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Test Coverage
 * Upload Campaign Content Model
 * @file
 * @ingroup Extensions
 * @ingroup UploadWizard
 * @author Ori Livneh <>

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\UploadWizard;

use FormatJson;
use JsonContent;
use MediaWiki\Extension\EventLogging\EventLogging;
use MediaWiki\Extension\EventLogging\Libs\JsonSchemaValidation\JsonSchemaException;

 * Represents the configuration of an Upload Campaign
class CampaignContent extends JsonContent {

    public function __construct( $text ) {
        parent::__construct( $text, 'Campaign' );

     * Checks user input JSON to make sure that it produces a valid campaign object
     * @throws JsonSchemaException If invalid.
     * @return bool True if valid.
    public function validate() {
        $campaign = $this->getJsonData();
        if ( !is_array( $campaign ) ) {
            throw new JsonSchemaException( 'eventlogging-invalid-json' );

        $schema = include __DIR__ . '/CampaignSchema.php';

        // Only validate fields we care about
        $campaignFields = array_keys( $schema['properties'] );

        $fullConfig = Config::getConfig();

        $defaultCampaignConfig = [];

        foreach ( $fullConfig as $key => $value ) {
            if ( in_array( $key, $campaignFields ) ) {
                $defaultCampaignConfig[ $key ] = $value;

        $mergedConfig = Config::arrayReplaceSanely( $defaultCampaignConfig, $campaign );
        return EventLogging::schemaValidate( $mergedConfig, $schema );

     * @return bool Whether content is valid JSON Schema.
    public function isValid() {
        try {
            return parent::isValid() && $this->validate();
        } catch ( JsonSchemaException $e ) {
            return false;

     * Deprecated in JsonContent but still useful here because we need to merge the schema's data
     * with a config array
     * @return array|null
    public function getJsonData() {
        return FormatJson::decode( $this->getText(), true );