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( function ( $ ) {
    'use strict';

    // This is an implementation of NiDA standard Khmer Unicode keyboard v1.0,
    // with some key combinations to normalize or correct combining sequences
    var kmNIDA = {
        id: 'km-nidakyk',
        name: 'ក្តារ​ចុច​យូនីកូដ​ខ្មែរ (NiDA)',
        description: 'NiDA Standard Khmer Unicode Keyboard',
        date: '2016-07-07',
        URL: '',
        author: 'Ang Iongchun',
        license: 'Public domain',
        version: '1.0',

        // previous input keys to memory, for contextual rules
        contextLength: 1, // default: 0

        // previous output to memory, for normalization of consonant
        // shifters
        // maxKeyLength: 7, // default: 1

        // Shift-Space has the same scan code with Space,
        // hence the rule here
        patterns_shift: [
            [ ' ', ' ' ] // normal space

        patterns: [
            // NOTE:
            // Contextual rules must appear before rules
            // without context to avoid collisions.
            // Make sure contextLength is large enough for
            // these rules.

            // Khmer uses a lot of U+200B, zero width space,
            // so ignore it in this file

            /* eslint-disable no-irregular-whitespace */

            // correction for two-part dependent vowels
            [ '\u17c1a', 'e', '\u17c4' ], // ​េ + ​ា -> ​ោ (o)
            [ '\u17b6e', 'a', '\u17c4' ], // ​ា + ​េ -> ​ោ (o)
            [ '\u17c1I', 'e', '\u17be' ], // ​េ + ​ី -> ​ើ (;)
            [ '\u17b8e', 'I', '\u17be' ], // ​ី + ​េ -> ​ើ (;)

            // normalize common combination of dependent vowels and
            // modifiers
            [ '\u17c6a', 'M', '\u17b6\u17c6' ], // ​ាំ, Ma -> aM
            [ '\u17c6u', 'M', '\u17bb\u17c6' ], // ​ុំ, Mu -> uM
            [ '\u17c7e', 'H', '\u17c1\u17c7' ], // ​េះ, He -> eH
            [ '\u17c7u', 'H', '\u17bb\u17c7' ], // ​ុះ, Hu -> uH
            [ '\u17c7o', 'H', '\u17c4\u17c7' ], // ​ោះ, Ho -> oH

            // Unicode 4.0: normalize consonant shifter before
            // subscript consonants and their optional following
            // robats: (SR?)+Z?C -> Z?C(SR?)+
            // XXX:
            // Not compatible with Unicode 3.0, which places
            // consonant shifters after subscript consonants.
            // Make sure maxKeyLength is large enough for this rule.
            // [ '((?:\u17d2.\u17cc?)+)((:?\u200c|\u200d)?)/', '$2\u17ca$1' ], // ៊
            // [ '((?:\u17d2.\u17cc?)+)((:?\u200c|\u200d)?)"', '$2\u17c9$1' ], // ​៉

            // consonants
            [ 'q', 'ឆ' ],
            [ 'r', 'រ' ],
            [ 't', 'ត' ],
            [ 'y', 'យ' ],
            [ 'p', 'ផ' ],
            [ 's', 'ស' ],
            [ 'd', 'ដ' ],
            [ 'f', 'ថ' ],
            [ 'g', 'ង' ],
            [ 'h', 'ហ' ],
            [ 'j', '\u17d2' ], // coeng
            [ 'k', 'ក' ],
            [ 'l', 'ល' ],
            [ 'z', 'ឋ' ],
            [ 'x', 'ខ' ],
            [ 'c', 'ច' ],
            [ 'v', 'វ' ],
            [ 'b', 'ប' ],
            [ 'n', 'ន' ],
            [ 'm', 'ម' ],
            [ 'Q', 'ឈ' ],
            [ 'T', 'ទ' ],
            [ 'P', 'ភ' ],
            [ 'D', 'ឌ' ],
            [ 'F', 'ធ' ],
            [ 'G', 'អ' ],
            [ 'J', 'ញ' ],
            [ 'K', 'គ' ],
            [ 'L', 'ឡ' ],
            [ 'Z', 'ឍ' ],
            [ 'X', 'ឃ' ],
            [ 'C', 'ជ' ],
            [ 'B', 'ព' ],
            [ 'N', 'ណ' ],

            // independent vowels
            [ '-', 'ឥ' ],
            [ '=', 'ឲ' ],
            [ '\\]', 'ឪ' ],
            [ '\\\\', 'ឮ' ],
            [ 'R', 'ឬ' ],
            [ '\\}', 'ឧ' ],
            [ '\\|', 'ឭ' ],

            // dependent vowels and modifiers
            [ 'w', '\u17b9' ], // ​ឹ
            [ 'e', '\u17c1' ], // ​េ
            [ 'u', '\u17bb' ], // ​ុ
            [ 'i', '\u17b7' ], // ​ិ
            [ 'o', '\u17c4' ], // ​ោ
            [ 'a', '\u17b6' ], // ​ា
            [ 'W', '\u17ba' ], // ​ឺ
            [ 'E', '\u17c2' ], // ​ែ
            [ 'Y', '\u17bd' ], // ​ួ
            [ 'U', '\u17bc' ], // ​ូ
            [ 'I', '\u17b8' ], // ​ី
            [ 'O', '\u17c5' ], // ​ៅ
            [ 'A', '\u17b6\u17c6' ], // ​ាំ
            [ 'S', '\u17c3' ], // ​ៃ
            [ 'H', '\u17c7' ], // ​ះ
            [ 'V', '\u17c1\u17c7' ], // ​េះ
            [ 'M', '\u17c6' ], // ​ំ
            [ '\\[', '\u17c0' ], // ​ៀ
            [ ';', '\u17be' ], // ​ើ
            [ '\'', '\u17cb' ], // ​់
            [ ',', '\u17bb\u17c6' ], // ​ុា
            [ '/', '\u17ca' ], // ​៊
            [ ':', '\u17c4\u17c7' ], // ​ោះ
            [ '"', '\u17c9' ], // ​៉
            [ '<', '\u17bb\u17c7' ], // ​ុះ
            [ '\\^', '\u17cd' ], // ​៍
            [ '&', '\u17d0' ], // ​័
            [ '\\*', '\u17cf' ], // ​៏
            [ '_', '\u17cc' ], // ​៌
            [ '\\{', '\u17bf' ], // ​ឿ

            // digits
            [ '1', '១' ],
            [ '2', '២' ],
            [ '3', '៣' ],
            [ '4', '៤' ],
            [ '5', '៥' ],
            [ '6', '៦' ],
            [ '7', '៧' ],
            [ '8', '៨' ],
            [ '9', '៩' ],
            [ '0', '០' ],

            // spaces
            [ ' ', '\u200b' ], // ZWSP: zero-width space

            // symbols
            [ '`', '«' ],
            [ '\\.', '។' ],
            [ '>', '៕' ],
            [ '~', '»' ],
            [ '\\!', '!' ],
            [ '@', 'ៗ' ],
            [ '#', '"' ],
            [ '\\$', '៛' ],
            [ '%', '%' ],
            [ '\\(', '(' ],
            [ '\\)', ')' ],
            [ '\\+', '=' ],
            [ '\\?', '?' ]

        // AltGr patterns
        patterns_x: [
            // independent vowels
            [ 'e', 'ឯ' ],
            [ 'r', 'ឫ' ],
            [ 'i', 'ឦ' ],
            [ 'o', 'ឱ' ],
            [ 'p', 'ឰ' ],
            [ '\\[', 'ឩ' ],
            [ '\\]', 'ឳ' ],

            // modifiers
            [ '3', '\u17d1' ], // ​៑
            [ '=', '\u17ce' ], // ​៎
            [ '\'', '\u17c8' ], // ​ៈ

            // symbols
            [ '2', '@' ],
            [ '4', '$' ],
            [ '5', '€' ],
            [ '6', '៙' ],
            [ '7', '៚' ],
            [ '8', '*' ],
            [ '9', '{' ],
            [ '0', '}' ],
            [ '-', 'x' ],
            [ '\\\\', '\\' ],
            [ ';', '៖' ],
            [ ',', ',' ],
            [ '\\.', '.' ],
            [ '/', '/' ],

            // spaces
            [ ' ', '\u00a0' ], // NBSP: non-breakable space

            // joiners
            [ '`', '\u200d' ], // ZWJ: zero width joiner
            [ '1', '\u200c' ], // ZWNJ: zero width non-joiner

            // old Khmer, Sanskrit, Pali
            [ 'b', 'ឞ' ],
            [ 'k', 'ឝ' ],
            [ 't', 'ឨ' ],
            [ 'q', 'ៜ' ],
            [ 'w', '\u17dd' ], // ​៝

            /* eslint-enable no-irregular-whitespace */

            // divination signs (digits)
            [ '\\!', '៱' ], // shift-1
            [ '@', '៲' ], // shift-2
            [ '#', '៳' ], // shift-3
            [ '\\$', '៴' ], // shift-4
            [ '%', '៵' ], // shift-5
            [ '\\^', '៶' ], // shift-6
            [ '&', '៷' ], // shift-7
            [ '\\*', '៸' ], // shift-8
            [ '\\(', '៹' ], // shift-9
            [ '\\)', '៰' ], // shift-0

            // lunar dates
            [ 'Q', '᧠' ], // shift-q
            [ 'W', '᧡' ], // shift-w
            [ 'E', '᧢' ], // shift-e
            [ 'R', '᧣' ], // shift-r
            [ 'T', '᧤' ], // shift-t
            [ 'Y', '᧥' ], // shift-y
            [ 'U', '᧦' ], // shift-u
            [ 'I', '᧧' ], // shift-i
            [ 'O', '᧨' ], // shift-o
            [ 'P', '᧩' ], // shift-p
            [ '\\{', '᧪' ], // shift-[
            [ '\\}', '᧫' ], // shift-]
            [ 'A', '᧬' ], // shift-a
            [ 'S', '᧭' ], // shift-s
            [ 'D', '᧮' ], // shift-d
            [ 'F', '᧯' ], // shift-f
            [ 'G', '᧰' ], // shift-g
            [ 'H', '᧱' ], // shift-h
            [ 'J', '᧲' ], // shift-j
            [ 'K', '᧳' ], // shift-k
            [ 'L', '᧴' ], // shift-l
            [ ':', '᧵' ], // shift-;
            [ '"', '᧶' ], // shift-'
            [ 'Z', '᧷' ], // shift-z
            [ 'X', '᧸' ], // shift-x
            [ 'C', '᧹' ], // shift-c
            [ 'V', '᧺' ], // shift-v
            [ 'B', '᧻' ], // shift-b
            [ 'N', '᧼' ], // shift-n
            [ 'M', '᧽' ], // shift-m
            [ '<', '᧾' ], // shift-,
            [ '>', '᧿' ] // shift-.

    $.ime.register( kmNIDA );
}( jQuery ) );