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declare( strict_types = 1 );

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\TranslatorInterface\Insertable;

use InvalidArgumentException;

 * Regex InsertablesSuggester implementation that can be extended or used
 * for insertables in message groups
 * @author Abijeet Patro
 * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
 * @since 2020.12
class RegexInsertablesSuggester implements InsertablesSuggester {
     * The regex to run on the message. The regex must use named group captures
     * @var string
    protected $regex = null;
     * The named parameter from the regex that should be used for
     * insertable display.
     * @var string
    protected $display = null;
     * The named parameter from the regex that should be used as pre
     * @var string
    protected $pre = null;
     * The named paramater from the regex that should be used as post
     * @var string
    protected $post = null;

     * Constructor function
     * @param array|string $params If params is specified as a string, it is used as the regex.
     * Eg: "/\$[a-z0-9]+/". In this case `display` is the first value from the regex match.
     * `pre` is also the first value from the regex match, `post` is left empty.
     * If params is specified as a collection / array, see below for further details.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * params:
     *     regex: "/(?<pre>\[)[^]]+(?<post>\]\([^)]+\))/"
     *     display: "$pre $post"
     *     pre: "$pre"
     *     post: "$post"
     * ```
     * Details:
     * $params = [
     *   'regex' => (string, required) The regex to be used for insertable. Must use named captures.
     *          When specifying named captures, do not use the $ symbol in the name. In the above
     *          example, two named captures are used - `pre` and `post`
     *   'display' => (string) Mandatory value. The display value for the insertable. Named captures
     *          prefixed with $ are used here.
     *   'pre' => (string) The pre value for the insertable. Named captures prefixed with $ are used
     *          here. If not specified, is set to the display value.
     *   'post' => (string) The post value for the insertable. Named captures prefixed with $ are used
     *          here. If not specified, defaults to an empty string.
     * ]
    public function __construct( $params ) {
        if ( is_string( $params ) ) {
            $this->regex = $params;
        } elseif ( is_array( $params ) ) {
            // Validate if the array is in a proper format.
            $this->regex = $params['regex'] ?? null;
            $this->display = $params['display'] ?? null;
            $this->pre = $params['pre'] ?? null;
            $this->post = $params['post'] ?? null;

        if ( $this->regex === null ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                'Invalid configuration for the RegexInsertablesSuggester. Did not find a regex specified'

        if ( $this->display !== null && $this->pre === null ) {
            // if display value is set, and pre value is not set, set the display to pre.
            // makes the configuration easier.
            $this->pre = $this->display;

    public function getInsertables( string $text ): array {
        $matches = [];
        preg_match_all( $this->regex, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );

        return array_map( [ $this, 'mapInsertables' ], $matches );

    protected function mapInsertables( array $match ) {
        if ( $this->display === null ) {
            return new Insertable( $match[0], $match[0] );

        $replacements = [];
        // add '$' to the other keys for replacement.
        foreach ( $match as $key => $value ) {
            if ( !is_int( $key ) ) {
                $tmpKey = '$' . $key;
                $replacements[ $tmpKey ] = $value;

        $displayVal = strtr( $this->display, $replacements );
        $preVal = strtr( $this->pre, $replacements );
        $postVal = '';
        if ( $this->post !== null ) {
            $postVal = strtr( $this->post, $replacements );

        return new Insertable( $displayVal, $preVal, $postVal );