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declare( strict_types = 1 );

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Synchronization;

use FileBasedMessageGroup;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageGroupProcessing\MessageGroupCache;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageLoading\Message;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageLoading\MessageCollection;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageSync\MessageSourceChange;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Utilities\StringComparators\StringComparator;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\Utilities\Utilities;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageStore;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionLookup;
use MediaWiki\Utils\MWTimestamp;
use RuntimeException;

 * Finds external changes for file based message groups.
 * @author Niklas Laxström
 * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
class ExternalMessageSourceStateComparator {
    private StringComparator $stringComparator;
    private RevisionLookup $revisionLookup;
    private PageStore $pageStore;

    public function __construct(
        StringComparator $stringComparator,
        RevisionLookup $revisionLookup,
        PageStore $pageStore
    ) {
        $this->stringComparator = $stringComparator;
        $this->revisionLookup = $revisionLookup;
        $this->pageStore = $pageStore;

     * Finds modifications in external sources compared to wiki state.
     * The MessageSourceChange object returned stores the following about each modification,
     * - First level of classification is the language code
     * - Second level of classification is the type of modification,
     *   - addition (new message in the file)
     *   - deletion (message in wiki not present in the file)
     *   - change (difference in content)
     *   - rename (message key is modified)
     * - Third level is a list of modifications
     * - For each modification, the following is saved,
     *   - key (the message key)
     *   - content (the message content in external source, null for deletions)
     *   - matched_to (present in case of renames, key of the matched message)
     *   - similarity (present in case of renames, similarity % with the matched message)
     *   - previous_state (present in case of renames, state of the message before rename)
    public function processGroup( FileBasedMessageGroup $group ): MessageSourceChange {
        $changes = new MessageSourceChange();
        $languages = $group->getTranslatableLanguages() ?? Utilities::getLanguageNames( 'en' );

        // Process the source language before others. Source language might not
        // be included in $group->getTranslatableLanguages(). The expected
        // behavior is that source language is always processed.
        $sourceLanguage = $group->getSourceLanguage();
        $this->processLanguage( $group, $sourceLanguage, $changes );
        unset( $languages[ $sourceLanguage] );

        foreach ( array_keys( $languages ) as $language ) {
            $this->processLanguage( $group, $language, $changes );

        return $changes;

    private function processLanguage(
        FileBasedMessageGroup $group,
        string $language,
        MessageSourceChange $changes
    ): void {
        $cache = $group->getMessageGroupCache( $language );
        $reason = 0;
        if ( !$cache->isValid( $reason ) ) {
            $this->addMessageUpdateChanges( $group, $language, $changes, $reason, $cache );

            if ( $changes->getModificationsForLanguage( $language ) === [] ) {
                /* Update the cache immediately if file and wiki state match.
                 * Otherwise the cache will get outdated compared to file state
                 * and will give false positive conflicts later. */

     * This is the detective novel. We have three sources of information:
     * - current message state in the file
     * - current message state in the wiki
     * - cached message state since cache was last build
     *   (usually after export from wiki)
     * Now we must try to guess what in earth has driven the file state and
     * wiki state out of sync. Then we must compile list of events that would
     * bring those to sync. Types of events are addition, deletion, (content)
     * change and key renames. After that the list of events are stored for
     * later processing of a translation administrator, who can decide what
     * actions to take on those events to bring the state more or less in sync.
     * @throws RuntimeException
    protected function addMessageUpdateChanges(
        FileBasedMessageGroup $group,
        string $language,
        MessageSourceChange $changes,
        int $reason,
        MessageGroupCache $cache
    ): void {
        // initCollection returns empty list before first import
        $wiki = $group->initCollection( $language );
        $wiki->filter( 'hastranslation', false );
        $wikiKeys = $wiki->getMessageKeys();

        $sourceLanguage = $group->getSourceLanguage();
        // By-pass cached message definitions
        $ffs = $group->getFFS();
        if ( $language === $sourceLanguage && !$ffs->exists( $language ) ) {
            $path = $group->getSourceFilePath( $language );
            throw new RuntimeException( "Source message file for {$group->getId()} does not exist: $path" );

        $file = $ffs->read( $language );

        // Does not exist
        if ( $file === false ) {

        // Something went wrong
        if ( !isset( $file['MESSAGES'] ) ) {
            $id = $group->getId();
            $ffsClass = get_class( $ffs );

            error_log( "$id has an FFS ($ffsClass) - it didn't return cake for $language" );


        $fileKeys = array_keys( $file['MESSAGES'] );

        $common = array_intersect( $fileKeys, $wikiKeys );

        $supportsFuzzy = $ffs->supportsFuzzy();
        $changesToRemove = [];

        foreach ( $common as $key ) {
            $sourceContent = $file['MESSAGES'][$key];
            /** @var Message $wikiMessage */
            $wikiMessage = $wiki[$key];
            $wikiContent = $wikiMessage->translation();

            // @todo: Fuzzy checking can also be moved to $ffs->isContentEqual();
            // If FFS doesn't support it, ignore fuzziness as difference
            $wikiContent = str_replace( TRANSLATE_FUZZY, '', $wikiContent );

            // But if it does, ensure we have exactly one fuzzy marker prefixed
            if ( $supportsFuzzy === 'yes' && $wikiMessage->hasTag( 'fuzzy' ) ) {
                $wikiContent = TRANSLATE_FUZZY . $wikiContent;

            if ( $ffs->isContentEqual( $sourceContent, $wikiContent ) ) {
                // File and wiki stage agree, nothing to do

            // Check against interim cache to see whether we have changes
            // in the wiki, in the file or both.

            if ( $reason !== MessageGroupCache::NO_CACHE ) {
                $cacheContent = $cache->get( $key );

                /* We want to ignore the following situations:
                 * 1. The string in the wiki has been changed since the last export.
                 * Hence we check that source === cache && cache !== wiki
                 * 2. Missing cache entry due to the string being translated on,
                 * exported and then being updated on again.
                if (
                    $this->hasCacheEntry( $cache, $wiki, $key ) &&
                    !$ffs->isContentEqual( $wikiContent, $cacheContent ) &&
                    $ffs->isContentEqual( $sourceContent, $cacheContent )
                ) {

            if ( $language !== $sourceLanguage ) {
                // Assuming that this is the old key, lets check if it has a corresponding
                // rename in the source language. The key of the matching message will be
                // the new renamed key.
                $renameMsg = $changes->getMatchedMessage( $sourceLanguage, $key );
                if ( $renameMsg !== null ) {
                    // Rename present in source language but this message has a content change
                    // with the OLD key in a non-source language. We will not process this
                    // here but add it as a rename instead. This way, the key will be renamed
                    // and then the content updated.
                        $changes, $key, $renameMsg['key'], $sourceContent, $wikiContent, $language
                    $changesToRemove[] = $key;
            $changes->addChange( $language, $key, $sourceContent );

        $changes->removeChanges( $language, $changesToRemove );

        $added = array_diff( $fileKeys, $wikiKeys );
        foreach ( $added as $key ) {
            $sourceContent = $file['MESSAGES'][$key];
            $changes->addAddition( $language, $key, $sourceContent );

        /* Should the cache not exist, don't consider the messages
         * missing from the file as deleted - they probably aren't
         * yet exported. For example new language translations are
         * exported the first time. */
        if ( $reason !== MessageGroupCache::NO_CACHE ) {
            $deleted = array_diff( $wikiKeys, $fileKeys );
            foreach ( $deleted as $key ) {
                if ( $cache->get( $key ) === false ) {
                    /* This message has never existed in the cache, so it
                     * must be a newly made in the wiki. */
                $changes->addDeletion( $language, $key, $wiki[$key]->translation() );

        if ( $language === $sourceLanguage ) {
            $this->findAndMarkSourceRenames( $changes, $language );
        } else {
            // Non source language
                $changes, $sourceLanguage, $language, $wiki, $wikiKeys

     * For non source languages, we look at additions and see if they have been
     * added as renames in the source language.
     * @param MessageSourceChange $changes
     * @param string $sourceLanguage
     * @param string $targetLanguage
     * @param MessageCollection $wiki
     * @param string[] $wikiKeys
    private function checkNonSourceAdditionsForRename(
        MessageSourceChange $changes,
        string $sourceLanguage,
        string $targetLanguage,
        MessageCollection $wiki,
        array $wikiKeys
    ): void {
        $additions = $changes->getAdditions( $targetLanguage );
        if ( $additions === [] ) {

        $additionsToRemove = [];
        $deletionsToRemove = [];
        foreach ( $additions as $addedMsg ) {
            $addedMsgKey = $addedMsg['key'];

            // Check if this key is renamed in source.
            $renamedSourceMsg = $changes->findMessage(
                $sourceLanguage, $addedMsgKey, [ MessageSourceChange::RENAME ]

            if ( $renamedSourceMsg === null ) {

            // Since this key is new, and is present in the renames for the source language,
            // we will add it as a rename.
            $deletedSource = $changes->getMatchedMessage( $sourceLanguage, $renamedSourceMsg['key'] );
            if ( $deletedSource === null ) {
            $deletedMsgKey = $deletedSource['key'];
            $deletedMsg = $changes->findMessage(
                $targetLanguage, $deletedMsgKey, [ MessageSourceChange::DELETION ]

            // Sometimes when the cache does not have the translations, the deleted message
            // is not added in the translations. It is also possible that for this non-source
            // language the key has not been removed.
            if ( $deletedMsg === null ) {
                $content = '';
                if ( in_array( $deletedMsgKey, $wikiKeys ) ) {
                    $content = $wiki[ $deletedMsgKey ]->translation();
                $deletedMsg = [
                    'key' => $deletedMsgKey,
                    'content' => $content

            $similarityPercent = $this->stringComparator->getSimilarity(
                $addedMsg['content'], $deletedMsg['content']

            $changes->addRename( $targetLanguage, [
                'key' => $addedMsgKey,
                'content' => $addedMsg['content']
            ], [
                'key' => $deletedMsgKey,
                'content' => $deletedMsg['content']
            ], $similarityPercent );

            $deletionsToRemove[] = $deletedMsgKey;
            $additionsToRemove[] = $addedMsgKey;

        $changes->removeAdditions( $targetLanguage, $additionsToRemove );
        $changes->removeDeletions( $targetLanguage, $deletionsToRemove );

     * Check for renames and add them to the changes. To identify renames we need to
     * compare the contents of the added messages with the deleted ones and identify
     * messages that match.
    private function findAndMarkSourceRenames( MessageSourceChange $changes, string $sourceLanguage ): void {
        // Now check for renames. To identify renames we need to compare
        // the contents of the added messages with the deleted ones and
        // identify messages that match.
        $deletions = $changes->getDeletions( $sourceLanguage );
        $additions = $changes->getAdditions( $sourceLanguage );
        if ( $deletions === [] || $additions === [] ) {

        // This array contains a dictionary with matching renames in the following structure -
        // [ A1|D1 => 1.0,  A1|D2 => 0.95, A2|D1 => 0.95 ]
        $potentialRenames = [];
        foreach ( $additions as $addedMsg ) {
            $addedMsgKey = $addedMsg['key'];

            foreach ( $deletions as $deletedMsg ) {
                $similarityPercent = $this->stringComparator->getSimilarity(
                    $addedMsg['content'], $deletedMsg['content']

                if ( $changes->areStringsSimilar( $similarityPercent ) ) {
                    $potentialRenames[ $addedMsgKey . '|' . $deletedMsg['key'] ] = $similarityPercent;

        $this->matchRenames( $changes, $potentialRenames, $sourceLanguage );

    /** Adds non source language renames to the list of changes */
    private function addNonSourceRenames(
        MessageSourceChange $changes,
        string $key,
        string $renameKey,
        string $sourceContent,
        string $wikiContent,
        string $language
    ): void {
        $addedMsg = [
            'key' => $renameKey,
            'content' => $sourceContent

        $removedMsg = [
            'key' => $key,
            'content' => $wikiContent

        $similarityPercent = $this->stringComparator->getSimilarity(
            $sourceContent, $wikiContent
        $changes->addRename( $language, $addedMsg, $removedMsg, $similarityPercent );

     * Identifies which added message to be associated with the deleted message based on
     * similarity percentage.
     * We sort the $trackRename array on the similarity percentage and then start adding the
     * messages as renames.
    private function matchRenames( MessageSourceChange $changes, array $trackRename, string $language ): void {
        arsort( $trackRename, SORT_NUMERIC );

        $alreadyRenamed = $additionsToRemove = $deletionsToRemove = [];
        foreach ( $trackRename as $key => $similarityPercent ) {
            [ $addKey, $deleteKey ] = explode( '|', $key, 2 );
            if ( isset( $alreadyRenamed[ $addKey ] ) || isset( $alreadyRenamed[ $deleteKey ] ) ) {
                // Already mapped with another name.

            // Using key should be faster than saving values and searching for them in the array.
            $alreadyRenamed[ $addKey ] = 1;
            $alreadyRenamed[ $deleteKey ] = 1;

            $addMsg = $changes->findMessage( $language, $addKey, [ MessageSourceChange::ADDITION ] );
            $deleteMsg = $changes->findMessage( $language, $deleteKey, [ MessageSourceChange::DELETION ] );

            $changes->addRename( $language, $addMsg, $deleteMsg, $similarityPercent );

            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable
            $additionsToRemove[] = $addMsg['key'];
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable
            $deletionsToRemove[] = $deleteMsg['key'];

        $changes->removeAdditions( $language, $additionsToRemove );
        $changes->removeDeletions( $language, $deletionsToRemove );

     * Checks if the cache has an entry for the given key
     * @return bool True if entry is present, false if entry is not present but that is the expected behavior
     * @throws RuntimeException If the cache should have an entry but is unexpectedly missing
    private function hasCacheEntry(
        MessageGroupCache $cache,
        MessageCollection $collection,
        string $messageKey
    ): bool {
        $cacheContent = $cache->get( $messageKey );
        if ( $cacheContent !== false ) {
            return true;

        $cacheUpdateTime = $cache->getUpdateTimestamp();
        $cacheUpdateTime = $cacheUpdateTime !== false ? MWTimestamp::convert( TS_MW, $cacheUpdateTime ) : false;

        $pageIdentity = $this->pageStore->getPageForLink( $collection->keys()[ $messageKey ] );
        $oldestRevision = $this->revisionLookup->getFirstRevision( $pageIdentity );
        $latestRevision = $this->revisionLookup->getRevisionByTitle( $pageIdentity );

        $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Translate' );
        // Here we are checking for the following:
        // 1. New translation was added for a message on
        // 2. Translation was exported
        // 3. Translation was updated on
        // In this case the cache does not have the message
        if (
            $cacheUpdateTime !== false &&
            ( $oldestRevision && $oldestRevision->getTimestamp() < $cacheUpdateTime ) &&
            ( $latestRevision && $cacheUpdateTime < $latestRevision->getTimestamp() )
        ) {
                'Expected cache miss for {messageKey} in language: {language}. Cache update time: {cacheUpdateTime}',
                    'messageKey' => $messageKey,
                    'language' => $collection->getLanguage(),
                    'cacheUpdateTime' => $cacheUpdateTime,
                    'oldestRevisionTs' => $oldestRevision->getTimestamp(),
                    'latestRevisionTs' => $latestRevision->getTimestamp()
            return false;

            'Unexpected cache miss for {messageKey} in language: {language}. Cache update time: {cacheUpdateTime}',
                'messageKey' => $messageKey,
                'language' => $collection->getLanguage(),
                'cacheUpdateTime' => $cacheUpdateTime,
                'oldestRevisionTs' => $oldestRevision ? $oldestRevision->getTimestamp() : 'N/A',
                'latestRevisionTs' => $latestRevision ? $latestRevision->getTimestamp() : 'N/A'
        return false;
