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 * Setup code for content language selector dialog

/* eslint-disable no-implicit-globals */
var commonInterlanguageList = null;

 * @param {string[]} languageCodes array of language codes available
 * @return {Array} of languages filtered to those commonly used
function filterForCommonLanguagesForUser( languageCodes ) {
    if ( commonInterlanguageList === null ) {
        commonInterlanguageList = mw.uls.getFrequentLanguageList()
            .filter( function ( language ) {
                return languageCodes.indexOf( language ) >= 0;
            } );

    return commonInterlanguageList;

 * @param {Object} languagesObject mapping language codes to DOMElements
 * @return {Object} mapping language codes to the textContent of DOMElements
function languageObjectTextContent( languagesObject ) {
    var newLanguageObject = {};
    Object.keys( languagesObject ).forEach( function ( langCode ) {
        newLanguageObject[ langCode ] = languagesObject[ langCode ].textContent;
    } );
    return newLanguageObject;

 * Launches an instance of UniversalLanguageSelector for changing to another
 * article language.
 * @param {jQuery.Object} $trigger for opening ULS dialog
 * @param {Object} languagesObject of the available languages, mapping code (string) to Element
 * @param {boolean} forCLS Whether to enable compact language links specific behavior
function launchULS( $trigger, languagesObject, forCLS ) {
    var ulsConfig = {
         * Language selection handler
         * @param {string} language language code
         * @param {Object} event jQuery event object
        onSelect: function ( language, event ) {
            $trigger.removeClass( 'selector-open' );
            mw.uls.addPreviousLanguage( language );

            // Switch the current tab to the new language, unless it was
            // {Ctrl,Shift,Command} activation on a link
            if (
       instanceof HTMLAnchorElement &&
                ( event.metaKey || event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey )
            ) {

            // TODO: The name of this hook should probably be changed to reflect that it covers
            // both the user changing their interface language and the user switching to a
            // different language.
            mw.hook( 'mw.uls.interface.language.change' ).fire( language, 'content-language-switcher' );

            location.href = languagesObject[ language ].href;
        onPosition: function () {
            // Override the default positioning. See
            // Default positioning of jquery.uls is middle of the screen under the trigger.
            // This code aligns it under the trigger and to the trigger edge depending on which
            // side of the page the trigger is - should work automatically for both LTR and RTL.
            var isInVectorStickyHeader, offset, height, width, positionCSS;
            // T295391 Used to add fixed positioning for Vector sticky header.
            isInVectorStickyHeader = $trigger.attr( 'id' ) === 'p-lang-btn-sticky-header';
            // These are for the trigger.
            offset = ( isInVectorStickyHeader ) ?
                $trigger.get( 0 ).getBoundingClientRect() :
            width = $trigger.outerWidth();
            height = $trigger.outerHeight();

            if ( offset.left + ( width / 2 ) > $( window ).width() / 2 ) {
                // Midpoint of the trigger is on the right side of the viewport.
                positionCSS = {
                    // Right edge of the dialog aligns with the right edge of the trigger.
                    right: $( window ).width() - ( offset.left + width ),
                    top: + height
            } else {
                // Midpoint of the trigger is on the left side of the viewport.
                positionCSS = {
                    // Left edge of the dialog aligns with the left edge of the trigger.
                    left: offset.left,
                    top: + height

            if ( isInVectorStickyHeader ) {
                positionCSS.zIndex = 5;
                positionCSS.position = 'fixed';

            return positionCSS;
        onVisible: function () {
            $trigger.addClass( 'selector-open' );

            // Note well that this hook is unstable.
            mw.hook( '' ).fire( $trigger );
        languageDecorator: function ( $languageLink, language ) {
            var element = languagesObject[ language ];
            // Set href, text, and tooltip exactly same as what was in
            // interlanguage link. The ULS autonym might be different in some
            // cases like sr. In ULS it is "српски", while in interlanguage links
            // it is "српски / srpski"
                .prop( {
                    href: element.href,
                    title: element.title,
                    hreflang: element.hreflang
                } )
                .text( element.textContent );

            // This code is to support badges used in Wikimedia
            // eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/class-doc
            $languageLink.parent().addClass( element.parentNode.className );
        onCancel: function () {
            $trigger.removeClass( 'selector-open' );
        languages: languageObjectTextContent( languagesObject ),
        ulsPurpose: 'compact-language-links',
        // Show common languages
        quickList: filterForCommonLanguagesForUser(
            Object.keys( languagesObject )
        noResultsTemplate: function () {
            var $defaultTemplate = $ this );
            // Customize the message
                .find( '.uls-no-results-found-title' )
                .data( 'i18n', 'ext-uls-compact-no-results' );
            return $defaultTemplate;

    if ( forCLS ) {
        // Styles for these classes are defined in the ext.uls.compactlinks module
        ulsConfig.onReady = function () {
            // This class enables the caret
            this.$menu.addClass( 'interlanguage-uls-menu' );
        ulsConfig.onPosition = function () {
            // Compact language links specific positioning with a caret
            var left;
            // The panel is positioned carefully so that our pointy triangle,
            // which is implemented as a square box rotated 45 degrees with
            // rotation origin in the middle. See the corresponding style file.

            // These are for the trigger
            var offset = $trigger.offset(),
                width = $trigger.outerWidth(),
                height = $trigger.outerHeight();

            // Triangle width is: who knows now, but this still looks fine.
            var triangleWidth = 12;

            var isRight = offset.left > $( window ).width() / 2;
            // selector-{left,right} control which side the caret appears.
            // It needs to match the positioning of the dialog.
            this.$menu.toggleClass( 'selector-left', !isRight )
                .toggleClass( 'selector-right', isRight );
            if ( isRight ) {
                left = -this.$menu.outerWidth() - triangleWidth;
            } else {
                left = width + triangleWidth;

            return {
                left: offset.left + left,
                // Offset from the middle of the trigger
                top: + ( height / 2 ) - 27

    // Attach ULS behavior to the trigger. ULS will be shown only once it is clicked.
    $trigger.uls( ulsConfig );

module.exports = launchULS;