Headings must strictly be a child element of a section element
// or the parser-output.
// Not an ancestor!
.filter( '.mw-parser-output > *, [class^="mf-section-"] > *' ).eq( sectionIndex - 1 );
* Finds all child elements that match the selector in a given section or subsection.
* Returns any direct child elements that match the selector,
* (i.e. searches only one level deep)
* as well as any elements that match the selector within those children.
* If the Page has no headings (e.g. a stub),
* then the search will target all nodes within the page.
* This code should work on desktop (PHP parser HTML)
* as well as mobile formatted HTML (PHP parser + MobileFormatter)
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/PageHTMLParser
* @param {number} sectionIndex as defined by the PHP parser. It should correspond to
* the section id used in the edit link for the section.
* Note, confusingly, this is different from section "ID" which is
* used in methods
* @param {string} selector to match
* @return {jQuery.Object}
findChildInSectionLead( sectionIndex, selector ) {
let $heading, $nextHeading;
const headingSelector = HEADING_SELECTOR;
function withNestedChildren( $matchingNodes ) {
return $matchingNodes.find( selector ).addBack();
if ( sectionIndex === 0 ) {
// lead is easy
const $lead = this.getLeadSectionElement();
if ( $lead && $lead.length ) {
// Handle nested sections in Parsoid wikitext parset opt-in scenario.
const $nestedSection = $lead.find( 'section[data-mw-section-id="0"]' );
if ( $nestedSection.length ) {
return withNestedChildren( $nestedSection.children( selector ) );
return withNestedChildren( $lead.children( selector ) );
} else {
$heading = this.findSectionHeadingByIndex( 1 );
return $heading.length ? withNestedChildren( $heading.prevAll( selector ) ) :
// this page is a stub so search entire page
this.$el.find( selector );
// find heading associated with the section by looking at its
// index position in the article
// section ids relate to the element position in the page and the first heading
// lead has been dealt with above, so first heading corresponds to section 1,
// the first heading in the article.
$heading = this.findSectionHeadingByIndex( sectionIndex );
// If section-heading is present on the heading,
// then we know the page has been MobileFormatted
// and that this is a wrapped section
if ( $heading.hasClass( 'section-heading' ) ) {
// get content of section
const $el = $;
// inside section find the first heading
$nextHeading = $el.find( headingSelector ).eq( 0 );
return $nextHeading.length ?
// find all amboxes before the next heading
withNestedChildren( $nextHeading.prevAll( selector ) ) :
// There is no subheadings inside
// Grab all issues in section
withNestedChildren( $el.children( selector ) );
} else {
// the heading relates to a subsection (or unwrapped desktop section),
// so grab elements between this and the next one
$nextHeading = $heading.eq( 0 ).nextAll( headingSelector ).eq( 0 );
return $heading.nextUntil( $nextHeading, selector );
* Get the lead section of the page view.
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/PageHTMLParser
* @return {jQuery.Object|null}
getLeadSectionElement() {
* The page is formatted as follows:
* <div id="bodyContent">
* <!-- content of the page.. -->
* <div id="mw-content-text">
* <div class="mf-section-0">lead section</div>
* <h2></h2>
* <div class="mf-section-1">second section</div>
* </div>
* </div>
const $leadSection = this.$el.find( '.mf-section-0' );
if ( $leadSection.length ) {
return $leadSection;
// no lead section found
return null;
* Returns a Thumbnail object from an anchor element containing an image or
* null if not valid.
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/PageHTMLParser
* @param {jQuery} $a Anchor element that contains the image.
* @return {Thumbnail|null}
getThumbnail( $a ) {
const notSelector = '.' + EXCLUDE_THUMBNAIL_CLASS_SELECTORS.join( ',.' ),
$lazyImage = $a.find( '.lazy-image-placeholder' ),
href = $a.attr( 'href' ),
url = href && new URL( href, location.href ),
legacyTitle = url && url.searchParams.get( 'title' ),
match = url && url.pathname.match( /[^/]+$/ );
// Parents need to be checked as well.
let valid = $a.parents( notSelector ).length === 0 &&
$a.find( notSelector ).length === 0;
// filter out invalid lazy loaded images if so far image is valid
if ( $lazyImage.length && valid ) {
// if the regex matches it means the image has one of the classes
// thus we must invert the result
valid = !new RegExp( '\\b(' + EXCLUDE_THUMBNAIL_CLASS_SELECTORS.join( '|' ) + ')\\b' )
.test( $ 'class' ) );
if ( valid && ( legacyTitle !== null || match ) ) {
return new Thumbnail( {
el: $a,
filename: mw.util.percentDecodeFragment(
legacyTitle !== null ? legacyTitle : match[0]
} );
return null;
* Return all the thumbnails in the article.
* Images which have a class or link container (.image|.thumbimage)
* that matches one of the items of the constant EXCLUDE_THUMBNAIL_CLASS_SELECTORS
* will be excluded.
* A thumbnail nested inside one of these classes will still be returned.
* e.g. `<div class="noviewer"><a class="image"><img></a></div>` is not a valid thumbnail
* `<a class="image noviewer"><img></a>` is not a valid thumbnail
* `<a class="image"><img class="noviewer"></a>` is not a valid thumbnail
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/PageHTMLParser
* @param {jQuery} [$el] Container to search, defaults to this.$el.
* @return {Thumbnail[]}
getThumbnails( $el ) {
self = this,
thumbs = [];
$el = $el || this.$el;
const $thumbs = $el.find( THUMB_SELECTOR );
$thumbs.each( function () {
const $a = $el.find( this );
const thumb = self.getThumbnail( $a );
if ( thumb ) {
thumbs.push( thumb );
} );
return thumbs;
* Returns a jQuery object representing all redlinks on the page.
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/PageHTMLParser
* @return {jQuery.Object}
getRedLinks() {
return this.$el.find( '.new' );
* Returns an object consistent with MediaWiki API representing languages
* associated with the page in the user's current language.
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/PageHTMLParser
* @param {string} pageTitle to fallback to if none found
* @return {Object} containing langlinks
* and variant links as defined @
getLanguages( pageTitle ) {
const mapLinkToLanguageObj = ( node ) => {
const DELIMITER = ' – ';
// Name of language (e.g. עברית for Hebrew)
const autonym = node.textContent;
// The name of the language in the current language
// e.g. for english this would be Hebrew
let langname;
let title = node.getAttribute( 'title' ) || pageTitle;
if ( title.indexOf( DELIMITER ) > -1 ) {
title = title.split( DELIMITER );
langname = title.pop();
title = title.join( DELIMITER );
if ( !langname ) {
langname = autonym;
return {
lang: node.getAttribute( 'hreflang' ),
url: node.getAttribute( 'href' )
return {
document.querySelectorAll( '#p-lang .interlanguage-link a' ),
document.querySelectorAll( '#p-variants li a' ),
* Selector for matching headings
* @memberof PageHTMLParser
* Selector for thumbnails.
* @memberof PageHTMLParser
module.exports = PageHTMLParser;