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 * jQuery Webfonts.
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Santhosh Thottingal
 * UniversalLanguageSelector is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't
 * have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't
 * have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use
 * UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright
 * header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.
 * @file
 * @ingroup Extensions
 * @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later
 * @licence MIT License

( function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
    'use strict';

    var WebFonts = function( element, options ) {
        // Load defaults
        this.options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.webfonts.defaults, options );
        this.$element = $( element );
        this.repository = $.extend( WebFonts.repository, this.options.repository );
        // List of loaded fonts
        this.fonts = [];
        this.originalFontFamily = this.$element.css( 'font-family' );
        this.language = this.$element.attr( 'lang' ) || $( 'html' ).attr( 'lang' );


    WebFonts.repository = {
        base: 'fonts', // Relative or absolute path to the font repository.
        languages: {}, // languages to font mappings
        fonts: {}, // Font name to font configuration mapping

        // Utility methods to work on the repository.
        defaultFont: function( language ) {
            var defaultFont = null;

            if ( this.languages[language] ) {
                defaultFont = this.languages[language][0];

            return defaultFont;

        get: function( fontFamily ) {
            return this.fonts[fontFamily];

    WebFonts.prototype = {
        constructor: WebFonts,

         * Get the default font family for given language.
         * @param {String|undefined} language Language code.
         * @param {array} classes
         * @return {String} Font family name
        getFont: function( language, classes ) {
            language = ( language || this.language || '' ).toLowerCase();

            if ( this.options.fontSelector && language ) {
                return this.options.fontSelector( this.repository, language, classes );
            } else {
                return this.repository.defaultFont( language );

         * Initialize.
        init: function() {
            if ( this.language ) {
                this.apply( this.getFont( this.language ) );


         * TODO: document
        refresh: function() {

         * Apply a font for given elements.
         * @param {String} fontFamily Font family name
         * @param {jQuery} $element One or more jQuery elements
        apply: function( fontFamily, $element ) {
            var fontStack = this.options.fontStack.slice( 0 );

            $element = $element || this.$element;

            // Loading an empty string is pointless.
            // Putting an empty string into a font-family list doesn't work with
            // jQuery.css().
            if ( fontFamily ) {
                this.load( fontFamily );
                // Avoid duplicates
                if ( $.inArray( fontFamily, fontStack ) < 0 ) {
                    fontStack.unshift( fontFamily );

            if ( !fontFamily ) {
                // We are resetting the font to original font.
                fontStack = [];
                // This will cause removing inline fontFamily style.

            // Set the font of this element if it's not excluded.
            // Add class webfonts-changed when webfonts are applied.
            $element.not( this.options.exclude )
                .css( 'font-family', fontStack.join() )
                .addClass( 'webfonts-changed' );

            // Set the font of this element's children if they are not excluded.
            // font-family of <input>, <textarea> and <button> must be changed explicitly.
            // Add class webfonts-changed when webfonts are applied.
            $element.find( 'textarea, input, button' ).not( this.options.exclude )
                .css( 'font-family', fontStack.join() )
                .addClass( 'webfonts-changed' );

         * Load given font families if not loaded already. Creates the CSS rules
         * and appends them to document.
         * @param {Array|String} fontFamilies List of font families
        load: function( fontFamilies ) {
            var css, fontFamily, i,
                fontFaceRule = '';

            // Convert to array if string given (old signature)
            if ( typeof fontFamilies === 'string' ) {
                fontFamilies = [fontFamilies];

            for ( i = 0; i < fontFamilies.length; i++ ) {
                fontFamily = fontFamilies[i];
                if ( $.inArray( fontFamily, this.fonts ) >= 0 ) {

                css = this.getCSS( fontFamily, 'normal' );
                if ( css !== false ) {
                    fontFaceRule += css;
                    this.fonts.push( fontFamily );

            // In case the list contained only fonts that are already loaded
            // or non-existing fonts.
            if ( fontFaceRule !== '' ) {
                injectCSS( fontFaceRule );

            return true;

         * Parse the element for custom font-family styles and for nodes with
         * different language than what the element itself has.
        parse: function() {
            var webfonts = this,
                // Fonts can be added indirectly via classes, but also with
                // style attributes. For lang attributes we will use our font
                // if they don't have explicit font already.
                $elements = webfonts.$element.find( '*[lang], [style], [class]' ),
                // List of fonts to load in a batch
                fontQueue = [],
                // List of elements to apply a certain font family in a batch.
                // Object keys are the font family, values are list of plain elements.
                elementQueue = {};

            // Add to the font queue(no dupes)
            function addToFontQueue( value ) {
                if ( $.inArray( value, fontQueue ) < 0 ) {
                    fontQueue.push( value );

            // Add to the font queue
            function addToElementQueue( element, fontFamily ) {
                elementQueue[fontFamily] = elementQueue[fontFamily] || [];
                elementQueue[fontFamily].push( element );

            $elements.each( function( i, element ) {
                var fontFamilyStyle, fontFamily,
                    $element = $( element ),
                    elementLanguage = element.getAttribute( 'lang' );

                if ( $ webfonts.options.exclude ) ) {

                // Note: it depends on the browser whether this returns font names
                // which don't exist. In Chrome it does, while in Opera it doesn't.
                fontFamilyStyle = $element.css( 'fontFamily' );
                // Note: It is unclear whether this can ever be falsy. Maybe also
                // browser specific.
                if ( fontFamilyStyle ) {
                    // if it is overridable, override. always.
                    if ( webfonts.isOverridable( fontFamilyStyle ) ) {
                        fontFamily = webfonts.getFont( elementLanguage || webfonts.language );
                        // We do not have fonts for all languages
                        if ( fontFamily ) {
                            addToFontQueue( fontFamily );
                            addToElementQueue( element, fontFamily );
                    } else {
                        fontFamily = fontFamilyStyle.split( ',' )[0];
                        // Remove the ' and " characters if any.
                        fontFamily = fontFamily.replace( /["']/g, '' ).trim();
                        addToFontQueue( fontFamily );

                // Load and apply fonts for other language tagged elements (batched)
                if ( elementLanguage && elementLanguage !== webfonts.language ) {
                    // language differs. We may want to apply a different font.
                    if ( webfonts.hasExplicitFontStyle ( $element ) &&
                        !webfonts.isOverridable( fontFamilyStyle ) ) {
                        // respect the explicit font family style. Do not override.
                        // This style may be from css, inheritance, or even from
                        // browser settings.
                    } else {
                        fontFamily = webfonts.getFont( elementLanguage, element.className.split(/\s+/) );

                    if ( !fontFamily ) {
                        // No font preference for the language.
                        // Check if we need to reset for this language.
                        // If the font of the parent element, to which webfonts were applied,
                        // remained the same, there is no need to reset.
                        if ( webfonts.$element.css( 'fontFamily' ) !== webfonts.originalFontFamily ) {
                            // The parent font changed.
                            // Is there an inheritance?
                            // Is the font for this element the same as parent's font?
                            if ( fontFamilyStyle === webfonts.$element.css( 'fontFamily' ) ) {
                                // Break inheritance of the font from the parent element
                                // by applying the original font to this element
                                fontFamily = webfonts.originalFontFamily;

                    // We do not have fonts for all languages
                    if ( fontFamily ) {
                        addToFontQueue( fontFamily );
                        addToElementQueue( element, fontFamily );
            } );

            // Process in batch the accumulated fonts and elements
            this.load( fontQueue );
            $.each( elementQueue, function( fontFamily, elements ) {
                webfonts.apply( fontFamily, $( elements ) );
            } );

         * Find out whether an element has explicit non generic font family style
         * For the practical purpose we check whether font is same as top element
         * or having any of generic font family
         * @param {jQuery} $element
         * @return {boolean}
        hasExplicitFontStyle: function ( $element ) {
            var elementFontFamily = $element.css( 'fontFamily' );

            // whether the font is inherited from top element to which plugin applied
            return this.$element.css( 'fontFamily' ) !== elementFontFamily
                    // whether the element has generic font family
                    && ( $.inArray( elementFontFamily,
                    [ 'monospace', 'serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'sans-serif' ] ) < 0 );

         * Check whether the given font family is overridable or not. jquery.webfonts
         * by default does not override any font-family styles other than generic
         * font family styles (see hasExplicitFontStyle method).
         * @param {string} fontFamily
         * @return {boolean} Whether the given fontFamily is overridable or not.
        isOverridable: function( fontFamily ) {
            var overridableFontFamilies = [ 'monospace', 'serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'sans-serif' ];
            $.merge( overridableFontFamilies, this.options.overridableFontFamilies );
            // Browsers like FF put space after comma in font stack. Chrome does not.
            // Normalise it by removing the spaces and quotes
            overridableFontFamilies = $.map( overridableFontFamilies, function( item ) {
                return item.replace( /[\s'"]/g, '' );
            } );
            fontFamily = fontFamily.replace( /[\s'"]/g, '' );

            return $.inArray( fontFamily, overridableFontFamilies ) >= 0;

         * List all fonts for the given language
         * @param {String} [language] Language code. If undefined all fonts will be listed.
         * @return {Array} List of font family names.
        list: function( language ) {
            var fontName,
                fontNames = [];

            if ( language ) {
                fontNames = this.repository.languages[language] || [];
            } else {
                for ( fontName in this.repository.fonts ) {
                    if ( this.repository.fonts.hasOwnProperty( fontName ) ) {
                        fontNames.push( fontName );

            return fontNames;

         * List all languages supported by the repository
         * @return {Array} List of language codes
        languages: function() {
            var language,
                languages = [];

            for ( language in this.repository.languages ) {
                if ( this.repository.languages.hasOwnProperty( language ) ) {
                    languages.push( language );

            return languages;

         * Set the font repository
         * @param {Object} repository The font repository.
        setRepository: function( repository ) {
            this.repository = $.extend( WebFonts.repository, repository );

         * Reset the font-family style.
        reset: function() {
            this.$element.find( '.webfonts-changed' )
                .removeClass( '.webfonts-changed' )
                .css( 'font-family', '' );
            this.apply( this.originalFontFamily );

         * Unbind the plugin
        unbind: function() {
            this.$ 'webfonts', null );

         * Construct the CSS required for the font-family.
         * @param {String} fontFamily The font-family name
         * @param {String} [variant] The font variant, eg: bold, italic etc. Default is normal.
         * @return {String} CSS
        getCSS: function( fontFamily, variant ) {
            var webfonts, base,
                fontFaceRule, userAgent, fontStyle, fontFormats, fullFontName,
                fontconfig = this.repository.get( fontFamily );

            variant = variant || 'normal';
            fullFontName = fontFamily;

            if ( variant !== 'normal' ) {
                if ( fontconfig.variants !== undefined && fontconfig.variants[variant] ) {
                    fullFontName = fontconfig.variants[variant];
                    fontconfig = this.repository.get( fontconfig.variants[variant] );

            if ( !fontconfig ) {
                return false;

            base = this.repository.base;
            fontFaceRule = '@font-face { font-family: \'' + fontFamily + '\';\n';
            userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
            fontStyle = fontconfig.fontstyle || 'normal';
            fontFormats = [];

            if ( fontconfig.eot ) {
                fontFaceRule += '\tsrc: url(\'' + base + fontconfig.eot + '\');\n';
            fontFaceRule += '\tsrc: ';

            // If the font is present locally, use it.
            if ( userAgent.match( /Android 2\.3/ ) === null ) {
                // Android 2.3.x does not respect local() syntax.
                fontFaceRule += 'local(\'' + fullFontName + '\'),';

            if ( fontconfig.woff2 ) {
                fontFormats.push( '\t\turl(\'' + base + fontconfig.woff2
                    + '\') format(\'woff2\')' );

            if ( fontconfig.woff ) {
                fontFormats.push( '\t\turl(\'' + base + fontconfig.woff
                    + '\') format(\'woff\')' );

            if ( fontconfig.svg ) {
                fontFormats.push( '\t\turl(\'' + base + fontconfig.svg + '#'
                    + fontFamily + '\') format(\'svg\')' );

            if ( fontconfig.ttf ) {
                fontFormats.push( '\t\turl(\'' + base + fontconfig.ttf
                    + '\') format(\'truetype\')' );

            fontFaceRule += fontFormats.join() + ';\n';

            if ( fontconfig.fontweight ) {
                fontFaceRule += '\tfont-weight:' + fontconfig.fontweight + ';';

            if ( fontconfig.fontstyle !== undefined ) {
                fontFaceRule += '\tfont-style:' + fontconfig.fontstyle + ';';
            } else {
                fontFaceRule += '\tfont-style: normal;';

            fontFaceRule += '}\n';

            webfonts = this;
            if ( fontconfig.variants !== undefined ) {
                $.each( fontconfig.variants, function ( variant ) {
                    fontFaceRule += webfonts.getCSS( fontFamily, variant );
                } );

            return fontFaceRule;

    $.fn.webfonts = function( option ) {
        return this.each( function() {
            var $this = $( this ),
                data = $ 'webfonts' ),
                options = typeof option === 'object' && option;

            if ( !data ) {
                $ 'webfonts', ( data = new WebFonts( this, options ) ) );

            if ( typeof option === 'string' ) {
        } );

    $.fn.webfonts.defaults = {
        repository: WebFonts.repository, // Default font repository
        fontStack: [ 'Helvetica', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ], // Default font fallback
        exclude: '', // jQuery selectors to exclude
        overridableFontFamilies: []

    $.fn.webfonts.Constructor = WebFonts;

    // Private methods for the WebFonts prototype

     * Create a new style tag and add it to the DOM.
     * @param {String} css
    function injectCSS( css ) {
        var s = document.createElement( 'style' );

        // Insert into document before setting cssText
        document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( s );

        if ( s.styleSheet ) {
            s.styleSheet.cssText = css;
            // IE
        } else {
            // Safari sometimes borks on null
            s.appendChild( document.createTextNode( String( css ) ) );
} )( jQuery, window, document );