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Test Coverage
        "name": "translate_sections",
        "columns": [
                "name": "trs_page",
                "comment": "Key to page_id",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true }
                "name": "trs_key",
                "comment": "Customizable section name",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 255 }
                "name": "trs_text",
                "comment": "Section contents",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 16777215 }
                "name": "trs_order",
                "comment": "Section order",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": false, "unsigned": true }
        "indexes": [
                "name": "trs_page_order",
                "columns": [ "trs_page", "trs_order" ],
                "unique": false
        "pk": [ "trs_page", "trs_key" ]
        "name": "revtag",
        "comment": "Revision tags",
        "columns": [
                "name": "rt_type",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 60 }
                "name": "rt_page",
                "comment": "Link to page.page_id",
                "type": "bigint",
                "options": {
                    "notnull": true,
                    "unsigned": true
                "name": "rt_revision",
                "comment": "Link to revision.rev_id",
                "type": "bigint",
                "options": {
                    "notnull": true,
                    "unsigned": true
                "name": "rt_value",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "length": 65530, "notnull": false }
        "indexes": [
                "name": "rt_revision_type",
                "comment": "Index for finding the tags on a given revision",
                "columns": [ "rt_revision", "rt_type" ],
                "unique": false
        "pk": [ "rt_type", "rt_page", "rt_revision" ]
        "name": "translate_groupstats",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tgs_group",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 100 }
                "name": "tgs_lang",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 20 }
                "name": "tgs_total",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": false, "unsigned": true }
                "name": "tgs_translated",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": false, "unsigned": true }
                "name": "tgs_fuzzy",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": false, "unsigned": true }
                "name": "tgs_proofread",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": false, "unsigned": true }
        "indexes": [
                "name": "tgs_lang",
                "columns": [ "tgs_lang" ],
                "unique": false
        "pk": [ "tgs_group", "tgs_lang" ]
        "name": "translate_reviews",
        "comment": "Translation reviews; to store reviews of a page revision by a user.",
        "columns": [
                "name": "trr_user",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true }
                "name": "trr_page",
                "comment": "Link to page.page_id",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true }
                "name": "trr_revision",
                "comment": "Link to revision.rev_id",
                "type": "bigint",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true }
        "pk": [ "trr_page", "trr_revision", "trr_user" ],
        "indexes": []
        "name": "translate_groupreviews",
        "comment": "Message group workflow states",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tgr_group",
                "comment": "The length we need to accommodate 'page-' + the full pagename including prefix. That could be 255 + prefix (length not limited), but page translation section pages limit that to shorter, because it needs to accommodate /sectionname/languagecode suffix to the page name.",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 200 }
                "name": "tgr_lang",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 20 }
                "name": "tgr_state",
                "comment": "Any of user configured values from $wgTranslateWorkflowStates",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 32 }
        "pk": [ "tgr_group", "tgr_lang" ],
        "indexes": []
        "name": "translate_tms",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tms_sid",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true, "autoincrement": true }
                "name": "tms_lang",
                "comment": "Language code",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 20 }
                "name": "tms_len",
                "comment": "Length of the string in characters",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true }
                "name": "tms_text",
                "comment": "The actual text",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "length": 16777215, "notnull": true }
                "name": "tms_context",
                "comment": "Identifier where this text came from",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "length": 16777215, "notnull": true }
        "pk": [ "tms_sid" ],
        "indexes": [
                "name": "tms_lang_len",
                "columns": [ "tms_lang", "tms_len" ],
                "unique": false
        "name": "translate_tmt",
        "comment": "Stored translations",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tmt_sid",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true }
                "name": "tmt_lang",
                "comment": "Language code",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 20 }
                "name": "tmt_text",
                "comment": "The actual text",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "length": 16777215, "notnull": true }
        "pk": [ "tmt_sid", "tmt_lang" ],
        "indexes": []
        "name": "translate_tmf",
        "comment": "Fulltext search index",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tmf_sid",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true }
                "name": "tmf_text",
                "type": "text",
                "options": { "length": 65535 }
        "pk": [],
        "indexes": [
                "name": "tmf_text",
                "columns": [ "tmf_text" ],
                "unique": false,
                "flags": [
        "table_options": [
            "DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4"
        "name": "translate_metadata",
        "comment": "Translate group metadata",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tmd_group",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 200 }
                "name": "tmd_key",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 20 }
                "name": "tmd_value",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "length": 16777215, "notnull": true }
        "pk": [ "tmd_group", "tmd_key" ],
        "indexes": []
        "name": "translate_messageindex",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tmi_key",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 255 }
                "name": "tmi_value",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 255 }
        "pk": [ "tmi_key" ],
        "indexes": []
        "name": "translate_stash",
        "columns": [
                "name": "ts_user",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": true }
                "name": "ts_namespace",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "notnull": true }
                "name": "ts_title",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 255 }
                "name": "ts_value",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "length": 16777215, "notnull": true }
                "name": "ts_metadata",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "length": 16777215, "notnull": true }
        "pk": [ "ts_user", "ts_namespace", "ts_title" ],
        "indexes": []
        "name": "translate_cache",
        "comment": "",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tc_key",
                "comment": "Cache key",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 255 }
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                "comment": "Cache value",
                "type": "blob",
                "options": { "length": 16777215, "notnull": false }
                "name": "tc_exptime",
                "comment": "Key expiry time",
                "type": "mwtimestamp",
                "options": { "notnull": false }
                "name": "tc_tag",
                "comment": "Tag and group cache keys",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": false, "length": 255 }
        "pk": [ "tc_key" ],
        "indexes": [
                "name": "tc_tag",
                "columns": [ "tc_tag" ],
                "unique": false
        "name": "translate_translatable_bundles",
        "comment": "Translatable bundles with their current status.",
        "columns": [
                "name": "ttb_page_id",
                "comment": "Key to page.page_id",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true }
                "name": "ttb_type",
                "comment": "Type of the translatable bundle",
                "type": "smallint",
                "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true }
                "name": "ttb_status",
                "comment": "Current status of the translatable bundle",
                "type": "smallint",
                "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true }
                "name": "ttb_sortkey",
                "comment": "Sortkey for the translatable bundle.",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "length": 255, "notnull": true }
        "indexes": [
                "name": "ttb_type_sortkey_status",
                "columns": [ "ttb_type", "ttb_sortkey", "ttb_status" ],
                "unique": true
        "pk": [ "ttb_page_id" ]
        "name": "translate_message_group_subscriptions",
        "comment": "Translator subscriptions to message groups",
        "columns": [
                "name": "tmgs_user_id",
                "comment": "Subscribed user ID",
                "type": "integer",
                "options": { "unsigned": true, "notnull": true }
                "name": "tmgs_group",
                "comment": "Group ID that user has subscribed to",
                "type": "binary",
                "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 200 }
        "pk": [ "tmgs_group", "tmgs_user_id" ],
        "indexes": [
                "name": "translate_tmgs_user_id",
                "comment": "Index for finding all group subscriptions of the user",
                "columns": [
                "unique": false