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 * Eastern Armenian phonetic layout introduced by Microsoft in Windows 2000 and depreceated
 * in Windows 8.
 * Original layout was created in late 90-ies based on Unicode 3, and was never updated
 * since release, causing it to be incompatible with Unicode.
 * This layout version complies with Unicode 6.1, including all valid Armenian punctuation signs,
 * mijaket (outside of main Armenian Unicode range) and Dram (AMD) sign under USD sign (Shift + 4).
 * Please, double-check with Unicode before making any changes here.
 * Layout supports extended keys, with AltGr (Alt or Alt+Ctrl on some systems) + key,
 * producing digits and punctuation marks from standard US keyboard layout.

( function ( $ ) {
    'use strict';

    var hyEmslegacy = {
        id: 'hy-emslegacy',
        name: 'ՄՍ Արևելահայերեն (հնացած)',
        description: 'Legacy keyboard layout for Eastern Armenian by Microsoft',
        date: '2013-02-11',
        URL: '',
        author: 'Parag Nemade, Aleksey Chalabyan',
        license: 'GPLv3',
        version: '1.1',
        patterns: [
            [ '1', '։' ],
            [ '\\!', '1' ],
            [ '2', 'ձ' ],
            [ '\\@', 'Ձ' ],
            [ '3', 'յ' ],
            [ '\\#', 'Յ' ],
            [ '4', '՛' ],
            [ '\\$', '֏' ],
            [ '5', ',' ],
            [ '\\%', '4' ],
            [ '6', '-' ],
            [ '\\^', '9' ],
            [ '7', '․' ],
            [ '\\&', 'և' ],
            [ '8', '«' ],
            [ '\\*', '(' ],
            [ '9', '»' ],
            [ '\\(', ')' ],
            [ '0', 'օ' ],
            [ '\\)', 'Օ' ],
            [ '\\-', 'ռ' ],
            [ '\\_', 'Ռ' ],
            [ '\\=', 'ժ' ],
            [ '\\+', 'Ժ' ],
            [ '\\`', '՝' ],
            [ '\\~', '՜' ],
            [ 'q', 'խ' ],
            [ 'Q', 'Խ' ],
            [ 'w', 'ւ' ],
            [ 'W', 'Ւ' ],
            [ 'e', 'է' ],
            [ 'E', 'Է' ],
            [ 'r', 'ր' ],
            [ 'R', 'Ր' ],
            [ 't', 'տ' ],
            [ 'T', 'Տ' ],
            [ 'y', 'ե' ],
            [ 'Y', 'Ե' ],
            [ 'u', 'ը' ],
            [ 'U', 'Ը' ],
            [ 'i', 'ի' ],
            [ 'I', 'Ի' ],
            [ 'o', 'ո' ],
            [ 'O', 'Ո' ],
            [ 'p', 'պ' ],
            [ 'P', 'Պ' ],
            [ '\\[', 'չ' ],
            [ '\\{', 'Չ' ],
            [ '\\]', 'ջ' ],
            [ '\\}', 'Ջ' ],
            [ '\\\\', '\'' ],
            [ '\\|', '՞' ],
            [ 'a', 'ա' ],
            [ 'A', 'Ա' ],
            [ 's', 'ս' ],
            [ 'S', 'Ս' ],
            [ 'd', 'դ' ],
            [ 'D', 'Դ' ],
            [ 'f', 'ֆ' ],
            [ 'F', 'Ֆ' ],
            [ 'g', 'ք' ],
            [ 'G', 'Ք' ],
            [ 'h', 'հ' ],
            [ 'H', 'Հ' ],
            [ 'j', 'ճ' ],
            [ 'J', 'Ճ' ],
            [ 'k', 'կ' ],
            [ 'K', 'Կ' ],
            [ 'l', 'լ' ],
            [ 'L', 'Լ' ],
            [ ';', 'թ' ],
            [ ':', 'Թ' ],
            [ '\'', 'փ' ],
            [ '"', 'Փ' ],
            [ 'z', 'զ' ],
            [ 'Z', 'Զ' ],
            [ 'x', 'ց' ],
            [ 'X', 'Ց' ],
            [ 'c', 'գ' ],
            [ 'C', 'Գ' ],
            [ 'v', 'վ' ],
            [ 'V', 'Վ' ],
            [ 'b', 'բ' ],
            [ 'B', 'Բ' ],
            [ 'n', 'ն' ],
            [ 'N', 'Ն' ],
            [ 'm', 'մ' ],
            [ 'M', 'Մ' ],
            [ ',', 'շ' ],
            [ '\\<', 'Շ' ],
            [ '\\.', 'ղ' ],
            [ '\\>', 'Ղ' ],
            [ '/', 'ծ' ],
            [ '\\?', 'Ծ' ]
        patterns_x: [
            [ '1', '1' ],
            [ '\\!', '!' ],
            [ '2', '2' ],
            [ '\\@', '@' ],
            [ '3', '3' ],
            [ '\\#', '#' ],
            [ '4', '4' ],
            [ '\\$', '$' ],
            [ '5', '5' ],
            [ '\\%', '%' ],
            [ '6', '6' ],
            [ '\\^', '^' ],
            [ '7', '7' ],
            [ '\\&', '&' ],
            [ '8', '8' ],
            [ '\\*', '*' ],
            [ '9', '9' ],
            [ '\\(', '(' ],
            [ '0', '0' ],
            [ '\\)', ')' ],
            [ '\\-', '-' ],
            [ '\\_', '_' ],
            [ '\\=', '=' ],
            [ '\\+', '+' ],
            [ '\\`', '`' ],
            [ '\\~', '~' ],
            [ '\\[', '[' ],
            [ '\\{', '{' ],
            [ '\\]', ']' ],
            [ '\\}', '}' ],
            [ '\\\\', '\\' ],
            [ '\\|', '|' ],
            [ ';', ';' ],
            [ '\\:', ':' ],
            [ '\'', '\'' ],
            [ '"', '"' ],
            [ '\\<', '<' ],
            [ '\\.', '.' ],
            [ '\\>', '>' ],
            [ '/', '/' ],
            [ '\\?', '?' ]

    $.ime.register( hyEmslegacy );
}( jQuery ) );