declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\FileFormatSupport;
use FormatJson;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageLoading\Message;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageLoading\MessageCollection;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Utilities\Utilities;
* Support for the AMD i18n message file format (used by require.js and Dojo). See:
* A limitation is that it only accepts json compatible structures inside the define
* wrapper function. For example the following example is not ok since there are no
* quotation marks around the keys:
* define({
* key1: "somevalue",
* key2: "anothervalue"
* });
* Instead it should look like:
* define({
* "key1": "somevalue",
* "key2": "anothervalue"
* });
* It also supports the top-level bundle with a root construction and language indicators.
* The following example will give the same messages as above:
* define({
* "root": {
* "key1": "somevalue",
* "key2": "anothervalue"
* },
* "sv": true
* });
* Note that it does not support exporting with the root construction, there is only support
* for reading it. However, this is not a serious limitation as Translatewiki doesn't export
* the base language.
* AmdFormat implements a message format where messages are encoded
* as key-value pairs in JSON objects wrapped in a define call.
* @author Matthias Palmér
* @copyright Copyright © 2011-2015, MetaSolutions AB
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @ingroup FileFormatSupport
class AmdFormat extends SimpleFormat {
public function getFileExtensions(): array {
return [ '.js' ];
/** @inheritDoc */
public function readFromVariable( string $data ): array {
$authors = $this->extractAuthors( $data );
$data = $this->extractMessagePart( $data );
$messages = (array)FormatJson::decode( $data, /*as array*/true );
$metadata = [];
// Take care of regular language bundles, as well as the root bundle.
if ( isset( $messages['root'] ) ) {
$messages = $this->group->getMangler()->mangleArray( $messages['root'] );
} else {
$messages = $this->group->getMangler()->mangleArray( $messages );
return [
'MESSAGES' => $messages,
'AUTHORS' => $authors,
'METADATA' => $metadata,
protected function writeReal( MessageCollection $collection ): string {
$messages = [];
$mangler = $this->group->getMangler();
/** @var Message $m */
foreach ( $collection as $key => $m ) {
$value = $m->translation();
if ( $value === null ) {
if ( $m->hasTag( 'fuzzy' ) ) {
$value = str_replace( TRANSLATE_FUZZY, '', $value );
$key = $mangler->unmangle( $key );
$messages[$key] = $value;
// Do not create empty files
if ( !count( $messages ) ) {
return '';
$header = $this->header( $collection->code, $collection->getAuthors() );
return $header . FormatJson::encode( $messages, "\t", FormatJson::UTF8_OK ) . ");\n";
private function extractMessagePart( string $data ): string {
// Find the start and end of the data section (enclosed in the define function call).
$dataStart = strpos( $data, 'define(' ) + 6;
$dataEnd = strrpos( $data, ')' );
// Strip everything outside of the data section.
return substr( $data, $dataStart + 1, $dataEnd - $dataStart - 1 );
private function extractAuthors( string $data ): array {
preg_match_all( '~\n \* - (.+)~', $data, $result );
return $result[1];
private function header( string $code, array $authors ): string {
global $wgSitename;
$name = Utilities::getLanguageName( $code );
$authorsList = $this->authorsList( $authors );
return <<<EOT
* Messages for $name
* Exported from $wgSitename
/** @param string[] $authors */
private function authorsList( array $authors ): string {
if ( $authors === [] ) {
return '';
$prefix = ' * - ';
$authorList = implode( "\n$prefix", $authors );
return " * Translators:\n$prefix$authorList";
class_alias( AmdFormat::class, 'AmdFFS' );