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 * Hooks for UniversalLanguageSelector extension.
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Alolita Sharma, Amir Aharoni, Arun Ganesh, Brandon
 * Harris, Niklas Laxström, Pau Giner, Santhosh Thottingal, Siebrand Mazeland
 * and other contributors. See CREDITS for a list.
 * UniversalLanguageSelector is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't
 * have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't
 * have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use
 * UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright
 * header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.
 * @file
 * @ingroup Extensions
 * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
 * @license MIT

namespace UniversalLanguageSelector;

use Config;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use IBufferingStatsdDataFactory;
use IContextSource;
use LanguageCode;
use MediaWiki\Babel\Babel;
use MediaWiki\Extension\BetaFeatures\BetaFeatures;
use MediaWiki\Hook\BeforePageDisplayHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\MakeGlobalVariablesScriptHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\UserGetLanguageObjectHook;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageNameUtils;
use MediaWiki\Preferences\Hook\GetPreferencesHook;
use MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Hook\ResourceLoaderGetConfigVarsHook;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Hook\SkinAfterPortletHook;
use MediaWiki\User\UserOptionsLookup;
use OutputPage;
use RequestContext;
use Skin;
use SkinTemplate;
use User;

 * @phpcs:disable MediaWiki.NamingConventions.LowerCamelFunctionsName.FunctionName
class Hooks implements

    /** @var Config */
    private $config;

    /** @var UserOptionsLookup */
    private $userOptionsLookup;

    /** @var IBufferingStatsdDataFactory */
    private $statsdDataFactory;

    /** @var LanguageNameUtils */
    private $languageNameUtils;

     * @param Config $config
     * @param UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup
     * @param IBufferingStatsdDataFactory $statsdDataFactory
     * @param LanguageNameUtils $languageNameUtils
    public function __construct(
        Config $config,
        UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup,
        IBufferingStatsdDataFactory $statsdDataFactory,
        LanguageNameUtils $languageNameUtils
    ) {
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->userOptionsLookup = $userOptionsLookup;
        $this->statsdDataFactory = $statsdDataFactory;
        $this->languageNameUtils = $languageNameUtils;

    public static function setVersionConstant() {
        define( 'ULS_VERSION', '2020-07-20' );

     * Whether user visible ULS features are enabled (language changing, input methods, web
     * fonts, language change undo tooltip).
     * @return bool
    private function isEnabled(): bool {
        return (bool)$this->config->get( 'ULSEnable' );

     * Checks whether language is in header.
     * @param Skin $skin
     * @return bool
    private function isLanguageInHeader( Skin $skin ): bool {
        $languageInHeaderConfig = $skin->getConfig()->get( 'VectorLanguageInHeader' );
        $userStatus = $skin->getUser()->isAnon() ? 'logged_out' : 'logged_in';
        return $languageInHeaderConfig[ $userStatus ] ?? true;

     * Whether ULS Compact interlanguage links enabled
     * @param User $user
     * @param Skin $skin
     * @return bool
    private function isCompactLinksEnabled( User $user, Skin $skin ) {
        // Whether any user visible features are enabled
        if ( !$this->config->get( 'ULSEnable' ) ) {
            return false;
        // Compact links should be disabled in Vector 2022 skin,
        // when the language button is displayed at the top of the content
        if ( $skin->getSkinName() === 'vector-2022' ) {
            return !$this->isLanguageInHeader( $skin );
        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSCompactLanguageLinksBetaFeature' ) === true &&
            $this->config->get( 'InterwikiMagic' ) === true &&
            $this->config->get( 'HideInterlanguageLinks' ) === false &&
            ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'BetaFeatures' ) &&
            BetaFeatures::isFeatureEnabled( $user, 'uls-compact-links' )
        ) {
            // Compact language links is a beta feature in this wiki. Check the user's
            // preference.
            return true;

        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSCompactLanguageLinksBetaFeature' ) === false ) {
            // Compact language links is a default feature in this wiki.
            // Check user preference
            return $this->userOptionsLookup
                ->getBoolOption( $user, 'compact-language-links' );

        return false;

     * Adds Codex styles in a way that is compatible with MLEB.
     * @param OutputPage $out
    private function loadCodexStyles( OutputPage $out ) {
        if ( version_compare( MW_VERSION, '1.41', '<' ) ) {
            // codex-search-styles was added in 1.41 so in older versions for MLEB support
            // we load the full module.
            $out->addModuleStyles( '@wikimedia/codex' );
        } else {
            // Only needed for skins that do not load Codex.
            if ( !in_array( $out->getSkin()->getSkinName(), [ 'minerva', 'vector-2022' ] ) ) {
                $out->addModuleStyles( 'codex-search-styles' );

     * @param OutputPage $out
     * @param Skin $skin
     * Hook: BeforePageDisplay
    public function onBeforePageDisplay( $out, $skin ): void {
        $unsupportedSkins = [ 'minerva', 'apioutput' ];
        if ( in_array( $skin->getSkinName(), $unsupportedSkins, true ) ) {
        // Soft dependency to Wikibase client. Don't enable CLL if links are managed manually.
        $excludedLinks = $out->getProperty( 'noexternallanglinks' );
        $override = is_array( $excludedLinks ) && in_array( '*', $excludedLinks, true );
        $isCompactLinksEnabled = $this->isCompactLinksEnabled( $out->getUser(), $skin );
        $isVector2022LanguageInHeader = $skin->getSkinName() === 'vector-2022' && $this->isLanguageInHeader( $skin );
        $config = [
            'wgULSPosition' => $this->config->get( 'ULSPosition' ),
            'wgULSisCompactLinksEnabled' => $isCompactLinksEnabled,
            'wgVector2022LanguageInHeader' => $isVector2022LanguageInHeader

        if ( !$override && $isCompactLinksEnabled ) {
            $out->addModules( 'ext.uls.compactlinks' );
            // Add styles for the default button in the page.
            $this->loadCodexStyles( $out );

        if ( is_string( $this->config->get( 'ULSGeoService' ) ) ) {
            $out->addModules( 'ext.uls.geoclient' );

        if ( $this->isEnabled() ) {
            // Enable UI language selection for the user.
            $out->addModules( 'ext.uls.interface' );
            $this->loadCodexStyles( $out );

            $title = $out->getTitle();
            $isMissingPage = !$title || !$title->exists();
            // if current page doesn't exist or if it's a talk page, we should use a different layout inside ULS
            // according to T316559. Add JS config variable here, to let frontend know, when this is the case
            $config[ 'wgULSisLanguageSelectorEmpty' ] = $isMissingPage || $title->isTalkPage();

        // This is added here, and not in onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars to allow skins and extensions
        // to vary it. For example, ContentTranslation special pages depend on being able to change it.
        $out->addJsConfigVars( $config );

        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSPosition' ) === 'personal' ) {
            $out->addModuleStyles( '' );
        } else {
            $out->addModuleStyles( 'ext.uls.interlanguage' );

        if ( $out->getTitle()->isSpecial( 'Preferences' ) ) {
            $out->addModuleStyles( 'ext.uls.preferencespage' );

        $this->handleSetLang( $out );

     * Handle setlang query parameter; and decide if the setlang related scripts
     * have to be loaded.
     * @param OutputPage $out
     * @return void
    protected function handleSetLang( OutputPage $out ): void {
        $languageToSet = $this->getSetLang( $out );

        if ( !$languageToSet ) {

        $this->statsdDataFactory->increment( 'uls.setlang_used' );

        $user = $out->getUser();
        if ( !$user->isRegistered() && !$out->getConfig()->get( 'ULSAnonCanChangeLanguage' ) ) {
            // User is anon, and cannot change language, return.

        $out->addModules( 'ext.uls.setlang' );

     * @param SkinTemplate $skin
     * @param array &$links
    public function onSkinTemplateNavigation__Universal( SkinTemplate $skin, array &$links ) {
        // In modern skins which separate out the user menu,
        // e.g. Vector. (T282196)
        // this should appear in the `user-interface-preferences` menu.
        // For older skins not separating out the user menu this will be prepended.
        if ( isset( $links['user-interface-preferences'] ) ) {
            $links['user-interface-preferences'] = $this->addPersonalBarTrigger(

     * Add some tabs for navigation for users who do not use Ajax interface.
     * @param array &$personal_urls
     * @param SkinTemplate $context SkinTemplate object providing context
     * @return array of modified personal urls
    private function addPersonalBarTrigger(
        array &$personal_urls,
        SkinTemplate $context
    ) {
        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSPosition' ) !== 'personal' ) {
            return $personal_urls;

        if ( !$this->isEnabled() ) {
            return $personal_urls;

        // The element id will be 'pt-uls'
        $mwLangCode = $context->getLanguage()->getCode();

        return [
            'uls' => [
                'text' => $this->languageNameUtils->getLanguageName( $mwLangCode ),
                'href' => '#',
                // Skin meta data to allow skin (e.g. Vector) to add icons
                'icon' => 'wikimedia-language',
                // Skin meta data to allow skin (e.g. Vector) to convert to button.
                'button' => true,
                'link-class' => [ 'uls-trigger' ],
                'active' => true
        ] + $personal_urls;

     * @param float[] $preferred Mapping of
     *  'Preferred languages by lowercased BCP 47 language codes' => 'weight'
     * @return string MediaWiki internal language code or empty string if there's no matched
     *  language code
    protected function getDefaultLanguage( array $preferred ) {
        /** @var array supported List of Supported languages by MediaWiki internal language codes */
        $supported = $this->languageNameUtils
            ->getLanguageNames( LanguageNameUtils::AUTONYMS, LanguageNameUtils::SUPPORTED );

        // Convert BCP 47 language code to MediaWiki internal language code and
        // look for a MediaWiki internal language code that is acceptable to the client
        // and known to the wiki.
        foreach ( $preferred as $bcp47LangCode => $weight ) {
            $mwLangCode = LanguageCode::bcp47ToInternal( $bcp47LangCode );
            if ( isset( $supported[$mwLangCode] ) ) {
                return $mwLangCode;

        // Some browsers might:
        // - Sent codes like 'zh-hant-tw':
        //   FIXME: Try 'zh-tw', 'zh-hant', 'zh' respectively
        // - Only send codes like 'de-de':
        //   Try with bare code 'de'
        foreach ( $preferred as $bcp47LangCode => $weight ) {
            $parts = explode( '-', $bcp47LangCode, 2 );
            $mwLangCode = $parts[0];
            if ( isset( $supported[$mwLangCode] ) ) {
                return $mwLangCode;

        return '';

     * Hook to UserGetLanguageObject
     * @param User $user
     * @param string &$code
     * @param IContextSource $context
    public function onUserGetLanguageObject( $user, &$code, $context ) {
        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSLanguageDetection' ) ) {
            // Vary any caching based on the header value. Note that
            // we need to vary regardless of whether we end up using
            // the header or not, so that requests without the header
            // don't show up for people with it.
            $context->getOutput()->addVaryHeader( 'Accept-Language' );

        if ( !$this->isEnabled() ) {

        $request = $context->getRequest();

        if (
            // uselang can be used for temporary override of language preference
            $request->getRawVal( 'uselang' ) ||
            // Registered user: use preferences, only when safe to load - T267445
            ( $user->isSafeToLoad() && $user->isRegistered() )
        ) {

        // If using cookie storage for anons is OK, read from that
        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSAnonCanChangeLanguage' ) ) {
            // Try to set the language based on the cookie
            $languageToUse = $request->getCookie( 'language', null, '' );
            if ( $this->languageNameUtils->isSupportedLanguage( $languageToUse ) ) {
                $code = $languageToUse;


        // As last resort, try Accept-Language headers if allowed
        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSLanguageDetection' ) ) {
            // We added a Vary header at the top of this function,
            // since we're depending upon the Accept-Language header
            $preferred = $request->getAcceptLang();
            $default = $this->getDefaultLanguage( $preferred );
            if ( $default !== '' ) {
                $code = $default;

     * Hook: ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars
     * @param array &$vars
     * @param string $skin
     * @param Config $config
    public function onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars( array &$vars, $skin, Config $config ): void {
        $extRegistry = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance();
        $skinConfig = $extRegistry->getAttribute( 'UniversalLanguageSelectorSkinConfig' )[ $skin ] ?? [];
        // Place constant stuff here (not depending on request context)

        if ( is_string( $config->get( 'ULSGeoService' ) ) ) {
            $vars['wgULSGeoService'] = $config->get( 'ULSGeoService' );

        $vars['wgULSIMEEnabled'] = $config->get( 'ULSIMEEnabled' );
        $vars['wgULSWebfontsEnabled'] = $config->get( 'ULSWebfontsEnabled' );
        $vars['wgULSAnonCanChangeLanguage'] = $config->get( 'ULSAnonCanChangeLanguage' );
        $vars['wgULSImeSelectors'] = $config->get( 'ULSImeSelectors' );
        $vars['wgULSNoImeSelectors'] = $config->get( 'ULSNoImeSelectors' );
        $vars['wgULSNoWebfontsSelectors'] = $config->get( 'ULSNoWebfontsSelectors' );
        $vars['wgULSDisplaySettingsInInterlanguage'] = $skinConfig['ULSDisplaySettingsInInterlanguage'] ?? false;

        if ( is_string( $config->get( 'ULSFontRepositoryBasePath' ) ) ) {
            $vars['wgULSFontRepositoryBasePath'] = $config->get( 'ULSFontRepositoryBasePath' );
        } else {
            $vars['wgULSFontRepositoryBasePath'] = $config->get( 'ExtensionAssetsPath' ) .

        if ( $config->has( 'InterwikiSortingSortPrepend' ) &&
            $config->get( 'InterwikiSortingSortPrepend' ) !== []
        ) {
            $vars['wgULSCompactLinksPrepend'] = $config->get( 'InterwikiSortingSortPrepend' );

     * Hook: MakeGlobalVariablesScript
     * @param array &$vars
     * @param OutputPage $out
    public function onMakeGlobalVariablesScript( &$vars, $out ): void {
        // Place request context dependent stuff here
        $user = $out->getUser();
        $loggedIn = $user->isRegistered();

        // Do not output accept languages if there is risk it will get cached across requests
        if ( $out->getConfig()->get( 'ULSAnonCanChangeLanguage' ) || $loggedIn ) {
            $vars['wgULSAcceptLanguageList'] = array_keys( $out->getRequest()->getAcceptLang() );

        if ( $loggedIn && ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Babel' ) ) {
            $userLanguageInfo = Babel::getCachedUserLanguageInfo( $user );

            // This relies on the fact that Babel levels are 'N' and
            // the digits 0 to 5 as strings, and that in reverse
            // ASCII order they will be 'N', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1', '0'.
            arsort( $userLanguageInfo );

            $vars['wgULSBabelLanguages'] = array_keys( $userLanguageInfo );

        // An optimization to avoid loading all of just to get the autonym
        $langCode = $out->getLanguage()->getCode();
        $vars['wgULSCurrentAutonym'] = $this->languageNameUtils->getLanguageName( $langCode );

        $setLangCode = $this->getSetLang( $out );
        if ( $setLangCode ) {
            $vars['wgULSCurrentLangCode'] = $langCode;
            $vars['wgULSSetLangCode'] = $setLangCode;
            $vars['wgULSSetLangName'] = $this->languageNameUtils->getLanguageName( $setLangCode );

     * @param User $user User whose preferences are being modified
     * @param array &$preferences Preferences description array, to be fed to an HTMLForm object
     * @return bool|void True or no return value to continue or false to abort
    public function onGetPreferences( $user, &$preferences ) {
        // T259037: Does not work well on Minerva
        $skin = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin();
        if ( $skin->getSkinName() === 'minerva' ) {

        $preferences['uls-preferences'] = [
            'type' => 'api',

        // A link shown for accessing ULS language settings from preferences screen
        $preferences['languagesettings'] = [
            'type' => 'info',
            'raw' => true,
            'section' => 'personal/i18n',
            // We use this class to hide this from no-JS users
            'cssclass' => 'uls-preferences-link-wrapper',
            'default' => "<a id='uls-preferences-link' class='uls-settings-trigger' role='button' tabindex='0'>" .
                wfMessage( 'ext-uls-language-settings-preferences-link' )->escaped() . "</a>",

        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSCompactLanguageLinksBetaFeature' ) === false ) {
            $preferences['compact-language-links'] = [
                'type' => 'check',
                'section' => 'rendering/languages',
                'label-message' => [

     * @param User $user
     * @param array[] &$prefs
    public function onGetBetaFeaturePreferences( $user, array &$prefs ) {
        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSCompactLanguageLinksBetaFeature' ) === true &&
            $this->config->get( 'InterwikiMagic' ) === true &&
            $this->config->get( 'HideInterlanguageLinks' ) === false
        ) {
            $extensionAssetsPath = $this->config->get( 'ExtensionAssetsPath' );
            $imagesDir = "$extensionAssetsPath/UniversalLanguageSelector/resources/images";
            $prefs['uls-compact-links'] = [
                'label-message' => 'uls-betafeature-label',
                'desc-message' => 'uls-betafeature-desc',
                'screenshot' => [
                    'ltr' => "$imagesDir/compact-links-ltr.svg",
                    'rtl' => "$imagesDir/compact-links-rtl.svg",
                'info-link' =>
                    '' .
                'discussion-link' =>

     * @param Skin $skin
     * @param string $name
     * @param string &$content
    public function onSkinAfterPortlet( $skin, $name, &$content ) {
        if ( $name !== 'lang' ) {

        // The ULS settings cog is only needed on projects which show the ULS button in the sidebar
        // e.g. it is shown in the personal menu
        if ( $this->config->get( 'ULSPosition' ) !== 'interlanguage' ) {

        $hasLanguages = $skin->getLanguages() !== [];
        // For Vector 2022, the ULS settings cog is not needed for projects
        // where a dedicated language button in the header ($wgVectorLanguageInHeader is true).
        if ( $skin->getSkinName() === 'vector-2022' ) {
            $languageInHeaderConfig = $skin->getConfig()->get( 'VectorLanguageInHeader' );
            $languageInHeader = $languageInHeaderConfig[
                $skin->getUser()->isAnon() ? 'logged_out' : 'logged_in' ] ?? true;
            if ( $hasLanguages && $languageInHeader ) {

        if ( !$this->isEnabled() ) {

        // An empty span will force the language portal to always display in
        // the skins that support it! e.g. Vector. (T275147)
        if ( !$hasLanguages ) {
            // If no languages force it on.
            $content .= Html::element(
                [ 'class' => 'uls-after-portlet-link', ],

     * @param OutputPage $out
     * @return string|null
    private function getSetLang( OutputPage $out ): ?string {
        $setLangCode = $out->getRequest()->getRawVal( 'setlang' );
        if ( $setLangCode && $this->languageNameUtils->isSupportedLanguage( $setLangCode ) ) {
            return $setLangCode;

        return null;