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const util = require( '../util' ),
    actionParams = require( '../actionParams' );

 * @ignore
 * @typedef {string|number} PageID Page ID. 0 / "0" is a special no-ID value.
 * {@link Page ID}
 * @ignore
 * @typedef {string} PageTitle Canonical page title.
 * {@link Canonical forms}
 * @ignore
 * @typedef {boolean} WatchStatus Page watch status; true if watched, false if
 *                                unwatched.
 * {@link API:Info} (see inprop.watched)
 * {@link API:Watch} (see unwatch)
 * @ignore
 * @typedef {Object.<PageTitle, WatchStatus>} WatchStatusMap

 * API for retrieving and modifying page watch statuses. This module interacts
 * with two endpoints, API:Info for GETs and API:Watch and for POSTs.
 * @class WatchstarGateway
 * @param {mw.Api} api
 * @ignore
function WatchstarGateway( api ) {
    this.api = api;

WatchstarGateway.prototype = {
     * Issues zero to two asynchronous HTTP requests for the watch status of
     * each page ID and title passed.
     * Every watch entry has a title but not necessarily a page ID. Entries
     * without IDs are missing pages, i.e., pages that do not exist. These
     * entries are used to observe when a page with a given title is created.
     * Although it is convenient to use titles because they're always present,
     * IDs are preferred since they're far less likely to exceed the URL length
     * limit.
     * No request is issued when no IDs and no titles are passed. Given that the
     * server state does not change between the two requests, overlapping title
     * and ID members will behave as expected but there is no reason to issue
     * such a request.
     * @memberof WatchstarGateway
     * @instance
     * @param {PageID[]} ids
     * @param {PageTitle[]} titles
     * @return {jQuery.Deferred<WatchStatusMap>}
    getStatuses( ids, titles ) {
        // Issue two requests and coalesce the results.
        return util.Promise.all( [
            this.getStatusesByID( ids ),
            this.getStatusesByTitle( titles )
        ] ).then( function () {
            return util.extend.apply( util, arguments );
        } );

     * @memberof WatchstarGateway
     * @instance
     * @param {PageID[]} ids
     * @return {jQuery.Deferred<WatchStatusMap>}
    getStatusesByID( ids ) {
        const self = this;
        if ( !ids.length ) {
            return util.Deferred().resolve( {} );

        return this.api.get( {
            formatversion: 2,
            action: 'query',
            prop: 'info',
            inprop: 'watched',
            pageids: ids
        } ).then( ( rsp ) => self._unmarshalGetResponse( rsp ) );

     * @memberof WatchstarGateway
     * @instance
     * @param {PageTitle[]} titles
     * @return {jQuery.Deferred<WatchStatusMap>}
    getStatusesByTitle( titles ) {
        const self = this;
        if ( !titles.length ) {
            return util.Deferred().resolve( {} );

        return this.api.get( actionParams( {
            prop: 'info',
            inprop: 'watched',
        } ) ).then( ( rsp ) => self._unmarshalGetResponse( rsp ) );

     * @memberof WatchstarGateway
     * @instance
     * @param {PageTitle[]} titles
     * @param {WatchStatus} watched
     * @return {jQuery.Deferred}
    postStatusesByTitle( titles, watched ) {
        const params = {
            action: 'watch',
        if ( !watched ) {
            params.unwatch = !watched;
        return this.api.postWithToken( 'watch', params );

     * @memberof WatchstarGateway
     * @instance
     * @param {Object} rsp The API:Info response.
     * @return {jQuery.Deferred<WatchStatusMap>}
     * @see getStatusesByID
     * @see getStatusesByTitle
     * @ignore
    _unmarshalGetResponse( rsp ) {
        const pages = rsp && rsp.query && rsp.query.pages || [];
        return pages.reduce( ( statuses, page ) => {
            statuses[page.title] = page.watched;
            return statuses;
        }, {} );

module.exports = WatchstarGateway;