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Translate Message bundle Lua module
local util = require 'libraryUtil'

local php
local pageLanguageCode
local translateMessageBundle = {}

function translateMessageBundle.setupInterface( options )
    -- Boilerplate
    translateMessageBundle.setupInterface = nil
    php = mw_interface
    mw_interface = nil
    pageLanguageCode = options.pageLanguageCode

    -- Install into the mw global
    mw = mw or {}
    mw.ext = mw.ext or {}
    mw.ext.translate  = mw.ext.translate or {}
    mw.ext.translate.messageBundle = translateMessageBundle

    -- Indicate that we're loaded
    package.loaded['mw.ext.translate.messageBundle'] = translateMessageBundle

--- Returns a table to access translations loaded with fallbacks from the requested message bundle
--- @param title string|table Message bundle page name
--- @param languageCode string Language to load the translations in
--- @param skipFallbacks boolean Whether to skip loading fallback translations
--- @return table A new translate message bundle table
function getMessageBundle( title, languageCode, skipFallbacks )
    if type( title ) == 'string' then
        title = title )

    assert( title, 'Message bundle title is needed' )

    -- Verify that this is a valid message bundle
    php.validate( title.prefixedText )

    local obj = {};
    local translations = nil;

    --- Loads all the messages in a table format with the key being the key in the message bundle
    --- value being the string
    --- @return table A table containing all translations.
    function obj:getAllTranslations()
        if translations == nil then
            translations = php.getMessageBundleTranslations( title.prefixedText, languageCode, skipFallbacks )

        return translations

    --- Loads the translation for a given key, with the specified params
    --- @param key string Key in message bundle for which to retrieve the translation
    --- @return mw.message The translation for the given key wrapped in mw.message object
    function obj:t( key )
        local languageTranslations = self:getAllTranslations()
        local translation = languageTranslations[ key ]
        return translation ~= nil and mw.message.newRawMessage( translation ) or nil

    return obj

--- Returns a table to access translations loaded with fallbacks from the requested message bundle
--- @param title string|table Message bundle page name
--- @param languageCode string (Optional) Language to load the translations in, defaults to page language code
--- @return table A new translate message bundle table
function title, languageCode )
    util.checkTypeMulti( '', 1, title, { 'string', 'table' } )
    util.checkType( '', 2, languageCode, 'string', true )

    return getMessageBundle( title, languageCode or pageLanguageCode, false )

--- Returns a table to access translations without fallbacks from the requested message bundle
--- @param title string|table Message bundle page name
--- @param languageCode string (Optional) Language to load the translations in, defaults to page language code
--- @return table A new translate message bundle table loaded without access to fallbacks
function translateMessageBundle.newWithoutFallbacks( title, languageCode )
    util.checkTypeMulti( 'translateMessageBundle.newWithoutFallbacks', 1, title, { 'string', 'table' } )
    util.checkType( 'translateMessageBundle.newWithoutFallbacks', 2, languageCode, 'string', true )

    return getMessageBundle( title, languageCode or pageLanguageCode, true )

return translateMessageBundle