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3 days
Test Coverage
 * ULS interface integration logic
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Alolita Sharma, Amir Aharoni, Arun Ganesh, Brandon Harris,
 * Niklas Laxström, Pau Giner, Santhosh Thottingal, Siebrand Mazeland and other
 * contributors. See CREDITS for a list.
 * UniversalLanguageSelector is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't
 * have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't
 * have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use
 * UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright
 * header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.
 * @file
 * @ingroup Extensions
 * @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later
 * @licence MIT License

( function () {
    'use strict';
    var languageSettingsModules = [ 'ext.uls.displaysettings' ],
        launchULS = require( './ext.uls.launch.js' ),
        ActionsMenu = require( './' ),
        ActionsMenuItem = require( './' );
    require( './' );

     * For Vector, check if the language button id exists.
     * For other skins, check wgULSDisplaySettingsInInterlanguage for the current skin.
     * @return {boolean}
    function isUsingStandaloneLanguageButton() {
        // Checking for the ULS language button id returns true for Vector, false for other skins.
        return $( '#p-lang-btn' ).length > 0 || mw.config.get( 'wgULSDisplaySettingsInInterlanguage' );

     * @param {jQuery} $element
     * @param {Function} onCloseHandler
     * @param {Object} uls
    function openLanguageSettings( $element, onCloseHandler, uls ) {
        mw.loader.using( languageSettingsModules ).then( function () {
            $element.languagesettings( {
                defaultModule: 'display',
                onClose: onCloseHandler,
                onPosition: uls.position.bind( uls ),
                onVisible: uls.hide.bind( uls )
            } ).trigger( 'click' );
        } );

     * Provide entry points to create article in other languages. T290436
     * @param {Object} uls The ULS object
    function addEmptyState( uls ) {
        var $emptyStateContainer = $( '<section>' ).addClass( 'uls-empty-state' );

        function openActionsMenuEventHandler( event ) {
            function onMenuClose() {
            openLanguageSettings( $( ), onMenuClose, uls );

        var languageSettingsMenuItem = {
            name: 'languageSettings',
            icon: 'settings',
            text: $.i18n( 'ext-uls-actions-menu-language-settings-item-label' ),
            handler: openActionsMenuEventHandler

        var actionItemsRegistry = mw.uls.ActionsMenuItemsRegistry;
        actionItemsRegistry.register( languageSettingsMenuItem );

        var $header = $( '<h3>' )
            .addClass( 'uls-empty-state__header' )
            .text( $.i18n( 'ext-uls-empty-state-header' ) );
        var $desc = $( '<p>' )
            .addClass( 'uls-empty-state__desc' )
            .text( $.i18n( 'ext-uls-empty-state-desc' ) );
        $emptyStateContainer.append( $header, $desc );
        uls.$resultsView.append( $emptyStateContainer );

        if ( actionItemsRegistry.size() > 1 ) {
            // languageSettingsMenuItem will be always there.
            // If other actions available, change text
            $header.text( $.i18n( 'ext-uls-empty-state-header-actions-available' ) );
            $desc.text( $.i18n( 'ext-uls-empty-state-desc-actions-available' ) );

        // Action menu items need OOUI widgets. Load them and register trigger event handler.
        mw.loader.using( [ 'oojs-ui-widgets', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-interactions' ] ).done( function () {
            var $actionsList = $( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'uls-language-action-items' );
            actionItemsRegistry.getItems().forEach( function ( actionItem ) {
                var actionButton = new ActionsMenuItem(
                $actionsList.append( $( '<li>' ).append( actionButton.$element ) );
            } );

            $emptyStateContainer.append( $actionsList );
        } );

     * Helper method for creating jQuery buttons, used in "addActionsMenuTriggers" method below
     * @param {string} buttonClass a class to be added to the created button class list
     * @return {jQuery}
    function createMenuButton( buttonClass ) {
        var classes = [
        // eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/class-doc
        return $( '<button>' ).addClass( classes );

     * @param {Object} uls The ULS object
     * @return {jQuery}
    function addLanguageSettingsTrigger( uls ) {
        var $ulsSettingsBlock = uls.$menu.find( '#uls-settings-block' ).eq( 0 );
        $ulsSettingsBlock.addClass( 'uls-settings-block--vector-2022' );

        var $languageSettingsMenuButton = createMenuButton( 'uls-language-settings-button' );
        $ 'click', function () {
            openLanguageSettings( $languageSettingsMenuButton, uls ), uls );
        } );
        $ulsSettingsBlock.append( $languageSettingsMenuButton );

        uls.$menu.addClass( 'notheme' ); // T365990
        return $ulsSettingsBlock;

     * Add the button that opens the "Add languages" menu (that contain options
     * like "Translate this page" and "Edit language links") and the button that
     * opens the "Language settings" menu.
     * @param {Object} uls The ULS object
    function addActionsMenuTriggers( uls ) {
        var $ulsSettingsBlock = addLanguageSettingsTrigger( uls );

        var actionItemsRegistry = mw.uls.ActionsMenuItemsRegistry;
        actionItemsRegistry.on( 'register', onActionItemAdded );

        var addLanguagesMenuDialog;
        var $addLanguagesMenuButton;

        var prependAddLanguagesMenuButton = function () {
            $addLanguagesMenuButton = createMenuButton( 'uls-add-languages-button' ).attr( {
                'data-i18n': 'ext-uls-add-languages-button-label'
            } ).i18n();

            $ulsSettingsBlock.addClass( 'uls-settings-block--with-add-languages' );
            $ulsSettingsBlock.prepend( $addLanguagesMenuButton );

            // Action menu items need OOUI widgets. Load them and register trigger event handler.
            mw.loader.using( [ 'oojs-ui-widgets', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-interactions' ] ).done( function () {
                $addLanguagesMenuButton.on( 'click', function () {
                    addLanguagesMenuDialog = addLanguagesMenuDialog || new ActionsMenu( {
                        actions: actionItemsRegistry.getItems(),
                        onPosition: uls.position.bind( uls ),
                        onClose: uls )
                    } );
                } );
            } );

        if ( actionItemsRegistry.size() ) {
        function onActionItemAdded( itemName, item ) {
            if ( !$addLanguagesMenuButton ) {
            } else if ( addLanguagesMenuDialog ) {
                addLanguagesMenuDialog.renderAction( item );

    function userCanChangeLanguage() {
        return mw.config.get( 'wgULSAnonCanChangeLanguage' ) ||
            // mw.user.isNamed() added in MW 1.40. Remove after MLEB drop support for MW < 1.40
            ( typeof mw.user.isNamed === 'function' ? mw.user.isNamed() : !mw.user.isAnon() );

     * The tooltip to be shown when language changed using ULS.
     * It also allows to undo the language selection.
     * @param {string} previousLang
     * @param {string} previousAutonym
    function showUndoTooltip( previousLang, previousAutonym ) {
        var trigger, popup, popupPosition,
            configPosition = mw.config.get( 'wgULSPosition' ),
            triggerSelector = ( configPosition === 'interlanguage' ) ?
                '.uls-settings-trigger, .mw-interlanguage-selector' :

        // Fallback if no entry point is present
        trigger = document.querySelector( triggerSelector ) || document.querySelector( '#pt-preferences' );

        // Skip tooltip if there is no element to attach the tooltip to.
        // It will cause errors otherwise.
        if ( !trigger ) {

        function hideTipsy() {
            popup.toggle( false );

        function showTipsy( timeout ) {
            var tipsyTimer = 0;

            popup.toggle( true );
            popup.toggleClipping( false );

            // if the mouse is over the tooltip, do not hide
            $( '.uls-tipsy' ).on( 'mouseover', function () {
                clearTimeout( tipsyTimer );
            } ).on( 'mouseout', function () {
                tipsyTimer = setTimeout( hideTipsy, timeout );
            } ).on( 'click', hideTipsy );

            tipsyTimer = setTimeout( hideTipsy, timeout );

        if ( configPosition === 'interlanguage' ) {
            popupPosition = 'after';
        } else {
            popupPosition = 'below';
        popup = new OO.ui.PopupWidget( {
            padded: true,
            width: 300,
            classes: [ 'uls-tipsy' ],
            // Automatically positioned relative to the trigger
            $floatableContainer: $( trigger ),
            position: popupPosition,
            $content: ( function () {
                var messageKey, $link;

                $link = $( '<a>' )
                    .text( previousAutonym )
                    .prop( {
                        href: '',
                        class: 'uls-prevlang-link',
                        lang: previousLang,
                        // We could get dir from,
                        // but we are trying to avoid loading it
                        // and 'auto' is safe enough in this context.
                        // T130390: must use attr
                        dir: 'auto'
                    } )
                    .on( 'click', function ( event ) {

                        // Track if event logging is enabled
                        mw.hook( 'mw.uls.language.revert' ).fire();

                        mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.uls.common' ] ).then( function () {
                            mw.uls.changeLanguage( );
                        } );
                    } );

                if ( 'uls-gp' ) === '1' ) {
                    messageKey = 'ext-uls-undo-language-tooltip-text-local';
                } else {
                    messageKey = 'ext-uls-undo-language-tooltip-text';

                // Message keys listed above
                // eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/msg-doc
                return $( '<p>' ).append( mw.message( messageKey, $link ).parseDom() );
            }() )
        } );

        popup.$element.appendTo( document.body );

        // The interlanguage position needs some time to settle down
        setTimeout( function () {
            // Show the tipsy tooltip on page load.
            showTipsy( 6000 );
        }, 700 );

        // manually show the tooltip
        $( trigger ).on( 'mouseover', function () {
            // show only if the ULS panel is not shown
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-sizzle
            if ( !$( '.uls-menu:visible' ).length ) {
                showTipsy( 3000 );
        } );

    function initSecondaryEntryPoints() {
        $( '.uls-settings-trigger' ).one( 'click', function ( e ) {
            mw.loader.using( languageSettingsModules, function () {
                $( ).languagesettings();
                $( ).trigger( 'click' );
            } );
        } );

    function initInterlanguageEntryPoint() {
        var $pLang = $( '#p-lang' );

        var $trigger = $( '<button>' )
            .addClass( 'uls-settings-trigger' )
            .prop( 'title', mw.msg( 'ext-uls-select-language-settings-icon-tooltip' ) );

        // Append ULS cog to interlanguage section header in the sidebar
        $pLang.prepend( $trigger );

        // Replace the title of the interlanguage links area from "In other languages" to
        // "Languages" if there are no language links. TODO: Remove this feature?
        if ( !$pLang.find( 'div ul' ).children().length && isUsingStandaloneLanguageButton ) {
            $pLang.find( 'h3' ).text( mw.msg( 'uls-plang-title-languages' ) );

        var clickHandler = function ( e ) {
            var languagesettings = $ 'languagesettings' ),

            if ( languagesettings ) {
                if ( !languagesettings.shown ) {
                    mw.hook( '' ).fire( 'interlanguage' );


            // Initialize the Language settings window
            languageSettingsOptions = {
                defaultModule: 'display',
                onPosition: function () {
                    var caretRadius, top, left,
                        ulsTriggerHeight = this.$element.height(),
                        ulsTriggerWidth = this.$element[ 0 ].offsetWidth,
                        ulsTriggerOffset = this.$element.offset();

                    // Same as border width in mixins.less, or near enough
                    caretRadius = 12;

                    if ( ulsTriggerOffset.left > $( window ).width() / 2 ) {
                        left = ulsTriggerOffset.left - this.$window.width() - caretRadius;
                        this.$window.removeClass( 'selector-left' ).addClass( 'selector-right' );
                    } else {
                        left = ulsTriggerOffset.left + ulsTriggerWidth + caretRadius;
                        this.$window.removeClass( 'selector-right' ).addClass( 'selector-left' );

                    // The top of the dialog is aligned in relation to
                    // the middle of the trigger, so that middle of the
                    // caret aligns with it. 16 is trigger icon height in pixels
                    top = +
                        ( ulsTriggerHeight / 2 ) -
                        ( caretRadius + 16 );

                    return { top: top, left: left };
                onVisible: function () {
                    this.$window.addClass( 'callout' );

            mw.loader.using( languageSettingsModules, function () {
                $trigger.languagesettings( languageSettingsOptions ).trigger( 'click' );
            } );


        $trigger.on( 'click', clickHandler );

    function initPersonalEntryPoint() {
        var $trigger = $( '.uls-trigger' );
        var clickHandler;

        if ( !userCanChangeLanguage() ) {
            clickHandler = function ( e ) {
                var languagesettings = $ 'languagesettings' );


                if ( languagesettings ) {
                    if ( !languagesettings.shown ) {
                        mw.hook( '' ).fire( 'personal' );
                } else {
                    mw.loader.using( languageSettingsModules, function () {
                        $trigger.languagesettings( { autoOpen: true } );
                        mw.hook( '' ).fire( 'personal' );
                    } );
                    // Stop propagating the event to avoid closing the languagesettings dialog
                    // when the event propagates to the document click handler inside
                    // languagesettings
        } else {
            clickHandler = function ( e, eventParams ) {
                var uls = $ 'uls' );


                if ( uls ) {
                    if ( !uls.shown ) {
                        mw.hook( '' ).fire( 'personal' );
                } else {
                    mw.loader.using( 'ext.uls.mediawiki', function () {
                        $trigger.uls( {
                            quickList: function () {
                                return mw.uls.getFrequentLanguageList();
                            // partially copied from ext.uls.lauch
                            onPosition: function () {
                                // Default positioning of jquery.uls is middle of the screen under
                                // the trigger. This code aligns it under the trigger and to the
                                // trigger edge depending on which side of the page the trigger is
                                // It should work automatically both LTR and RTL.
                                var offset, height, width, positionCSS;
                                offset = $trigger.offset();
                                width = $trigger.outerWidth();
                                height = $trigger.outerHeight();

                                if ( offset.left + ( width / 2 ) > $( window ).width() / 2 ) {
                                    // Midpoint of the trigger is on the right side of the viewport.
                                    positionCSS = {
                                        // Right dialog edge aligns with right edge of the trigger.
                                        right: $( window ).width() - ( offset.left + width ),
                                        top: + height
                                } else {
                                    // Midpoint of the trigger is on the left side of the viewport.
                                    positionCSS = {
                                        // Left dialog edge aligns with left edge of the trigger.
                                        left: offset.left,
                                        top: + height

                                return positionCSS;
                            onReady: function () {
                                addLanguageSettingsTrigger( this );
                            onSelect: function ( language ) {
                                mw.uls.changeLanguage( language );
                            // Not actually used on sites with the gear icon
                            // in the interlanguage area, because this ULS
                            // will be a container for other ULS panels.
                            // However, this is used on sites with ULS
                            // in the personal bar, and in that case it has the same
                            // purpose as the selector in Display settings,
                            // so it has the same identifier.
                            ulsPurpose: 'interface-language'
                        } );

                        // Allow styles to apply first and position to work by
                        // delaying the activation after them.
                        setTimeout( function () {
                            $trigger.trigger( 'click', eventParams );
                        }, 0 );
                    } );

        $trigger.on( 'click', clickHandler );
        // Optimization: Prefetch the Resource loader modules for ULS on mouseover
        $ 'mouseover', function () {
            mw.loader.load( languageSettingsModules );
        } );

    function initLanguageChangeUndoTooltip() {
        var previousLanguage, currentLanguage, previousAutonym, currentAutonym;

        if ( !userCanChangeLanguage() ) {

        previousLanguage = 'uls-previous-language-code' );
        currentLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
        previousAutonym = 'uls-previous-language-autonym' );
        currentAutonym = mw.config.get( 'wgULSCurrentAutonym' );

        // If storage is empty, i.e. first visit, then store the current language
        // immediately so that we know when it changes.
        if ( !previousLanguage || !previousAutonym ) {
   'uls-previous-language-code', currentLanguage );
   'uls-previous-language-autonym', currentAutonym );

        if ( previousLanguage !== currentLanguage ) {
            mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-core' ).done( function () {
                showUndoTooltip( previousLanguage, previousAutonym );
            } );
   'uls-previous-language-code', currentLanguage );
   'uls-previous-language-autonym', currentAutonym );
            // Store this language in a list of frequently used languages
            mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.uls.common' ] ).then( function () {
                mw.uls.addPreviousLanguage( currentLanguage );
            } );

    function initIme() {
        var imeSelector = mw.config.get( 'wgULSImeSelectors' ).join( ', ' );

        $( document.body ).on( 'focus.imeinit', imeSelector, function () {
            var $input = $( this );
            $( document.body ).off( '.imeinit' );
            mw.loader.using( 'ext.uls.ime', function () {
                mw.ime.handleFocus( $input );
            } );
        } );

     * Special handling for checkbox hack.
     * Disable default checkbox behavior and bind click to "Enter" keyboard events
    function handleCheckboxSelector() {
        // If the ULS button is also a checkbox, we can
        // conclude that it's using the checkbox hack.
        $( document ).on( 'input', '[type="checkbox"]', function ( ev ) {
            var elem = ev.currentTarget;
            elem.checked = false;
        } );

        $( document ).on( 'keydown', '[type="checkbox"]', function ( ev ) {
            var elem = ev.currentTarget;
            if ( ev.key !== 'Enter' ) {
        } );

     * Load and open ULS for content language selection.
     * This dialog is primarily for selecting the language of the content, but may also provide
     * access to display and input settings if isUsingStandaloneLanguageButton() returns true.
     * @param {jQuery.Event} ev
    function loadContentLanguageSelector( ev ) {
        var $target = $( ev.currentTarget );

        // Avoid reinitializing ULS multiple times for an element
        if ( $target.attr( 'data-uls-loaded' ) ) {
        $target.attr( 'data-uls-loaded', true );


        mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.uls.mediawiki', '@wikimedia/codex' ] ).then( function () {
            var parent, languageNodes, standalone, uls;

            parent = document.querySelectorAll( '.mw-portlet-lang, #p-lang' )[ 0 ];
            languageNodes = parent ? parent.querySelectorAll( '.interlanguage-link-target' ) : [];
            standalone = isUsingStandaloneLanguageButton();

            // Setup click handler for ULS
                mw.uls.getInterlanguageListFromNodes( languageNodes ),
                // Using this as heuristic for now. May need to reconsider later. Enables
                // behavior specific to compact language links.

            // Trigger the click handler to open ULS once ready
            if ( standalone ) {
                // Provide access to display and input settings if this entry point is the single
                // point of access to all language settings.
                uls = $ 'uls' );
                if ( languageNodes.length ) {
                    addActionsMenuTriggers( uls );
                } else {
                    // first hide #uls-settings-block div since it's unused, and it causes
                    // an unwanted extra border to show up at the bottom of the menu
                    uls.$menu.find( '#uls-settings-block' ).eq( 0 ).hide();
                    // There are no languages - The article exist only the current language wiki
                    // Provide entry points to create article in other languages. T290436
                    addEmptyState( uls );
                $target.trigger( 'click' );
            } else {
                $target.trigger( 'click' );
        } );

    /** Setup lazy-loading for content language selector */
    function initContentLanguageSelectorClickHandler() {
        // FIXME: In Timeless ULS is embedded in a menu which stops event propagation
        if ( $( '.sidebar-inner' ).length ) {
            $( '.sidebar-inner #p-lang' )
                .one( 'click', '.mw-interlanguage-selector', loadContentLanguageSelector );
        } else {
            // This button may be created by the new Vector skin, or ext.uls.compactlinks module
            // if there are many languages. Warning: Both this module and ext.uls.compactlinks
            // module may run simultaneously. Using event delegation to avoid race conditions where
            // the trigger may be created after this code.
            $( document ).on( 'click', '.mw-interlanguage-selector', loadContentLanguageSelector );
            // Special handling for checkbox hack.

     * The new Vector 2022 skin uses a less prominent language button for non-content pages.
     * For these pages, the ULS should not be displayed, but a dropdown with an appropriate message
     * should appear. The UniversalLanguageSelector extension should add a button to open the
     * language settings, inside this dropdown.
     * This method adds this button inside the dropdown.
    function addLanguageSettingsToNonContentPages() {
        var $languageBtn = $( '#p-lang-btn' );
        var clickHandler = function ( event ) {
            mw.loader.using( languageSettingsModules ).then( function () {
                $( ).languagesettings( {
                    autoOpen: true,
                    onPosition: function () {
                        var offset = $languageBtn.offset();
                        var top = + $languageBtn.outerHeight();
                        var right = $( window ).width() - offset.left - $languageBtn.outerWidth();
                        return { top: top, right: right };
                } );
            } );
        // the first time the language button is clicked inside a non-content page,
        // we should add the "Open language settings" button inside the dropdown
        $ 'mouseover', function () {
            mw.loader.using( [ 'oojs-ui-widgets', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-interactions', 'ext.uls.messages' ] )
                .done( function () {
                    var actionButton = new ActionsMenuItem(
                        $.i18n( 'ext-uls-actions-menu-language-settings-item-label' ),
                    actionButton.$element.addClass( 'empty-language-selector__language-settings-button' );
                    var $emptyLanguageSelectorBody = $( '.mw-portlet-empty-language-selector-body' );
                    $emptyLanguageSelectorBody.after( actionButton.$element );
                } );
        } );
    function init() {
        // if it's not Vector skin, nothing to be done here
        if ( mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'vector-2022' && mw.config.get( 'wgULSisLanguageSelectorEmpty' ) ) {
            // if this is a non-content page, we should add the "Open language settings" button
            // inside the language dropdown


        // There are three basic components of ULS interface:
        // - language selection for interface
        // - language selection for content
        // - settings view (access to language selection for interface, fonts, input methods)
        // These can be combined in different ways:
        // - Vector skin (recently) has an omni selector that has content language selection as
        //   primary action with access to the settings view. It is on top right corner (LTR) of
        //   the page content area. It may not be present on all pages.
        // - Compact language links provides access to content language selection only and it is in
        //   the interlanguage section of the sidebar. This is in addition to one of the main entry
        //   points below.
        // - Personal entry point appears at the top of the page. It provides quick access to the
        //   interface language selection with access to the settings view, except if user is not
        //   logged in and not allowed to change a language. In this case it defaults to settings
        //   view without language selection.
        // - Interlanguage entry point (a cog) appears in the interlanguage section in the sidebar.
        //   It defaults to the settings view.
        // The three main entry points (omni selector, personal, interlanguage) are mutually
        // exclusive. There may be secondary entry points anywhere on the page using the
        // uls-settings-trigger class.

        // First init secondary to avoid initing the interlanguage entry point multiple times
        var position = mw.config.get( 'wgULSPosition' );
        if ( position === 'interlanguage' ) {
        } else {

        // whether to load compact language links
        var compact = mw.config.get( 'wgULSisCompactLinksEnabled' );
        // whether to show the omni box or not
        var languageInHeader = mw.config.get( 'wgVector2022LanguageInHeader' );

        if ( compact || languageInHeader ) {
            // Init compact languages OR omni selector using the mw-interlanguage-selector class
        } else {
            $( '.mw-interlanguage-selector' ).removeClass( 'mw-interlanguage-selector' );
            document.body.classList.add( 'mw-interlanguage-selector-disabled' );

    // Early execute of init
    if ( document.readyState === 'interactive' ) {
    } else {
        $( init );

}() );