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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [
            "Nemo bis",
    "twnmp-desc": "{{desc|name=Twn Main Page}}",
    "twnmp-mainpage": "{{doc-special|MainPage|unlisted=1}}\n{{Identical|Main page}}",
    "twnmp-s-translators": "Appears in a box on the main page. Parameters:\n* $1 - the relevant number\n\nPreceded by the number of the translators at the site.\n\nSee example: [[Special:MainPage]]\n{{Identical|Translator}}",
    "twnmp-s-projects": "Appears in a box on the main page.\n* $1 the relevant number.\n\nPreceded by the number of the projects supported at the site.\n\nSee example: [[Special:MainPage]]\n{{Identical|Project}}",
    "twnmp-s-languages": "Appears in a box on the main page. Parameters:\n* $1 - number of languages, for PLURAL support\n\nPreceded by the number of the languages supported at the site.\n\nSee example: [[Special:MainPage]]",
    "twnmp-s-messages": "Appears in a box on the main page.\n* $1 the relevant number.\n\nPreceded by the number of the messages (strings) to translate at the site.\n\nSee example: [[Special:MainPage]]",
    "twnmp-bannerwho": "Banner image attribution. Parameters:\n* $1 - usually contains the name of the photographer and license abbreviation. e.g. CC-BY Jack1234\n\nSee example: [[Special:MainPage]]",
    "twnmp-show-more-projects": "Shown in large font in a box at the bottom of the main page next to boxes with icons and names of other projects.",
    "twnmp-brand-motto": "A motto shown under the site name at the top of the main page: open source translations by a community part of open source movement, or \"translation community (which is a part) of open source (movement)\".",
    "twnmp-login": "A link for logging in.\n{{Identical|Log in}}",
    "twnmp-logout": "A link for logging out.\n{{Identical|Log out}}",
    "twnmp-search-placeholder": "A placeholder for the search box on the main page.",
    "twnmp-search-button": "A label for the search button on the main page.\n{{Identical|Find}}",
    "twnmp-search-choose-project": "A heading for the project icons buttons section.",
    "twnmp-translate-link": "A link that appears at the bottom of a box with the project icon near {{msg-mw|twnmp-proofread-link}}.\n{{Identical|Translate}}",
    "twnmp-proofread-link": "A link that appears at the bottom of a box with the project icon near {{msg-mw|twnmp-translate-link}}.\n{{Identical|Review}}",
    "twnmp-view-link": "A link that appears at the bottom of a box with the project icon.\n{{Identical|View translation}}",
    "twnmp-translate-button": "A label for the button that appears near the user's translation statistics.\nPressing the button brings the user to the translation editor. Parallel to {{msg-mw|twnmp-proofread-button}}.\n{{Identical|Translate}}",
    "twnmp-proofread-button": "A label for the button that appears near the user's translation statistics.\nPressing the button brings the user to the translation editor in review mode. Parallel to {{msg-mw|twnmp-translate-button}}.\n{{Identical|Review}}",
    "twnmp-view-button": "A label for the button that appears near the user's translation statistics when the maximum number of translations in sandbox has already been done.\n{{Identical|View translation}}",
    "twnmp-your-translations-stats": "A header for the user's translation statistics.\n\nSee example: [[Special:MainPage]]",
    "twnmp-your-translations-stats-all-languages": "Appears under the <code><nowiki><h2></nowiki></code> heading {{msg-mw|Twnmp-your-translations-stats}} when the user language is the same as the source language for all translations.\n\nSee example of English version: [{{canonicalurl:Special:MainPage|uselang=en Special:MainPage}}]",
    "twnmp-your-view-language-stats": "A link that appears under the user's translation statistics.",
    "twnmp-translations-per-month": "Used in [[Special:Mainpage]].\nAppears in the user's statistics box near a number.\nMeans that the users performs that number of translations every month.\nTranslate it in a way that is natural to your language - you don't have to use the '/' character.\n\nParameter $1 is the number of translations per month to be used with PLURAL if needed.",
    "twnmp-translations-in-sandbox": "Similar to {{msg-mw|Twnmp-translations-per-month}} but for sandboxed users.\n{{Identical|Translation}}",
    "twnmp-reviews-per-month": "Appears in the user's statistics box near a number.\nMeans that the users performs that number of review actions every month.\nTranslate it in a way that is natural to your language - you don't have to use the '/' character.\n{{Identical|Review}}",
    "twnmp-translations-translator-ranking": "Shown in the \"Translate\" and \"Review\" boxes in the center of [[Special:MainPage]].\n\nRefers to the ranking of the user among other translators or reviewers to that language.\n\nCan be broken to two lines. <code><nowiki><br /></nowiki></code> is a line break. Break it in any way that is natural in your language.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username, which can be used for GENDER\n* $2 - the ranking of this user\n* $3 - the total number of translators into that language, can be used for PLURAL\n* $4 - the language name\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Twnmp-translations-translator-ranking-source}}",
    "twnmp-translations-translator-ranking-source": "Shown in the \"Translate\" and \"Review\" boxes in the center of [[Special:MainPage]] when it is shown in the source language of all message groups.\n\nRefers to the ranking of the users among other translators on the site.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username, which can be used for GENDER\n* $2 - the ranking of this user\n* $3 - the total number of translators, can be used for PLURAL\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Twnmp-translations-translator-ranking}}.",
    "twnmp-add-project": "Used as link text for the link pointing to [[Special:MyLanguage/Translating:New project|Translating:New project]].\n\nSee example: [[Special:MainPage]]",
    "twnmp-sandboxed": "A text shown to sandboxed users in their personal area on the main page instead of proofreading statistics. Parameters:\n* $1 - the number of trial translations already submitted by the user",
    "twnmp-sandboxed-limit": "A text shown to sandboxed users in their personal area on the main page instead of proofreading statistics.",
    "twnmp-bottom-help": "A link that appears at the bottom of the [[Special:MainPage|main page]].\n\nThe link points to [[Translating:Index]]. Note that the same link is shown in the sidebar, with the label {{msg-mw|bw-sidebar-documentation}}.\n\n{{Identical|Help}}",
    "twnmp-bottom-support": "A link that appears at the bottom of the [[Special:MainPage|main page]].\n\nThe link points to [[Support]]. Note that the same link is shown in the sidebar, with the label {{msg-mw|bw-mainpage-support-title}}.",
    "twnmp-bottom-languages-supported": "A link that appears at the bottom of the main page.\n\nThe link points to [[Special:SupportedLanguages]].\n{{Identical|Supported language}}",
    "twnmp-bottom-about": "A link that appears at the bottom of the main page.\n\nThe link points to [[Special:MyLanguage/Project:About]].\n{{Identical|About}}",
    "twnmp-signup-username-placeholder": "A placeholder for the username field in the sign up form.\n\nThe field is NOT preceded by a label.\n\nSee [[Special:MainPage]] as an anonymous user.\n{{Identical|Username}}",
    "twnmp-signup-password-placeholder": "A placeholder for the password field in the sign up form.\n\nThe field is NOT preceded by a label.\n\nSee [[Special:MainPage]] as an anonymous user.\n{{Identical|Password}}",
    "twnmp-signup-email-placeholder": "A placeholder for the email field in the sign up form.\n\nThe field is NOT preceded by a label.\n\nSee [[Special:MainPage]] as an anonymous user.\n{{Identical|E-mail}}",
    "twnmp-create-account-button": "A label for the button that submits the account creation form.\n{{Identical|Create account}}",
    "twnmp-signup-error-invalidusername": "An error message shown on the signup form.\n{{Related|Twnmp-signup-error}}",
    "twnmp-signup-error-nonfreeusername": "An error message shown on the signup form.\n{{Related|Twnmp-signup-error}}",
    "twnmp-signup-error-invalidemail": "An error message shown on the signup form.\n{{Related|Twnmp-signup-error}}",
    "twnmp-signup-error-other": "An error message shown on the signup form. Parameters:\n* $1 - an error code\n{{Related|Twnmp-signup-error}}",
    "twnmp-signup-error-unknown": "An error message shown on the signup form when the reason for the error is unknown.\n{{Related|Twnmp-signup-error}}",
    "twnmp-become-translator": "The top heading to the sign up form. A call to action to sign up to the site.",
    "twnmp-choose-languages-you-know": "Used as heading.\n\nFollowed by list of auto-detected languages.\n\nSee [[Special:MainPage]] as an anonymous user.",
    "twnmp-choose-another-language": "Used as label for a link to choose a language that doesn't appear in the list.",
    "twnmp-choose-fill-account-details": "A heading for the personal details (username, password and email) form.\n\nSee [[Special:MainPage]] as an anonymous user.",
    "twnmp-join-community": "Header in the signup form for non-translators.\n\nFollowed by {{msg-mw|Twnmp-join-community-desc}}.\n{{Identical|Join the community}}",
    "twnmp-join-community-desc": "Not for non-translators who are signing up via the main page",
    "twnmp-join-community-reason": "Label for a text area",
    "twnmp-create-account-cancel": "Cancel button text.\n{{Identical|Cancel}}",
    "twnmp-join-community-info": "A note at the end of the sign up form in the main page",
    "twnmp-stats-number-k": "{{optional}}\nUsed in [[Special:Mainpage]].\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the number of the thousands of messages or users on the site; can be a decimal fraction. e.g. \"4.9\"\n\nThe message should be short, to fit in the box. If you have to translate it and cannot make it short, notify [[Support]].\n\nIf \"k\" is a good thousands marker in your language, do not translate this message.\n\n{{Identical|$1k}}",
    "twn-mainpage-total-messages-in-language": "Text displaying number of messages in a language.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - total number of messages."